Attention : support for WAPT 1.8.2 ended on June the 30th 2022.

There are known vulnerabilities in WAPT dependencies in WAPT 1.8.2 branch. Please upgrade to the latest supported version. CVE listing (non exhaustive) :
  • * python engine : python 2.7 (CVE-2020-10735, CVE-2015-20107, CVE-2022-0391, CVE-2021-23336, CVE-2021-3177, CVE-2020-27619, CVE-2020-26116, CVE-2019-20907, CVE-2020-8492, etc.)
  • * cryptography : openssl : CVE-2022-2068, CVE-2022-1292, CVE-2022-0778, CVE-2021-4160, CVE-2021-3712, CVE-2021-23841, CVE-2021-23840, CVE-2021-23839, CVE-2020-1971, CVE-2020-1968, CVE-2019-1551
  • * python dependencies : cryptography (CVE-2020-36242, CVE-2020-25659), eventlet (CVE-2021-21419), jinja2 (CVE-2020-28493), psutil (CVE-2019-18874), waitress (CVE-2022-31015), lxml (CVE-2021-4381, CVE-2021-28957, CVE-2020-27783, CVE-2018-19787), ujson (CVE-2022-31117, CVE-2022-31116, CVE-2021-45958), python-ldap (CVE-2021-46823)

Using the WAPT console (detailed)


Some functionalities detailed here are only available with the Enterprise version of WAPT.

Software inventory as registered in the Windows registry of the host

Software inventory as registered in the Windows registry of the host

How to perform actions on the hosts?

Host configuration menu

Host configuration menu

List of actions available to be performed on the hosts from the WAPT console



Edit the configuration of the host


Refresh the list of available packages


Offer the user to launch an upgrade


Send a message to the selected hosts


Audit the packages installed on selected hosts


Add one or more packages on selected hosts


Remove one or more packages from selected hosts


Prevent packages from being installed on hosts


Add one or more packages on selected hosts


Remove the host and/or the host package


Launch TIShelp with a remote host


Initiate a VNC connection with the remote host


Connect via Veyon


Launch a RDP connection on the selected host


Launch remote user support (msra.exe)


Manage hosts with compmgmt.msc


Manage Users and Groups with lusrmgr.msc


Manage Services with services.msc


Send a WakeOnLAN special packet to selected hosts


Search for applicable Windows updates


Download pending Windows updates


Trigger the installation of pending Windows updates


Add Active Directory groups to the selected machines


Trigger an inventory update on selected hosts


Restart the WAPT service


Searching a host

*Search* function in WAPT

Search function in WAPT

Allows you to search for a value in the selected column.

Show the inventory

When the WAPT agents register, they send some information to the WAPT Server.

Information displayed in the console is not updated in real-time, you have to refresh the display to view new status and information.

Click on the Refresh button or press F5 on the keyboard.

WAPT console displaying inventory

WAPT console displaying inventory

The WAPT console lists hosts that are registered with the WAPT Server and some information that is useful for managing the hosts.

Selecting a host displays its information in the right panel of the WAPT console (Hardware inventory and Software inventory).

Hardware inventory displays the hardware inventory of the host

Common informations displayed in the Hardware inventory tab is:

  • the name of the host;

  • the description of the host;

  • the operating system running on the host;

  • the IP address of the host;

  • the last WAPT task that was run on the host;

  • the manufacturer of the host;

  • the model of the host;

  • the date of the latest update on the host;

  • the name of the user last or currently connected on host;

Host summary

Host summary

Status of packages in the WAPT console



List of installed WAPT packages

Status: OK

List of packages waiting to be installed


List of packages pending updates


List of packages that have failed to install

Status: ERROR

When a package returns a status ERROR, click on it to show the details of the error. Errors are print messages in the of your packages.

