4. Backing up the WAPT Server

To backup your WAPT Server follow this procedure. Regular backups are recommended.

4.1. Linux

  • Stop WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

systemctl stop wapttasks
systemctl stop waptserver
systemctl stop nginx
  • Backup recursively these directories using a backup tool (ex: rsync, WInSCP, etc..).



If you use Kerberos to authenticate hosts and users, save the keytab file too. The keytab file is located in the nginx folder.

  • Backup the PostgreSQL database using the pg_dumpall utility (adapt filename with your requirements).

sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall > /tmp/backup_wapt.sql
  • Restart WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

systemctl start wapttasks
systemctl start waptserver
systemctl start nginx

4.2. Windows

  • Stop WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

net stop WAPTPostgresql
net stop WAPTServer
net stop WAPTService
net stop WAPTTftpServer
  • Backup the WAPT repository folder on a remote backup destination.

  • Backup PostgreSQL Database with pg_dump.exe.

"C:\wapt\waptserver\pgsql-14\bin\pg_dumpall.exe" -U postgres -f C:\backup_wapt.sql
  • Restart WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

net start WAPTPostgresql
net start WAPTServer
net start WAPTService
net start WAPTTftpServer