Attention : support for WAPT 2.1 ended on January the 10th 2023.

Please upgrade to the latest supported version

The WAPT Server having been successfully installed, now we will install the WAPT console.

The WAPT management console


If you have already generated the WAPT agent and deployed the agent on your Administrator’s workstation, then launch the WAPT console.


  • Managing WAPT is done mainly via the WAPT console installed on the Administrator’s workstation.

  • It is recommended that the Administrator’s computer be joined to the Organization ‘s Active Directory.

  • The host name of the Administrator’s workstation must not be longer than 15 characters. This is a limit of sAMAccountName attribute in Active Directory.

  • The Administrator’s computer will become critical for WAPT administration and WAPT package testing.

  • If DNS records are properly configured, you should be able to access the WAPT web interface by visiting https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan.

  • As of 2024-09-20, the WAPT console only installs on Windows.


It is highly recommended to use the console on a dedicated management machine.

If the WAPT Server is installed on a Windows host


The WAPT console MUST NOT be installed on your Windows based WAPT Server.

The WAPT console must be installed on the workstation from which you manage your network.

For installing the WAPT console, download waptsetup.exe with Tranquil IT server on the WAPT server.

  • Rename the file waptsetup-tis.exe.

  • Copy to C:\wapt\waptserver\repository\wapt.

You may now go on downloading and launching the installation of the WAPT console on the Administrator’s computer

If the WAPT Server is installed on a Linux host

Go to next step, the WAPT Console is already on your server.

The WAPT Server web interface

The WAPT Server web interface

  • If DNS records are properly configured, you should be able to access the WAPT web interface by visiting: https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan.

  • Click on WAPTSetup link on the right-hand side of the WAPT Server web page.

Installing on the Administrator’s computer


If waptagent are not compiled and installed on your computer, need to install waptsetup.

Else, the WAPT console is already installed with the waptagent, you just need configure it.

Choosing the language for WAPT

Choosing the language for WAPT

  • Click on OK to go on to the next step.

Accepting the WAPT license terms

Accepting the WAPT license terms

  • Accept the licence terms and click on Next to go to next step.

  • Choose your installation options (default values should be right for most installations).

Choosing the installer's options

Choosing the installer’s options

Available options of the WAPT installer



Default value

Install WAPT service

Add WAPT service on your management computer.


Launch notification icon upon session opening

Launch waptagent on systray at startup.

Not checked

Disable hiberboot, and increase shutdown GPO timeout (recommended)

Disable Windows fast startup for stability, increase timeout for waptexit.


Install the certificates provided by this installer

Install Tranquil IT certificate only on this computer.

Not checked

Use a random UUID to identify the computer instead of BIOS

For more information, check the documentation on BIOS UUID bugs

Not checked

  • Set up the WAPT Server URL.


Here, two choices become available to you.

  • If this is the first installation and the WAPT agent has not already been built / installed.

    Choosing the WAPT repository and server

    Choosing the WAPT repository and server

    • Choose the WAPT repository and server; click Next.

  • If the WAPT console or the WAPT agent is already installed:

    • Check Don’t change current setup, then click Next.

    The WAPT repository and server are already set

    The WAPT repository and server are already set

    • Get a summary of the WAPT console installation.

    The WAPT console installation abstract
  • Click Install to launch the installation, wait for the installation to complete, then click on Finish (leave default options).

Installation Wizard in progress

Installation Wizard in progress

Installation Wizard has finished

Installation Wizard has finished

  • Uncheck Show installation documentation.

Starting the WAPT console

  • Launch the WAPT console:

    • By looking for the binary.

      C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptconsole.exe

    • Or using the Start Menu.

      The WAPT Console Start Menu

      The WAPT Console Start Menu

  • Log into the WAPT console with the SuperAdmin login and password.

    The WAPT Console authentication window

    The WAPT Console authentication window

If you have any issue logging into the WAPT console, please refer to the FAQ: Error message when opening the WAPT console.

