Attention : WAPT 2.6 is currently in Release Candidate stage. It is not intented for production. For production please install WAPT 2.5 version

7. Simplifying the deployment of your workstations

Many companies and administrations include software and configurations in the OS images they deploy on their fleets of hosts.

But from now on this is no longer the recommended method for several reasons:

  • Each time you make a new image, you waste a lot of time installing software and configuring it. You are very limited in the user configurations that you will be able to include in your image.

  • Each time you make a new image, you will have to keep track of the changes in a text document, a spreadsheet, or a change management tool.

  • OS editors (notably Microsoft) advise the use of raw ISO images and their parameterization in post-install.

  • Finally, if you introduce in your image security configurations, network configurations, or configurations to limit the intrusion of telemetry, these configurations can disrupt the normal functioning of WAPT, it will complicate future diagnostics.

With WAPT this is no longer necessary

7.1. Recommendations

Tranquil IT recommends:

  • To make only one raw image per OS type with MDT, Fog (win10, win2016, etc) or WAPT WADS without any configuration or software installation. Put only the system drivers you need for your image deployment in the MDT or Fog directories provided for this purpose.

  • To create as many Organizational Units as you have host types in the CN=Computers OU (ex: standard_laptop, hardened_laptop, workstations, servers, etc) in your Active Directory.

  • To configure your Active Directory to distribute the WAPT Agent by GPO to the different Host Organizational Units; this way, you can opt for fine grained configurations of your waptagent.ini for the hosts attached to each OU.


To save you time, you can base your security configuration strategy on security WAPT packages already available in the WAPT Store, you will only need to complete them according to your Organization’s specific security requirements.

  • To create in the CN=Computers OU as many Organizational Units as there are types of computer usage in your organization (accounting, point_of_sale, engineering, sedentary_sales, etc).

  • To create generic WAPT packages of your software applications with their associated configurations.

7.1.1. Deployment scenario

  • You receive or the IT manager at the remote site receives a new computer in its box.

  • You configure the host’s MAC address in DHCP so that it gets the right system image and is positioned in the right Organizational Unit at the end of the deployment process.

  • The expected system image is downloaded on the host in masked time, the host is placed in the right Organizational Unit.

  • The WAPT Agent registers the host with the WAPT Server, it appears in the WAPT Console.

  • The WAPT Agent detects that it is in an Organizational Unit that requires a particular software set and a particular security configuration.

  • The WAPT Agent downloads and executes software packages and security configuration packages in hidden time; the WAPT Agent automatically removes delegated rights that are rendered useless after joining the domain to prevent them from being subsequently exploited in an unauthorized manner.

  • Either by group of hosts or host by host, you finalize the configuration of the hosts by assigning specific WAPT packets to them.


If you want, you can even leave the final configuration step to your users by configuring WAPT self-service for them (printer configurations, special software needs, etc).

7.2. Deploying your workstations via WADS WAPT Enterprise feature only

WADS for WAPT Automated Deployment Services was developed to provide a simple solution for Operating System deployments via WAPT.

The OS Deployment is available for Windows, Debian and its derivates and for RedHat and its derivates.

7.2.1. WADS mode of operation

Schematically, deploying an OS involves 3 steps:

  1. Importing the different media and files required for the deployment, such as Operating System .iso images, driver packs and configuration files.

Flow diagram for importing the files required for the WADS deployment

Flow diagram for importing the files required for the WADS deployment

  1. Creating the boot support.

Flow diagram for creating the booting support for the WADS deployment

Flow diagram for creating the booting support for the WADS deployment

  1. Launching the deployment on the target host using the network or a USB stick.

Flow diagram for using the boot support in the WADS deployment

Flow diagram for using the boot support in the WADS deployment

7.2.2. Difference between WADS and other solutions

  • Classic deployment solution.

Flow diagram for a classic OS deployment

Flow diagram for a classic OS deployment

  • WADS deployment solution.

Flow diagram for a WADS deployment

Flow diagram for a WADS deployment


  • The WADS operating mode respects the recommanded method of the OS vendor.

  • With WADS, all functionnalities are grouped on the same WAPT Server.

