Attention : support for WAPT 1.8.2 ended on June the 30th 2022.

There are known vulnerabilities in WAPT dependencies in WAPT 1.8.2 branch. Please upgrade to the latest supported version. CVE listing (non exhaustive) :
  • * python engine : python 2.7 (CVE-2020-10735, CVE-2015-20107, CVE-2022-0391, CVE-2021-23336, CVE-2021-3177, CVE-2020-27619, CVE-2020-26116, CVE-2019-20907, CVE-2020-8492, etc.)
  • * cryptography : openssl : CVE-2022-2068, CVE-2022-1292, CVE-2022-0778, CVE-2021-4160, CVE-2021-3712, CVE-2021-23841, CVE-2021-23840, CVE-2021-23839, CVE-2020-1971, CVE-2020-1968, CVE-2019-1551
  • * python dependencies : cryptography (CVE-2020-36242, CVE-2020-25659), eventlet (CVE-2021-21419), jinja2 (CVE-2020-28493), psutil (CVE-2019-18874), waitress (CVE-2022-31015), lxml (CVE-2021-4381, CVE-2021-28957, CVE-2020-27783, CVE-2018-19787), ujson (CVE-2022-31117, CVE-2022-31116, CVE-2021-45958), python-ldap (CVE-2021-46823)

Frequent problems and questions

I have lost my SuperAdmin password

It sometimes happens to setup a WAPT Server and then forget its password.

To reset the WAPT console SuperAdmin password you have to relaunch the post-configuration process on the WAPT Server.

Resetting the WAPT Linux Server password

  • connect to the server with SSH;

  • connect with user root (or use sudo);

  • launch post-configuration script:



To avoid breaking the existing WAPT Server setup, accept all the other steps, DO NOT CREATE a new private key!

I lost my WAPT private key

WAPT’s security and its correct functioning rely on sets of private keys and public certificates.

Losing a private key thus requires to generate a new key and its associated certificates, and then to deploy the new keys and the new certificates on the Organization’s computers.

Therefore, losing a key bears some consequences, the process to recover from a lost key is not trivial, although it is relatively simple.

Generating or renewing a private key

The procedure is:

  • generate a new private key/ public certificate. You will then keep the private key (file .pem) in a safe location;

  • deploy the new certificate .crt on your clients in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ssl manually or using a GPO;

Re-signing packages in the repositories

WAPT packages hosted on the repositories were signed using the former private key, so you must re-sign every package of the repository using the new key.

To re-sign every WAPT packages using the new key (base, host, group and unit packages), use the command:

wapt-get sign-packages C:\\waptdev\\*

My private key has been stolen


WAPT security relies on protecting your private keys.

WAPT does not handle key revocation yet using a CRL.

The solution consists in deleting every .crt certificate associated to the stolen private key, located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\ssl folder.

That operation can be done using a GPO, manually, or with a WAPT package.


  • some problems happen sometimes with some BIOSes. WAPT uses the UUID of the machine as the host identifier;

  • the UUID is supposed to be unique. Unfortunately, for some OEMs and some manufacturing batches, BIOS UUID are identical;

  • the machine will register in the WAPT console but it will replace an existing device, considering that the machine has only changed its name;

Solving the BIOS UUID issue

WAPT allows to generate a random UUID to replace the one retrieved from the BIOS.

wapt-get generate-uuid

WAPTdeploy does not work


The waptdeploy utility does not succeed in installing the WAPT agent.

Solving the BIOS UUID issue

Adding the waptagent.exe url

Add waptsetupurl argument in WAPTdeploy GPO arguments of waptdeploy.


Launching WAPTdeploy locally

Launching waptdeploy locally can be a good method for showing errors explicitly.

Example of command to launch:

C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptdeploy.exe --hash=2a9971aad083d6822b6e4d1ccfb9886be9429ec58bb13246810ff3d6a56ce887 --minversion= --wait=15

In our case the hash is not correct.

Error with WAPTDeploy

Error with WAPTDeploy


Do not forget to start the command prompt as a Local Administrator.

