By default, command-line actions in WAPT are executed with the rights of the user who launched the cmd.exe.
If the cmd.exe has not been launched with Local Administrator privileges, the command will be passed on to the waptservice.
For security reasons, some actions will require a login and a password.
Only Local Administrators and members of the waptselfservice Active Directory security group are allowed.
To force using the WAPT service as a Local Administrator, simply add -S after wapt-get.exe.
Each commands that takes a package name as a parameter can also take the unique package_uuid of the package as a parameter (wapt-get install, wapt-get forget, etc.).
Using a GUID allows to specify a unique package without ambiguity on its architecture or version.
The package_uuid is listed in the output of wapt-get list and wapt-get search.
For example:
4.1. Using the more common functions in WAPT with the command line¶
The wapt-get install command launches the installation of a WAPT package.
To install Mozilla Firefox, the command is wapt-get install tis-firefox.
It is possible to install several packages at once:
If the package has not been downloaded to cache, wapt-get install will first download the package to cache, then the WAPT Agent will install the package.
Installing a WAPT package with wapt-get install does not add the package as a dependency to the host.
The package is installed on the host, but if the computer is re-imaged, the package will not be reinstalled automatically.
The wapt-get remove <package name> command removes the listed WAPT packages from the host.
The command takes one argument, the name of the WAPT package or a list of WAPT packages with the repository prefix.
To remove Mozilla Firefox, the command is wapt-get remove <prefix>-firefox.
Removing a WAPT package with wapt-get remove does not remove the package dependency on the host.
The package will effectively be uninstalled from the host, but it will automatically be reinstalled on the next upgrade.
To completely remove a package from a host, do a wapt-get remove for the targeted package, then edit the host configuration via the WAPT Console to remove the package dependency on the host.
The wapt-get uninstall [<package name>] command uninstalls the listed packages from the host if a defuninstall() function exists in the files of the listed packages.
The command takes one argument, the name of the WAPT package or a list of WAPT packages with the repository prefix.
Running the uninstall package function does not delete the cached package on the host.
The command wapt-get uninstall tis-adwcleaner returns:
The wapt-get forget <package name> command removes the package from the local database so that the lifecycle of the software title or the configuration is no longer managed by WAPT.
The command takes one argument, the name of the WAPT package or a list of WAPT packages with the repository prefix.
Forgetting the WAPT package does not uninstall the software title or the configuration associated with the WAPT package.
The command wapt-get forget tis-adwcleaner returns:
Using config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.ini=== Packages removed from status === tis-adwcleaner
The wapt-get audit [<package name>] command runs the audit function for the listed packages if a defaudit() function exists in the files of the listed packages.
The command takes one argument, the name of the WAPT package or a list of WAPT packages with the repository prefix.
Also, the wapt-get audit ALL command runs the audit function for all packages installed on the host.
The command wapt-get audit tis-firefox returns:
Using config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.iniAuditing tis-firefox ...Auditing tis-firefoxOK: Uninstall Key Mozilla Firefox 94.0.1 (x64 en-US) in Windows Registry.tis-firefox -> OK
The wapt-get show-params <package name> command returns a list of parameters that would be passed on to the wapt-get install <package name> --params=PARAMS command.
The command takes one argument, the name of the WAPT package or a list of WAPT packages with the repository prefix.
The command wapt-getshow-paramstis-7zip returns:
Using config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.initis-7zip : {True, 'documentation': True}
The wapt-get show-log <package name> command return the latest audit logs stored in the local sqlite database of the WAPT Agent.
The command takes one argument, the name of the WAPT package or a list of WAPT packages with the repository prefix.
The command wapt-get show tis-7zip returns:
Using config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.iniPackage: tis-7zip (21.06-34) PROD-------------------Status: OKInstallation log:-------------------Installing: 7z2106-x64.msiWaiting for key key {23170F69-40C1-2702-2106-000001000000} to appear in Windows registryInstallation Parameters:-------------------{}Last audit:-------------------Status: OKDate: 2022-01-06T10:32:38.698272Output:Auditing tis-7zipOK: Uninstall Key {23170F69-40C1-2702-2106-000001000000} in Windows Registry.Next audit on: 2022-01-06T10:32:38.698272
The wapt-get search command allows to search for one or more package in the repositories.
This command returns only WAPT packages available for the host executing the command, according to the locale, operating system, architecture or maturity of the host.
If a WAPT package with another locale, operating system, architecture or maturity exists in the repository, it will not be listed.