It is recommended to launch the WAPT console with a Local Administrator account to enable local debugging of WAPT packages.

For Enterprise version, it is possible to authenticate with Active Directory.

First start after server installation


On first start, you must start the WAPT console with elevated privileges. Right-click on the WAPT console binary ‣ Start as Local Administrator.

Certificate affectation


A message may appear indicating that no personal certificate has been defined.

WAPT personal certificate not present
  • Select Yes

Window for the basic configuration of the WAPT console

Packet prefix definition


A message may appear indicating that no package prefix has been defined.

WAPT personal certificate not present
  • Select Yes

  • Set your packages prefix on WAPT packages prefix

Window for the basic configuration of the WAPT console

waptagent.exe errors


A message may appear indicating that your WAPT agent version is obsolete or not yet present.

WAPT agent not present

If the administrator’s certicate existing, it’s possible to generating new agent by clicking on Yes.

Also click on No and generate the administrator’s certicate.

License activation


On WAPT, the difference between Discovery and Enterprise version are manage by licence used.

Activating licence


For activating the licence, used the licence.lic file provided by our sales department.

In the WAPT console, click on ? tab

More info tab

Choose Licences :

Licence activation

Select your licence.lic and click Open.

Licence activated

Removing licence

In the WAPT console, click on ? tab

More info tab

Choose Licences :

Licence activation

Select the row and click Remove License :

Licence removed

After confirmation, licence are removed :

Licence activation

License location

licence.json are stocked on server on following location :

  • Debian / Ubuntu :

  • Red Hat / CentOS

  • Windows :


License error

Expired licence

If the licence is expired status display Expired :

Licence expired

Old licence location

On console installation, if licence is located an old location, this error appear :

Licence error to old location

Error activating licence

This error is due to a problem with the post-configuration script and a special configuration of NGINX.

Error activating licence

3 points are to be checked :

  1. Check if /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wapt.conf is a symbolic link of /etc/nginx/sites-available/wapt.conf.

  • Use this command :

ls -l /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wapt.conf
  • If symbolic link exist, output is :

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 36 Jun  9 09:35 /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wapt.conf -> /etc/nginx/sites-available/wapt.conf
  • Also remove file an create symbolic link :

    • remove /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wapt.conf

    rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wapt.conf
    • create symbolic link :

    ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/wapt.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wapt.conf
  1. Check if licences.json is present in location section of /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wapt.conf

location ~ ^/(wapt/waptsetup-tis.exe|wapt/waptagent.exe|wapt/waptdeploy.exe|sync.json|rules.json|licences.json)$ {
        add_header Cache-Control "store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0";
        add_header Pragma "no-cache";
        root "/var/www";
  • If exist, restart NGINX :

systemctl restart nginx
  • Also add licences.json in location section of /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wapt.conf and restart NGINX.

systemctl restart nginx
  1. If error also exist :

  • Empty /var/www/licences.json :

> /var/www/licences.json

Generating the Administrator’s certificate for signing WAPT packages


  • The name of the private key is wapt-private.pem.

  • The name of the public certificate signed with the private key is wapt-private.crt.

Private key wapt-private.pem


The wapt-private.pem file is fundamental for security. It must be stored in a safe place and correctly protected.

The wapt-private.pem file is the private key, it is located by default in the C:\private folder of the Administrator workstation and is password protected.

This private key will be used along with the certificate to sign packages before uploading them onto the WAPT repository.


The wapt-private.pem file MUST NOT be stored on the WAPT server.

Public certificate : wapt-private.crt

The wapt-private.crt file is the public certificate that is used along with the private key. It is by default created in the C:\private folder of the Administrator, copied and deployed in C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\ssl on the Windows desktops or in /opt/wapt/ssl on the Linux and MacOS devices managed by the Administrator via a WAPT package, a GPO or an Ansible role.

