.. Reminder for header structure: Parts (H1) : #################### with overline Chapters (H2) : ******************** with overline Sections (H3) : ==================== Subsections (H4) : -------------------- Subsubsections (H5) : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Paragraphs (H6) : """"""""""""""""""""" .. meta:: :description: Installing WAPT Server on a RedHat based distribution :keywords: WAPT, installing, RedHat, SuSE, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux .. |date| date:: .. role:: red ##################################################### Installing WAPT Server on a RedHat based distribution ##################################################### .. _base_redhat-based_server_install: *************************************** Setting up the RedHat based WAPT Server *************************************** In order to install a fresh :red:`RedHat` or derivative host (virtual or physical) please refer to official documentation. .. warning:: * Install the server without the graphical user interface. Configuring network parameters ============================== .. include:: wapt-resources/linux-server-naming.txt Configuring the name of the WAPT Server ======================================= .. hint:: The short name of the WAPT Server **MUST** not be longer than 15 characters (the limit is due to *sAMAccountName* restriction in Active Directory). The name of the WAPT Server **MUST** be a :abbr:`FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)`, that is to say it has both the WAPT Server name and the DNS suffix. * Modify the :file:`/etc/hostname` file and write the :term:`FQDN` of the WAPT Server. .. code-block:: bash # /etc/hostname of the WAPT Server srvwapt.mydomain.lan * Configure the :file:`/etc/hosts` file, be sure to put both the :term:`FQDN` and the short name of the WAPT Server. .. code-block:: bash # /etc/hosts of the waptserver localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 srvwapt.mydomain.lan srvwapt .. hint:: * On the line defining the DNS server IP address, be sure to have the IP of the WAPT Server (not, then the :term:`FQDN`, then the short name. * Do not change the line with :code:`localhost`. Configuring the IP address of the WAPT Server ============================================= * Define a static IP address using the nmcli command or nmtui for a semi-graphical interface (Click `here `_ for more information about the nmtui command). The name of the file can be different, like :file:`enp0s17`, :file:`ifcfg-eth0` for example. .. code-block:: bash nmcli con mod enp0s17 ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns * Apply the network configuration by rebooting the host with a :command:`reboot`. .. code-block:: bash reboot * If it has not already been done, create the :ref:`DNS entry ` for the WAPT Server in the :term:`Organization`'s Active Directory or DNS server. * After having rebooted, configure the system locale in English in order to have non-localized logs for easier searching of common errors. .. code-block:: bash dnf update && dnf install langpacks-en glibc-all-langpacks -y localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.utf8 localectl status * Check that the host clock is on time and that SELinux and the firewall are enabled. .. code-block:: bash date sestatus systemctl status firewalld * Check whether the machine is properly synchronized with NTP server. If it is not synchronized please refer to the OS documentation to configure :command:`timedatectl`. .. code-block:: bash timedatectl status * Update the distribution and set up the :abbr:`EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux)` repository. .. code-block:: bash dnf update dnf install epel-release wget sudo -y The WAPT Server is now ready. .. attention:: The upgrade procedure is different from an initial installation. For an upgrade, please refer to :ref:`the documentation on upgrading the WAPT Server `. *********************************** Installing the WAPT Server packages *********************************** .. tabs:: .. tab:: RedHat 9 and derivatives * Add Tranquil IT's repository. .. code-block:: bash :substitutions: cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/wapt.repo < /etc/yum.repos.d/wapt.repo <`.