Error detail

Error detail

Acting on packages installed on a host

Possible actions for WAPT packages

Possible actions for WAPT packages


  • multiple selection of packages is possible;

  • the host must be seen by the WAPT Server when the action is launched;

  • if several hosts are selected, the action will be launched on all selected hosts;

Acting on packages installed on a specific host



Install a package

installs the selected package on selected hosts

Force a package

forces the re-installation of a selected package on selected hosts

Remove a package

removes the selected package from the selected hosts

Forget a package

tells the selected hosts not to use WAPT for managing the selected package

Audit the package

triggers an audit on the selected package

Hardware inventory tab

Information displayed by default in the Hardware inventory tab is:

  • information on the host’s hardware components;

  • some information about the host;

  • some information on the status of WAPT;

Host hardware inventory

Host hardware inventory

A Filter box allows to search for hosts.


Filters work with regular expression.

To add a column in the grid, drag and drop a hardware property from the Hardware inventory grid to the main grid.

Example: in hosts, drag and drop physical_memory in the left panel, and the column physical_memory appears in the main grid.

Adding a criteria to the main grid of the WAPT console

Adding a criteria to the main grid of the WAPT console

Software inventory tab

Common information displayed in the Sofware inventory tab is:

  • maker

  • software name

  • software version;

  • installation date;

  • uninstall key;

  • uninstall string;

Software inventory as registered in the Windows registry of the host

Software inventory as registered in the Windows registry of the host

Windows update tab

Information displayed in the Hardware inventory tab is:

  • Windows update agent version;

  • date of the last Windows update scan;

  • duration of the last scan;

  • WAPTWUA status;

  • date of the last version of processed by WAPT;

  • status of WAPTWUA Enabled (True/ False);

    The grid then lists Windows cab files that have been installed or that are pending installation.

Information displayed in the Windows Updates tab are:

  • Status;

  • Product;

  • Update ID;

  • Kbids;

  • Published on;

  • installation on;

  • Severity on;

  • Classification;

  • Title;

  • Download size;

Inventory of Windows Updates

Inventory of Windows Updates

Task tab

Information displayed by default in the Tasks tab is:

  • pending tasks;

Details of pending tasks on the host

Details of pending tasks on the host

  • completed tasks;

Details of completed tasks

Details of completed tasks

  • tasks in error;

Details of tasks in error

Details of tasks in error

Perform a global search on all hosts

Performing global searches on all the criteria presented above is possible.

Choose the filters to check or uncheck.

Advanced search functionalities in the WAPT console

Advanced search functionalities in the WAPT console

Choice of filters

Possible options



Host section in the Hardware inventory tab when a host is selected


DMI section in the Hardware inventory tab when a host is selected


Software inventory section when a host is selected


List of packages installed on the selected hosts

Have errors

Search only for hosts for which a task has not finished correctly

Needing upgrades

Search only for hosts needing upgrades

Group selection

Filter hosts based on their membership/ dependency to a group package


Filters work with regular expression.

Do a search based on a WAPT package

In the Private repository, select the package and then click on Show Hosts.

The grid will display the hosts on which the package is installed. Note that the filter is only active on the Package attribute of the selected package.

The different columns display information about the packages installed on the machine (e.g. package version, package status, audit status, installation date, architecture).

Filter by package

Filter by package

You can also add the columns Log install and Last Audit Output to display at a glance the installation and audit logs.

Creating a group package

Group packages allows you to create a package containing other packages to be affected as a dependency to a host.

To create a group of packages, go to the Bundles tab:

Package group grid

Package group grid

  • click on New bundle;

  • give a name to the group package;


If you name a group package with the same name as an Active Directory security group (Microsoft or Samba-AD), a member of the Active Directory group can be automatically added to the WAPT group package.

  • fill in the description, add packages to the group package by dragging and dropping them or by Right-clicking on the package name, and adding it to the bundle;

Creating a group package

Creating a group package

  • click on Save to save the bundle;


To uninstall a package, it is possible to add banned packages to a bundle.