  • Therefore, there is no need to set up any additional infrastructure other than the WAPT Server. Software differences

Differences between WADS and other methods

WADS deployment Server

Standard MDT method


Uses iPXE

Uses CIFS file server protocol.

No need to setup a file server and no need to open additional ports.

No OS image configuration needed

Requires manually editing an answer file configuration.

Simplicity, all configurations are provided by WAPT

Uses HTTPS to download the Windows OS image

Uses CIFS to download the Windows OS image.

The target hosts may be deployed over the internet using the USB stick method.

The WADS method embeds all necessary files

The MDT method requires assembling files from different sources.

The deployment, the configuration and the OS updates are bundled into one WAPT software package.

7.3. Installing and configuring TFTP and DHCP for WADS

7.3.1. Installing and configuring a TFTP server


If you have installed another tftp server on the WAPT Server, please uninstall it first.

This documentation is for WAPT 2.2.1 and higher.

Choose your distribution.

  • Enable and start the TFTP server.

systemctl enable wapttftpserver
systemctl start wapttftpserver
  • You may test that the tftp server works properly using a tftp client and test download the snponly.efi file. If you are testing the following command on a RedHat based machine other than the waptserver, beware of the local outbound firewall that blocks outgoing tftp client requests.

cd ~
tftp srvwapt.mydomain.lan
  get snponly.efi
ls -l snponly.efi

7.3.2. Installing and configuring a DHCP server

You can either use HTTP or TFTP (slower) to download binaries.


Downloading through HTTP implies the use of an iPXE binary (ipxe.efi or snponly.efi) that is not signed and it will NOT BE POSSIBLE to enable SECURE BOOT on the client machines. Full TFTP config

Here is a configuration that transfers the bootfile and binaries through TFTP. Secure Boot is possible.

For example:

<!-- global options -->

option client-architecture code 93 = unsigned integer 16;

subnet netmask {
    filename "efi/boot/bootmgfw.efi";

For more information you can refer to HTTP configuration

The PXE booting is a two step process. First the UEFI/BIOS bootloader will download iPXE binary from the tftp server, then iPXE binary will download the iPXE script and boot binaries from http. This is why we need to have a two step PXE DCHP configuration.

For example:

<!-- global options -->

option ipxe-url code 175 = text;
option client-architecture code 93 = unsigned integer 16;

<!-- subnet mydomain.lan netmask -->

if option client-architecture = 00:00 {
  if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" {
    filename "http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/api/v3/baseipxe?uefi=false&keymap=fr";
    filename "undionly.kpxe";

} else {
  if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" {
    option ipxe-url "http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan:80/";
    filename "http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/api/v3/baseipxe?keymap=fr";
    filename "snponly.efi";

For more information you can refer to


If your DHCP server does not allow you to set such conditions, you can run the following script that will compile customized bootfiles:


It will create 3 bootfiles that you can use on your DHCP server: ipxe_custom.efi (UEFI), snponly_custom.efi (UEFI) and undionly_custom.kpxe (Legacy).

7.4. Deploying a Windows OS via WADS

WAPT Enterprise feature only

7.4.1. IPXE Deployment process

  1. Using BIOS/UEFI:

  • the host makes a DHCP request to obtain an IP and the PXE configuration (TFTP server IP & iPXE file name), or

  • the host boots from a USB stick which embeds the PXE configuration

  1. Using BIOS/UEFI:

  • the host makes a TFTP request to get iPXE and her configuration, or

  • the host runs the iPXE configuration from the USB stick.

  1. Then, using iPXE, the host makes a HTTPS request to the WADS Server to obtain the BCD and the WinPE file.

  2. Finally, using WinPE, the host contacts the WADS Server via HTTP to obtain the OS iso file and its associated configuration files.


  • USB stick: secure boot possible (official winpe files used).

  • The ipxe file provided by WAPT does not support secure boot (ipxe file from

  • You can buy a signed ipxe file from (iPXE Anywhere) in order to use the secure boot.

  • Deployment is also possible through TFTP exclusively although it is very slow.

7.4.2. Requirements before starting

  1. To use WADS on your WAPT Console, you need to install a specific package on your management station.

Two packages are available, only one is needed. Choose according to your needs:

  • This package integrates the minimal requirements for creating a WinPE file.

