Attention : WAPT 2.6 is currently in Release Candidate stage. It is not intented for production. For production please install WAPT 2.5 version


For the CSPN security certification mode, please visit this documentation.


For post-configuration to work properly:

  • The hostname of the WAPT Server MUST be properly configured. To check, use the command echo $(hostname) which MUST return the DNS address that will be used by WAPT Agents on client computers.

  • The DNS resolver MUST be correctly configured.

  • The WAPT Server MUST be able to contact a Domain Controller in write mode for Kerberos authentication mode.

The post-configuration script rewrites the nginx configuration. A backup file is created when running the postconf in the same directory.

This post-configuration script MUST be run as root.

  • Run the script.

  • Click on Yes to run the postconf script.

Do you want to launch post configuration tool?

            < yes >          < no >
  • Choose a password (if not defined) for the SuperAdmin account of the WAPT Server (minimum length is 10 characters).

Please enter the wapt server password (min. 10 characters)


                < OK >          < Cancel >
  • Confirm the password.

Please enter the server password again:


                < OK >          < Cancel >
  • Choose the authentication mode for the initial registering of the WAPT Agents:

    • Choice #1: allows to register computers without authentication. The WAPT Server registers all computers that ask to be registered.

    • Choice #2: activates the initial registration based on kerberos (you can activate it later).

    • Choice #3: does not activate the kerberos authentication mechanism for theinitial registering of hosts equipped with WAPT. The WAPT Server will require a login and a password for each host registering with it.

WaptAgent Authentication type?

(x) 1 Allow unauthenticated registration
( ) 2 Enable kerberos authentication required for machines registration.
        Registration will ask for password if kerberos not available
( ) 3 Disable kerberos but registration require strong authentication
                                        < OK >          < Cancel >

New in version 2.5: If you are upgrading from WAPT 2.X to 2.5, verify the current configuration of the WAPT Agents and more specifically the verify_cert option. If in your current configuration verify_cert is set to True or a set to a file path (certificate pinning), then choose option #1 below. If in your current configuration verify_cert is set to False, then choose option #2 below.

  • Choose how the WAPT Server will verify the WAPT Agents.

    • Choice #1: for simplicity and better security, we recommend to activate this authentication method. Without a certificate, it is not possible to download WAPT Packages and query some WAPT Server endpoints. This method is recommanded if you are installing WAPT for the first time.

    • Choice #2: if you experiment some problems while upgrading OR if you use a reverse proxy, this method is recommended while upgrading.

WaptAgent client certificate checking

(x) 1 Authenticate Agents using https client certificate (recommended)
( ) 2 Don't check https client certificate (legacy)
                                        < OK >          < Cancel >
  • If you want to use WAPT for OS Deployment, select Yes.

    • If you have chosen Yes to activate os deployment, the post-configuration will ask whether to use a secure authentication to deploy OS images. It will ask a user / password when you will deploy OS images using WADS.

    • If you have chosen No, Nginx will not enable WADS API endpoints for WAPT Agents.

Do you want to activate os deployment?

        < Yes >        < No >
Would you like to activate secure authentication on wads?

        < Yes >        < No >
  • Still about wads, if you answered Yes to the last two questions, you will be asked a final question:

Would you like to mention subnet ip exempt from wads authentication

        < Yes >        < No >

If you answer Yes here too, you will have to give subnets as a list, for example:,

  • Choose if you want to use WAPT WUA for Windows Update.

Do you want to activate WUA?

        < Yes >        < No >

If you choose Yes, Nginx will enable WUA API endpoints for the WAPT Agents.

  • Select Yes to configure Nginx.

Do you want to configure nginx?

        < Yes >        < No >
  • Fill in the FQDN of the WAPT Server.

FQDN for the WAPT Server (eg.


            < OK >          < Cancel >
  • Select OK and a self-signed certificate will be generated, this step may take a long time.

Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit long safe prime, generator 2 This is going to take a long time

Nginx is now configured, select OK to restart Nginx:

The Nginx config is done.
We need to restart Nginx?

              < OK >
  • Select OK to start WAPT Server.

Press OK to start waptserver and wapttasks daemons

             < OK >

The post-configuration is now finished.

Postconfiguration completed.
Please connect to https://wapt.mydomain.lan/ to access the WAPT Server.

                                  < OK >

New in version 2.5: The access to the WAPT web interface is now password protected.

Finally, the postconf show somes informations about the WAPT Server SSL certificate and the URL to download WaptSetup and install on the WAPT Administrator’s computer.

List of post-configuration script options¶



-c or --config

Specifies a configuration file path (default: /opt/wapt/conf/waptserver.ini).

-s or --force-https

Configures Nginx so that port 80 is permanently redirected to 443

-q or --quiet

Runs the post-configuration in quiet mode.

-n or --nginx

Runs nginx configuration if the post-configuration is set in quiet mode.


Defines the size for dhparam key (default: 2048).

-p or --admin-password

Defines the admininistrator password for the WAPT Server if the post-configuration is set in quiet mode.


Defines the WAPT installation base dir (default: /opt/wapt).


Defines the WAPT Server name and ip for certificate CN and SubjectAltNames. The separator is a comma (default: fqdn and IP address).


Defines settings for CSPN TOE mode (default: False).