Forbid a package

Forbid a package

In the Software Repository tab, the list of packages currently available in the WAPT repository appears. By default, the console will only show the latest version of packages.

To display all package versions, untick Last version only. To delete a package from the repository, Right-click ‣ Remove from repository.

Remove a package

Remove a package

To edit a package, Right-click ‣ Edit package, the package will be downloaded locally in the base package development directory set in the console settings.

Make changes to the package as wanted, rebuild the package and upload it back to the repository. Once your package has uploaded, refresh the package list using the Refresh package list button or by pressing F5 on your keyboard.

A search bar is also available to filter packages.


With the section drop-down menu, you can choose to create a profile package rather than a group package.

Cleaning the local cache from the WAPT console

When importing a package from the Internet, the WAPT console downloads the package in %appdata%localwaptconsolecache .

To clean the cache and free up disk space, click on Tools ‣ Clean local cache.

Cleaning up the local cache

Cleaning up the local cache

Changing the password of the WAPT Server

To change the WAPT Server password, click on Tools ‣ Update password, fill in the old password and add a new one.

Making changes to the WAPT console preferences

To make changes to the console settings, go to Tools ‣ Preferences.

Configuration options for the WAPT console

Configuration options for the WAPT console

  • Basic tab for basic options;

Configuration options for the WAPT console

Configuration options for the WAPT console




WAPT Server IP address

URL of the WAPT Server


URL of the main WAPT repository

URL of the main WAPT repository (only if Specify manually is checked)


URL of the WAPT Server

URL of the WAPT Server (only if Specify manually is checked)


Verifying the HTTPS certificate

Indicates whether the HTTPS certificate must be verified


Path to the bundle of certificates

Path to the bundle of certificates that will allow certificates to be verified

Visit the documentation on activating HTTPS verification

Prefix to use when creating packages. Ex: tis or demo

Prefix that is given to packages during replication.


Path to the Administrator’s personal certificate

Path to the certificate associated with the private key used to sign packages



The button Get the server certificate downloads the WAPT Server HTTPS certificate to WAPT\ssl\server and tells the WAPT console to verify HTTPS connections using that bundle of certificates. The method is called Certificate pinning. Before downloding the HTTPS certificate, you must be sure that you are connecting with the right server.

  • Advanced tab for advanced options;

Configuration options for the WAPT console

Configuration options for the WAPT console

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Path to waptdev folder

Indicates the path to the directory for storing packages being developed


HTTP proxy to use

Indicates a proxy server to be used by the WAPT console when accessing the WAPT repository or the WAPT Server


Activating the proxy

Activate proxy settings for connecting to the WAPT repository or the WAPT Server


To make changes to console settings, go to Tools ‣ Preferences.

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Maximum number of hosts to be displayed in the console

Indicates the maximum number of hosts to be displayed in the WAPT console, so to optimize the behavior of the console.



Selects the language for the WAPT console


Showing debug information in the WAPT console

Shows debug information in the WAPT console


Allow third-party tools in the contextual menus of the hosts



Activate administration functionalities



Hide unavailable options



Generating a new public certificate

New in version

Generating a new public certificate allows to actualize an existing public certificate without having to regenerate a public key/ certificate pair.

For that purpose, go to Tools ‣ Generate a new certificate

Generate a self-signed certificate

Generate a self-signed certificate

The private key is recovered from current settings, change the Common Name and regenerate a new certificate.

The old certificate will be invalidated.

New public certificate has been created

New public certificate has been created

Adding plugins in the Console

New in version 1.7.

To add plugins, go to Tools ‣ preference ‣ plugins Tab.

Create a plugin

Click Add to add plugins, then edit the corresponding columns

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Name that will appear in the menu


Path of the executable that will be executed after the click


Arguments passed to the executable. Some variables can be used like {ip}, {uuid} or {computer_fqdn}

Plugins will then appear in the menu:

Insert "Explorer" as a plugin with IP variables