WAPTdeploy works manually but does not work with GPO

Check that port 8088 is listening correctly on host:

gpresult /h gpo.html & gpo.html

To force the application of the GPO:

gpupdate /force

If waptdeploy does not show up you will have to double check the GPO settings.

# you may be using an old waptdeploy version, then

download the latest version of waptdeploy from the WAPT store.

# thanks to Emmanuel EUGENE from French INSERM

who submitted this possible cause for waptdeploy not functioning properly, if you are replicating domain controllers, ensure that the GPOs are correctly synchronized between your DCs and that ACLs are identically applied on the SysVols.

Windows does not wait for the network to be up on startup

By default Windows does not wait for the network to be up at computer startup.

This can cause problems during waptdeploy execution because waptdeploy requires network connectivity to retrieve the new WAPT agent.

You can enable the GPO: Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon:

Computer Configuration ‣ Administrative Templates ‣ System ‣ Logon ‣ Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon

GPO to wait network startup

WAPT Exit will not launch

Despite the script actually being registered in the local security shutdown strategy, the waptexit script does not launch at computer shutdown.

Solution: Hybrid shutdown

Windows 10 hybrid shutdown must be disabled because it causes many problems and strange behaviors, disabling Hybrid Shutdown will restore exit script execution at shutdown.

Hybrid shutdown can be disabled by setting a value in wapt-get.ini file of the WAPT agent.

There is a WAPT package to solve the Hybrid Shutdown problem:

Solution: Windows Home edition

Local security policies are not available when using a Windows Home edition computer, so it is normal that the script will not launch. To circumvent the problem, use scheduled tasks.

The workaround consists in using a scheduled task that will launch C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.exe with the argument upgrade.

Solution: corrupted local GPO

It sometimes occurs that local security policies on the computer are corrupted.

One of the possible solutions is to remove local security strategies by deleting the file C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\gpt.ini, to restart the computer, and finally to re-install the shutdown scheduled tasks:

wapt-get add-upgrade-shutdown

If the problem occurs again, this may mean that another application also manipulates the local GPO.

WAPTExit halts after 15 minutes and does not finish the installing the packages

By default, Windows shutdown scripts are only allowed to run for 15 minutes.

If a script has not finished before that limit, it will be interrupted.

Solution: increase the installation timeout

To solve that problem, increase the preshutdowntimeout value and the max_gpo_script_wait value.

Define these values in C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.ini file to change the default behavior.


The WAPT package tis-wapt-conf-policy sets this configuration.

The other solution may be to use the GPO File.ini.

GPO ini File

GPO ini File

Error message when opening the WAPT console

Connection refused

The WAPT console can not contact the WAPT Server on port 443.

  • check whether the Nginx web service is running on the WAPT Server:

    ps aux | grep nginx
  • if Nginx is not running, restart the Nginx service:

    service nginx restart
  • if Nginx still does not start, you’ll need to analyze journal logs in /var/log/nginx/ on Linux or in C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptserver\nginx\logs on Windows.

Service unavailable

It is possible that the waptserver service is stopped.

  • check whether waptserver is running:

    ps aux | grep wapt
  • if the command returns nothing, then start the waptserver using:

    service waptserver start

Error connecting with SSL … verify failed

The WAPT console seems not to be able to verify the server’s HTTPS certificate.


Before doing anything, be sure that your are not facing a MITM attack!


If you have just redone your WAPT Server and that you use a self-signed certificate, you can recover the old keys of your old WAPT Server in /opt/wapt/waptserver/apache/ssl.

  • close your WAPT console;

  • delete the folder %appdata%\..\Local\waptconsole;

  • launch the command wapt-get enable-check-certificate;

  • be sure that the previous command has gone well;

  • restart the WAPT service with net stop waptservice && net start waptservice;

  • restart the WAPT console;

In case you do not use the certificate pinning method, this tells you that the certificate sent by the server can not be verified with the python certifi bundle of certificates. Be sure to have the full chain of certificates on the WAPT Server.