This certificate is used to validate the signature of packages before installation.


  • If the public certificate used on WAPT the console is not derived from the private key used for generating the WAPT agents, no interaction will be possible.

  • The child certificates of private keys are functional for interactions.

Building a certificate

In the WAPT console go to Tools ‣ Build certificate.

Building a self-signed certificate

Building a self-signed certificate


  • Fill in the following fields.

Creating a self-signed certificate for the Discovery version

Creating a self-signed certificate for the Discovery version

Certificate informations




Target key directory

Folder where the private key and the public certificate will be stored.

feature available

Key filename

name of the .pem and Name of the private key.

feature available

Private key password

Password for locking and unlocking the key.

feature available

Confirm password

Password confirmation for locking and unlocking the key.

feature available

Certificate name

Name of the .crt certificate.

feature available

Common Name (CN)

Display name of the certificate.

feature available


Name of the certificate holder’s city to register in the certificate.

feature not available

Country (2 chars. E.g : FR)

Name of the certificate holder’s country (FR, EN, ES, DE …) to register in the certificate.

feature not available


Name of certificate holder’s service or organizational department to register in the certificate.

feature not available


Name of the certificate holder’s Organization to register in the certificate.

feature not available

E-mail address

Email address of the certificate holder to register in the certificate.

feature not available

Export PKCS12`

Create *.p12 certificate in Target key directory.

feature not available (recommended)

Additional details are stored in the private key. This information will help with identifying the origin of the certificate and the origin of the WAPT package.


The password complexity must comply with your Organization’s security requirements (visit the ANSSI website for recommendations on passwords).


  • The path to your private key must not be in the installation path of WAPT (C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt).

  • If your key is stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt, your Administrator private key will be deployed on your clients, absolutely a no go!.

  • The wapt-private.pem file should not be stored on the WAPT server.

  • Click on OK to go on to the next step.

If everything has gone well the following message will appear:

Certificate generated successfully

Certificate generated successfully

  • Click on OK.

Confirmation of the copy of the certificate in the ssl folder

Confirmation of the copy of the certificate in the ssl folder

  • Click on Yes to copy the newly generated certificate in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\ssl on Windows or /opt/wapt/ssl on Linux or MacOS. This certificate will be picked up during the compilation of the WAPT agent and deployed on the client computers.

You may go on to the next step and Building the WAPT agent installer.


With WAPT Enterprise, you can create a Master key with a Certificate Authority flag that can both sign packages and sign new certificates.


In order to create new signed certificates for delegated users, please refer to creating a new certificate.

Creating a self-signed certificate for Enterprise version

Creating a self-signed certificate for Enterprise version

Certificate informations




Target key directory

Folder where the private key and the public certificate will be stored.

feature available

Key filename

name of the .pem and Name of the private key.

feature available

Private key password

Password for locking and unlocking the key.

feature available

Confirm password

Password confirmation for locking and unlocking the key.

feature available

Tag as code signing

Check this box if the certificate/ key pair will be allowed to sign software packages.

feature available

Tag as CA certificate

Check this box if this certificate can be used to sign other certificates (main or intermediate Certificate Authority).

feature available

Certificate name

Name of the .crt certificate.

feature available

Common Name (CN)

Display name of the certificate.

feature available


Name of the certificate holder’s city to register in the certificate.

feature not available

Country (2 chars. E.g : FR)

Name of the certificate holder’s country (FR, EN, ES, DE …) to register in the certificate.

feature not available


Name of certificate holder’s service or organizational department to register in the certificate.

feature not available


Name of the certificate holder’s Organization to register in the certificate.

feature not available

E-mail address

Email address of the certificate holder to register in the certificate

feature not available

Authority Signing Key

Key (*.pem) of CA

feature not available

Authority Signing Certificate

Certicate (*.crt) of CA

feature not available

Export PKCS12

Create *.p12 certicate in Targets keys directory

feature not available (recommended)

Additional details are stored in the private key. This information will help with identifying the origin of the certificate and the origin of the WAPT package.


