The recommended size for using the WAPT console is 1920x1080 and the minimum size is 1280x1024.
If a host does not appear in the WAPT Console after having installed the WAPT Agent, open the Windows command line utility cmd.exe on the host and type wapt-get register.
You can activate the dark mode of the wapt console by going to display, then selecting the desired mode from the drop-down list. Auto mode is your machine’s default mode.
After modification restart the wapt console.
2.5. Importing WAPT packages from external repositories¶
Importing a WAPT package consists of:
Importing an existing WAPT package from an external repository.
Changing its prefix (for example from tis to my-prefix).
Re-signing the WAPT package with the Administrator’s or the Code signing private key to allow the deployment of the imported package on your WAPT equipped hosts.
Finally, uploading it on the main WAPT repository.
By importing a package in your repository and signing it, YOU THEN BECOME RESPONSIBLE for that package and for what it does.
It has been signed with your own private key.
Tranquil IT disclaims any liability if you choose to use WAPT packages retrieved from its repositories.
Without a support contract, Tranquil IT does not guarantee the suitability of the package for your own particular use case, nor does she guarantee the ability of the package to comply with your Organization’s internal security policies.
Tranquil IT uses a package build farm to maintain its repository up to date, which is nicknamed LUTI (from the French word “l’outil”, the tool).
LUTI status is now available publicly at
LUTI monitors, when possible, the software vendor website to trigger a package update.
It will check the software installer file status on virustotal, and then test the install, uninstall and upgrade of the package.
The build results are available in the WAPT testing repository.
After 5 days, if the virustotal status of the package has not changed, the new package will be uploaded to WAPT main repository.
There is an exception to this rule for web browsers, which are uploaded from the WAPT testing repository to the WAPT public repository after 1/2 an hour.
Go to the Private repository tab.
Available WAPT packages displayed in the WAPT Console¶
Every WAPT package version loaded on the WAPT repository is shown.
2.5.1. Importing a WAPT package from an external repository on the Internet¶
This method allows you to download WAPT packages directly from a WAPT repository that is outside of your Organization.
By default the Tranquil IT repository is configured.
To add another repository, check the documentation for configuring external repositories.
By default, the SSL/ TLS certificates to external repositories are verified.
Click on Import package and Import from Internet.
The grid view displays the list of available packages on the remote repository.
It is possible to choose the architecture, the OS and the locale.
Imported WAPT package in the local WAPT repository¶
There are 2 methods for importing a WAPT package:
Right-click ‣ Import in repository;
Or in the bottom right of the Window Import in repository.
You can check the package with Virus Total in order to check if the package is not flagged in the Antivirus list.
Validate the importation in your local repository.
It is possible to change the maturity of a WAPT package before importing the WAPT package into your private repository.
Dialog box to import a public WAPT package into your WAPT private repository¶
You can update all your packages from your repository by checking Newer packages than mine only and Last version only, then use Ctrl+A to select all newer packages that are available on the Tranquil IT store and that you have on your repository in a older version, then click on Import in repository.
You can search WAPT packages that are not in your local repository if you check Not in my Repository.
Checkbox to select newer version and last version of a WAPT package from Internet¶
Entering the password for unlocking the private key in the WAPT Console¶
The WAPT Console confirms that the WAPT package has been imported into the local WAPT repository.
The package then appears in the local WAPT repository with the Organization’s prefix.
WAPT Console displaying the imported WAPT package¶ Downloading a restricted package version from your repository¶
The WAPT Enterprise theme store is reserved for customers with a valid WAPT Enterprise license.
Packages downloaded from the WAPT Enterprise store can be deployed on all workstations with a WAPT Enterprise license.
It is the customer’s responsibility to validate the license of the software he is deploying and to respect the constraints related to this license (depending on the software: paying the license, deploying the software totle in a given context, e.g. educational environment only, etc.).
To meet the needs of her WAPT Enterprise customers, Tranquil IT started a thematic store program with some of her WAPT Enterprise customers.
Currently 350 packages have been prepared by Tranquil IT teams and are progressively being put online on the WAPT store.
To download a package from the thematic store, it is necessary to be identified.
The authentication of the store in the console is supported from the latest WAPT 2.4 version and upward.
If you are in WAPT 2.3 version, you have to download the package from the website and import it into your WAPT console.