  • This package installs Windows ADK, all the tools to create and modify WinPE.

  1. As of 2024-10-08, the user account using the WADS Console MUST have Local Administrator rights in the WAPT Access Control Lists.

  2. Signing WADS with your certificate:

  • Go to the Tools ‣ Sign Deploy Exe.

Tools menu in the WAPT Console
  • Click on the Sign button:

Window for signing binaries in the WAPT Console
  1. Go to the OS Deploy tab:

Main window of the WADS Console

Main window of the WADS Console

7.4.3. Adding the WinPE files

WinPE is a minimal operating system used to install, deploy, and repair Windows.

On WADS, WinPE is used to bootstrap the deployment of Windows.

  • If no WinPE file exists, then this pop-up will appear.

Dialog box informing to upload a WinPE file in the WADS Console
  • Then click on Upload WinPE.

  • Choose the keyboard layout. This step is important because you will type in the hostname in WinPE using the keyboard layout chosen with this step.

  • Select the certificate with which to sign the USB stick files.

Dialog box for selecting the keyboard in the WADS Console, certificates and drivers
  • If needed, please add network drivers in order to boot with PXE

  • Wait while the WinPE file uploads onto the WAPT administration computer.

Loading the WinPE file in the WADS Console
  • Wait while the WinPE file uploads to the WADS Server.

The WinPE file has been successfully uploaded to the WADS Server.


After each upgrade, you will have to re-sign the WinPE file. Do not forget to keep up-to-date network drivers if needed.

7.4.4. Adding the Operating System ISO

The next step is to add the Operating System .iso file to use for deploying Windows.

  • Use the latest official Windows release from Microsoft as the .iso file.

ISO section of the WADS Console

ISO section of the WADS Console

  • In the Install ISO section in the main WADS Console, click on the + button to upload the selected .iso file.

  • Select the .iso file and give it a name.

Dialog box for selecting the ISO file to upload to the WADS Server

Dialog box for selecting the ISO file to upload to the WADS Server

  • When uploaded, the .iso file is signed with the selected certificate.

Dialog box informing of the signing progression of the ISO file in the WADS Console

Dialog box informing of the signing progression of the ISO file in the WADS Console

  • After the signing step has successfully completed, the .iso file is uploaded to the WADS Server.

Dialog box informing of the uploading progession of the ISO file in the WADS Console

Dialog box informing of the uploading progession of the ISO file in the WADS Console

  • After the uploading step has successfully completed, the .iso file appears in the Install iso section in the main WADS Console.

The ISO file has been successfully added to the WADS repository


It is possible to upload several .iso versions of Windows for different use cases.

7.4.5. Adding the Configuration answer file

The next step is to add the Configuration answer file that will be used to configure the deployment of the Windows Operating System.

Answer file section of the WADS Console

Answer file section of the WADS Console

  • In the Configuration section click on the + button to configure the answer file.

Window for creating the answer configuration file in the WADS Console

Window for creating the answer configuration file in the WADS Console

Options for the answer file in the WADS Console



Config Name

Defines the name of the XML answer file.

ISO Name

Defines the .iso file to associate to the XML answer file.

For Windows

Defines whether you install a Windows OS or Linux if unchecked.

Install Wapt

Defines whether to install the WAPT agent after the installation of the Operating System.

Configuration file

Defines the XML answer files template to use for Windows or the configuration file for Linux.

Post install Script

Defines a .bat post-install script to be run after the installation of the Operating System.

  • Insert into the Config Name field the name of the answer file.

  • Select with the Iso Name dropdown the ISO file to association to the deployment configuration.

  • Check or uncheck the Install WAPT checkbox to install the WAPT Agent by default.

  • Check or uncheck the For Windows checkbox to install a Windows OS.

  • Select the answer file template to associate to the deployment configuration with the Configuration File field. If the OS is not Windows, select the configuration file for Linux.

  • If necessary, set the post-install script in Post install Script, for example:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt\wapt-get.exe" install tis-firefox-esr
  • Click on the Save button to create the answer file.

  • When done, the configuration appears in the Configuration section.

Answer file added to the WADS Server in the WADS Console

Answer file added to the WADS Server in the WADS Console


It is possible to create several answer file configurations for different versions of Windows / Linux and for different use cases.