The password complexity must comply with your Organization’s security requirements (visit the ANSSI website for recommendations on passwords).


If your Organization is already equipped with an Certificate Authority (CA), you will have to fill the certificate and the key in the fields Authority Signing Key and Authority Signing Certificate.

With this procedure you can generate new certificates/ key pairs with or without Code Signing capability.

For creating a Certificate Authority, go to the section on generating the Certificate Authority (CA).


  • The path to your private key must not be in the installation path of WAPT (C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt).

  • If your key is stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt, your Administrator private key will be deployed on your clients, absolutely a no go!.

  • The wapt-private.pem file should not be stored on the WAPT server.

If everything has gone well the following message will appear:

Certificate generated successfully

Certificate generated successfully

  • Click on OK to go on to the next step.

Confirmation of the copy of the certificate in the ssl folder

Confirmation of the copy of the certificate in the ssl folder

  • Click on Yes to copy the newly generated certificate in the C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\ssl folder. This certificate will be picked up during the compilation of the WAPT agent and deployed on the clients computers.

You may go on to the next step and build the WAPT agent installer.

Building the WAPT agent installer

The waptagent binary is an InnoSetup installer.

Once the WAPT console has been installed on the Administrator computer, we have all files required to build the WAPT agent installer:

  • Files that will be used during building of the WAPT agent are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt.

  • Installer source files (.iss files) are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptsetup.


Before building the WAPT agent, please verify the public certificate(s) in C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\ssl.

If you wish to deploy other public certificates on your Organization’s computers that are equipped with WAPT, you will have to copy them in that folder.


DO NOT COPY the private key of any Administrator in C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt.

This folder is used when building the WAPT agent and the private keys would then be deployed on all the computers.

  • In the WAPT console, go to Tools ‣ Build WAPT agent

Generating the WAPT agent from the console

Generating the WAPT agent from the console


Before building the WAPT agent, you need to choose how it will identify itself with the WAPT Server.

Choosing the mode to uniquely identify the WAPT agents

In WAPT you can choose the unique identification mode of the WAPT agents.

When a WAPT agent registers the server must know if it is a new machine or if it is a machine that has already been registered.

For this, the WAPT Server looks at the UUID in the inventory.

WAPT offers 3 modes to help you distinguish between hosts, it is up to you to choose the mode that best suits you.


After choosing a mode of operation it is difficult to change it, think carefully!

Identifying the WAPT agents by their BIOS UUID (serial number)

This mode of operation makes it possible to identify the machines in the console in a physical manner.

If you replace a computer and give the new computer the same name as the previous one, you will have two computers that will appear in the WAPT console since you will have physically two different computers.


Some vendors do inadequate work and assign the same BIOS UUIDs to entire batches of computers. In this case, WAPT will only see one computer!!!

Identifying the WAPT agent by host name

This mode of operation is similar to that in Active Directory. The machines are identified by their hostname.


This mode does not work if several machines in your fleet share the same name. We all know it should not happen!!

Identifying the WAPT agents with a randomly generated UUID

This mode of operation allows PCs to be identified by their WAPT installation. Each installation of WAPT generates a unique random number. If you uninstall WAPT and then reinstall it, you will see a new device appear in your console.


Generating the WAPT agent from the console

Generating the WAPT agent from the console

WAPT Agent informations




Authorized packages certificates bundle

Folder of trusted certificate.

feature available

Include non CA too

Include local WAPT certificate.

feature not available

Main WAPT repository address

Address of the repository on the WAPT Server.

feature available

WAPT Server address

Address of the repository on the WAPT Server.

feature available

Path to the https servers CA certificates bundle

Path to the certificates used for HTTPS verification.

feature not available


Name of the Organization to identify the origin of WAPT packages.

feature not available

Use computer FQDN for UUID

If FQDN are used for identifying WAPT agents.

feature not available

Use random host UUID (for buggy BIOS)

If random UUIDs are used for identifying WAPT agents.

feature not available


  • The checkbox Use kerberos for the initial registration must be checked ONLY IF you have followed the documentation on Configuring the kerberos authentication.