Problems when enabling enable-check-certificate

Message “Certificate CN ### sent by server does not match URL host ###”

This means that the CN in the certificate sent by the WAPT Server does not match the value of the wapt_server attribute in wapt-get.ini.

Two solutions:

  • check the value of wapt_server in your wapt-get.ini;

    If the value is correct, this surely means that an error has happened during the generation of the self-signed certificate during server post-configuration (typing error, …).

    You must then regenerate your self-signed certificates.

  • on the WAPT Server, delete the content of the /opt/wapt/waptserver/apache/ssl/ folder.

    Then, relaunch the postconfiguration script (the same as the one used during initial installation, with the same arguments and values).

    Then, be sure that the value of FQDN for the WAPT Server is correct.

  • you may now retry enable-check-certificate.

Problems when creating a package

Creating a package via the WAPT console

The drag and drop method of a software in the WAPT console does not work:

  • the method will not work if the WAPT console has been started without Local Administrator privilege;

  • the method will not work if the WAPT console has been started with UAC;

    Simple alternative solution: go to Tools ‣ Create a package template from an installer ‣ Choose the installer.

  • the WAPT console does not fill in automatically the informations in the fields:

    • there are special characters in some file path of the binary;

    • the installer does not provide the desired informations;

Problem with rights in the Windows Command Line utility

When editing a package, if the following message appears:

OperationnalError: attempt to write a read-only database

OperationnalError: attempt to write a read-only database


Open a session as Local Administrator and redo the desired action.

Problems with access rights and PyScripter

When trying to install a package from PyScripter, if the following message appears:

OperationnalError: attempt to write a read-only database

OperationnalError: attempt to write a read-only database


Open a session as Local Administrator and redo the desired action.

My WAPT package is too big and I can not upload it on the repository

When a package is too big, it is necessary to build it locally then upload it with WinSCP or an equivalent utility.


  • build the package with PyScripter or manually build the package.


    If the previous upload failed, you can find the package in C:\waptdev.

  • download and install WinSCP using WAPT:

    wapt-get install tis-winscp
  • using WinSCP, upload your package in /var/www/html/wapt/ path of you Linux server.

  • once the upload has finished, you’ll need to recreate the Packages index file on your repository:

    wapt-scanpackages /var/www/wapt/

WAPT package in error

Problem installing a package


I have a package that returns in error and the software is not installed on the computer when I physically go to check on the computer.


An error has occurred during the execution of the

You can read and analyze error messages returned in the console and try to understand and solve them.

The installation of the package will be retried at each upgrade cycle until the package does not return an error.


  • if WAPT returns an error code, research the error code on the Internet;

    Example for a MSI: 1618: another installation in already running. Restarting the computer should solve the problem.


    MSI error codes are available by visiting this website.

  • go to the computer and try to install the package with the WAPT command line utility. Then check that the software has installed;


    Once the silent installation has finished, do nothing else.

    The objective is to reproduce the behavior of the WAPT agent.

  • if the package installs silently in user context, this may mean that the software installer does not work in SYSTEM context;

  • if it is still not working, launch the installation manually. It is possible for an error to appear explicitly describing the problem (ex: missing dependency, etc);

  • it is possible that the installer does not support installing over an older version of the software, so you will have to explicitly remove older versions of the application before installing the new one;

Error “timed out after seconds with output ‘600.0’”


Some packages return the following error in the WAPT console:

"Erreur timed out after seconds with output '600.0'"


By default, when installing a package run, install_msi_if_needed, WAPT will wait 600 seconds for the installer to finish its task.

if the installer has not finished in this delay, WAPT will stop the running installation.

Solution: large software installs

If the software to be installed is known to be big (Microsoft Office, Solidworks, LibreOffice, Katia, Adobe Creative Suite), it is possible that the 600 second delay will be too short.

You will have to increase the timeout value, ex: timeout = 1200:

run('"setup.exe" /adminfile office2010noreboot.MSP',timeout=1200)

Error “has been installed but the uninstall key can not be found”


Some packages return the following error in the WAPT console:

XXX has been installed but the uninstall key can not be found.


