Attention : WAPT 2.6 is currently in Release Candidate stage. It is not intented for production. For production please install WAPT 2.5 version

5. Restoring the WAPT Server

In case of a complete crash, restart a standard WAPT Server installation on your WAPT Server. Then follow this procedure to restore your data.

5.1. Linux

  • Stop WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

systemctl stop nginx
systemctl stop waptserver
systemctl stop waptserver-uwsgi
systemctl stop wapttasks
  • Restore the following directories.

  • Restore the database (adapt the name of your file). The first command deletes the WAPT database (if it exists). Make sure that your dump file is correct before deleting!


Check the encoding before creating the wapt database, if the dumped file is in en_US, your new base has to be en_US.

cd /tmp
sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop database wapt"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database wapt with owner=wapt encoding='utf-8'"
sudo -u postgres psql < /tmp/backup_wapt.sql
  • Apply ownership rights to the restored folders.

chown -R wapt:www-data /var/www/wapt/
chown -R wapt:www-data /var/www/wapt-host/
chown -R wapt:www-data /var/www/waptwua/
chown -R wapt:www-data /var/www/wads/
chown -R wapt /opt/wapt/conf/
chown -R wapt /opt/wapt/waptserver/ssl/
  • Run a Scanpackages on your repositories.

wapt-scanpackages /var/www/wapt/
  • Restart WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

systemctl start wapttasks
systemctl start waptserver
systemctl start nginx

5.2. Windows

  • Stop WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

net stop WAPTPostgresql
net stop WAPTServer
net stop WAPTService
net stop WAPTTftpServer
  • Restore the following directories.

  • Apply full rights to the folder C:\wapt\waptserver\repository for the “Network Service” group.

  • Restore PostgreSQL Database with pg_restore.exe.

"C:\wapt\waptserver\pgsql-14\bin\psql.exe" -f c:\backup_wapt.sql -U postgres
  • Scan package repositories.

wapt-scanpackages "C:\wapt\waptserver\repository\wapt"
  • Restart WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

net start WAPTPostgresql
net start WAPTServer
net start WAPTService
net start WAPTTftpServer