  • The checkbox Verify the WAPT Server HTTPS certificate must be checked ONLY IF you have followed the documentation on Activating the verification of the SSL / TLS certificate.

  • Provide the password for unlocking the private key.

Entering the password for unlocking the private key

Entering the password for unlocking the private key

Progression of WAPT agent installer building

Progression of WAPT agent installer building

Once the WAPT agent installer has finished building, a confirmation dialog pops up indicating that the waptagent binary has been successfully uploaded to https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/wapt/.

Confirmation of the WAPT agent loading onto WAPT repository

Confirmation of the WAPT agent loading onto WAPT repository


A warning shows up indicating that the GPO hash value should be changed. GPOs may be used to deploy the WAPT agent on your Organization’s computers.


After building the agent, install the new WAPT agent on the WAPT management console.


  • Fill in the informations that are necessary for the installer.

Filling in the informations on your Organization

Filling in the informations on your Organization

WAPT Agent informations




Authorized packages certificates bundle

Folder of trusted certificate.

feature available

Include non CA too

Include local WAPT certificate.

feature not available

Main WAPT repository address

Address of the repository on the WAPT Server.

feature available

WAPT Server address

Address of the repository on the WAPT Server.

feature available

Verify https server certificate

If HTTPS certificate client authentication is activated on the WAPT server.

feature not available

Use repository access rules

For using rules of for replicating remote repositories.

feature not available

Path to the https servers CA certificates bundle

Path to the certificates used for HTTPS verification.

feature not available

Use Kerberos for initial registration

If Kerberos authentification of the WAPT agents is used with the WAPT Server.

feature not available


Name of the Organization to identify the origin of WAPT packages.

feature not available

Use computer FQDN for UUID

If FQDN are used for identifying WAPT agents.

feature not available

Use random host UUID (for buggy BIOS)

If random UUIDs are used for identifying WAPT agents.

feature not available

Always install these packages

Installs automatically a group packages upon WAPT agent installation.

feature not available

Enable automatic install of packages based on AD Groups

Enables the installation of profile packages. This feature can degrade the performance of WAPT.

feature not available

Allow remote reboot

Allows remote reboots from the WAPT console.

feature not available

Allow remote shutdown

Allows remote shutdown from the WAPT console.

feature not available

Manage Windows updates with WAPT | Disable WAPT WUA | Don’t set anything

Enables or disables WAPT WUA.

feature available

Allow all updates by default unless explicitely forbidden by rules

Allows all Windows updates if not forbidden by WUA rule packages.

feature not available

Scan / download scheduling

Sets the Windows Update scan periodicity.

feature not available

Minimum delay before installation (days after publish date)

Sets a deferred installation delay before publication.

feature not available

Install pending Windows updates at shutdown

Installs update when the machine shuts down.

feature not available


For more information to Windows update section, refer to this article on configuring WAPTWUA on the WAPT agent


  • Provide the password for unlocking the private key.

Providing the password for unlocking the private key

Providing the password for unlocking the private key

Progression of WAPT agent installer building

Progression of WAPT agent installer building

Once the WAPT agent installer has finished building, a confirmation dialog pops up indicating that the waptagent binary has been successfully uploaded to https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/wapt/.

Confirmation of the WAPT agent loading onto WAPT repository

Confirmation of the WAPT agent loading onto WAPT repository


A warning shows up indicating that the GPO hash value should be changed. GPOs may be used to deploy the WAPT agent on your Organization’s computer.


After building the agent on your management PC, quit the WAPT console and install the new WAPT agent that has been generated on your WAPT management computer.