To authenticate yourself on the thematic store, follow the procedure below:
An email will be sent to you sent to you to initialize your password.
After changing your password, click on Reset token and a new token will appear, copy it.
In your WAPT Console, go to Tools ‣ External Repositories Settings then select the Tranquil IT store in the repository list, click on Show advanced parameters then add you user (your email address) and your token copied before.
The email address used must be the one provided to Tranquil IT sales or technical service.
If your email address is not known to our services, it will not be possible to authenticate you or to reset your password.
If you have a connection problem you can call your technical or commercial contact person at Tranquil IT sales representative.
Once you are connected you can then download the WAPT Enterprise packages. Downloading a newer package version from your repository¶
You can choose to update all the packages in your repository by adding it to your basket, or focus on upgrading only some packages. Changing the maturity of a WAPT package before importing into the repository¶
It is possible to change the maturity of a WAPT package before loading it into your private repository by choosing DEV, PREPROD or PROD in Default package maturity.
Dialog box to prepare and confirm the import of a WAPT package into a WAPT repository¶ Editing a package before importing into the repository¶
It is possible to edit a package downloaded from an external repository before importing it into your main WAPT repository.
To do this, 2 choices are available:
Right-click ‣ Download and Edit;
or by clicking Download and Edit on the bottom right of the window;
PyScripter, if installed, will open the control and files of the WAPT package.
Click on Import package and then Import from file.
Select the file to import.
Click on the Open button to import the file.
The WAPT Console confirms that the package has been imported in the local WAPT repository.
The package then appears in the local WAPT repository with the Organization’s prefix.
WAPT Console displaying the imported WAPT package¶
It is not possible to change the maturity before importing here.
When uploading a new WAPT package to the private repository, the changing of the prefix and the re-signing of the WAPT package are transparent and automatic.
2.6. Managing WAPT packages hosted in the repository¶
In the WAPT Packages tab, the list of packages currently available in the WAPT repository appears.
By default, the WAPT Console will only show the latest version of WAPT packages.
In the repository, select the package and then click on Show Hosts.
The grid will display the hosts on which the package is installed.
Note that the filter is only active on the Package attribute of the selected package.
The different columns display information about the packages installed on the host (e.g. package version, package status, audit status, installation date, architecture).
2.6.4. Updating packages from the Tranquil IT repository¶
When you want to upgrade one or several WAPT Packages with the Update the package from the store option, here is how it works.
First, select on or several package you want to upgrade.
Then a window with the selected packages will open, you can click on Update the package from the store.
After that, it will fetch the new version from the Tranquil IT repository with our code improvement.
You will see the same dialog box when you import from internet.
WAPT Console update_package windows displaying a newer package version¶
2.6.5. Updating WAPT packages in the local repository¶
Tranquil IT recommands you to upgrade your WAPT Packages initially downloaded from our store with this method.
When you want to upgrade one or several WAPT Packages with the Launch update package option, here is how it works.
First, select one or several packages that you want to upgrade.
WAPT Console displaying a newer versions of packages¶
Then a window with the selected packages will open, you can click on Launch update_package on selected packages.
After that, if you did not check Upload directly, you will have to click on Upload selected packages in order to sign, build and upload the package to the WAPT Server.
WAPT Console update_package windows displaying a newer package version¶
2.6.6. Changing the maturity of a WAPT package after having imported it in the local repository¶
When a package is imported on a WAPT repository it is possible to change the maturity by rigth-clicking on the WAPT package.
Choose the maturity of the WAPT package to import using the Change packages maturity menu item.
Window for changing the maturity of a WAPT package¶
Options for changing the maturity of WAPT packages¶
The Increment the package version checkbox
Increments the packaging version (version number after -).
The Delete old packages after successful process checkbox
Delete the old WAPT package after having changed the maturity.
The Change package maturity dropdown list
Configure the new maturity of the WAPT package.
The New packages prefix field
Configure a new prefix for the WAPT package.
Prefix is case sensitive, we recommand to use lower case.
You can stop the process by pressing the Abort process button.
You can confirm the process by pressing the Change the package maturity button.
Once finished, the status switches to .
You can change the maturity of a selection of WAPT packages at once
Changing the maturity of the WAPT package will change the hash of the file.
