.. Reminder for header structure: Parts (H1) : #################### with overline Chapters (H2) : ******************** with overline Sections (H3) : ==================== Subsections (H4) : -------------------- Subsubsections (H5) : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Paragraphs (H6) : """"""""""""""""""""" .. meta:: :description: Installing the WAPT Server with Ansible :keywords: WAPT, installing, Ansible .. _install_waptserver_ansible: ####################################### Installing the WAPT Server with Ansible ####################################### To avoid mistakes and automate your WAPT Server deployment, we provide Ansible roles for installing the WAPT Server. You can explore the role source code by `visiting Tranquil IT repository on Github `_. ************ Requirements ************ * Debian Linux or RedHat based hosts. * A sudoers user on these hosts. * Ansible 2.8. *************************** Installing the Ansible role *************************** Discovery ========= Enterprise ========== * Install ``tranquilit.waptserver`` Ansible role. .. code-block:: bash ansible-galaxy install tranquilit.waptserver * To install the role elsewhere, use the *-p* subcommand like this. .. code-block:: bash ansible-galaxy install tranquilit.waptserver -p /path/to/role/directory/ ********************** Using the Ansible role ********************** * Ensure you have a working ssh key deployed on your hosts, if not you can generate and copy one like below. .. code-block:: bash ssh-keygen -t ed25519 ssh-copy-id -i id_ed25519.pub user@srvwapt.mydomain.lan ssh user@srvwapt.mydomain.lan -i id_ed25519.pub * Edit Ansible hosts inventory (:file:`./hosts`) and add the Linux hosts. .. code-block:: ini [srvwapt] srvwapt.mydomain.lan ansible_host= * Create a playbook with the following content in :file:`./playbooks/wapt.yml`. .. code-block:: yaml - hosts: srvwapt roles: - { role: tranquilit.waptserver } * Run the playbook with the following command. .. code-block:: bash ansible-playbook -i ./hosts ./playbooks/wapt.yml -u user --become --become-method=sudo -K The WAPT Server is now ready. You may go to the documentation on :ref:`installing the WAPT Console `!! Role variables ============== Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see :file:`defaults/main.yml`): * Version of WAPT that will be installed from WAPT Deb/RPM repository. .. code-block:: yaml wapt_version: "2.0" * Version of PostgreSQL that will be installed from WAPT Deb/RPM repository. .. code-block:: yaml pgsql_version: "11" * Version of the RedHat based distribution used for RPM repository address. .. code-block:: yaml redhat-based_version: "redhat-based7" * The parameter ``launch_postconf`` defaults to True, it launches WAPT Server post-configuration script silently. .. code-block:: yaml launch_postconf: True Example Ansible playbook ======================== Here is an example of an Ansible playbook. .. code-block:: yaml - hosts: srvwapt vars_files: - vars/main.yml roles: - tranquilit.waptserver .. _install_waptagent_ansible: ******************************************* Deploying the Linux WAPT Agent with Ansible ******************************************* To avoid mistakes and automate your WAPT Agents deployment on Linux, we provide Ansible roles for installing WAPT Agents on: * Debian; * Ubuntu; * Redhat based distribution. You can explore the role source code `by visiting this link on Github `_. Requirements ============ * Debian Linux or RedHat based hosts. * A sudoers user on these hosts. * Ansible 2.8. Installing the Ansible role =========================== * Install :code:`tranquilit.waptagent` Ansible role. .. code-block:: bash ansible-galaxy install tranquilit.waptagent * To install the role elsewhere, use the *-p* subcommand like this. .. code-block:: bash ansible-galaxy install tranquilit.waptagent -p /path/to/role/directory/ Using the Ansible role ====================== * Ensure you have a working ssh key deployed on your hosts, if not you can generate and copy one like below. .. code-block:: bash ssh-keygen -t ed25519 ssh-copy-id -i id_ed25519.pub user@computer1.mydomain.lan ssh user@computer1.mydomain.lan -i id_ed25519.pub * Edit Ansible hosts inventory in the :file:`./hosts` file and add the Linux hosts. .. code-block:: ini [computers] computer1.mydomain.lan ansible_host= computer1.mydomain.lan ansible_host= * Create a playbook with the following content in :file:`./playbooks/deploywaptagent.yml`. .. code-block:: yaml - hosts: computers roles: - { role: tranquilit.waptagent } * Ensure all variables are correctly set (see :ref:`install_waptagent_ansible_vars`). * :code:`wapt_server_url`; * :code:`wapt_repo_url`; * :code:`wapt_crt`. .. important:: Variables configuration is important as it will configure the behavior of the WAPT Agents. You **MUST** replace the default certificate with your Code-Signing public certificate. * Run your playbook with the following command. .. code-block:: bash ansible-playbook -i ./hosts ./playbooks/deploywaptagent.yml -u user --become --become-method=sudo -K **Congratulations, you have installed your WAPT Agent on your Linux hosts!** Role variables ============== Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see :file:`defaults/main.yml`). WAPT Agent variables ==================== * Version of WAPT that will be installed from WAPT Deb/RPM repository. .. code-block:: yaml wapt_version: "2.0" * Version of the RedHat based distribution used for RPM repository address. .. code-block:: yaml redhat-based_version: "redhat-based7" .. _install_waptagent_ansible_vars: wapt-get.ini variables ---------------------- The :code:`wapt_server_url` parameter points to your WAPT Server and is used by default for the :code:`wapt_repo_url`. .. code-block:: yaml wapt_server_url: "https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan" wapt_repo_url: "{{ wapt_server_url }}/wapt/" You can override it like so: .. code-block:: yaml wapt_server_url: "https://wapt.landomain.lan" wapt_repo_url: "https://wapt.otherdomain.com/wapt/" Certificate filename located in :file:`files/` subdirectory of the role: .. code-block:: yaml wapt_crt: "wapt_ca.crt" Example Ansible playbook ======================== Here is an example of an Ansible playbook. .. code-block:: yaml - hosts: hosts vars_files: - vars/main.yml roles: - tranquilit.waptagent