Attention : support for WAPT 2.0 ended on June the 30th 2022.

Please upgrade to the latest supported version

Restoring the WAPT Server

In case of a complete crash, restart a standard WAPT Server installation on your server.Then follow this procedure to restore your data.


  • Stop WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

systemctl stop nginx
systemctl stop waptserver
systemctl stop wapttasks
  • Restore the following directories.

    # Debian / Ubuntu

    # Centos / RedHat
  • Restore the database (adapt the name of your file). The first command deletes the WAPT database (if it exists). Make sure that your dump file is correct before deleting!

sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop database wapt"
sudo -u postgres psql < /tmp/backup_wapt.sql
  • Apply ownership rights to the restored folders.

    # Debian / Ubuntu
chown -R wapt:www-data /var/www/wapt/
chown -R wapt:www-data /var/www/wapt-host/
chown -R wapt:www-data /var/www/waptwua/
chown -R wapt /opt/wapt/conf/
chown -R wapt /opt/wapt/waptserver/ssl/

    # CentOS / RedHat
chown -R wapt:www-data /var/www/html/wapt/
chown -R wapt:www-data /var/www/html/wapt-host/
chown -R wapt:www-data /var/www/html/waptwua/
chown -R wapt /opt/wapt/conf/
chown -R wapt /opt/wapt/waptserver/ssl/
  • Scan package repositories.

    # Debian / Ubuntu
wapt-scanpackages /var/www/wapt/

    # CentOS / RedHat
    wapt-scanpackages /var/www/html/wapt/
  • Restart WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

systemctl start wapttasks
systemctl start waptserver
systemctl start nginx


  • Stop WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

    net start wapttasks
    net start waptserver
    net start waptnginx
  • Restore the following directories.

  • Apply full rights to the folder C:\wapt\waptserver\repository for the “Network Service” group.

  • Restore PostgreSQL Database with pg_restore.exe.

    "C:\wapt\waptserver\pgsql-9.6\bin\psql.exe" -f c:\backup_wapt.sql -U postgres
  • Scan package repositories.

    wapt-scanpackages "C:\wapt\waptserver\repository\wapt"
  • Restart WAPT related services on the server.

    net start wapttasks
    net start waptserver
    net start waptnginx