The search command takes one keyword argument.
The command wapt-get search "Firefox" returns (for example):
The value of status defines the installation status as follows:
- for not installed.
I for installed.
Under Pyscripter or VsCode you can use this command.
The –json parameter provides a more structured view of the package information, making it particularly useful for developing a package.
The output format resembles the structure of the Windows registry.
The wapt-get add-config-from-url <filelink> <sha256hashfile> command fetches a json dynamic configuration file from the specified url and places the file into the conf.d directory under the wapt installation folder.
The wapt-get add-config-from-file <filepath> command adds a json dynamic configuration file into the directory conf.d under the wapt installation folder.
The path to the json dynamic configuration file is defined by <filepath>.
The wapt-get add-config-from-file <base64 file> command adds a json dynamic configuration file into the directory conf.d under the wapt installation folder.
The path to the json dynamic configuration file is defined by <base64file>.
The wapt-get remove-config <config-name> command removes the specified json dynamic configuration files from the conf.d folder under the wapt installation folder.
The wapt-get list-config command lists installed json dynamic configuration files that are present in the conf.d folder under the wapt installation folder.
The wapt-get list-available-config command lists all available json dynamic configuration files that are present on the WAPT Server and will show the command to install them.
Listing the available configurations requires that the user be authenticated.
The wapt-get remove-upgrade-shutdown command removes the waptexit local security policy object, disabling the execution of waptexit during system shutdown.
The command wapt-get add-upgrade-shutdown returns:
The wapt-get register <description> command reports the computer hardware and software inventory to the WAPT Server.
The <description> parameter is optional.
A description may be passed as an argument to the wapt-get register command, the description will be displayed in the WAPT Console in the column description.
You may benefit from WAPT to improve your IT management by affecting an inventory tag as a description for your hosts for example.
If the host is already registered, re-registering the host using a description updates the registered information.
The command wapt-get register "John Doe PC" returns:
If you enabled the user/password authentication for agents registration, you can register an agent with a dedicated user (previously created in the Console ACLs):
The wapt-getunregister command removes the hardware and software inventory of the host from the WAPT Server.
The command wapt-getunregister returns:
Using config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.iniUnregistering host from server: https://srvwapt.mydomain.lanPlease get login for api/v3/hosts_delete:adminPassword:Host correctly unregistered against server https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan.
The wapt-get get-server-certificate command downloads the SSL certificate from the WAPT Server so that the WAPT Agent may establish a secured HTTPS connection with the WAPT Server.
The downloaded certificate is stored in <wapt>\ssl\server.
The command wapt-get get-server-certificate returns:
The wapt-get enable-check-certificate command downloads the SSL certificate from the WAPT Server and enables secured communication with the WAPT Server.
The wapt-get add-licence command add a WAPT licence onto the WAPT Server.
The command wapt-get add-licence returns:
Using config file C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.iniServer: https://srvwapt.mydomain.lanServer UUID: 82295c4d-4944-11ec-bac6-a25b5d7da3d5Server CABundle: 0{"licence_nr":"6f011e23-cb70-40a4-b340-0d18ae1e2f02","product":"WAPT Enterprise","features":["full"],"licenced_to":"documentation","domain":"","contact_email":"","count":"10","valid_from":"2021-06-14T00:00:0","valid_until":"2022-01-12T00:00:0","renewal_url":null,"signed_attributes":["licence_nr","product","features","licenced_to","domain","contact_email","count","valid_from","valid_until","renewal_url","signed_attributes","signer","signature_date","signer_certificate","server_uuid"],"signer":"","signature_date":"2022-01-13T16:38:56","signer_certificate":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nb9wjtN+W\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","signature":"J7DZ+mja7zGghYFCDKh8WIxzzdhKPeoNswWjnKZziT+ddpoRdg45kZz4E8PxMIUzhTI8WIxzzdhKPeoNswrICpQ8t5kepzovZpoONwjgOQ5PoCAgDOE3NV+larFrMdkAjCpx4tV86n5gyXHJnlnH1OXCpKUBiIiP/de18bEgSSlgjXgE/wr2ZfclsRsRRfsRbGSterRKQcthNDrFlf8RjH5cpDnDvMJ+qJtTsqxA13/WT2NS2uNWZI93si/9mowWY8MdT/PZjosciCqijbq4oa+/FrPsALhUOtcGE9JylwknszUD5Ayfh+9sNLLxsG6eT0JlnNgf4nx9mXAu4GBg==","server_uuid":"82295c4d-4944-11ec-bac6-a25b5d7da3d5"}Login to server api/v3/licencesWaptserver https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan Admin User () :adminWaptserver Password: ************Licence properly activated on server
The wapt-get make-template <installer-path> [<packagename> [<source directoryname>]] command allows to create a package template from a msi or an exe installer.
