Source code for waptutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##    This file is part of WAPT Software Deployment
##    Copyright (C) 2012 - 2024  Tranquil IT
##    All Rights Reserved.
##    WAPT helps systems administrators to efficiently deploy
##    setup, update and configure applications.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------

__version__ = "2.6.0"

import os
import sys
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Any, Union, Callable
import re
import subprocess
import logging
import types
import datetime
import time
import json
import itertools
import random
import string
import email
import copy
import platform
import codecs
import glob
import requests
import locale
import textwrap
import zipfile
import tempfile
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import traceback
import imp
import shutil
import threading
import socket
import ipaddress
import psutil
import urllib.parse
from configparser import RawConfigParser
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
if sys.version_info > (3, 5, 0):
    from urllib3.util.ssl_ import create_urllib3_context
import ssl
from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
import io
from operator import attrgetter

    import waptlicences
    from waptlicences import uptime
except ImportError:
    uptime = None
    waptlicences = None

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    import _winapi
    import win32process
    import win32net
    import win32netcon
    import winreg
    import pywintypes
    import win32security
elif sys.platform == 'linux':
    import pwd
    import grp

# some shortcuts
isfile = os.path.isfile
isdir = os.path.isdir

LOGLEVELS = ('debug', 'warning', 'info', 'error', 'critical')

class EWaptAuthException(Exception):

class CalledProcessErrorOutput(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
    """CalledProcessError with printed output"""

    def __str__(self):
            return "Command %s returned non-zero exit status %d.\nOutput:%s" % (repr(self.cmd), self.returncode, ensure_unicode(self.output))
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return "Command %s returned non-zero exit status %d.\nOutput:%s" % (repr(self.cmd), self.returncode, repr(self.output))

def setloglevel(logger: logging, loglevel: str):
    """set loglevel as string"""
    if loglevel and logger:
        if loglevel.lower() in LOGLEVELS:
            numeric_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None)
            if not isinstance(numeric_level, int):
                raise ValueError('Invalid log level: {}'.format(loglevel))
            raise ValueError('Invalid log level: {}. Must be one of {}'.format(loglevel,LOGLEVELS))

logger = logging.getLogger('waptcore')
tasks_logger = logging.getLogger('wapttasks')

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
        import ctypes
        import win32api
        import pythoncom

        class _disable_file_system_redirection(object):
            r"""Context manager to disable temporarily the wow3264 file redirector

            >>> with disable_file_system_redirection():
            ...     winshell.get_path(shellcon.CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES)
            u'C:\\Program Files (x86)'
                _disable = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection
                _revert = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection
                _disable = None
                _revert = None

            def __enter__(self):
                if self._disable:
                    self.old_value = ctypes.c_long()
                    self.success = self._disable(ctypes.byref(self.old_value))

            def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
                if self._revert and self.success:
    except Exception:
        class _disable_file_system_redirection(object):
            def __enter__(self):

            def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def _programfiles():
        """Return native program directory, ie C:\Program Files for both 64 and 32 bits"""
        if 'PROGRAMW6432' in os.environ:
            return os.environ['PROGRAMW6432']
            return os.environ['PROGRAMFILES']

    ExceptionRun = WindowsError
    def get_exception_run_arg(e:ExceptionRun, index:int) -> str:
        return e.args[index];

    class _disable_file_system_redirection(object):
        def __enter__(self):

        def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    ExceptionRun = RuntimeError
    def get_exception_run_arg(e:ExceptionRun, index:int) -> str:
        return e[index];

def int2uhex(aint:int)->str:
    """Convert a signed integer to a unsigned hex representation
    Useful for com error

    return '%#4x' % (aint & 0xffffffff)

def timeout_ms_or_default(timeout_s:float,default_s=60)->int:
    if timeout_s is None or timeout_s <= 0:
        return int(default_s * 1000)
    return int(timeout_s * 1000)

# Code from Michael Robellard's comment made 28 Feb 2010
# Modified for leading +, -, space on 1 Mar 2010 by Glenn Linderman
# Tail recursion removed and  leading garbage handled on March 12 2010, Alessandro Forghieri
def splitThousands(s: str, tSep: str = ',' , dSep: str = '.') -> str:
    '''Splits a general float on thousands. GIGO on general input'''
    if s == None:
        return 0
    if not isinstance(s, str):
        s = str(s)

    cnt = 0
    numChars = dSep+'0123456789'
    ls = len(s)
    while cnt < ls and s[cnt] not in numChars:
        cnt += 1

    lhs = s[0:cnt]
    s = s[cnt:]
    if dSep == '':
        cnt = -1
        cnt = s.rfind(dSep)
    if cnt > 0:
        rhs = dSep + s[cnt+1:]
        s = s[:cnt]
        rhs = ''

    splt = ''
    while s != '':
        splt = s[-3:] + tSep + splt
        s = s[:-3]

    return lhs + splt[:-1] + rhs

def format_bytes(bytes: int) -> str:
    if bytes is None:
        return None
        bytes = float(bytes)
        if bytes >= 1099511627776: # pow(1024, 4)
            terabytes = bytes / 1099511627776
            size = '%.2fTb' % terabytes
        elif bytes >= 1073741824: # pow(1024, 3)
            gigabytes = bytes / 1073741824
            size = '%.2fGb' % gigabytes
        elif bytes >= 1048576: # pow(1024, 2)
            megabytes = bytes / 1048576
            size = '%.2fMb' % megabytes
        elif bytes >= 1024:
            kilobytes = bytes / 1024
            size = '%.2fKb' % kilobytes
            size = '%.2fb' % bytes
        return size

# {{{ (r2)

def pptable(cursor, data=None, rowlens=0, callback=None):
    pretty print a query result as a table
    callback is a function called for each field (fieldname,value) to format the output
    def defaultcb(fieldname, value):
        return value

    if not callback:
        callback = defaultcb

    d = cursor.description
    if not d:
        return "#### NO RESULTS ###"
    names = []
    lengths = []
    rules = []
    if not data:
        data = cursor.fetchall()
    for dd in d:    # iterate over description
        l = dd[1]
        if not l:
            l = 12              # or default arg ...
        l = max(l, len(dd[0]))  # handle long names
    for col in range(len(lengths)):
        if rowlens:
            rls = [len(row[col]) for row in data if row[col]]
        lengths[col] = max([lengths[col]]+rls)

    format = " ".join(["%%-%ss" % l for l in lengths])
    result = [format % tuple(names)]
    result.append(format % tuple(rules))
    for row in data:
        row_cb = []
        for col in range(len(d)):
            row_cb.append(callback(d[col][0], row[col]))
        result.append(format % tuple(row_cb))
    return "\n".join(result)
# end of }}}

def ppdicttable(alist: List[Dict], columns: List[Tuple] = [], callback=None)->str:
    pretty print a list of dict as a table
    columns is an ordered list of (fieldname,width)
    callback is a function called for each field (fieldname,value) to format the output
    def defaultcb(fieldname, value, width):
        if value is None:
            return ''
        if width<10:
        return textwrap.shorten('%s' % value,width,placeholder=placeholder)

    if not callback:
        callback = defaultcb

    if not alist:
        return "#### NO RESULTS ###"

    lengths = [c[1] for c in columns]
    names = [c[0] for c in columns]
    rules = []
    for col in range(len(lengths)):

    format = " ".join(["%%-%ss" % l for l in lengths])
    result = [format % tuple(names)]
    result.append(format % tuple(rules))
    for row in alist:
        row_cb = []
        for (name, width) in columns:
            if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)):
                name = name[0]
            if isinstance(row, dict):
                row_cb.append(callback(name, row.get(name, None),width))
                row_cb.append(callback(name, getattr(row, name, None),width))
        result.append(format % tuple(row_cb))
    return "\n".join(result)
# end of }}}

def html_table(cur, callback=None):
        cur est un cursor issu d'une requete
        callback est une fonction qui prend (rowmap,fieldname,value)
        et renvoie une representation texte
    def safe_unicode(iso):
        if iso is None:
            return None
        elif isinstance(iso, str):
            return iso.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding())
            return iso

    def itermap(cur):
        for row in cur:
            yield dict((cur.description[idx][0], value)
                       for idx, value in enumerate(row))

    head = "<tr>"+"".join(["<th>"+c[0]+"</th>" for c in cur.description])+"</tr>"
    lines = ""
    if callback:
        for r in itermap(cur):
            lines = lines+"<tr>"+"".join(["<td>"+str(callback(r, c[0], safe_unicode(r[c[0]])))+"</td>" for c in cur.description])+"</tr>"
        for r in cur:
            lines = lines+"<tr>"+"".join(["<td>"+safe_unicode(c)+"</td>" for c in r])+"</tr>"

    return "<table border=1  cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>%s%s</table>" % (head, lines)

def merge_dict(d1: Dict, d2: Dict) -> Dict:
    """merge similar dict"""
    result = copy.deepcopy(d1)

    if d2:
        if not (isinstance(d1,(list,dict)) and isinstance(d2,(list,dict))):
            raise Exception('unsupported types: %s %s' % (type(d1),type(d2)))
        for k in d2:
            if k in result:
                if isinstance(result[k], list) and isinstance(d2[k],list):
                    for item in d2[k]:
                        if not item in result[k]:
                elif isinstance(result[k], dict) and isinstance(d2[k],dict):
                    result[k] = merge_dict(result[k], d2[k])
                    result[k] = d2[k]
                result[k] = d2[k]
    return result

def generate_unique_string():
    return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10))

def default_json(o):
    """callback to extend handling of json.dumps"""
    if hasattr(o, 'as_dict'):
        return o.as_dict()
    if hasattr(o, '_asdict'):
        return o._asdict()
    elif hasattr(o, 'as_json'):
        return o.as_json()
    elif isinstance(o, datetime.datetime):
        return o.isoformat()
        return "%s" % (ensure_unicode(o),)

def jsondump(o, **kwargs):
    """Dump argument to json format, including datetime
    and customized classes with as_dict or as_json callables
    >>> class MyClass(object):
    ...    def as_dict(self):
    ...        return {'test':'a','adate2',03,15)}
    >>> jsondump({'adate',03,14),'an_object':MyClass()})
    '{"adate": "2014-03-14", "an_object": {"test": "a", "adate2": "2014-03-15"}}'
    kwargs['separators'] = kwargs.get('separators',(',', ':'))
    return json.dumps(o, default=default_json,  **kwargs)

def jsondump_compact(o):
    return json.dumps(o, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))