7.4.6. Joining the host to an Active Directory domain

You can use your own answer file with WADS but by default, WADS integrate 2 types of answer files for Windows:

Update this part with your join service account, you can give a specific OU if you want. If not, just delete the line MachineObjectOU.


7.4.7. Adding drivers

The next step is to add driver bundles that will be used during the deployment of the Windows Operating System.

Drivers section of the WADS Console

Drivers section of the WADS Console

  • In the Drivers section click on the + button to add a driver pack to the WADS Server.

This window allows you to upload the driver bundles to associate to the Windows deployment.

Window for creating the driver bundles in the WADS Console

Window for creating the driver bundles in the WADS Console

Options for the driver bundles in the WADS Console



Choose Dir

Defines the path to the folder containing the driver bundles.


Defines the name of the driver bundle.

  • Click on the Save button, the uploading of the driver bundles starts.

Dialog box informing the uploading progression of the driver bundles in the WAPT Console

Dialog box informing the uploading progression of the driver bundles in the WAPT Console

  • When uploaded, the drivers pack appears in the Drivers section of the WADS Console.

The drivers pack has been uploaded to the WADS Server

The drivers pack has been uploaded to the WADS Server

It is possible to create several driver packs for different versions of Windows and for different use cases.

It is possible to use the .cab files from OEM.

It is also possibe to export the drivers from an existing well functioning host using a Powershell command.

Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination D:\Drivers

7.4.8. Booting the host to re-image with WADS

WADS allows 2 methods boot the host to re-image: Booting the host with a USB stick


The USB key used MUST be FAT32 formatted and empty.

  • Insert the USB stick in the WAPT adminsitration workstation and click on the Create WinPE USB Key button to start the process.

  • Choose the keyboard layout. This step is important because you will type in the hostname in WinPE using the keyboard layout chosen with this step.

  • Select the certificate with which to sign the USB stick files

Dialog box for selecting the keyboard in the WADS Console, certificates and drivers
  • Click on the Upload WinPE to format the USB stick and copy the WinPE file.

  • Boot to the computer’s boot menu using the USB stick option and go to the run the deployment step.


You can Export to zip when you create a WinPE USB Key if you can not use a USB key and then burn it onto a CD / DVD instead.

WADS button to select export to zip

WADS button to select export to zip Booting the host with the network

Booting from the LAN requires:

  • A properly working TFTP server;

  • A properly working DHCP server;

  • Having port 69 open on the WAPT Server for inbound traffic, and having tftp conntrack enabled on intermediate firewalls if you have firewalls between the server and the client computer.

  • Boot to the computer’s boot menu using the LAN option and go to the run the deployment step.

7.4.9. Deploying the Windows image

There are 3 choices when booting with iPXE:

iPXE boot menu window

iPXE boot menu window

  • Boot Local disk for starting normally from local storage;

  • Register host (ipxe) to register the host with the WADS Server using the iPXE method;

  • Register host (winpe) to register the host with the WADS Server using the WinPE method.

  • If choosing Register host (ipxe), define a hostname.

Text terminal window requesting a hostname when registering using the iPXE method

Text terminal window requesting a hostname when registering using the iPXE method


The keybord is qwerty

  • Refresh the WADS Console with F5, the host appears in the OS Deploy tab.

Host waiting to be deployed

Host waiting to be deployed

At this time, the Waiting to Deploy status of the host is False.

  • Right click on the host to open the menu list.

WADS menu list
  • Go to Change Config and select a XML answer file.

  • Click on Start Deploy, the Waiting to Deploy status of the host switches to True.

The host is ready to be re-imaged
  • Reboot the host to the same boot option as before (USB or LAN), Windows will start to install.

  • When the installation has completed, the OS Deploy tab, the status switches to Done.

7.4.10. Format host disk

When your host is ready to be redeployed, if necessary, you can format its disk using the UEFI or the Legacy method.

To do so, right-click on host then Edit Format Disk Config.

Right-click menu on host

Then you can choose either the UEFI or the Legacy script and customize the disk format configuration. Here is an example with the Legacy script:

Create Format Configuration for the hard disk