The command wapt-get make-template C:\Users\User\Downloads\tightvnc.msi tis-tightvnc returns:
Using config file: C:\Users\Documentation\AppData\Local\waptconsole\waptconsole.iniTemplate created. You can build the WAPT package by launching C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.exe build-package C:\waptdev\tis-tightvnc-waptYou can build and upload the WAPT package by launching C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.exe build-upload C:\waptdev\tis-tightvnc-wapt
If you have previously installed tis-waptdev package on your development computer, PyScripter editor will launch automatically and open the package in development mode.
The wapt-get build-package <path to the package> command builds a WAPT package and signs it with the private key of the Administrator.
The path to the private key, the default prefix and the default development path MUST be properly set in the wapt-get.ini file.
The command wapt-get build-package c:waptdevtis-dropbox returns:
Using config file: C:\Users\documentation\AppData\Local\waptconsole\waptconsole.iniBuilding packages 1 packagesPersonal certificate is documentationPlease type the password to decrypt the private key C:\Users\documentation\private\documentation.pemPassword:Private key is <SSLPrivateKey 'C:\\Users\\documentation\\private\\documentation.pem'>Personal certificate is SSLCertificate cn=documentationPrivate key is <SSLPrivateKey 'C:\\Users\\documentation\\private\\documentation.pem'>Building c:\waptdev\tis-dropboxSigning c:\waptdev\tis-dropbox with key <SSLPrivateKey 'C:\\Users\\documentation\\private\\documentation.pem'> and certificate documentation (C:\Users\documentation\private\documentation.crt)Package c:\waptdev\tis-dropbox signed : signature : BN7j6lwloY...Iu9QVulA=...done building. Package filename c:\waptdev\tis-dropbox_104.4.175-7_windows_0f4137ed1502b5045d6083aa258b5c42_5.1_PROD.wapt1 packages successfully built0 packages failedYou can upload to repository with C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.exe upload-package "c:\waptdev\tis-dropbox_104.4.175-7_windows_0f4137ed1502b5045d6083aa258b5c42_5.1_PROD.wapt"
The directory name does not define the name of the package, nor does it define its prefix, these values are defined by the control file.
The wapt-get build-upload <path to the package> command builds and uploads a WAPT package onto the main WAPT repository.
By passing the -i argument to wapt-get build-upload, the WAPT packaging version number is incremented before the package is uploaded, so to avoid having to modify manually the control file.
The command wapt-get -i build-upload C:\waptdev\tis-tightvnc-wapt returns:
The wapt-get duplicate <source_package> <duplicated_package> command duplicates a package downloaded from the repository and opens it as a project using the IDE that has been specified in the configuration of the WAPT Console.
Do not use this command to duplicate a host package.
Allowed arguments when duplicating a WAPT package.¶
<directory> or <source_package>
Defines the directory path to the WAPT package or the name of a specific package having a .wapt file extension.
Defines the name of the new package.
Changes the package version in the control file.
If the version is not defined, the same version is duplicated.
Defines the path to the target directory of the duplicated package.
If the target directory is not defined, the duplicated package will be stored in the same directory as the source package.
The command wapt-get duplicate tis-firefox tis-firefox-custom returns:
If you have previously installed tis-waptdev package on your development computer, PyScripter editor will launch automatically and open the package in development mode.
You can edit a local package by going in the package folder then typing wapt-get edit ..
Another method, you can edit a local package from its directory name or wapt package name, example wapt-get edit tis-vlc.wapt.
This method is to be used only if you can not use the WAPT Console to create a package.
The wapt-get edit-host <host FQDN> command edits a WAPT host package.
The command wapt-get edit-host RND-0279A1F4-BBBE-43AE-A591-F82652E0104B returns:
Using config file: C:\Users\documentation\AppData\Local\waptconsole\waptconsole.iniPackage edited. You can build and upload the new WAPT package by launchingC:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.exe -i build-upload c:\waptdev\RND-0279A1F4-BBBE-43AE-A591-F82652E0104B_0-wapt
The wapt-get update-package-sources <path to the package> command update run the defupdate_package() function in file.