# from opsi
[docs]def ensure_unicode(data): """Return a unicode string from data object It is sometimes difficult to know in advance what we will get from command line application output. This is to ensure we get a (not always accurate) representation of the data mainly for logging purpose. Args: data: either str or unicode or object having a __str__ or WindowsError or Exception Returns: unicode: unicode string representing the data >>> ensure_unicode(str('éé')) u'\xe9\xe9' >>> ensure_unicode(u'éé') u'\xe9\xe9' >>> ensure_unicode(Exception("test")) u'Exception: test' >>> ensure_unicode(Exception()) u'Exception: ' """ try: if data is None: return None if isinstance(data, str): return data if isinstance(data, bytes): try: return data.decode('utf8') except UnicodeError: if platform.system() == 'Windows': try: # cmd output mostly cp850 in france ? return data.decode('cp850') except UnicodeError: try: return data.decode('utf16') except UnicodeError: try: return data.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) except UnicodeError: return data.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'ignore') else: return data.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding(), 'replace') if platform.system() == 'Windows' and isinstance(data, pythoncom.com_error): # pylint: disable=no-member try: try: error_msg = ensure_unicode(win32api.FormatMessage(data.args[2][5])) except Exception: error_msg = '(unable to get meaning for error code %s)' % int2uhex(data.args[2][5]) return "%s (%s): %s (%s)" % (int2uhex(data.args[0]), data.args[1], int2uhex(data.args[2][5]), error_msg) except: try: return "%s : %s" % (int2uhex(data.args[0]), data.args[1]) except UnicodeError: return "%s : %s" % (int2uhex(data.args[0]), data.args[1]) if platform.system() == 'Windows' and isinstance(data, WindowsError): return "%s : %s" % (data.errno, data.strerror) if isinstance(data, UnicodeError): return "%s : faulty string is '%s'" % (data, repr(data.args[1])) if isinstance(data, Exception): try: return "%s: %s" % (data.__class__.__name__, data.__str__()) except: return "%s" % (data.__class__.__name__) if hasattr(data, '__str__'): try: return data.__str__() except: pass return str(data) except UnicodeError: if logger.level != logging.DEBUG: return("Error in ensure_unicode / %s" % (repr(data))) else: raise
[docs]def ensure_list(csv_or_list: Union[List[str], str], ignore_empty_args=True, allow_none=False)->List: """if argument is not a list, return a list from a csv string Args: csv_or_list (list or str): ignore_empty_args (bool): if True, empty string found in csv are not appended to the list. allow_none (bool): if True, if csv_or_list is None, return None, else return empty list/ Returns: list """ if csv_or_list is None: if allow_none: return None else: return [] if isinstance(csv_or_list, (tuple, list)): return list(csv_or_list) elif isinstance(csv_or_list, str): if ignore_empty_args: return [s.strip() for s in csv_or_list.split(',') if s.strip() != ''] else: return [s.strip() for s in csv_or_list.split(',')] else: return [csv_or_list]
[docs]def datetime2isodate(adatetime : Optional[datetime.datetime]= None) -> str: """Return an iso8601 representation of the date/time If adatetime is None, return current datetime in UTC """ if not adatetime: adatetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() assert(isinstance(adatetime, datetime.datetime)) return adatetime.isoformat()
def httpdatetime2datetime(httpdate: str ,localtime: bool = False) -> datetime.datetime: """convert a date string as returned in http headers or mail headers to datetime.datetime (UTC) Args: httpdate (str): form 'Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:47:53 GMT' Returns: datetime.datetime >>> import requests >>> last_modified = requests.head('http://wapt/wapt/Packages',headers={'cache-control':'no-cache','pragma':'no-cache'}).headers['last-modified'] >>> len(httpdatetime2isodate(last_modified)) == 19 True """ if httpdate: date_time_tz = email.utils.parsedate_to_datetime(httpdate) if localtime: return date_time_tz.astimezone() else: return date_time_tz else: return None
[docs]def httpdatetime2isodate(httpdate: str, localtime: bool = False) -> str: """Convert a date string as returned in http headers or mail headers to isodate (UTC) >>> import requests >>> last_modified = requests.head('http://wapt/wapt/Packages',headers={'cache-control':'no-cache','pragma':'no-cache'}).headers['last-modified'] >>> len(httpdatetime2isodate(last_modified)) == 19 True """ if not httpdate: return None return datetime2isodate(httpdatetime2datetime(httpdate, localtime))
def httpdatetime2time(httpdate: str,localtime: bool = False) -> float: """convert a date string as returned in http headers or mail headers to isodate >>> import requests >>> last_modified = requests.head('http://wapt/wapt/Packages',headers={'cache-control':'no-cache','pragma':'no-cache'}).headers['last-modified'] >>> len(httpdatetime2isodate(last_modified)) == 19 True """ if httpdate: if localtime: return httpdatetime2datetime(httpdate).timestamp() else: return time.mktime(httpdatetime2datetime(httpdate).timetuple()) else: return None
[docs]def isodate2datetime(isodatestr: str) -> datetime.datetime: # we remove the microseconds part as it is not working for python2.5 strptime return datetime.datetime.strptime(isodatestr.split('.')[0], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
[docs]def time2display(adatetime: datetime.datetime) -> str: return adatetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
[docs]def hours_minutes(hours: Optional[float]) -> Optional[str]: if hours is None: return None else: return "%02i:%02i" % (int(hours), int((hours - int(hours)) * 60.0))
[docs]def fileisodate(filename: str) -> str: """Returns last update date time from filename in local time""" return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(filename).st_mtime).isoformat()
def fileutcdate(filename: str) -> datetime: """Returns last update date time from filename in UTC Returns: datetime """ return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.stat(filename).st_mtime) def fileutcmtime(filename: str) -> int: return fileutcdate(filename).timestamp() def fileisoutcdate(filename: str) -> str: """Returns last update date time from filename in UTC""" return datetime2isodate(fileutcdate(filename))
[docs]def dateof(adatetime: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.datetime: return adatetime.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
def force_utf8_no_bom(filename: str): """Check if the file is encoded in utf8 readable encoding without BOM rewrite the file in place if not compliant. """ BOMLEN = len(codecs.BOM_UTF8) with open(filename, mode='rb') as f: content = if content.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: content = with open(filename, mode='wb') as f: f.write(content[BOMLEN:]) else: try: with, encoding='utf8') as f: except: with, encoding='iso8859-15') as f: content = with, mode='wb', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(content) def sanitize_filename(filename: str) -> str: # old_forbidden = "@|():%/,\\[]<>*?;`\n" # some characters were not mandatory to sanitize forbidden = '/:\\|<>"?*' + chr(127) return "".join([c for c in filename.replace("..", "_") if c not in forbidden and ord(c) >= 32]).strip().rstrip(".") def is_unsafe_filename(filename: str) -> bool: if filename.startswith('\\\\') or filename.startswith('/'): return True if '\\..' in filename or '/..' in filename or '..\\' in filename or '../' in filename: return True if '$(' in filename: return True for c in filename: if ord(c) < ord(' '): return True if c in '|:<>*?;`\n': return True return False def expand_args(args: List[str], expand_file_wildcards: bool = None) -> List[str]: """Return list of unicode file paths expanded from wildcard list args""" def from_system_encoding(t): if isinstance(t, str): return t else: try: return t.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) except: return ensure_unicode(t) all_args = [] if expand_file_wildcards is None: expand_file_wildcards = True if [p for p in args if ('*' in p) or (':' in p) or (os.pathsep in p)] else False if expand_file_wildcards: for a in ensure_list(args): all_args.extend([os.path.abspath(p) for p in glob.glob(from_system_encoding(a))]) else: all_args.extend([from_system_encoding(a) for a in args]) return all_args def default_http_headers() -> Dict: return { 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'user-agent': 'wapt/{}'.format(__version__), } def http_resource_datetime(url, proxies=None, timeout=2, auth=None, verify_cert=False, cert=None): """Try to get header for the supplied URL, returns None if no answer within the specified timeout Args: url (str) : URL to document proxies (dict) : proxies to use. eg {'http':'http://wpad:3128','https':'http://wpad:3128'} timeout (int) : seconds to wait for answer before giving up auth (list) : (user,password) to authenticate wirh basic auth verify_cert (bool or str) : either False, True (verify with embedded CA list), or path to a directory or PEM encoded CA bundle file to check https certificate signature against. cert (list) : pair of (x509certfilename,pemkeyfilename) for authenticating the client Returns: datetime : last-modified date of document on server """ try: headers = requests.head(url, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, auth=auth, verify=verify_cert, headers=default_http_headers(), cert=cert, allow_redirects=True) if headers.ok: return httpdatetime2datetime(headers.headers.get('last-modified', None)) else: headers.raise_for_status() except Exception: return None def http_resource_isodatetime(url, proxies=None, timeout=2, auth=None, verify_cert=False, cert=None): # try to get header for the supplied URL, returns None if no answer within the specified timeout or UTC iso datetime of resource from server try: headers = requests.head(url, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, auth=auth, verify=verify_cert, headers=default_http_headers(), cert=cert, allow_redirects=True) if headers.ok: return httpdatetime2isodate(headers.headers.get('last-modified', None)) else: headers.raise_for_status() except Exception: return None
[docs]def get_disk_free_space(filepath: str) -> int: """ Returns the number of free bytes on the drive that filepath is on """ total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage(filepath) return free
def _hash_file(fname: str, block_size: int = 2**20, hash_func = hashlib.md5) -> str: if isinstance(fname, io.IOBase): buff_open = fname elif isinstance(fname, str): buff_open = open(fname, 'rb') else: raise Exception("Can't open %s not a buffer type or str" % fname) with buff_open as f: if isinstance(hash_func, str): hash_obj = else: hash_obj = hash_func() while True: data = if not data: break hash_obj.update(data) if isinstance(fname, str): buff_open.close() return hash_obj.hexdigest() def sha1_for_file(fname: str, block_size: int = 2**20) -> str: return _hash_file(fname, block_size, hashlib.sha1) def sha256_for_file(fname: str, block_size: int = 2**20) -> str: return _hash_file(fname, block_size, hashlib.sha256) def hexdigest_for_data(data: str, md: str = 'sha256') -> str: if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('utf8') digest = assert(isinstance(data, bytes)) digest.update(data) return digest.hexdigest() def sha1_for_data(data: str) -> str: return hexdigest_for_data(data, md='sha1') def sha256_for_data(data: str) -> str: return hexdigest_for_data(data, md='sha256') def _check_hash_for_file(fname: str, block_size: int = 2**20, md5: Optional[str] = None, sha1: Optional[str] = None, sha256: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: if not (sha1 or sha256 or md5): raise Exception('No hash to check file') hash_valid = True if sha256 is not None: hash_valid = hash_valid and _hash_file(fname, block_size, hashlib.sha256) == sha256.lower() if sha1 is not None: hash_valid = hash_valid and _hash_file(fname, block_size, hashlib.sha1) == sha1.lower() if md5 is not None: hash_valid = hash_valid and _hash_file(fname, block_size, hashlib.md5) == md5.lower() return hash_valid def is_pem_key_encrypted(pem_filename: str) -> bool: if pem_filename and os.path.isfile(pem_filename): with open(pem_filename, 'r') as f: pem_content = return 'PRIVATE KEY' in pem_content and 'ENCRYPTED' in pem_content else: return False def get_verify_cert(verify_cert_str: str, default=True): if verify_cert_str is None: return True elif verify_cert_str in (True,1,'1','True','true'): return True elif verify_cert_str in (False,0,'0','False','false',''): return False else: return str(verify_cert_str) SAFE_CIPHERS = 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA' # from class SSLAdapter(HTTPAdapter): def __init__(self, certfile, keyfile, password=None, password_callback=None, ssl_options=None, ciphers=None, *args, **kwargs): self._certfile = certfile self._keyfile = keyfile self._password_callback = password_callback self._password = password self._ssl_options = ssl_options self._ciphers = ciphers super(SSLAdapter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def init_poolmanager(self, *args, **kwargs): self._add_ssl_context(kwargs) return super(SSLAdapter, self).init_poolmanager(*args, **kwargs) def proxy_manager_for(self, *args, **kwargs): self._add_ssl_context(kwargs) return super(SSLAdapter, self).proxy_manager_for(*args, **kwargs) def _add_ssl_context(self, kwargs): logger.debug('Loading ssl context with cert %s and key %s' % (self._certfile, self._keyfile,)) context = create_urllib3_context(ciphers=self._ciphers or SAFE_CIPHERS, options=self._ssl_options or (ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1)) context.check_hostname = False if self._password is None and not self._password_callback is None: self._password = self._password_callback(self._keyfile) if not self._password and self._keyfile and is_pem_key_encrypted(self._keyfile): raise Exception('SSLAdapter: Private key is encrypted, but no password to decrypt it : %s' % self._keyfile) context.load_cert_chain(certfile=self._certfile, # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg keyfile=self._keyfile, password=self._password) kwargs['ssl_context'] = context def get_requests_client_cert_session(url=None, cert=None, verify=True, proxies={'http': None, 'https': None}, **kwargs) -> requests.Session: """Returns a requests Session which is aware of client cert auth with password protected key Disable use of environ. Args: url (str): base prefix url for which the session is created cert (tuple) : (certfilename,pem encoded key filename, key password) verify (bool or str) : verify server certificate. Id str, path to trusted CA bundle Returns: Session """ result = requests.Session() # be sure to not use HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY environ variable result.trust_env = False result.headers = default_http_headers() result.verify = get_verify_cert(verify) result.proxies = proxies if not result.verify: requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) # pylint: disable=no-member if url is not None and cert is not None: cert_path = cert[0] key_path = cert[1] if cert_path is not None and key_path is not None and os.path.isfile(cert_path) and os.path.isfile(key_path): # no client cert auth if len(cert) < 3: # append empty password cert = (cert[0], cert[1], None) adapter = SSLAdapter(cert[0], cert[1], cert[2], **kwargs) if result.verify: context = adapter.poolmanager.connection_pool_kw['ssl_context'] if result.verify == True and waptlicences: cadata = "\n".join([l for l in,'r',encoding='utf-8').read().splitlines() if not l.startswith('#')]) context.load_verify_locations(cadata=cadata) context.check_hostname = True result.mount(url, adapter) return result
[docs]def wget(url, target=None, printhook=None, proxies=None, connect_timeout=10, download_timeout=None, verify_cert=None, referer=None, user_agent=None, cert=None, resume=False, md5=None, sha1=None, sha256=None, cache_dir=None, requests_session=None, limit_bandwidth=None): r"""Copy the contents of a file from a given URL to a local file. Args: url (str): URL to document target (str) : full file path of downloaded file. If None, put in a temporary dir with supplied url filename (final part of url) proxies (dict) : proxies to use. eg {'http':'http://wpad:3128','https':'http://wpad:3128'} timeout (int) : seconds to wait for answer before giving up auth (list) : (user,password) to authenticate with basic auth verify_cert (bool or str) : either False, True (verify with embedded CA list), or path to a directory or PEM encoded CA bundle file to check https certificate signature against. cert (list) : tuple/list of (x509certfilename,pemkeyfilename,key password) for authenticating the client. If key is not encrypted, password must be None referer (str): user_agent: resume (bool): md5 (str) : sha1 (str) : sha256 (str) : cache_dir (str) : if file exists here, and md5 matches, copy from here instead of downloading. If not, put a copy of the file here after downloading. requests_session (request.Session) : predefined request session to use instead of building one from scratch from proxies, cert, verfify_cert Returns: str : path to downloaded file >>> respath = wget('','c:\\tmp\\test.wapt',proxies={'http':'http://proxy:3128'}) ??? >>> os.stat(respath).st_size>10000 True >>> respath = wget('http://localhost:8088/runstatus','c:\\tmp\\test.json') ??? """ start_time = time.time() last_time_display = 0.0 last_downloaded = 0 def reporthook(received, total): if total is not None: total = float(total) else: total = received if received > 1: # print only every 0.5 seconds or at end if (time.time()-last_time_display >= 0.5) or (received >= total): elapsed = time.time()-start_time if elapsed > 0.0: speed = received / elapsed else: speed = 0 if printhook: printhook(received, total, speed, url) elif sys.stdout is not None: try: if received == 0: print("Downloading %s (%s)" % (url, format_bytes(total))) elif received >= total: speed = total / (time.time()+.001-start_time) print(" -> download finished (%s/s)%s" % (format_bytes(speed),' ' * 30 )) else: print('%i / %i (%.0f%%) (%s/s)%s\r' % (received, total, 100.0*received/total, format_bytes(speed), ' ' * 30 )) except: return False return True else: return False if target is None: target = tempfile.gettempdir() if os.path.isdir(target): target = os.path.join(target, '') (adir, filename) = os.path.split(target) if not filename: url_parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) filename = url_parts.path.split('/')[-1] if not filename: filename = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) filename = sanitize_filename(filename) if not adir: adir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(adir): os.makedirs(adir) if requests_session is None: if verify_cert is None: verify_cert = True requests_session = get_requests_client_cert_session(url, cert=cert, verify=verify_cert, proxies=proxies) elif proxies is not None or verify_cert is not None or cert is not None: raise Exception('wget: requests_session and proxies,verify_cert,cert are mutually exclusive') with requests_session as session: target_fn = os.path.join(adir, filename) target_fn_temp = target_fn+'.part' # return cached file if md5 matches. if (md5 is not None or sha1 is not None or sha256 is not None): if cache_dir is None: cache_dir = adir if cache_dir is not None and os.path.isdir(cache_dir): cached_filename = os.path.join(cache_dir, filename) if os.path.isfile(cached_filename): if _check_hash_for_file(cached_filename, md5=md5, sha1=sha1, sha256=sha256): resume = False if cached_filename != target_fn: shutil.copy2(cached_filename, target_fn) return target_fn else: cached_filename = None headers = copy.copy(session.headers) if referer != None: headers.update({'referer': '%s' % referer}) if user_agent != None: headers.update({'user-agent': '%s' % user_agent}) if os.path.isfile(target_fn_temp) and resume: try: actual_size = os.stat(target_fn_temp).st_size size_req = session.head(url, timeout=connect_timeout, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True) target_size = int(size_req.headers['content-length']) file_date = size_req.headers.get('last-modified', None) if target_size > actual_size: headers.update({'Range': 'bytes=%s-' % (actual_size,)}) write_mode = 'ab' elif target_size < actual_size: target_size = None write_mode = 'wb' except Exception: target_size = None write_mode = 'wb' else: file_date = None actual_size = 0 target_size = None write_mode = 'wb' # check hashes if size equal if resume and (md5 is not None or sha1 is not None or sha256 is not None) and target_size is not None and (target_size <= actual_size): if not _check_hash_for_file(target_fn_temp, md5=md5, sha1=sha1, sha256=sha256): # restart download... target_size = None write_mode = 'wb' if not resume or target_size is None or (target_size - actual_size) > 0: httpreq = session.get(url, stream=True, timeout=connect_timeout, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True) httpreq.raise_for_status() total_bytes = None if 'content-length' in httpreq.headers: total_bytes = int(httpreq.headers['content-length']) target_free_bytes = get_disk_free_space(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(target))) if total_bytes > target_free_bytes: raise Exception('wget : not enough free space on target drive to get %s MB. Total size: %s MB. Free space: %s MB' % (url, total_bytes // (1024*1024), target_free_bytes // (1024*1024))) # 1Mb max, 1kb min chunk_size = min([1024*1024, max([total_bytes//100, 2048])]) else: chunk_size = 1024*1024 cnt = 0 with open(target_fn_temp, write_mode) as output_file: last_time_display = time.time() last_downloaded = 0 if httpreq.ok: if limit_bandwidth: sleep_time = chunk_size//(limit_bandwidth*1024*1024) else: sleep_time = 0 for chunk in httpreq.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): time.sleep(sleep_time) output_file.write(chunk) output_file.flush() cnt += 1 if download_timeout is not None and (time.time()-start_time > download_timeout): raise requests.Timeout(r'Download of %s takes more than the requested %ss' % (url, download_timeout)) if reporthook(cnt*len(chunk), total_bytes): last_time_display = time.time() last_downloaded += len(chunk) if reporthook(last_downloaded, total_bytes or last_downloaded): last_time_display = time.time() # check hashes if sha256 is not None: file_hash = _hash_file(target_fn_temp, hash_func=hashlib.sha256) if file_hash != sha256.lower(): raise Exception('Downloaded file %s sha256 %s does not match expected %s' % (url, file_hash, sha256)) elif sha1 is not None: file_hash = _hash_file(target_fn_temp, hash_func=hashlib.sha1) if file_hash != sha1.lower(): raise Exception('Downloaded file %s sha1 %s does not match expected %s' % (url, file_hash, sha1)) elif md5 is not None: file_hash = _hash_file(target_fn_temp, hash_func=hashlib.md5) if file_hash != md5.lower(): raise Exception('Downloaded file %s md5 %s does not match expected %s' % (url, file_hash, md5)) file_date = httpreq.headers.get('last-modified', None) if file_date: file_datetime_local = httpdatetime2time(file_date,localtime=True) os.utime(target_fn_temp, (file_datetime_local, file_datetime_local)) if os.path.isfile(target_fn): os.unlink(target_fn) shutil.move(target_fn_temp,target_fn) # cache result if cache_dir: if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) cached_filename = os.path.join(cache_dir, filename) if target_fn != cached_filename: shutil.copy2(target_fn, cached_filename) return target_fn
[docs]def wgets(url, proxies:dict=None, verify_cert=None, referer=None, user_agent=None, timeout=None, cert=None, requests_session=None, as_json = False)->str: """Return the content of a remote resource as a string / bytes or dict with a http get request. Raise an exception if remote data can't be retrieved. Args: url (str): http(s) url proxies (dict): proxy configuration as requests requires it {'http': url, 'https':url} verify_cert (bool or str) : verfiy server certificate, path to trusted CA bundle cert (tuple of 3 str) : (cert_path, key_path, key password) client side authentication. requests_session (request.Session) : predefined request session to use instead of building one from scratch Returns: str or bytes or dict : content of remote resource. str or bytes or json depending of the encoding and the Content-Type. >>> data = wgets('https://wapt/ping') >>> "msg" in data True """ if requests_session is None: if verify_cert is None: verify_cert = True requests_session = get_requests_client_cert_session(url, cert=cert, verify=verify_cert, proxies=proxies) elif proxies is not None or verify_cert is not None or cert is not None: raise Exception('wgets: requests_session and proxies,verify_cert,cert are mutually exclusive') with requests_session as session: if referer != None: session.headers.update({'referer': '%s' % referer}) if user_agent != None: session.headers.update({'user-agent': '%s' % user_agent}) r = session.get(url, timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=True) if r.ok: if as_json and 'application/json' in r.headers.get('Content-Type'): return r.json() elif 'text/' in r.headers.get('Content-Type'): return r.text else: return r.content else: r.raise_for_status()
class FileChunks(object): def __init__(self, filename, chunk_size=2*1024*1024, progress_hook=None): self.chunk_size = chunk_size self.amount_seen = 0 self.filename = filename self.file_obj = open(filename, 'rb') self.file_size = os.fstat(self.file_obj.fileno()).st_size self.progress_hook = progress_hook def get(self): try: data = while len(data) > 0: self.amount_seen += len(data) if self.progress_hook: cancel_request = self.progress_hook(self.filename, self.amount_seen, self.file_size) if cancel_request: raise Exception('Post canceled by user') else: print('Uploading %s: %s / %s\r' % (self.filename, self.amount_seen, self.file_size)) yield data data = finally: if not self.progress_hook: print('Done Uploading %s' % (self.filename,)) self.file_obj.close() def reopen(self): self.file_obj.close() self.file_obj = open(self.filename, 'rb') self.amount_seen = 0 def close(self): if not self.file_obj.closed: self.file_obj.close()
[docs]class Version(object): """Version object of form 0.0.0 can compare with respect to natural numbering and not alphabetical Args: version (str) : version string member_count (int) : number of version memebers to take in account. If actual members in version is less, add missing memeber with 0 value If actual members count is higher, removes last ones. >>> Version('0.10.2') > Version('0.2.5') True >>> Version('0.1.2') < Version('0.2.5') True >>> Version('0.1.2') == Version('0.1.2') True >>> Version('7') < Version('7.1') True .. versionchanged:: truncate version members list to members_count if provided. """ def __init__(self, version, members_count: int = None): if version is None: version = '' assert isinstance(version, types.ModuleType) or isinstance(version, bytes) or isinstance(version, str) or isinstance(version, Version) if isinstance(version, types.ModuleType): self.versionstring = getattr(version, '__version__', None) elif isinstance(version, Version): self.versionstring = getattr(version, 'versionstring', None) else: self.versionstring = version self.members = [v.strip() for v in self.versionstring.split('.') if v] self.members_count = members_count if members_count is not None: if len(self.members) < members_count: self.members.extend(['0'] * (members_count-len(self.members))) else: self.members = self.members[0:members_count] def __cmp__(self, aversion) -> int: def nat_cmp(a, b): a = a or '' b = b or '' def convert(text): if text.isdigit(): return int(text) else: return text.lower() def alphanum_key(key): return [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)] def cmp(a, b): return (a > b)-(a < b) return cmp(alphanum_key(a), alphanum_key(b)) if not isinstance(aversion, Version): aversion = Version(aversion, self.members_count) for i in range(0, max([len(self.members), len(aversion.members)])): if i < len(self.members): i1 = self.members[i] else: i1 = '0' if i < len(aversion.members): i2 = aversion.members[i] else: i2 = '0' v = nat_cmp(i1, i2) if v: return v return 0 def __lt__(self, aversion) -> bool: return self.__cmp__(aversion) < 0 def __eq__(self, aversion) -> bool: return self.__cmp__(aversion) == 0 def __le__(self, aversion) -> bool: return self.__cmp__(aversion) <= 0 def __ne__(self, aversion) -> bool: return self.__cmp__(aversion) != 0 def __gt__(self, aversion) -> bool: return self.__cmp__(aversion) > 0 def __ge__(self, aversion) -> bool: return self.__cmp__(aversion) >= 0 def __str__(self) -> str: return '.'.join(self.members) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Version('{}')".format('.'.join(self.members))
[docs] def sortable_str(self) -> str: """Output a str suitable for direct ordering members are converted to a chars hex padded with zero on the left. If member is not a digit, it is padded to a 8 chars string padded with spaces on the right. """ return '.'.join('%08d' % m if isinstance(m,int) else '%08d' % int(m) if m.isdigit() else '%-8s' % m for m in self.members)
def next_str(self) -> str: return '.'.join('%s' % m for m in self.members[0:-1] + [int(self.members[-1])+1,]) def next(self) -> 'Version': return Version(self.next_str(),members_count=self.members_count)
def create_recursive_zip(zipfn: Union[str, zipfile.ZipFile], source_root: str, target_root: str = "", excludes: List[str] = ['.svn', '.git', '.gitignore', '*.pyc', '*.dbg','__pycache__'], excludes_full: List[str] = [os.path.join('WAPT', 'manifest.sha256')]): """Create a zip file with filename zipf from source_root directory with target_root as new root. Don't include file which match excludes file pattern Args; zipfn (unicode or ZipFile) : filename for zip file to create source_root (unicode) : root directory of filetree to zip target_root (unicode) ! root directory for all in zip file excludes (list) : list of glob pattern of files to excludes excludes_full (list) : full "relative to source_root" filepath of files to exclude Returns: list : list of zipped filepath """ result = [] if not isinstance(source_root, str): source_root = str(source_root) if not isinstance(target_root, str): target_root = str(target_root) if isinstance(zipfn, str): if logger: logger.debug('Create zip file %s' % zipfn) zipf = CustomZipFile(zipfn, 'w', allowZip64=True, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) elif isinstance(zipfn, zipfile.ZipFile): zipf = zipfn else: raise Exception('zipfn must be either a filename (string) or an ZipFile') for item in os.listdir(source_root): excluded = False for x in excludes: excluded = fnmatch.fnmatch(item, x) if excluded: break if excluded: continue source_item_fn = os.path.join(source_root, item) if target_root: zip_item_fn = target_root + '/' + item else: zip_item_fn = item # exclude manifest and signature which are added afterward if zip_item_fn in excludes_full: continue if os.path.isfile(source_item_fn): #if logger: logger.debug(u' adding file %s' % source_item_fn) zipf.write(source_item_fn, zip_item_fn) result.append(zip_item_fn) # Defensive code, always True except for symlink pointing non existing file elif os.path.isdir(source_item_fn): #if logger: logger.debug(u'Add directory %s' % source_item_fn) # write directory entry even if empty zipf.write(source_item_fn, zip_item_fn) result.extend(create_recursive_zip(zipf, source_item_fn, zip_item_fn, excludes=excludes, excludes_full=excludes_full)) if isinstance(zipfn, str) or isinstance(zipfn, str): zipf.close() return result
[docs]def find_all_files(rootdir: str, include_patterns: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, exclude_patterns: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, include_dirs: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, exclude_dirs: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, excludes_full: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Generator which recursively find all files from rootdir and sub directories matching the (dos style) patterns (example: *.exe) Args; rootdir (str): root dir where to start looking for files include_patterns (str or list) : list of glob pattern of files to return exclude_patterns (str or list) : list of glob pattern of files to exclude (if a file is both in include and exclude, it is excluded) include_dirs (str or list) : list of glob directory patterns to return exclude_dirs (str or list) : list of glob directory patterns to exclude (if a dir is both in include and exclude, it is excluded) excludes_full (list) : list of exact (relative to package root) filepathes to exclude from manifest. >>> for fn in find_all_files('c:\\tmp','*.txt'): print(fn) >>> """ def match(fn, include_patterns, exclude_patterns): if include_patterns: result = False for pattern in include_patterns: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, pattern): result = True break else: result = True if exclude_patterns: for pattern in exclude_patterns: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, pattern): result = False break return result def do_find_all_files(rootdir): absolute_rootdir = os.path.abspath(rootdir) relative_rootdir = os.path.relpath(absolute_rootdir, top_rootdir) for fn in os.listdir(absolute_rootdir): if not excludes_full or not os.path.join(relative_rootdir, fn) in excludes_full: full_fn = os.path.join(absolute_rootdir, fn) if os.path.isdir(full_fn): if match(fn, include_dirs, exclude_dirs): for fn in do_find_all_files(full_fn): yield fn else: if match(fn, include_patterns, exclude_patterns): yield full_fn top_rootdir = os.path.relpath(rootdir) if include_patterns and not isinstance(include_patterns, list): include_patterns = [include_patterns] if exclude_patterns and not isinstance(exclude_patterns, list): exclude_patterns = [exclude_patterns] if include_dirs and not isinstance(include_dirs, list): include_dirs = [include_dirs] if exclude_dirs and not isinstance(exclude_dirs, list): exclude_dirs = [exclude_dirs] return do_find_all_files(rootdir)
[docs]def all_files(rootdir: str, pattern: str = None) -> List[str]: """Recursively return all files from rootdir and sub directories matching the (dos style) pattern (example: *.exe) """ rootdir = os.path.abspath(rootdir) result = [] for fn in os.listdir(rootdir): full_fn = os.path.join(rootdir, fn) if os.path.isdir(full_fn): result.extend(all_files(full_fn, pattern)) else: if not pattern or glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, pattern): result.append(full_fn) return result
def all_dirs(rootdir: str, pattern: str = None) -> List[str]: """Recursively return all directories from rootdir and sub directories matching the (dos style) pattern (example: 'tag*') """ rootdir = os.path.abspath(rootdir) result = [] for fn in os.listdir(rootdir): full_fn = os.path.join(rootdir, fn) if os.path.isdir(full_fn): if not pattern or glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, pattern): result.append(full_fn) result.extend(all_dirs(full_fn, pattern)) return result def all_empty_dirs(rootdir: str, pattern: str = None) -> List[str]: """Recursively return all empty directories from rootdir and sub directories matching the (dos style) pattern (example: 'tag*') """ rootdir = os.path.abspath(rootdir) result = [] is_empty = True for fn in os.listdir(rootdir): is_empty = False full_fn = os.path.join(rootdir, fn) if os.path.isdir(full_fn): result.extend(all_empty_dirs(full_fn,pattern)) if is_empty and (not pattern or glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.basename(rootdir), pattern)): result.append(rootdir) return result def touch(filename: str): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) if not os.path.isfile(filename): open(filename, 'w').close() else: os.utime(filename, None) def import_code(code: str, name: str = '', add_to_sys_modules: bool = False): """\ Import dynamically generated code as a module. code is the object containing the code (a string, a file handle or an actual compiled code object, same types as accepted by an exec statement). The name is the name to give to the module, and the final argument says wheter to add it to sys.modules or not. If it is added, a subsequent import statement using name will return this module. If it is not added to sys.modules import will try to load it in the normal fashion. import foo is equivalent to foofile = open("/path/to/") foo = import_code(foofile,"foo",1) Returns a newly generated module. From : Args: code (str): python code to load as a module name (str): import code as module name add_to_sys_modules (bool): True if module must be globally available as a sys module Returns: module: module object """ import sys import imp if not name: name = '__waptsetup_%s__' % generate_unique_string() logger.debug('Import source code as %s' % (name)) module = imp.new_module(name) exec(code, module.__dict__) if add_to_sys_modules: sys.modules[name] = module return module def import_setup(setupfilename, modulename=''): """Import setupfilename as modulename, return the module object Args: setupfilename (str): path to module Returns: module: loaded module """ try: if not modulename: modulename = '__waptsetup_%s__' % generate_unique_string() # can debug but keep module in memory logger.debug('Import source %s as %s' % (setupfilename, modulename)) py_mod = imp.load_source(modulename, setupfilename) # can not debug but memory is not cumbered with modules #py_mod = import_code(,'r').read(), modulename) return py_mod except Exception: logger.critical('Error importing %s :\n%s' % (setupfilename, ensure_unicode(traceback.format_exc()))) raise def remove_encoding_declaration(source): headers = source.split('\n', 3) result = [] for h in headers[0:3]: result.append(h.replace('coding:', 'coding is').replace('coding=', 'coding is').replace('\ufeff', '')) result.extend(headers[3:]) return "\n".join(result) def list_intersection(list1: Optional[List[Any]], list2: Optional[List[Any]]) -> List[Any]: if list1 is None or list2 is None: return [] return [item for item in list1 if item in list2] def get_language() -> str: """Get the default locale like fr, en, pl etc.. etc >>> get_language() 'fr' """ return locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].split('_')[0] class BaseObjectClass(object): def _pyobject(self): """Return pure python reference for calls in FreePascal""" return self class LogOutput(BaseObjectClass): """File like contextual object to log print output to a db installstatus using update_status_hook output list gather all the stout / stderr output Args: console (fileout): print message here update_status_hook (func): hook to call when printing. Must accept "append_line" and "set_status" kwargs and will get context "**hook_args" at each call. Returns: stout file like object >>> def update_status(append_line,set_status=None,**kwargs): if set_status is not None: print('+ Status to: %s' % set_status) print(u'+out %s: %s' % (kwargs,append_line)) >>> with LogInstallOutput(sys.stdout,update_status_hook=update_status,install_id=12,user='moi'): print('Install in progress') """ def __init__(self, console=None, update_status_hook=None, running_status='RUNNING', exit_status='OK', error_status='ERROR', **hook_args): self.old_stdout = None self.old_stderr = None self.output = [] self.console = console self.line = '' self.update_status_hook = update_status_hook self.hook_args = hook_args self.threadid = threading.current_thread() self.lock = threading.RLock() self.running_status = running_status self.error_status = error_status self.exit_status = exit_status # don't send output to update_hook too often self.update_buffer_time = 1.0 self.last_update_time = 0 self.last_update_idx = 0 def _send_tail_to_updatehook(self): """send pending output to hook""" append_txt = '\n'.join(self.output[self.last_update_idx:]) try: if append_txt: self.update_status_hook(append_line=append_txt, set_status=self.running_status, **self.hook_args) self.last_update_idx = len(self.output) self.last_update_time = time.time() except Exception as e:'Unable to update db status %s' % e) def write(self, txt): with self.lock: self.line = self.line + ensure_unicode(txt) if self.line.endswith('\n'): line = self.line.rstrip('\n') self.output.append(line) if self.update_status_hook and threading.current_thread() == self.threadid and (time.time()-self.last_update_time >= self.update_buffer_time): # wait update_buffer_time before sending data to update_hook to avoid high frequency I/O self._send_tail_to_updatehook() self.line = '' if self.console: try: except Exception: try: self.console.write(txt) except Exception: self.console.write(repr(txt)) def __enter__(self): self.old_stdout = sys.stdout self.old_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = sys.stdout = self return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): try: if self.line: self.output.append(self.line) if self.update_status_hook and threading.current_thread() == self.threadid: self._send_tail_to_updatehook() if self.update_status_hook: if tb: self.update_status_hook(set_status=self.error_status, append_line=traceback.format_exc(), **self.hook_args) else: if self.exit_status is not None: self.update_status_hook(set_status=self.exit_status, **self.hook_args) finally: self.update_status_hook = None self.console = None if self.old_stdout: sys.stdout = self.old_stdout if self.old_stderr: sys.stderr = self.old_stderr def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.console, name) def get_time_delta(schedule: str, default_unit: str = 'm') -> datetime.timedelta: """Convert a str time delta with unit to a datetime.timedelta Returns: datetime.timedelta """ result = None if schedule is not None: adict = re.match(r'^(?P<count>\d*)(?P<unit>[smhdw]?)$', schedule) if not adict or not adict['count']: return None unit = adict['unit'] if not unit: unit = default_unit if unit == 's': result = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(adict ['count'])) elif unit == 'm': result = datetime.timedelta(minutes=float(adict ['count'])) elif unit == 'h': result = datetime.timedelta(hours=float(adict ['count'])) elif unit == 'd': result = datetime.timedelta(days=float(adict ['count'])) elif unit == 'w': result = datetime.timedelta(days=7*float(adict ['count'])) else: result = datetime.timedelta(minutes=float(adict ['count'])) else: result = None return result
[docs]def makepath(*p) -> str: r"""Create a path given the components passed, but with saner defaults than os.path.join - In particular, removes ending path separators (backslashes) from components. Path functions will be called automatically >>> makepath("c:", "Windows", "system32") 'c:\\Windows\\system32' >>> makepath(system32()) 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32' >>> system32() 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32' >>> system32 <function system32 at 0x063EBE79> >>> makepath(system32) 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32' """ parts = [] if platform.system() == "Windows": for index in range(0, len(p)): part = p[index] if hasattr(part, "__call__"): part = part() if not ((index == 0) and (part.startswith(os.path.sep + os.path.sep))): part = part.lstrip(os.path.sep) if part.endswith(":"): part += os.path.sep parts.append(part) return os.path.join(*parts) else: return os.path.join(*p)
[docs]def killtree(pid, including_parent=True): try: parent = psutil.Process(pid) if parent: for child in parent.children(recursive=True): try: child.kill() except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess): # a chid process can't be killed if the child process have already received a kill signal from the parent pass if including_parent: parent.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass
[docs]def killalltasks(exenames, include_children=True): """Kill the task by their exename >>> killalltasks('firefox.exe') """ logger.debug('Kill tasks %s' % (exenames,)) if not exenames: return [] if not isinstance(exenames, list): exenames = [exenames] exenames = [x.strip() for x in exenames] result = [] exenames = [exe.lower() for exe in exenames]+[exe.lower()+'.exe' for exe in exenames if not exe.lower().endswith('.exe')] for p in psutil.process_iter(): try: if in exenames: logger.debug('Kill process %i' % (,)) result.append((, if include_children: killtree( else: p.kill() except (psutil.NoSuchProcess,psutil.AccessDenied): #AccessDenied for WSL processes (they break psutil) pass return result """ for c in exenames: run(u'taskkill /t /im "%s" /f' % c) """
[docs]def isrunning(processname): """Check if a process is running, >>> isrunning('explorer') True """ processname = processname.lower() for p in psutil.process_iter(): try: if == processname or == processname+'.exe': return True except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess): pass return False
[docs]def remove_file(path: str): r"""Try to remove a single file or symlink log a warning msg if file doesn't exist log a critical msg if file can't be removed Args: path (str): path to file >>> remove_file(r'c:\tmp\fc.txt') """ def remove_one_file(path: str): if os.path.isfile(path): try: os.remove(path) except Exception as e: logger.critical('Unable to remove file %s : error %s' % (path, e)) # TODO: Verify this: if symlink points to a file, the first condition is true and the file is deleted instead of the symlink elif os.path.islink(path): try: os.unlink(path) except Exception as e: logger.critical('Unable to remove symlink %s : error %s' % (path, e)) else:"File %s doesn't exist or is not a file, so not removed" % (path)) if '*' in path: filelist = glob.glob(path) for filepath in filelist: remove_one_file(filepath) else: remove_one_file(path)
[docs]def mkdirs(path: str): """Create directory path if it doesn't exists yet Creates intermediate directories too. >>> mkdirs("C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt") u'C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt' """ if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path)
[docs]def ensure_dir(filename: str): """Be sure the directory of filename exists on disk. Create it if not The intermediate directories are created either. Args: filename (str): path to a future file for which to create directory. Returns: None """ d = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d)
[docs]def currentdate(): """date as string YYYYMMDD >>> currentdate() '20161102' """ return time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
[docs]def currentdatetime(): """date/time as YYYYMMDD-hhmmss >>> currentdatetime() '20161102-193600' """ return time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
def _lower(s): return s.lower() def ini2winstr(ini): """Returns a unicode string from an iniparse.RawConfigParser with windows crlf Utility function for local gpo """ items = [] for sub in [("%s" % l).strip() for l in]: items.extend(sub.splitlines()) return '\r\n'.join(items)
[docs]def error(reason: str): """Raise a WAPT fatal error""" raise EWaptSetupException('Fatal error : %s' % reason)
[docs]def get_sha256(afile: str = '', BLOCK_SIZE: int = 2**20) -> str: return _hash_file(afile, BLOCK_SIZE, hashlib.sha256)
[docs]def get_main_ip(host=None, hostv6=None): s = None try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # doesn't even have to be reachable s.connect(('' if host is None else host, 1)) IPV4 = s.getsockname()[0] except: IPV4 = '' finally: if s: s.close() s = None try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if hostv6 is None: hostv6 = host s.connect(('ff05::1' if hostv6 is None else hostv6, 1)) IPV6 = s.getsockname()[0] except: IPV6 = '::1' finally: if s: s.close() return (IPV4, IPV6.split('%')[0])
def get_net_interfaces(up_only=True): return [i[0] for i in psutil.net_if_stats().items() if not up_only or i[1].isup] def get_net_ips(up_only=True,families=[socket.AF_INET,socket.AF_INET6]): result = [] if_addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs() for netif in get_net_interfaces(up_only=up_only): if netif in if_addrs: result.extend([a.address for a in if_addrs[netif] if in families and a.address not in ('','::1')]) return result
[docs]def get_local_IPs(uponly=True): list_addressv4 = [] list_addressv6 = [] if_addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs() if uponly: ups = [n for n,i in psutil.net_if_stats().items() if i.isup] else: ups = [] for name,interface in if_addrs.items(): if uponly and not name in ups: continue list_addressv4.extend([a.address for a in interface if and a.address != '' ]) list_addressv6.extend([a.address for a in interface if and a.address != '::1']) return list_addressv4+list_addressv6
def is_between_two_times(time1: str, time2: str) -> bool: time_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() time_nowHHMM = '%s:%s' % (str(time_now.hour) if time_now.hour > 9 else '0'+str(time_now.hour), str(time_now.minute) if time_now.minute > 9 else '0'+str(time_now.hour)) if time2 < time1: return time_nowHHMM >= time1 or time_nowHHMM <= time2 else: return time1 <= time_nowHHMM <= time2 class EWaptSetupException(Exception): pass
[docs]class RunReader(threading.Thread): # helper thread to read output of run command def __init__(self, callable, *args, **kwargs): super(RunReader, self).__init__() self.callable = callable self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.setDaemon(True)
[docs] def run(self): try: self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except Exception as e: print((ensure_unicode(e)))
[docs]def run_notfatal(*cmd, **args): """Runs the command and wait for it termination, returns output Ignore exit status code of command, return '' instead .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 output is now enforced to unicode """ try: return run(*cmd, accept_returncodes=None, **args) except Exception as e: return ensure_unicode(e)
[docs]def run(cmd, shell=True, timeout=600, accept_returncodes=[0, 3010], on_write=None, pidlist=None, return_stderr=True, **kwargs): r"""Run the command cmd in a shell and return the output and error text as string Args: cmd : command and arguments, either as a string or as a list of arguments shell (boolean) : True is assumed timeout (int) : maximum time to wait for cmd completion is second (default = 600) a TimeoutExpired exception is raised if tiemout is reached. on_write : callback when a new line is printed on stdout or stderr by the subprocess func(unicode_line). arg is enforced to unicode accept_returncodes (list) : list of return code which are considered OK default = (0, 3010) pidlist (list): external list where to append the pid of the launched process. return_stderr (bool or list) : if True, the error lines are returned to caller in result. if a list is provided, the error lines are appended to this list all other parameters from the psutil.Popen constructor are accepted Returns: RunOutput : bytes like output of stdout and optionnaly stderr streams. returncode attribute Raises: CalledProcessError: if return code of cmd is not in accept_returncodes list TimeoutExpired: if process is running for more than timeout time. .. versionchanged:: 1.3.9 return_stderr parameters to disable stderr or get it in a separate list return value has a returncode attribute to .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 output is not forced to unicode .. versionchanged:: 1.4.1 error code 1603 is no longer accepted by default. .. versionchanged:: 1.5.1 If cmd is unicode, encode it to default filesystem encoding before running it. >>> run(r'dir /B c:\windows\explorer.exe') 'explorer.exe\r\n' >>> out = [] >>> pids = [] >>> def getlines(line): ... out.append(line) >>> run(r'dir /B c:\windows\explorer.exe',pidlist=pids,on_write=getlines) u'explorer.exe\r\n' >>> print out ['explorer.exe\r\n'] >>> try: ... run(r'ping /t',timeout=3) ... except TimeoutExpired: ... print('timeout') timeout """'Run "%s"' % (ensure_unicode(cmd),)) output = [] if return_stderr is None or return_stderr == False: return_stderr = [] elif not isinstance(return_stderr, list): return_stderr = output if pidlist is None: pidlist = [] # unicode cmd is not understood by shell system anyway... if not platform.system() == 'Windows' and isinstance(cmd, str): cmd = cmd.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) try: proc = psutil.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, bufsize=-1, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs) except ExceptionRun as e: # be sure to not trigger encoding errors. raise ExceptionRun(get_exception_run_arg(e, 0), repr(get_exception_run_arg(e, 1))); # keep track of launched pid if required by providing a pidlist argument to run if not in pidlist: pidlist.append( def worker(pipe, on_write=None): while True: line = pipe.readline() if not line: break else: line = ensure_unicode(line) if platform.system() == 'Windows' else line.decode("utf-8") if on_write: on_write(ensure_unicode(line)) if pipe == proc.stderr: return_stderr.append(line) else: output.append(line) stdout_worker = RunReader(worker, proc.stdout, on_write) stderr_worker = RunReader(worker, proc.stderr, on_write) stdout_worker.start() stderr_worker.start() stdout_worker.join(timeout) if stdout_worker.is_alive(): # kill the task and all subtasks if in pidlist: pidlist.remove( killtree( raise TimeoutExpired(cmd, ''.join(output), timeout) stderr_worker.join(timeout) if stderr_worker.is_alive(): if in pidlist: pidlist.remove( killtree( raise TimeoutExpired(cmd, ''.join(output), timeout) if platform.system() == 'Windows': proc.returncode = _winapi.GetExitCodeProcess(proc._handle) else: proc.returncode = proc.wait() if in pidlist: pidlist.remove( killtree( if accept_returncodes is not None and not proc.returncode in accept_returncodes: if return_stderr != output: raise CalledProcessErrorOutput(proc.returncode, cmd, ''.join(output+return_stderr)) else: raise CalledProcessErrorOutput(proc.returncode, cmd, ''.join(output)) else: if proc.returncode == 0:'%s command returns code %s' % (ensure_unicode(cmd), proc.returncode)) else: logger.warning('%s command returns code %s' % (ensure_unicode(cmd), proc.returncode)) result = RunOutput(output) result.returncode = proc.returncode return result
CalledProcessError = subprocess.CalledProcessError
[docs]class TimeoutExpired(Exception): """This exception is raised when the timeout expires while waiting for a child process. >>> try: ... run('ping -t',timeout=5) ... except TimeoutExpired as e: ... print e.output ... raise ... """ def __init__(self, cmd, output=None, timeout=None): self.cmd = cmd self.output = output self.timeout = timeout def __str__(self): return "Command '%s' timed out after %s seconds with output '%s'" % (self.cmd, self.timeout, repr(self.output))
[docs]class RunOutput(str): """Subclass of str (bytes) to return returncode from runned command in addition to output >>> run(r'cmd /C dir c:\toto ',accept_returncodes=[0,1]) No handlers could be found for logger "root" <RunOuput returncode :[0, 1]> Le volume dans le lecteur C n'a pas de nom. Le numéro de série du volume est 74EF-5918 Fichier introuvable Répertoire de c:\ .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 subclass str(bytes string) and not unicode """ def __new__(cls, value): if isinstance(value, list): value = ''.join(value) self = super(RunOutput, cls).__new__(cls, value) self.returncode = None return self def __repr__(self): return "<RunOuput returncode :%s>\n%s" % (self.returncode, str.__repr__(self))
[docs]def networking(): """return a list of (iface,mac,addr:{addr,broadcast,netmask,connected}) without loopback """ result = [] if_addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs() ups = [n for n,i in psutil.net_if_stats().items() if i.isup] for name,interface in if_addrs.items(): macs = [a.address for a in interface if] if macs: mac = macs[0].lower().replace('-',':') else: mac = None i = {'iface':name, 'connected': name in ups, 'mac': mac} result.append(i) addrs = [] for a in interface: if in [socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6]: ipa = ipaddress.ip_address(a.address) if ipa.is_loopback: continue addr = {'addr': a.address } if a.netmask: addr['netmask'] = a.netmask if a.broadcast: addr['broadcast'] = a.broadcast elif a.address and a.netmask and addr['broadcast'] = str(ipaddress.ip_network('%s/%s' % (a.address,a.netmask), False).broadcast_address) addrs.append(addr) if addrs: i['addr'] = addrs return result
class Timeit: def __init__(self,title='',store=None): self.title = title = store def __enter__(self): self.t1 = time.time() def __exit__(self,exc_type, exc_value, traceback): timing = time.time()-self.t1 logger.debug('%s timing: %s s' % (self.title,timing)) if is not None:[self.title] = timing def safe_cmp(a,b): try: if a == b: return 0 elif a is None and b is not None: return -1 elif a is not None and b is None: return 1 elif a < b: return -1 else: return 1 except: return 1 def safe_cmp_tuples(t1,t2): result = 0 for a,b in itertools.zip_longest(t1,t2): result = safe_cmp(a,b) if result != 0: break return result # from class CustomZipFile(zipfile.ZipFile): def __init__(self, file, mode="r", compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=True, compresslevel=None, *, strict_timestamps=False): # set strict_timestamps to False zipfile.ZipFile.__init__(self, file=file, mode=mode, compression=compression, allowZip64=allowZip64, compresslevel=compresslevel, strict_timestamps=strict_timestamps) def remove(self, member): """Remove a file from the archive. The archive must be open with mode 'a'""" if self.mode != 'a': raise RuntimeError("remove() requires mode 'a'") if not self.fp: raise ValueError( "Attempt to write to ZIP archive that was already closed") if self._writing: raise ValueError( "Can't write to ZIP archive while an open writing handle exists." ) # Make sure we have an info object if isinstance(member, zipfile.ZipInfo): # 'member' is already an info object zinfo = member else: # get the info object zinfo = self.getinfo(member) return self._remove_member(zinfo) def _remove_member(self, member): # get a sorted filelist by header offset, in case the dir order # doesn't match the actual entry order fp = self.fp entry_offset = 0 filelist = sorted(self.filelist, key=attrgetter('header_offset')) for i in range(len(filelist)): info = filelist[i] # find the target member if info.header_offset < member.header_offset: continue # get the total size of the entry entry_size = None if i == len(filelist) - 1: entry_size = self.start_dir - info.header_offset else: entry_size = filelist[i + 1].header_offset - info.header_offset # found the member, set the entry offset if member == info: entry_offset = entry_size continue # Move entry # read the actual entry data entry_data = # update the header info.header_offset -= entry_offset # write the entry to the new position fp.write(entry_data) fp.flush() # update state self.start_dir -= entry_offset self.filelist.remove(member) del self.NameToInfo[member.filename] self._didModify = True # seek to the start of the central dir def load_json_config(directory): """ Load a wapt config as a dict from the config files found in the supplied directory """ if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise Exception("{} is not a valid directory for wapt config files".format(directory)) configs_list = [] files = os.listdir(directory) for config_file in files: if not config_file.endswith(".json"): continue with open(os.path.join(directory, config_file), 'r') as f: logger.debug('%s Loading config from file %s' % (threading.get_ident(),os.path.join(directory, config_file))) try: configs_list.append(dict(json.load(f))) except: logger.warning('Invalid config json file %s' % (config_file)) ## No config packages if not configs_list: return {} result = {} ## Sort the configurations based on priority in descending order sorted_configs = sorted(configs_list, key=lambda item: item.get('priority',0), reverse=True) for config in sorted_configs: for section in config: if section in ['signature', 'name','priority','filename','server_certificates','certificates']: continue if not isinstance(config[section],dict): continue if not section in result: result[section] = {} for key in config[section]: if not key in result[section]: result[section][key] = config[section][key] return result def save_default_ini_config(config, json_config): """ Make a copy of all sections prefixed by "default_" """ for section in config.sections(): saved_section = 'default_' + section ## Section Already saved, is a saved section or is not override by other config if config.has_section(saved_section) or (section.startswith('default_') and config.has_section(section[8:])) or not section in json_config: continue config.add_section(saved_section) for option in config.options(section): config.set(saved_section, option, config.get(section, option)) return config def add_default_config_sections(config, packages_config): for section in config.sections(): ## If it is a saved section base_section = section[8:] if section.startswith('default_') and config.has_section(base_section): if not base_section in packages_config: ## we remove the default and restore the initial for option in config.options(base_section): config.remove_option(base_section,option) for option in config.options(section): config.set(base_section, option, str(config.get(section, option))) config.remove_section(section) else: for option in config.options(section): ## If the option is already defined by a package (with higher priority) if option in packages_config[base_section]: continue if not base_section in packages_config: packages_config[base_section] = {} packages_config[base_section][option] = config.get(section, option) def clean_default_sections(config): for section in config.sections(): saved_section = 'default_'+section if config.has_section(saved_section): for option in config.options(saved_section): config.set(section, option, config.get(saved_section, option)) config.remove_section(saved_section) def apply_json_config_to_ini_file(ini_filename, json_config, save_default_ini=True): if not os.path.isfile(ini_filename): raise Exception('{} is not a valid ini filename'.format(ini_filename)) ## Load the current Config from wapt-get.ini changed_config = RawConfigParser() with open(ini_filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: changed_config.readfp(f) ## We need to save the initial configuration add_default_config_sections(changed_config, json_config) if save_default_ini: save_default_ini_config(changed_config, json_config) ## Merge the wapt-get.ini with the config packages for section in json_config: if section.startswith('default_'): continue if save_default_ini: # We want to empty the section in case some keys have been removed from json if changed_config.has_section(section): for option in changed_config.options(section): changed_config.remove_option(section, option) else: changed_config.add_section(section) else: if not changed_config.has_section(section): changed_config.add_section(section) # We put first the default_xxx options values if not changed_config.has_section('default_'+section): changed_config.add_section('default_'+section) for option in changed_config.options('default_'+section): changed_config.set(section, option, str(changed_config.get('default_'+section,option))) # then we add the json content which override the default ini for option in json_config[section]: changed_config.set(section, option, str(json_config[section][option])) ## If the config changed, we need to rewrite the wapt-get.ini default_config = RawConfigParser() with open(ini_filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: default_config.readfp(f) if default_config != changed_config:"Configuration packages have been updated, rewriting wapt-get.ini") with open(ini_filename,'w',encoding='utf8') as inifile: changed_config.write(inifile, False) def update_ini_from_json_config(ini_filename=None, json_config_dir=None): """ Update the config of a config file (wapt-get.ini) based on the config packages installed""" if not ini_filename: wapt_base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) ini_filename = os.path.join(wapt_base_dir, 'wapt-get.ini') if json_config_dir and os.path.isdir(json_config_dir): json_config = load_json_config(json_config_dir) else: json_config = {} apply_json_config_to_ini_file(ini_filename, json_config) def get_files_timestamp_sha256(files=[]): timestamps = {} for file in files: if not file: continue if os.path.isfile(file): timestamps[file] = str(os.stat(file).st_mtime) elif os.path.isdir(file): timestamps[file] = str(os.stat(file).st_mtime) for subfile in os.listdir(file): full_path = os.path.join(file, subfile) timestamps[full_path] = str(os.stat(full_path).st_mtime) else: raise Exception('{} is neither a file neither a directory'.format(file)) #print('%s timestamps: %s' % (threading.get_ident(),timestamps)) return hashlib.sha256(jsondump(timestamps).encode('utf8')).hexdigest() def config_overview(wapt_base_dir,inifile): overview = {} configs = [] priorities = {'wapt-get.ini':-1} conf_folder = os.path.join(wapt_base_dir, 'conf.d') for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(conf_folder, '*.json')): try: with open(file, 'r') as file_: conf = json.loads( conf["filename"] = os.path.basename(file) configs.append(conf) priorities[conf["filename"]] = conf['priority'] except: pass configs = sorted(configs, key=lambda item: item.get('priority',0), reverse=True) for conf in configs: for section in conf: if section in ['signature', 'filename', 'priority', 'name', 'certificates', 'server_certificates']: continue if not overview.get(section, None): overview[section] = {} overview[section]["filename"] = [] overview[section]["filename"].append(conf["filename"]) for property in conf[section]: if not overview[section].get(property, None): overview[section][property] = [] overview[section][property].append({"value":conf[section][property], "filename":conf["filename"]}) parser = RawConfigParser() with open(inifile, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: parser.readfp(f) for section in parser.sections(): if len(section) > 8: base_section_name = section[8:] ## Section is not a save if not (section.startswith('default_') and section[8:] in parser.sections()): ## There is a save of the section, we will only read the save if 'default_'+section in parser.sections(): continue base_section_name = section if not overview.get(base_section_name, None): overview[base_section_name] = {} overview[base_section_name]["filename"] = [] overview[base_section_name]["filename"].append('wapt-get.ini') for property in parser.options(section): if not overview[base_section_name].get(property, None): overview[base_section_name][property] = [] overview[base_section_name][property].append({"value":parser.get(section, property), "filename":'wapt-get.ini'}) return {'config':overview, 'priorities':priorities} def harakiri(exitcode): #sys.stdout.flush() #sys.stderr.flush() if platform.system() == 'Windows': handle = win32api.OpenProcess(1, False, win32process.GetCurrentProcessId()) win32process.TerminateProcess(handle, exitcode) win32api.CloseHandle(handle) else: current_process = psutil.Process() current_process.kill() def get_pid_to_name(pid): try: return psutil.Process(pid).name() except Exception as e: return str(e)
[docs]def listening_sockets(low_ports=False,include_loc=True, kind='all'): return sorted([{'local_port':c.laddr.port, 'local_ip':c.laddr.ip, 'process': get_pid_to_name(, 'type':,'family':} for c in psutil.net_connections(kind=kind) if in (socket.AF_INET,socket.AF_INET6) and (include_loc or not c.laddr.ip in('','::1')) and c.status=='LISTEN' and (not low_ports or c.laddr.port<1024)],key=lambda c: c.get('local_port'))
def is_local_user(username): if not username: return False username = username.lower() try: if == 'nt': for u in win32net.NetUserEnum(None, 2)[0]: if u['name'].lower() == username: return True return False elif sys.platform == "darwin": for u in run('dscl . list /Users').splitlines(): if not u.startswith('_') and u.lower() == username: return True return False else: with open('/etc/passwd') as f: for u in [entry.split(':',1) for entry in]: if not u[0]: continue if u[0].lower() == username: return True return False except Exception as e: logger.critical('Error looking for local user %s: %s' % (username,e)) return False if sys.platform == 'linux': class LinuxImpersonate(): def __init__(self, user, group = None): self.uid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid if not group: self.gid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_gid else: self.gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid def __enter__(self): self.original_uid = os.getuid() self.original_gid = os.getgid() os.setegid(self.uid) os.seteuid(self.gid) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): os.seteuid(self.original_uid) os.setegid(self.original_gid) if sys.platform=='win32':
[docs] def reg_openkey_noredir(rootkey, subkeypath, sam=winreg.KEY_READ, create_if_missing=False, noredir=True): """Open the registry key\subkey with access rights sam The Wow6432Node redirector is disabled. So one can access 32 and 64 part or the registry even if python is running in 32 bits mode. Args: rootkey : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER ... subkeypath : string like "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion" sam : a boolean combination of KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE create_if_missing : True to create the subkeypath if not exists, access rights will include KEY_WRITE noredir (boolean): True by default. disable the redirection to the 32 bits view of registry. Returns: keyhandle : a key handle for reg_getvalue and reg_set_value >>> """ # for backward compatibility. wapt is 32bits. If we try to access this vurtual node, reenable redirection if platform.machine() == 'AMD64' and '\\Wow6432Node\\' in subkeypath: subkeypath = subkeypath.replace('\\Wow6432Node\\', '\\') noredir = False if not(isinstance(subkeypath, str)): subkeypath = str(subkeypath) try: if platform.machine() == 'AMD64' and noredir: result = winreg.OpenKey(rootkey, subkeypath, 0, sam | winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY) else: result = winreg.OpenKey(rootkey, subkeypath, 0, sam) return result except WindowsError as e: if e.errno == 2: if create_if_missing: if platform.machine() == 'AMD64' and noredir: return winreg.CreateKeyEx(rootkey, subkeypath, 0, sam | winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY | winreg.KEY_WRITE) else: return winreg.CreateKeyEx(rootkey, subkeypath, 0, sam | winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WRITE) else: raise WindowsError(e.errno, 'The key %s can not be opened' % subkeypath)
[docs] def reg_enum_subkeys(rootkey): i = 0 while True: try: subkey_name = winreg.EnumKey(rootkey, i) if subkey_name is not None: yield subkey_name i += 1 except WindowsError as e: # WindowsError: [Errno 259] No more data is available if e.winerror == 259: break else: raise
[docs] def reg_enum_values(rootkey): os_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() i = 0 while True: try: (name, value, _type) = winreg.EnumValue(rootkey, i) try: name = name.decode(os_encoding) except: pass if name is not None: if not(isinstance(value, str)): value = str(value) yield (name, value, _type) i += 1 except WindowsError as e: # WindowsError: [Errno 259] No more data is available if e.winerror == 259: break else: raise
[docs] def reg_key_exists(rootkey, subkeypath): """Check if a key exists in registry The Wow6432Node redirector is disabled. So one can access 32 and 64 part or the registry even if python is running in 32 bits mode. Args: rootkey : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER ... subkeypath : string like "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion" Returns: boolean >>> if reg_key_exists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,makepath('SOFTWARE','VideoLAN','VLC')): ... print('VLC key exists') ??? """ try: with reg_openkey_noredir(rootkey, subkeypath): return True except WindowsError as e: if e.errno == 2: return False else: raise
[docs] def reg_value_exists(rootkey, subkeypath, value_name): """Check if there is value named value_name in the subkeypath registry key of rootkey Args: rootkey (int): branch of registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,HKEY_USERS,HKEY_CURRENT_USER,HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG subkeypath (str): path with back slashes like 'SOFTWARE\\VideoLAN\\VLC' value_name (str) : value key like "Version" Returns: boolean: True if there is a value called value_name in the subkeypath of rootkey >>> if reg_value_exists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,makepath('SOFTWARE','VideoLAN','VLC'),'Version'): ... print('VLC seems to be installed') ??? """ try: with reg_openkey_noredir(rootkey, subkeypath) as key: if not(isinstance(value_name, str)): value_name = str(value_name) # try getting the value. as a side effect, trigger an exception if not exists winreg.QueryValueEx(key, value_name)[0] return True except WindowsError as e: if e.errno in (259, 2): return False else: raise
[docs] def reg_getvalue(key, name, default=None, return_as_str=False): r"""Return the value of specified name inside 'key' folder >>> with reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\7-Zip') as zkey: ... path = reg_getvalue(zkey,'Path') >>> print path c:\Program Files\7-Zip\ Args: key : handle of registry key as returned by reg_openkey_noredir() name : value name or None for key default value default : value returned if specified name doesn't exist Returns: int or str or list: depends on type of value named name. """ try: if not(isinstance(name, str)): name = str(name) value = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, name)[0] if return_as_str and not(isinstance(value, str)): value = str(value) return value except WindowsError as e: if e.errno in (259, 2): # WindowsError: [Errno 259] No more data is available # WindowsError: [Error 2] Le fichier spécifié est introuvable return default else: raise
[docs] def reg_setvalue(key, name, value, type=winreg.REG_SZ): """Set the value of specified name inside 'key' folder key : handle of registry key as returned by reg_openkey_noredir() name : value name type : type of value (REG_SZ,REG_MULTI_SZ,REG_DWORD,REG_EXPAND_SZ) """ if not(isinstance(name, str)): name = str(name) if isinstance(value, bytes): type=winreg.REG_BINARY return winreg.SetValueEx(key, name, 0, type, value)
[docs] def reg_delvalue(key, name): """Remove the value of specified name inside 'key' folder key : handle of registry key as returned by reg_openkey_noredir() name : value name """ try: if not(isinstance(name, str)): name = str(name) winreg.DeleteValue(key, name) return True except WindowsError as e: # WindowsError: [Errno 2] : file does not exist if e.winerror == 2: return False else: raise
[docs] def reg_delete_subkeys(rootkey, key_path): """Delete all subkeys of a key rootkey : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER ... key_path : string like "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion" """ with reg_openkey_noredir(rootkey, key_path, winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS) as key: infokey = winreg.QueryInfoKey(key) for _i in range(0, infokey[0]): # Since we are deleting subkeys we cannot iterate with reg_enum_subkeys because the count change during the iteration subkey_name = winreg.EnumKey(key, 0) reg_delete_subkeys(rootkey, key_path + '\\' + subkey_name) winreg.DeleteKey(key, subkey_name)
[docs] def reg_closekey(hkey): """Close a registry key opened with reg_openkey_noredir """ winreg.CloseKey(hkey)
def get_user_from_sid(sid): """Returns user for the given sid sid is either a string or a PySID """ if not sid: return None try: if isinstance(sid, pywintypes.SIDType): pysid = sid else: if not(isinstance(sid, str)): sid = str(sid) pysid = win32security.ConvertStringSidToSid(sid) name, domain, type = win32security.LookupAccountSid(None, pysid) return name except Exception as e: logger.debug('Unable to get user from SID %s: %s' % (sid,e)) return None def get_profile_path(sid): """Return the filesystem path to profile of user with SID sid""" prof_key = reg_openkey_noredir(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\%s' % sid) (profile_image_path,atype) = winreg.QueryValueEx(prof_key,'ProfileImagePath') return os.path.expandvars(profile_image_path)
[docs] def replace_at_next_reboot(tmp_filename, target_filename): r"""Schedule a file rename at next reboot using standard Windows PendingFileRenameOperations Creates a key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager with content : PendingFileRenameOperations Data type : REG_MULTI_SZ Value data: \??\c:\temp\win32k.sys !\??\c:\winnt\system32\win32k.s Args: tmp_filename (str): Temporary path to file to rename (defaults to <target_filename>.pending) target_filename (str): Final target filename """ if not tmp_filename: tmp_filename = target_filename+'.pending' with reg_openkey_noredir(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager', sam=winreg.KEY_WRITE | winreg.KEY_READ) as key: pending = reg_getvalue(key, 'PendingFileRenameOperations', default=[]) tmp = '\??\{}'.format(tmp_filename) target = '!\??\{}'.format(target_filename) if not tmp in pending: pending.extend([tmp, target]) reg_setvalue(key, 'PendingFileRenameOperations', pending, type=winreg.REG_MULTI_SZ)
[docs] def delete_at_next_reboot(target_filename): r"""delete at next reboot using standard Windows PendingFileRenameOperations Creates a key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager with content : PendingFileRenameOperations Data type : REG_MULTI_SZ Value data: [\??\path,\0] Args: target_filename (str): File to delete """ with reg_openkey_noredir(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager', sam=winreg.KEY_WRITE | winreg.KEY_READ) as key: pending = reg_getvalue(key, 'PendingFileRenameOperations', default=[]) target = '\??\{}'.format(target_filename) if not target in pending: pending.extend([target, '\0']) reg_setvalue(key, 'PendingFileRenameOperations', pending, type=winreg.REG_MULTI_SZ)
def user_config_directory(username:str)->str: if not username: return '' result = '' if is_unsafe_filename(username): raise Exception('unsafe username %s' % username) if os.path.sep in username: raise Exception('unsafe username %s' % username) if sys.platform == 'win32': profiles_path = r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList' for profsid in reg_enum_subkeys(winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, profiles_path)): if profsid.startswith('S-'): if username.startswith('S-') and profsid == username: result = get_profile_path(profsid) if result: break user = get_user_from_sid(profsid) if user and user.lower() == username.lower(): result = get_profile_path(profsid) if result: break if os.path.isdir(result): return result else: # fallback for old windows return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~%s" % username),'.config') elif sys.platform == "darwin": return os.path.expanduser("~%s/Library/Application Support" % username) elif sys.platform == 'linux': home = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_dir if home and os.path.isdir(home): return os.path.join(home,'.config') return result def user_is_local_admin(username:str) -> bool: username = username.lower() try: if sys.platform == 'win32': for g in win32net.NetUserEnum(None, 2)[0]: if g['name'].lower() == username and g['priv'] == win32netcon.USER_PRIV_ADMIN: return True return False else: # TODO linux and darwin with sudo if username == 'root': return True for group in ['root','sudo','wheel']: if user_is_member_of(username,group): return True return False except: return False def user_is_member_of(username:str, groupname: str) -> bool: if not username or not groupname: return False username = username.lower() if sys.platform == 'win32': try: for item in win32net.NetLocalGroupGetMembers(None, groupname, 3)[0]: if '\\' in item['domainandname']: domain,user = item['domainandname'].split('\\') else: user = item['domainandname'] if user.lower() == username: return True except: pass return False elif sys.platform == 'linux': try: return username in grp.getgrnam(groupname).gr_mem except: return False else: # TODO darwin ? return False
[docs]def default_skip(src, dst): return False
[docs]def default_overwrite(src, dst): return True
[docs]def default_oncopy(msg, src, dst): logger.debug('%s : "%s" to "%s"' % (ensure_unicode(msg), ensure_unicode(src), ensure_unicode(dst))) return True
[docs]def default_overwrite_older(src: str, dst:str): if os.stat(src, follow_symlinks=False).st_mtime <= os.stat(dst, follow_symlinks=False).st_mtime: logger.debug('Skipping, file on target is newer than source: "%s"' % (dst,)) return False else: logger.debug('Overwriting file on target is older than source: "%s"' % (dst,)) return True
[docs]def copytree2(src: str, dst: str, ignore: Callable[[str, str], List[str]] = None, onreplace: Callable[[str, str], bool] = default_skip, oncopy: Callable[[str, str, str], bool] = default_oncopy, enable_replace_at_reboot: bool = True, follow_symlinks: bool = False): r"""Copy src directory to dst directory. dst is created if it doesn't exists src can be relative to installation temporary dir oncopy is called for each file copy. if False is returned, copy is skipped onreplace is called when a file will be overwritten. Args: src (str): path to source directory (absolute path or relative to package extraction tempdir) dst (str): path to target directory (created if not present) ignore (func) : callback func(root_dir,filenames) which returns names to ignore onreplace (func) : callback func(src,dst):boolean called when a file will be replaced to decide what to do. default is to not replace if target exists. can be default_overwrite or default_overwrite_older or custom function. oncopy (func) : callback func(msg,src,dst) called when a file is copied. default is to log in debug level the operation enable_replace_at_reboot (boolean): if True, files which are locked will be scheduled for replace at next reboot Returns: Raises: >>> copytree2(r'c:\tranquilit\wapt\tests',r'c:\tranquilit\wapt\tests2') >>> isdir(r'c:\tranquilit\wapt\tests2') True >>> remove_tree(r'c:\tranquilit\wapt\tests2') >>> isdir(r'c:\tranquilit\wapt\tests2') False """ logger.debug('Copy tree from "%s" to "%s"' % (ensure_unicode(src), ensure_unicode(dst))) if not src or not os.path.isdir(src): raise Exception("Invalid source directory for copytree2") names = os.listdir(src) if ignore is not None: ignored_names = ignore(src, names) else: ignored_names = set() if not os.path.isdir(dst): if oncopy('create directory', src, dst): os.makedirs(dst) errors = [] for name in names: if name in ignored_names: continue srcname = os.path.join(src, name) dstname = os.path.join(dst, name) try: if os.path.islink(srcname) and not follow_symlinks: need_overwrite = os.path.islink(dstname) if (not need_overwrite or onreplace(srcname, dstname)) and oncopy('link', srcname, dstname): if need_overwrite: os.unlink(dstname) shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname, follow_symlinks=False) elif os.path.isdir(srcname): if oncopy('directory', srcname, dstname): copytree2(srcname, dstname, ignore=ignore, onreplace=onreplace, oncopy=oncopy, enable_replace_at_reboot=enable_replace_at_reboot, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) else: try: need_overwrite = os.path.isfile(dstname) if (not need_overwrite or onreplace(srcname, dstname)) and oncopy('overwrites', srcname, dstname): if need_overwrite: os.unlink(dstname) shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) except (IOError, os.error) as e: # file is locked... if enable_replace_at_reboot and e.errno in (5, 13): shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname+'.pending',follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) replace_at_next_reboot(tmp_filename=dstname+'.pending', target_filename=dstname) else: raise # catch the Error from the recursive copytree so that we can # continue with other files except shutil.Error as err: # errors.extend(err.args[0]) errors.append(err) except (IOError, os.error) as why: logger.critical('Error copying from "%s" to "%s" : %s' % (ensure_unicode(src), ensure_unicode(dst), ensure_unicode(why))) errors.append((srcname, dstname, str(why))) try: if os.path.isdir(dst): shutil.copystat(src, dst) except WindowsError: # can't copy file access times on Windows pass except OSError as why: errors.extend((src, dst, str(why))) if errors: raise shutil.Error(errors)
def fixed_columns_to_dicts(txt: str, stop_when_empty_row: bool = True) -> List[Dict]: """Decode fixed width text table with header into a list of dict The first line is the header and defines the key, start and width of each column Args: txt (str): multiline text Returns: list of dicts """ lines = txt.splitlines() header = lines[0] fields = [] # key,start,end) current_key='' start_pos=None i = 0 # decode header while i <len(header): while i <len(header) and header[i] in (' ','\n','\t'): i += 1 start_pos=i while i <len(header) and not header[i] in (' ','\n','\t'): current_key += header[i] i += 1 while i <len(header) and header[i] in (' ','\n','\t'): i += 1 if current_key: if i>=len(header): fields.append((current_key,start_pos,None)) # end of line else: fields.append((current_key,start_pos,i-1)) # 1 space between columns current_key='' # read records result = [] for line in lines[1:]: # stop at first emty line, to skip trailers data if not line.strip(): if stop_when_empty_row: break else: continue rec = {} for k,start,end in fields: rec[k] = line[start:end].strip() result.append(rec) return result def bootup_time() -> datetime.datetime: return datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds = uptime()) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(0)