WAPT relies on Windows to install .msi binaries with install_msi_if_needed and .exe binaries with install_exe_if_needed.

By default, WAPT accepts return codes 0 (OK) and 3010 (computer restart required) and it verifies that the uninstall key is present.

Unfortunately, we can not fully trust these return codes, so WAPT does additional checks after completing the installation to make sure that all has gone well:

  • it checks the presence of the uninstall key on the computer;

  • it checks that the version number of the software is equal or greater than the version number in the control file;

  • if this is not the case, it infers that the software may not be present on the computer;

The function returns the package in error. The installation will be retried at every upgrade cycle until the package returns no error.



Before doing anything, it is advisable to go physically to the computer returning in error and to manually check whether the software has correctly installed. If the software has not installed correctly, refer to the section of this documentation on installing a package.

  • if the software has installed correctly, this may mean that the uninstall key or the software version in the package is not correct;

  • retrieve the correct uninstall key and make changes to the WAPT package accordingly;

  • if the error happens when using the install_msi_if_needed function, this means that the MSI installer is badly packaged and that it is returning an incorrect uninstall key;

Error “has been installed and the uninstall key found but version is not good”


Some packages return the following error in the WAPT console:

has been installed and the *uninstall key* found but version is not good


When using install_msi_if_needed or install_exe_if_needed functions, additional checks are performed to make sure that all has gone well.



Before doing anything, it is advisable to go physically to the computer returning in error and to manually check whether the software has correctly installed. If the software has not installed correctly, refer to the section of this documentation on installing a package.

Solution: with install_msi_if_needed

The informations being extracted from the MSI installer, this means that the MSI file does not return correct values or that the uninstall key is incorrect.

You can check using the Windows Command Line utility:

wapt-get list-registry

If the returned key is not that which has been entered in the install section of the, it is not possible to use install_msi_if_needed.

You must review the install section of your, use the run() function and manually manage exceptions.

Solution: with install_exe_if_needed

This probably means that the version number entered in the install_exe_if_needed function is not correct. Make corrections to the WAPT package accordingly.


If the min_version argument has not been entered, WAPT will try to retrieve the version automatically from the exe installer.

You can check the uninstall key and version number using the command:

wapt-get list-registry

If no version is provided with the wapt-get list-registry command, this means that the software installer does not provide an uninstall key.

Two solutions:

  • use the argument get_version to provide the path to another uninstallkey;

def install():

   def versnaps2(key):
       return key['name'].replace('NAPS2 ','')

   install_exe_if_needed('naps2-5.3.3-setup.exe',silentflags='/VERYSILENT',key='NAPS2 (Not Another PDF Scanner 2)_is1',get_version=versnaps2)
  • providing an empty value for min_version tells WAPT not to check for versions;

min_version=' '


With this method, versions are no longer checked during updates!

Frequent problems caused by Anti-Virus software

Some Anti-Virus software falsely raise errors when checking some internal components of WAPT.

Among the components is nssm.exe used by WAPT as a service manager for starting, stopping and restarting the WAPT service.

Below is a list of useful exceptions to declare in your central AV interface to solve false positives related to WAPT:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptservice\win32\nssm.exe"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptservice\win64\nssm.exe"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptagent.exe"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptconsole.exe"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\waptexit.exe"

EWaptBadControl: ‘utf8’ codec can’t decode byte

If you get this message, it may mean that you have not set up correctly your development environment. Visit this section of the documentation on setting up UTF-8 (no BOM).

I have a lot more hosts in the console than I have host packages on my server?

Following a remark from Philippe LEMAIRE from the Lycée Français Alexandre Yersin in Hanoï, if you use the Enterprise version of WAPT and you make heavy use of the unit packages or profile packages, you may realize that you will have many more hosts in your console than host packages on you WAPT server. This is normal.

In fact unit packages and profile packages are not explicitly assigned to the host (i.e. as dependencies in the host package) but are implicitly taken into account by the WAPT agent dependency engine during the WAPT upgrade.

So one might have no host package on the server if only unit packages are used for managing a fleet of devices.