If the package is used in a GPO, like waptupgrade, the hash in the GPO will need to be changed.
WAPT group packages allow to create a WAPT package containing other WAPT packages as dependencies.
To create a bundle of WAPT packages, go to the WAPT Packages tab in the WAPT console, then click on the Make package template from setup file button and finally choose the Group menu item.
Change the name in the Package name field.
Fill in the description.
Add WAPT packages to the group package by dragging and dropping them or by Right-clicking on the WAPT package name and adding it to the bundle.
To uninstall a package, it is possible to add the package as a forbidden package to a group package.
The forbidden WAPT package, if installed, will be removed before other WAPT packages are installed.
To delete a WAPT package from the repository, do a Right-click ‣ Remove from repository.
You can select multiple WAPT packages to delete at once.
Removing the package this way will only delete this package and not anterior versions.
To do so, you will have to uncheck Last version only and select all packages version to delete.
You can use the option Select obsolete packages to help you then Remove from repository to go faster.
If you remove a package used by at least one host, you will have an alert window.
If you check Apply to the following it will remove the dependencies on all other concerned hosts.
Window alerting that a package is used by at least one host when attempting to delete a package from the local repository¶
If a package is installed on a workstation, removing a dependency will not uninstall the package itself.
To uninstall a package from multiple workstations, you must explicitly uninstall it.
Pressing Save does the same thing as doing an update.
Pressing Save and apply does the same thing as an update immediatelly followed by an upgrade.
2.8. Adding or removing a WAPT package to several hosts¶
If you want to add or remove WAPT packages directly on several hosts, select the hosts then on one of them Richt-click ‣ Edit mulitple hosts packages.
You can add conflicting packages and remove conflicting packages from here too.
A new window will open, check the wanted package then click on OK.
Method for adding or removing a WAPT package onto several host¶
After that, do an update immediately followed by an upgrade on the hosts.
2.9. Uninstalling a package using the conflict feature (do a prohibited package)¶
Once the package dependency has been removed, we can be sure that the package will not be reinstalled on the workstation via WAPT.
However, the package is installed on many workstations and you want to uninstall it.
To do this, right-click on the Organizational Unit → Create or Edit Organizational Unit package, go to the Conflict tab, and add the package to be uninstalled.
Uninstalling a package using the conflict feature¶
The conflict feature also work for one host.
To do this, right-click on the host → Edit host, go to the Conflict tab, and add the package to be uninstalled.
WAPT configuration packages allow to create several WAPT configurations without having to create several WAPT Agents.
To create a configuration package, go to the WAPT Packages tab in the WAPT console, then click on the Make package template from setup file button and finally choose the Host agent dynamic configuration menu item.
You can use a filter to search the name of an attribute.
The Create new Repository will allow you to create a new WAPT repository if you have another repository than yours.
If you do so, a new tab named by your repository will appear in the config package.
The Add certificate button will open a new window that will allow to select a certificate.
The certificate will be included in the bundle of certificates authorized to perform actions on hosts.
Adding a certificate in a WAPT configuration package¶
You can remove the certificate with Right-click ‣ Remove Certificate.
Removing a certificate in a WAPT configuration package¶
The Load Json button will import a json file which can be a configuration file.
Loading a json file from a file or from the WAPT server¶
If you choose to download a json configuration file from the WAPT Server, you can choose amongst existing configurations.
2.13.4. Saving the configuration package and applying the new configuration to a remote host¶
Click on the Save button to save the new configuration bundle.
The configuration file will be uploaded onto the WAPT Server in .json file format.
Select the hosts and apply the configuration package like any WAPT package.
On the host, the configuration package will be located in the conf.d WAPT installation directory in a json format which can look like this:
Example of a configuration file done by a WAPT configuration package¶
2.14. Removing the WAPT agent from the WAPT Console¶
If you want to delete a WAPT Agent from the console, right-click on the target agent then click-right and select Remove Host (see above).
You will have the possiblity to check And delete host configuration (Package), if you do so, it will delete the targeted host pakage and delete all information about the selected computer.
Deleting a host from the WAPT Console does not uninstall the WAPT Agent from the computer.
Please refer to this documentation to uninstall the WAPT Agent.
If the WAPT Agent is not properly removed, the computer will register again with the WAPT Server.