The command wapt-get update-package-sources tis-firefox returns:
Using config file: C:\Users\documentation\AppData\Local\waptconsole\waptconsole.iniLatis Mozilla Firefox version is: 95.0.2Download URL is: Firefox_Setup_95.0.2.exeFirefox_Setup_95.0.2.exe[================================] 54810424/54810424 - 00:00:07Software version updated (from: 94.0.1 to: 95.0.2)Packages updated :c:\waptdev\tis-firefox_0-wapt
You can launch the package update from the WAPT console.
Go to WAPT Packages, identify a package and right-click launchupdatepackage.
But this is not the recommended use, Tranquil IT prefers to use Updatethepackagefromthestore.
4.5. Using the command-lines for WaptWUA management ¶
The wapt-get waptwua-scan scans the status of Windows Updates against current rules and sends the result back to the WAPT Server.
The command wapt-get waptwua-scan returns:
Using config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.iniEnsure wuauserv Auto Update option is disabledScanning with windows updates rules:{"direct_download": false,"default_allow": false,"filter": "Type='Software' or Type='Driver'","download_scheduling": "7d","install_scheduling": null,"install_delay": null,"postboot_delay": "10m"}Downloading file from https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/waptwua/[================================] 1024297844/1024297844 - 00:02:04Windows updates rules have been changedLooking for updates with filter: Type='Software' or Type='Driver' Connecting to local update searcher using offline wsusscn2 file... Offline Update searcher ready...Waiting for WUA search to completeDone searchingWUA Search completed !Updates scan done.Writing status in local wapt DBStatus: OK(0, 0, 0)Nonere-enabling wuauserv previous state: 0
The wapt-get waptwua-download command scans the status of the Windows Update Agent against current rules, then downloads the missing kb and finally sends the result to the WAPT Server.
The command wapt-get waptwua-download returns:
Using config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.iniEnsure wuauserv Auto Update option is disabledDownloading file from https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/waptwua/[================================] 1024297844/1024297844 - 00:00:26Start of install for all pending Windows updatesScanning with params:{"direct_download": false,"default_allow": false,"filter": "Type='Software' or Type='Driver'","download_scheduling": "7d","install_scheduling": null,"install_delay": null,"postboot_delay": "10m"}Scanning with windows updates rules:{"direct_download": false,"default_allow": false,"filter": "Type='Software' or Type='Driver'","download_scheduling": null,"install_scheduling": null,"install_delay": null,"postboot_delay": "10m"}Bypassing scan, no change since last successful scanWriting status in local wapt DBStatus: OK{'downloaded': [], 'missing': []}Nonere-enabling wuauserv previous state: 0
The wapt-get waptwua-install command installs pending Windows Updates on the host.
The command wapt-get waptwua-install returns:
Using config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.iniEnsure wuauserv Auto Update option is disabledDownloading file from https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/waptwua/[================================] 1024297844/1024297844 - 00:00:26Start of install for all pending Windows updatesScanning with params:{"direct_download": false,"default_allow": false,"filter": "Type='Software' or Type='Driver'","download_scheduling": "7d","install_scheduling": null,"install_delay": null,"postboot_delay": "10m"}Scanning with windows updates rules:{"allowed_products": null,"allowed_classifications": null,"allowed_severities": null,"allowed_updates": null,"forbidden_updates": null,"allowed_kbs": null,"forbidden_kbs": null,"default_allow": false}Looking for updates with filter: Type='Software' or Type='Driver' Connecting to local update searcher using offline wsusscn2 file... Offline Update searcher ready...Waiting for WUA search to completeDone searchingWUA Search completed !Updates scan done.Installed 07609d43-d518-4e77-856e-d1b316d1b8a8 : MSXML 6.0 RTM Security Update (925673)Installed bb49cc19-8847-4986-aa93-5e905421e55a : Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package (KB2538242)Installed 729a0dcb-df9e-4d02-b603-ed1aee074428 : Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package (KB2538243)Installed 719584bc-2208-4bc9-a650-d3d6347eb32e : Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package (KB2565063)Installed a8761130-35b6-41ce-8b67-2d35bb2d0846 : 2021-02 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10, version 20H2 for x64 (KB4601050)Installed 30f75e5d-2c46-42be-aef6-97ae730452be : 2021-07 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 20H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5004945)Installed 6e88be6e-d470-4e7e-9f36-01479049aadb : 2021-08 Servicing Stack Update for Windows 10 Version 20H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5005260)Installed a15155a4-1299-41ff-9a39-28a33ce7cadd : 2021-12 .NET Core 3.1.22 Security Update for x64 Client (KB5009193)Installed 38db0ad6-27f8-4bf9-ab2a-cffc4d7bc390 : Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - v5.96 (KB890830)Scanning with windows updates rules:{"direct_download": false,"default_allow": false,"filter": "Type='Software' or Type='Driver'","download_scheduling": "7d","install_scheduling": null,"install_delay": null,"postboot_delay": "10m"}Windows updates rules have been changedWriting status in local wapt DBStatus: OK[]Nonere-enabling wuauserv previous state: 2
The wapt-getcreate-keycert[<options>] command creates a RSA key pair and X509 certificate.
