Attention : support for WAPT 1.8.2 ended on June the 30th 2022.

There are known vulnerabilities in WAPT dependencies in WAPT 1.8.2 branch. Please upgrade to the latest supported version. CVE listing (non exhaustive) :
  • * python engine : python 2.7 (CVE-2020-10735, CVE-2015-20107, CVE-2022-0391, CVE-2021-23336, CVE-2021-3177, CVE-2020-27619, CVE-2020-26116, CVE-2019-20907, CVE-2020-8492, etc.)
  • * cryptography : openssl : CVE-2022-2068, CVE-2022-1292, CVE-2022-0778, CVE-2021-4160, CVE-2021-3712, CVE-2021-23841, CVE-2021-23840, CVE-2021-23839, CVE-2020-1971, CVE-2020-1968, CVE-2019-1551
  • * python dependencies : cryptography (CVE-2020-36242, CVE-2020-25659), eventlet (CVE-2021-21419), jinja2 (CVE-2020-28493), psutil (CVE-2019-18874), waitress (CVE-2022-31015), lxml (CVE-2021-4381, CVE-2021-28957, CVE-2020-27783, CVE-2018-19787), ujson (CVE-2022-31117, CVE-2022-31116, CVE-2021-45958), python-ldap (CVE-2021-46823)

Configuring the WAPT console


The configuration file for the WAPT console is stored in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\waptconsole\waptconsole.ini. This file is automatically generated when the waptconsole is first launched and it is generated from the wapt-get.ini file configured on the Administrator’s workstation.

Several options are available in the [global] section of the waptconsole.ini file:

Description of available options for the WAPT console



wapt_server = https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan

Address of the WAPT Server.

repo_url = https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/wapt

Address of the main WAPT repository.

last_usage_report = 03/01/2017 18:45:51

Date when the WAPT console was last used.

http_proxy =

Address of the proxy server in the console.

use_http_proxy_for_server = 0

Use a proxy to connect to the WAPT Server from the console.

use_http_proxy_for_repo = 0

Use a proxy to connect to the main WAPT repository from the console.

default_package_prefix = tis

Prefix used for naming WAPT packages.

default_sources_root = C:\waptdev

WAPT base package development folder.

personal_certificate_path = C:\private\mykey.crt

Path to the certificate associated with the Administrator’s private key.

send_usage_report = 1

Allows the WAPT console to send anonymous statistics to Tranquil IT.

language = en

Language of the WAPT console.

advanced_mode = 0

Launches the console in debug mode.

verify_cert = C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\ssl\server\srvwapt.mydomain.lan.crt

For verifying HTTPS certificates.

waptservice_timeout = 2

Timeout for actions applied to WAPT agents (ex: update).

enable_external_tools = 0

Displays the actions that call external applications (RDP, VNC, etc…).

enable_management_features = 0

Displays the button to create self-signed certificates or to create the WAPT agent’s installer.

hide_unavailable = 0

Hides actions that are not available for the WAPT agent.

check_certificates_validity = 1

Forces the package certificate’s date and CRL to be verified.

sign_digests = sha256,sha1

List of allowed signature algorithms for the WAPT packages.

Configuring external repositories

You may add several external repositories by adding [sections] in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\waptconsole\waptconsole.ini.



Description of available options for external repositories



repo_url = http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/wapt

Address of the external WAPT repository.

http_proxy = http://proxy.mydomain.lan:8080

Address of the proxy to use to access the external repository referenced in the [section].

verify_cert = 1

For verifying HTTPS certificates.

public_certs_dir =

Folder that contains the certificates used to authenticate downloaded external packages.

timeout = 2

Timeout for the external repository referenced in the [section]. If left empty, no verification is performed.

Settings for creating WAPT packages

Description of available options for creating WAPT packages



personal_certificate_path = C:\private\coder.crt

Path to the private key to be used to sign packages.

default_sources_root = C:\waptdev

WAPT base package development folder.

default_sources_root_host = C:\waptdev\hosts

WAPT host package development folder.

default_package_prefix = tis

Default prefix for new WAPT packages.

default_sources_suffix = wapt

Default suffix for new WAPT packages.