Source code for setupdevhelpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##    This file is part of WAPT Software Deployment
##    Copyright (C) 2012 - 2024  Tranquil IT
##    All Rights Reserved.
##    WAPT helps systems administrators to efficiently deploy
##    setup, update and configure applications.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Please note that backward compatibility is not guaranteed.
## Functions imported from this file are more likely to break
## in future updates compared to setuphelpers functions.
import glob
import os
import sys
import platform
import requests
import json
from setuphelpers import *
from waptutils import (
import bs4 as BeautifulSoup
from shutil import rmtree
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from waptpackage import PackageEntry

[docs]def get_proxies_from_wapt_console(): r"""Return proxy information from the current user WAPT console >>> get_proxies_from_wapt_console() {'http': '', 'https': ''} """ proxies = {} if platform.system() == "Windows": waptconsole_ini_path = makepath(user_local_appdata(), "waptconsole", "waptconsole.ini") else: waptconsole_ini_path = makepath(user_home_directory(), ".config", "waptconsole", "waptconsole.ini") if isfile(waptconsole_ini_path): proxy_wapt = inifile_readstring(waptconsole_ini_path, "global", "http_proxy") if proxy_wapt: proxies = {"http": proxy_wapt, "https": proxy_wapt} return proxies
[docs]def is_url(x): try: result = urlparse(x) return all([result.scheme, result.netloc]) except: return False
[docs]def bs_find(url, element, attribute=None, value=None, user_agent=None, proxies=None, features="html.parser", **kwargs): """ Parse an HTML or XML web page with BeautifulSoup and retrieve the first matching result. Args: url (str): URL of the web page or string to parse. element (str): Searched element. attribute (str): Selected attribute of the element. value (str): Value of the selected attribute. user_agent (str): Specify a user-agent if needed. proxies (dict): Specify proxies if needed. features (str): BeautifulSoup feature to use. **kwargs: Additional parameters for the requests library. Returns: bs4.element.Tag or None: The first matching element, or None if no match is found. Examples: >>> bs_find('', 'a', 'title', 'Open Web Platform testing')['href'] '' >>> bs_find('', 'span', 'class', 'alt-logo').string 'W3C' .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.5 Function can now parse string content of a page or reparse a "bs_result". It is now possible to parse a specific attribute. """ url = str(url) if is_url(url): if user_agent: page = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, headers={"User-Agent": user_agent}, **kwargs).text else: page = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, **kwargs).text else: page = url soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(page, features=features) if value: return soup.find(element, {attribute: value}) elif attribute: return soup.find(element, attrs={attribute: True}) else: return soup.find(element)
[docs]def bs_find_all(url, element, attribute=None, value=None, user_agent=None, proxies=None, features="html.parser", **kwargs): """ Parse an HTML or XML web page with BeautifulSoup and retrieve a list of all matching results. Args: url (str): URL of the web page or string to parse. element (str): Searched element. attribute (str): Selected attribute of the element. value (str): Value of the selected attribute. user_agent (str): Specify a user-agent if needed. proxies (dict): Specify proxies if needed. features (str): BeautifulSoup feature to use. **kwargs: Additional parameters for the requests library. Returns: list: List of bs4.element.Tag objects representing the matching elements. Examples: >>> bs_find_all('', 'a', 'title', 'Open Web Platform testing')[0]['href'] '' >>> bs_find_all('', 'span', 'class', 'alt-logo')[0].string 'W3C' .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.5 Function can now parse string content of a page or reparse a "bs_result". It is now possible to parse a specific attribute. """ url = str(url) if is_url(url): if user_agent: page = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, headers={"User-Agent": user_agent}, **kwargs).text else: page = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, **kwargs).text else: page = url soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(page, features=features) if value: return soup.find_all(element, {attribute: value}) elif attribute: return soup.find_all(element, attrs={attribute: True}) else: return soup.find_all(element)
[docs]def remove_outdated_binaries(version, list_extensions=["exe", "msi", "deb", "rpm", "dmg", "pkg", "part"], filename_contains=None): r"""Remove files based on the version contained in his filename, failing over on file version on compatible OSes Args: version (str): version number of keeped files list_extensions (str or list of str): file extensions of compared files filename_contains (str or list of str): Part of the filename that must be contained (useful for distinguishing architecture and os) Returns: list: list of deleted files .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.2 Now returns removed files, now checking .exe and .msi file versions """ files = [] if type(list_extensions) != list: list_extensions = [list_extensions] if filename_contains: if type(filename_contains) != list: filename_contains = [filename_contains] list_extensions = ["." + ext for ext in list_extensions if ext[0] != "."] for file_ext in list_extensions: for bin_in_dir in glob.glob("*%s" % file_ext): if filename_contains: for filename_contain in filename_contains: if not filename_contain in bin_in_dir: remove_file(bin_in_dir) files.append(bin_in_dir) if not version in bin_in_dir: if platform.system() == "Windows": if file_ext == ".exe" or file_ext == ".msi": if Version(version, 4) == Version(get_version_from_binary(bin_in_dir, "FileVersion"), 4) or Version(version, 4) == Version( get_version_from_binary(bin_in_dir, "ProductVersion"), 4 ): print("%s file or product version is correct (%s)" % (bin_in_dir, version)) continue remove_file(bin_in_dir) files.append(bin_in_dir) return print("\n".join(["Removed outdated binary: " + fn for fn in files]))
[docs]def unzip_with_7zip(filename, target=None, filenames=[], extract_with_full_paths=True, recursive=True): r"""Extract the files from an archive file with 7zip with patterns in filenames to target directory Args: filename (str): path to archive file. (can be relative to temporary unzip location of package) target (str): archive content to target dir location (dir will be created if needed). Default: dirname(archive file) + basename(archive file) filenames (str or list of str): list of filenames / glob patterns (path sep is normally a slash) extract_with_full_paths (bool): keeping or not the subfolders of the archive as is recursive (bool): looking or not for filenames recursively Returns: None .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.2 changed default target location to make it correspond with unzip() """ if not target: target = makepath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]) if not isinstance(filenames, list): filenames = [filenames] sevenzip_path = get_7z_path() if not filenames: if extract_with_full_paths: run(r'"%s" x "%s" %s %s -aoa' % (sevenzip_path, filename, "" if not target else '-o"%s"' % target, "" if not recursive else "-r")) else: run(r'"%s" e "%s" %s %s -aoa' % (sevenzip_path, filename, "" if not target else '-o"%s"' % target, "" if not recursive else "-r")) else: for extract in filenames: if extract_with_full_paths: run( r'"%s" x "%s" %s "%s" %s -aoa' % (sevenzip_path, filename, "" if not target else '-o"%s"' % target, extract, "" if not recursive else "-r") ) else: run( r'"%s" e "%s" %s "%s" %s -aoa' % (sevenzip_path, filename, "" if not target else '-o"%s"' % target, extract, "" if not recursive else "-r") )
[docs]def get_7z_path(): """Check if the 7zip binary path exists and returns it. Returns: str: path to the 7zip binary """ if "Windows" in get_os_name(): sevenzip_path = makepath(programfiles, "7-Zip", "7z.exe") if isfile(sevenzip_path): return sevenzip_path sevenzip_path = makepath(programfiles32, "7-Zip", "7z.exe") if isfile(sevenzip_path): return sevenzip_path error('Could not find path to 7zip binary, please install "tis-7zip"') else: sevenzip_path = makepath("/usr", "local", "bin", "7zz") if isfile(sevenzip_path): return sevenzip_path sevenzip_path = sevenzip_path.replace("7zz", "7z") if isfile(sevenzip_path): return sevenzip_path error('Could not find path to 7zip binary, please install "tis-7zip"')
[docs]def get_size(any_path): """ Calculate the total size of files and directories in a path, including subdirectories. Args: any_path (str): The directory or file path to start calculating the size from. Returns: int: Total size in bytes. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the specified path does not exist. """ total_size = 0 if os.path.exists(any_path): if os.path.isdir(any_path): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(any_path): for filename in filenames: file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) if not os.path.islink(file_path): total_size += os.path.getsize(file_path) elif os.path.isfile(any_path): total_size += os.path.getsize(any_path) else: raise ValueError(f"The specified path '{any_path}' is neither a file nor a directory.") else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"The specified path '{any_path}' does not exist.") return total_size
[docs]def convert_control_path_to_dir(any_path): """Converts the control file path to a directory path by removing the 'WAPT/control' suffix. Args: any_path (str): The input file path. Returns: str: The converted directory path with the 'WAPT/control' suffix removed. Example: >>> convert_control_path_to_dir('/path/to/some_directory/WAPT/control') '/path/to/some_directory' """ control_suffix = os.path.join("WAPT", "control") if any_path.endswith(control_suffix): any_path = any_path.rsplit(control_suffix)[0] return any_path
[docs]def get_control_dict(control): """ Load the control information of a package as dict based on its PackageEntry, its control file, or its package dir. Args: control (PackageEntry or str): The PackageEntry, the control file path, or the package dir path. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the control information of the package. """ if isinstance(control, PackageEntry): control_dict = dict(control) else: pkg_dir = convert_control_path_to_dir(control) control_dict = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(pkg_dir).as_dict() return control_dict
[docs]def complete_control_impacted_process(control, program_dir=""): # , silent=False """Complete package `control.impacted_process`.""" if not isinstance(control, PackageEntry): pkg_dir = convert_control_path_to_dir(control) control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(pkg_dir) impacted_process_dict = {} if control.impacted_process: control.impacted_process = [p.split(".exe")[0].split(".EXE")[0].strip() for p in ensure_list(control.impacted_process)] for p in ensure_list(control.impacted_process): impacted_process_dict.update({p: None}) elif get_control_dict(control)["impacted_process"] == "" and program_dir is not None and get_os_name() == "Windows": exe_list = [] exe_dict = {} for exe_path in glob.glob("%s/**/*.exe" % (program_dir), recursive=True) + glob.glob("%s/**/*.bin" % (program_dir), recursive=True): exe = exe_path.split(os.sep)[-1].split(".exe")[0].split(".EXE")[0] exe_list.append(exe) exe_dict.update({exe: exe_path}) control.impacted_process = ask_grid( f'Select {get_control_dict(control)["package"]} application relative impacted processes', format_dict_to_grid(exe_dict, "process", "path"), 1, ) if control.impacted_process: control.impacted_process = [p["process"] for p in control.impacted_process] for p in ensure_list(control.impacted_process): impacted_process_dict.update({p: exe_dict[p]}) else: control.impacted_process = "" control.save_control_to_wapt() return impacted_process_dict
[docs]def complete_control_min_wapt_version(control, min_wapt_version="2.3", silent=False): """Complete package `control.min_wapt_version`.""" if not isinstance(control, PackageEntry): pkg_dir = convert_control_path_to_dir(control) control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(pkg_dir) if control.min_wapt_version == "" or Version(control.min_wapt_version) < Version(min_wapt_version): if not silent: control.min_wapt_version = ask_input( "min_wapt_version", f"min_wapt_version is EOL or not set, setting it to: {min_wapt_version}", min_wapt_version ) else: control.min_wapt_version = min_wapt_version control.save_control_to_wapt() return control.min_wapt_version
[docs]def complete_control_version(control, version, inc_build=False): # , silent=True """Complete package `control.version`. Return if the package have been updated""" if not isinstance(control, PackageEntry): pkg_dir = convert_control_path_to_dir(control) control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(pkg_dir) package_updated = False # Changing version of the package if Version(version, 4) > Version(control.get_software_version(), 4): print("Software version updated (from: %s to: %s)" % (control.get_software_version(), Version(version))) package_updated = True else: print("Software version up-to-date (%s)" % Version(version)) control.set_software_version(version) if inc_build: control.inc_build() control.save_control_to_wapt() return package_updated
[docs]def complete_control_description(control, control_description="", silent=False, blank_str="", maximum_length=None): """Updates the control description field with the provided description. Args: control (str or waptpackage.PackageEntry): The path of control file or his PackageEntry call control_description (str): The description to be set for the control.description field. silent (bool): If True, no user input dialog will be displayed. (default: False) blank_str (str): If the description contains this string, it will be cleared. (default: "" => do not clear) maximum_length (int): If the description has more characters than the defined value, the function will try to reduce it. Returns: str: The updated control description. """ if not isinstance(control, PackageEntry): pkg_dir = convert_control_path_to_dir(control) control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(pkg_dir) old_control_description = control.description if control_description: control.description = control_description # Replacing curvy quotes and blank characters control.description = ( " ".join(control.description.splitlines()).replace("\u2019", "'").replace("\xa0", " ").replace("\u202f", " ").replace("\u00a0", " ") ) if blank_str and blank_str in control.description: control.description = "" if maximum_length: if len(control.description) > maximum_length: for i in range(0, len(control.description.rsplit(". ")), 1): control.description = control.description.rsplit(". ", i)[0] if len(control.description) < maximum_length: break # Retire dot in the end of the string if control.description.endswith("."): control.description = control.description.rsplit(".", 1)[0] if not silent: control.description = ask_input("control.description", "Please fill or change the description", control.description) if not control.description: control.description = old_control_description # Erase translations if description changed if old_control_description != control.description and old_control_description.strip() != control.description + ".": for d in control.all_attributes: if d.startswith("description_"): control[d] = "" control.save_control_to_wapt() return control.description
[docs]def complete_control_descriptions( control, control_descriptions_dict={ "description": "", "description_fr": "", "description_pl": "", "description_de": "", "description_es": "", "description_pt": "", "description_it": "", "description_nl": "", "description_ru": "", }, silent=False, blank_str="", ): """Updates the control description field with the provided description. Args: control_description (str): The description to be set for the control.description field. silent (bool): If True, no user input dialog will be displayed. (default: False) blank_str (str): If the description contains this string, it will be cleared. (default: "") Returns: str: The updated control description. """ if not isinstance(control, PackageEntry): pkg_dir = convert_control_path_to_dir(control) control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(pkg_dir) old_control_descriptions_dict = control_descriptions_dict if not True in [d != "" for d in control_descriptions_dict.values()]: control_descriptions_dict = {} for control_attribute in [attribute for attribute in control.all_attributes if "description" in attribute]: control_descriptions_dict.update({control_attribute: control[control_attribute]}) if not silent: response = ask_grid("control.descriptions", control_descriptions_dict, search_label="Please fill or change the descriptions") if response: control_descriptions_dict = response[0] for control_attribute in [attribute for attribute in control.all_attributes if "description" in attribute]: control_description = control_descriptions_dict.get(control_attribute) if blank_str and blank_str in control_description: control_description = "" # Retire dot in the end of the string if control_description.endswith("."): control_description = control_description.rsplit(".", 1)[0] # .replace("’", "'").replace(" ", " ") control[control_attribute] = control_description.replace("\u2019", "'").replace("\xa0", " ").replace("\u202f", " ").replace("\u00a0", " ") control.save_control_to_wapt() return control_descriptions_dict
[docs]def complete_control_categories(control): """Requesting that the user supply package categories for the control.categories field if empty or Template is selected Args: control (str or waptpackage.PackageEntry): The path of control file or his PackageEntry call """ if not isinstance(control, PackageEntry): pkg_dir = convert_control_path_to_dir(control) control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(pkg_dir) old_control_categories = control.categories if control.categories == "" or "template".lower() in control.categories.lower(): categories = ask_grid( "Select package categories", [ "Internet", "Utilities", "Messaging", "Security", "System and network", "Media", "Development", "Office", "Drivers", "Education", "Configuration", "CAD", "Template", "Dependency", "Extension", ], "GRT_SELECTED", ) if categories: control.categories = ",".join([c["unknown"] for c in categories]) else: control.categories = "" control.save_control_to_wapt() return control.categories
[docs]def complete_control_package(control, control_package="", silent=False, remove_template_base_files=False): """Requesting that the user provide a package name to be entered into the control.package field, and offering the possibility of removing the base files (icon.png and changelog.txt) for template package usage Args: control (str or waptpackage.PackageEntry): The path of control file or his PackageEntry call control_package (str) : Prefilled control_package (default: actual control_package) silent (bool) : If True, no user input dialog will be displayed. (default: False) remove_template_base_files (bool): Removes base files if parameter is True and str("template") in control.package (default: False) """ if not isinstance(control, PackageEntry): pkg_dir = convert_control_path_to_dir(control) control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(pkg_dir) old_control_package = control.package control_package = ( control_package.lower() .replace("_", "-") .replace("~", "-") .replace(" ", "-") .replace("!", "") .replace("'", "") .replace("(", "") .replace(")", "") ) control_package = "-".join([p.strip() for p in control_package.split("-") if p.strip()]) if not control_package: control_package = control.package # Removing template files if "template" in control.package.lower() and remove_template_base_files: if isfile("WAPT\\changelog.txt"): remove_file("WAPT\\changelog.txt") if isfile("WAPT\\icon.png"): remove_file("WAPT\\icon.png") if not silent: control_package = control_package.replace("-template", "").strip() control.package = ask_input(control.package, "You can redefine the package name", control_package) if not control.package: control.package = old_control_package control.save_control_to_wapt() return control.package
[docs]def complete_control_name(control, control_name="", silent=False): """Requesting that the user provide a package name to be entered into field Args: control (str or waptpackage.PackageEntry): The path of control file or his PackageEntry call control_name (str) : Prefilled control_name (default: whitout "template" word) silent (bool) : If True, no user input dialog will be displayed. (default: False) """ if not isinstance(control, PackageEntry): pkg_dir = convert_control_path_to_dir(control) control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(pkg_dir) old_control_name = if silent: = control_name else: if not control_name: control_name = control_name = control_name.replace("Template", "").replace("template", "").strip() = ask_input(, "You can redefine the name for the self-service", control_name) control.save_control_to_wapt() return
[docs]def ask_directory(title="Select folder", initial_dir="", raise_error=False): """ Asks the user to select a folder using a directory dialog and returns the path of that folder. Args: title (str): Specifies the title of the directory dialog window. Default value is "Select folder". initial_dir (str): Specifies the initial path of the directory dialog. Default is last provided. raise_error (bool): Whether to raise an error if no folder is selected. Returns: The path of the selected folder. """ import waptguihelper folder = waptguihelper.directory_dialog(title, initial_dir) if not folder and raise_error: error("No folder selected.") return folder
[docs]def ask_filename(title="Select file", initial_dir="", filename="*.*", filter="All files (*.*)|*.*", raise_error=False): """ This function asks the user to select a file using a filename dialog and returns the path of that file. Args: title (str): The title for the dialog. initialdir (str): The initial directory path. Default is last provided. filename (str): The default file name. Default is "*.*". filter (str): The filter by description and extension. Default is "All files (*.*)|*.*". raise_error (bool): Whether to raise an error if the user cancels the dialog. Default is True. Returns: str: The path of the selected file. Raises: ValueError: If the user cancels the dialog and raise_error is True. """ import waptguihelper file_path = waptguihelper.filename_dialog(title, initial_dir, filename, filter) if not file_path and raise_error: error("No file selected.") return file_path
[docs]def ask_input(title, text, default="", stay_on_top=False, raise_error=False): """ Opens a dialog box with an action input. Args: title (str): The title for the dialog. text (str): Indicates which value the user should type. default (str): The default value if the user does not want to type anything. stay_on_top (bool): Indicates if the dialog box will always stay on top. Default is False. raise_error (bool): Whether to raise an error if no response is given by the user. Returns: The response from the dialog box. """ import waptguihelper response = waptguihelper.input_dialog(title, text, default, stay_on_top) if not response and not response == "" and raise_error: error("No response given by user") return response
[docs]def ask_grid( title, dict_input, result_type=0, metadata="", search_label="Search", stay_on_top=False, raise_error=False, ): """ Opens a dialog box with an action input. Args: title (str): The name of the title to display in the dialog box. dict_input (dict): A dictionary of input values to display in the dialog box. result_type (str or int): The type of result to display in the dialog box. Currently supported options are: - "GRT_ALL" or (0) to return the whole grid - "GRT_SELECTED" or (1) to return the selected rows metadata (str of a json): Additional metadata to display in the dialog box. search_label (str): The label for the search button in the dialog box. stay_on_top (bool): Whether to keep the dialog box on top of other windows. raise_error (bool): Whether to raise an error if no response is given by the user. Returns: The result of the dialog box. """ import waptguihelper if type(result_type) != int: result_type = getattr(waptguihelper, result_type) if type(dict_input) == dict: dict_input = json.dumps(dict_input) if type(metadata) == dict: metadata = json.dumps(metadata) response = waptguihelper.grid_dialog(title, dict_input, result_type, metadata, search_label, stay_on_top) if not response and raise_error: error("No response given by user") return response
[docs]def ask_message( title, text, flags=None, raise_error=False, ): """ Opens a message box with customizable buttons and icons. Args: title (str): The title to display in the message box. text (str): The message text to display in the message box. flags (int): Options for buttons and icons. You can combine a message and an icon by adding their corresponding integer values together. Possible message options: - MB_OK (0): OK button - MB_OKCANCEL (1): OK and Cancel buttons - MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE (2): Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons - MB_YESNOCANCEL (3): Yes, No, and Cancel buttons - MB_YESNO (4): Yes and No buttons Possible icon options: - MB_ICONERROR (16): Error icon - MB_ICONQUESTION (32): Question icon - MB_ICONWARNING (48): Warning icon - MB_ICONINFORMATION (64): Information icon To combine a message and an icon, add their integer values together. For example, to display an OK button with an information icon, use: 0 + 64 (MB_OK + MB_ICONINFORMATION). Note: For more details and additional options, refer to the documentation at: raise_error (bool): Whether to raise an error if no response is given by the user. Returns: The response code indicating the user's choice. Possible return values: - ID_OK (1) - ID_CANCEL (2) - ID_ABORT (3) - ID_RETRY (4) - ID_IGNORE (5) - ID_YES (6) - ID_NO (7) """ import waptguihelper if flags is None: flags = waptguihelper.MB_ICONINFORMATION + waptguihelper.MB_OK response = waptguihelper.message_dialog(title, text, flags) if not response or response in (2, 3, 4) and raise_error: raise ValueError("No response given by the user") return response
[docs]def remove_tree_for_all_users(user_folder_relative_path, ignored_users=None, ignore_system_users=True): """ Remove a specific folder or folders for all user profiles. Args: user_folder_relative_path (str): Relative path to the user folder. Glob patterns can be used. ignored_users (str or list of str): Ignore specified users. ignore_system_users (bool): Ignore default, public, all users, etc. (True by default). Returns: list: List of deleted folders. >>> print(remove_tree_for_all_users(makepath(".vscode", "extensions", "ms-toolsai.jupyter-*"))) ['C:\\Users\\username\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.2.1001817079', 'C:\\Users\\username\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap-1.0.0', 'C:\\Users\\username\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers-1.0.6'] >>> print(remove_tree_for_all_users(makepath(".vscode", "extensions", "ms-toolsai.jupyter-"))) [] >>> print(remove_tree_for_all_users(makepath(".vscode", "extensions", "ms-toolsai.jupyter-[a-z]*"))) ['C:\\Users\\username\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap-1.0.0', 'C:\\Users\\username\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers-1.0.6'] >>> print(remove_tree_for_all_users(makepath(".vscode", "extensions", "ms-toolsai.jupyter-1.0.0"))) ['/home/username/.vscode/extensions/ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap-1.0.0'] """ system_users_list = ["All Users", "Default", "Default User", "Public", "Shared"] if ignored_users is None: ignored_users = [] if not isinstance(ignored_users, list): ignored_users = [ignored_users] deleted_folders = [] skipped_users = [] if ignored_users: skipped_users.extend(ignored_users) if ignore_system_users: skipped_users.extend(system_users_list) users_dir = "" if == "nt": users_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["SystemDrive"], "Users") elif == "posix": users_dir = "/home" elif == "mac": users_dir = "/Users" for user_profile in glob.glob(f"{users_dir}/*/"): for ignored_user in ignored_users: if user_profile.rstrip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep)[-1] == ignored_user: continue for user_folder_to_delete in glob.glob(f"{os.path.join(user_profile, user_folder_relative_path)}"): deleted_folders.append(user_folder_to_delete) rmtree(user_folder_to_delete) return deleted_folders
[docs]def get_file_extension(filename): return os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
[docs]def format_dict_to_grid(dict_data, key_name="parameter", value_name="value"): dict_list_data = [] for section in dict_data: dict_list_data.append({key_name: section, value_name: dict_data[section]}) return json.dumps(dict_list_data)
[docs]def format_grid_to_dict(dict_list_data, key_name="parameter", value_name="value"): dict_data = {} for entry in dict_list_data: dict_data.update({entry[key_name]: entry[value_name]}) return dict_data
# Functions that can only be defined directly in the file ''' def get_private_persistent_package_dir(): if control.package_uuid: if WAPT.is_installed(control.package) is not None and control.package_uuid == WAPT.is_installed(control.package)["package_uuid"]: return makepath(WAPT.persistent_root_dir, control.package_uuid) return makepath(os.getcwd(), "WAPT", "persistent") def get_private_persistent_package_file(file_name): file_name = os.path.basename(file_name) return makepath(get_private_persistent_package_dir(), file_name) def get_public_persistent_dir(): """ Get the path to the public persistent directory. Returns: str: Path to the public persistent directory. """ try: return makepath(WAPT.wapt_base_dir, "public", "persistent") except Exception: if get_os_name() == "Windows": try: return makepath(installed_softwares(uninstallkey="WAPT_is1")[0]["install_location"], "public", "persistent") except Exception: return makepath(programfiles32, "wapt", "public", "persistent") else: return "/opt/wapt/public/persistent" def get_public_persistent_file(file_name): """ Get the path to a file in the public persistent directory. Args: file_name (str): Filename. Returns: str: Path to the file in the public persistent directory. """ file_name = os.path.basename(file_name) return makepath(get_public_persistent_dir(), file_name) '''