List of options available for creating certificates.¶
Default Value
Displays the name of the certificate.
Displays the name of the certificate, encoded in base64 (if accents, spaces etc..).
Defines whether the certificate / key pair will be allowed to sign software packages.
Defines whether the certificate / key pair can be used to sign other certificates (i.e. to be allowed to behave as a main or an intermediate Certificate Authority).
Defines a property (use) of the certificate.
1 for a non-CA certificate
Defines the password for unlocking the key if --NoPrivateKeyPassword is not used.
Randomly generated password
--PrivateKeyPassword64 if --PrivateKeyPassword is not used
Defines the password for unlocking the key, encoded in base64 (if accents, spaces etc..).
Randomly generated password
Sets the private key as not being password protected if --PrivateKeyPassword or --PrivateKeyPassword64 are not used.
Forces the overwriting of an existing certificate.
Defines the name of the certificate holder’s country to register in the certificate.
Defines the name of the certificate holder’s city to register in the certificate.
Defines the name of the certificate holder’s Organization to register in the certificate.
Defines the name of the certificate holder’s Organization Unit (Service) to register in the certificate.
Defines the email address of the certificate holder to register in the certificate.
Defines the path to the private key (.pem) of a Certificate Authority.
Parameter default_ca_key_path in waptconsole.ini
Defines the path to the public certificate (.crt) of a Certificate Authority.
Parameter default_ca_cert_path in waptconsole.ini
Defines the password for unlocking the key of a Certificate Authority.
Sets the Certificate Authority key as not being password protected.
Defines the folder where the private key and the public certificate will be stored.
Directory personal_certificate_path in waptconsole.ini
Copies the certificate to waptssl
Defines the personal_certificate_path in waptconsole.ini.
The command wapt-getcreate-keycert returns:
Using config file C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\waptconsole\waptconsole.iniBaseDir: C:\private\Common name of certificate to create: documentationPrivate Key Filename: C:\private\documentation.pemCertificate Filename: C:\private\documentation.crtNew private key password: QR.-DVp6MPGW
If default_ca_key_path and default_ca_cert_path are defined in waptconsole.ini, then you must place the CA certificate in the same location otherwise this error appears:
wapt-get create-keycertUsing config file C:\Users\tisadmin\AppData\Local\waptconsole\waptconsole.iniBaseDir: C:\Users\tisadmin\private\Common name of certificate to create: CRTException at 00483595: Exception:CA Certificate C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\ssl does not exist.
The wapt-get build-waptagent [</ConfigFilename>] compiles and uploads a waptagent.exe and a waptupgrade.exe packages using the /ConfigFilename parameter to specify the content of the wapt-get.iniconfiguration file of the WAPT Agents.
By default, the command uses configuration elements from the waptconsole.ini configuration file of the WAPT Console.
The command wapt-get build-waptagent returns:
Building customized waptagent.exe installer......................................................................................Built C:\Users\documentation\AppData\Local\Temp\wapt20220107T12203700000.tmp\waptupgrade\waptagent.exePrivate key Password for C:\Users\documentation\private\documentation.crt : ********Building waptupgrade packageWaptserver https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan Admin User () :adminWaptserver Password: ************Uploading customized waptagent.exe installerUploading C:\Users\documentation\AppData\Local\Temp\wapt20220107T12203700000.tmp\waptupgrade\waptagent.exe to waptserver https://srvwapt.mydomain.lanOKUploading C:\Users\documentation\AppData\Local\Temp\wapt20220107T12203700000.tmp\tis-waptupgrade_2.1.2.10605-0_all_PROD_all.wapt to waptserver https://srvwapt.mydomain.lanOK : 1 Packages uploaded, 0 errors. Errors: