Source code for setuphelpers_macos

#!/usr/bin/env python3
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##    This file is part of WAPT Software Deployment
##    Copyright (C) 2012 - 2024  Tranquil IT
##    All Rights Reserved.
##    WAPT helps systems administrators to efficiently deploy
##    setup, update and configure applications.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import logging
import glob
import plistlib
import datetime
import re
import tempfile
import pathlib

import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

from waptutils import isfile,isdir,copytree2,Version,run,error,makepath,ensure_unicode,remove_file

from setuphelpers_unix import dmi_info_common_unix,host_info_common_unix,remove_tree,killalltasks,get_domain_from_socket,local_group_members
from setuphelpers_unix import *

logger = logging.getLogger('waptcore')

def local_users():
    return [u for u in run('dscl . list /Users').split('\n') if not u.startswith('_')]

_mac_ver = None

def mac_ver():
    """ platform.mac_ver() does not return the correct version of macOS, see
    global _mac_ver
    if _mac_ver is None:
        _mac_ver = platform.mac_ver()[0]
        if Version(_mac_ver) >= Version('10.16'):
            _mac_ver = run('sw_vers -productVersion').strip()
    return _mac_ver

[docs]def get_os_version(): return mac_ver()
class MacOSVersions(object): """Helper class to get numbered macOS version from macOS name version Sources: ... versionadded:: 2.5 """ Sequoia = Version("15.0", 2) Sonoma = Version("14.0", 2) Ventura = Version("13.0", 2) Monterey = Version("12.0", 2) BigSur = Version("11.0", 2) Catalina = Version("10.15", 2) Mojave = Version("10.14", 2) HighSierra = Version("10.13", 2) Sierra = Version("10.12", 2) ElCapitan = Version("10.11", 2) Yosemite = Version("10.10", 2) Mavericks = Version("10.9", 2) MountainLion = Version("10.8", 2) Lion = Version("10.7", 2) SnowLeopard = Version("10.6", 2) Leopard = Version("10.5", 2) Tiger = Version("10.4", 2) Panther = Version("10.3", 2) Jaguar = Version("10.2", 2) Puma = Version("10.1", 2) Cheetah = Version("10.0", 2)
[docs]def get_release_name(lower=True): dict_version = { "15" : "Sequoia", "14" : "Sonoma", "13" : "Ventura", "12" : "Monterey", "11" : "Big Sur", "10.15" : "Catalina", "10.14" : "Mojave", "10.13" : "High Sierra", "10.12" : "Sierra", "10.11" : "El Capitan", "10.10" : "Yosemite", "10.9" : "Mavericks", "10.8" : "Mountain Lion", "10.7" : "Lion", "10.6" : "Snow Leopard", "10.5" : "Leopard", "10.4" : "Tiger", "10.3" : "Panther", "10.2" : "Jaguar", "10.1" : "Puma", "10.0" : "Cheetah", } version_mac_number = mac_ver() for i in range(5,0,-1): if str(Version(version_mac_number,i)) in dict_version: if lower: return dict_version[str(Version(version_mac_number, i))].lower() else: return dict_version[str(Version(version_mac_number, i))] #guess name if not isfile('/System/Library/CoreServices/Setup'): return None with open('/System/Library/CoreServices/Setup','r') as f: data= if not "SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR macOS " in data: return None if lower: return data.split("SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR macOS ")[1].split("\\")[0].strip().lower() else: return data.split("SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR macOS ")[1].split("\\")[0].strip()
[docs]def host_info(): """ Read main workstation informations, returned as a dict """ info = host_info_common_unix() try: dmi = dmi_info() info['system_manufacturer'] = dmi['Chassis_Information']['Manufacturer'] info['system_productname'] = dmi['System_Information']['Product_Name'] except Exception as e: print('Error while getting system_profiler_info: %s' % e) pass info['system_profiler'] = system_profiler_info() info['os_name'] = 'macOS %s ' % mac_ver() info['os_version'] = str(mac_ver()) info['os_release_name'] = get_release_name() info['platform'] = 'macOS' info['computer_name'] = get_hostname() info['computer_fqdn'] = get_hostname() info['dnsdomain'] = get_domain_from_socket() info['local_groups'] = {g: local_group_members(g) for g in run('dscl . list /groups').splitlines() if g and not g.startswith('_')} info['local_users'] = [u for u in run('dscl . list /Users').splitlines() if u and not u.startswith('_')] return info
[docs]def service_list(): return None
[docs]def get_hostname(): try: return subprocess.check_output('/bin/hostname',shell=True).lower().strip().decode('utf8') except: return ""
def system_profiler_info(): """Returns data from the system_profiler command. Created because of an invalid UUID in dmidecode. """ sphdt_string = run('system_profiler SPHardwareDataType -xml') sphdt_data = plistlib.loads(sphdt_string.encode('utf-8')) # minimal keys #'UUID', 'IdentifyingNumber', 'Name', 'Vendor' system_data = sphdt_data[0]['_items'][0] return system_data
[docs]def dmi_info(): try: dmi = dmi_info_common_unix() except: dmi = {} spinfo = system_profiler_info() system_info = dict( UUID = spinfo['platform_UUID'], IdentifyingNumber = spinfo.get('serial_number',''), Product_Name = spinfo.get('machine_model',''), Vendor = spinfo.get('machine_name','') ) BIOS = dict( BIOS_Revision=spinfo.get('os_loader_version',''), Version=spinfo.get('boot_rom_version','') ) dmi['System_Information']=system_info dmi['BIOS']=BIOS return dmi
[docs]def get_info_plist_path(app_dir): """ Applications typically contain an Info.plist file that shows information about the app. It's typically located at {APPDIR}/Contents/Info.plist . """ return app_dir + '/Contents/Info.plist'
[docs]def get_plist_obj(plist_file): """ Returns a plist obj when given the path to a plist file. """ with open(plist_file, 'rb') as fp : plist_obj = plistlib.load(fp) return plist_obj
[docs]def get_applications_info_files(): """ Returns a list of the Info.plist files in the /Applications folder. """ app_dirs = [file for file in glob.glob('/Applications/*.app')] plist_files = [get_info_plist_path(app_dir) for app_dir in app_dirs] return plist_files
[docs]def mount_dmg(dmg_path, accept_licence=False, bypass_licence=False): """ Mounts a dmg file. Returns: The path to the mount point. """ try: if bypass_licence: tempo_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='mount_temp') + '/cdrTempo' run(f'hdiutil convert -quiet {dmg_path} -format UDTO -o {tempo_path}') dmg_path = mount_dmg(f'{tempo_path}.cdr') cmd_mount = 'hdiutil attach -nobrowse "%s"' % dmg_path if accept_licence: cmd_mount = 'yes | ' + cmd_mount return run(cmd_mount).split('\t')[-1].rstrip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise Exception('Error in mount_dmg : {0}'.format(e.output))
[docs]def unmount_dmg(dmg_mount_path): """ Unmounts a dmg file, given the path to the mount point. Returns the value of the 'hdiutil unmount' command ran. """ try: cmd_result = run('hdiutil detach "%s"' % dmg_mount_path) if dmg_mount_path.endswith('.cdr') and os.path.isfile(dmg_mount_path): remove_file(dmg_mount_path) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if dmg_mount_path.endswith('.cdr') and os.path.isfile(dmg_mount_path): remove_file(dmg_mount_path) raise Exception('Error in unmount_dmg : {0}'.format(e.output))
[docs]def is_local_app_installed(appdir, check_version=True): """ Checks whether or not an application is already installed on the machine. Arguments: appdir The path to the .app directory check_version If true, also checks if the local package's version is equal or superior to its possibly already installed version. Returns: True if it's already installed, False if it isn't. If check_version is specified, will also return False if it is already installed AND its version is inferior to the local package's version. """ def get_installed_apps_info(): app_info_files = get_applications_info_files() for f in app_info_files: yield get_plist_obj(f) # TODO check version local_app_info = get_info_plist_path(appdir) local_app_info = get_plist_obj(local_app_info) for installed_info in get_installed_apps_info(): if installed_info['CFBundleName'] == local_app_info['CFBundleName']: if check_version == False: return True else: return str(local_app_info['CFBundleShortVersionString']) == str(installed_info['CFBundleShortVersionString']) return False
[docs]def get_installed_pkgs(): """ Returns the list of the IDs of the already installed packages. """ return run('pkgutil --pkgs').rstrip().split('\n')
[docs]def get_pkg_info(pkg_id): """ Gets an installed pkg's info, given its ID. Returns: a dict made from data in plist format """ pkginfo_str = run('pkgutil --pkg-info-plist {0}'.format(pkg_id)) pkginfo = plistlib.loads(pkginfo_str.encode('utf-8')) return dict(pkginfo)
[docs]def uninstall_key_exists(uninstallkey): if uninstallkey.startswith('pkgid:'): if uninstallkey[6:] in get_installed_pkgs(): return True else: if isdir(uninstallkey): return True return False
[docs]def is_local_pkg_installed(pkg_path, check_version=False): """ Checks whether or not a package file is already installed on the machine. Arguments: pkg_path The path to the .pkg file check_version If true, also checks if the local package's version is equal or superior to its possibly already installed version. Returns: True if it's already installed, False if it isn't. If check_version is specified, will also return False if it is already installed AND its version is inferior to the local package's version. """ tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() run('xar -xf "{0}" -C "{1}"'.format(pkg_path, tmp_dir)) tree = etree.parse(tmp_dir + '/' + 'PackageInfo') root = tree.getroot() local_pkg_attrib = root.attrib remove_tree(tmp_dir) pkglist = get_installed_pkgs() if local_pkg_attrib['identifier'] in pkglist: if check_version == False: return True else: installed_pkg_info = get_pkg_info(local_pkg_attrib['identifier']) return str(installed_pkg_info['pkg-version']) == str(local_pkg_attrib['version']) return False
[docs]def is_dmg_installed(dmg_path, check_version=False): """ Checks whether or not a .dmg is already installed, given a path to it. Arguments: dmg_path The path to the .dmg file check_version If true, also checks if the local package's version is equal or superior to its possibly already installed version. Returns: True if it's already installed, False if it isn't. If check_version is specified, will also return False if it is already installed AND its version is inferior to the local package's version.""" result_map = [] dmg_mount_path = mount_dmg(dmg_path) try: dmg_file_assoc = {'.pkg': is_local_pkg_installed, '.app': is_local_app_installed} files = [dmg_mount_path + '/' + fname for fname in os.listdir(dmg_mount_path)] for file in files: fname, fextension = os.path.splitext(file) if fextension in dmg_file_assoc: result_map.append(dmg_file_assoc[fextension](file, check_version)) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Couldn\'t check contents of dmg file at {0}: {1}'.format(dmg_path, e)) unmount_dmg(dmg_mount_path) raise unmount_dmg(dmg_mount_path) return any(result_map)
[docs]def install_pkg(pkg_path,key="",min_version="",get_version=None,killbefore=None,force=False,uninstallkeylist=None): """ Installs a pkg file, given its name or a path to it. """ if key: if not need_install(key=key,min_version=min_version,get_version=get_version,force = force): print('The pkg file {0} is already installed on this machine.'.format(pkg_path)) if key and isinstance(uninstallkeylist, list) and not key in uninstallkeylist: uninstallkeylist.append(key) return False pkg_name = os.path.basename(pkg_path) if killbefore: killalltasks(killbefore) run('sudo installer -package "{0}" -target /'.format(pkg_path)) if key: if need_install(key=key): error('%s has been installed but the %s can not be found' % (pkg_path,key)) if need_install(key=key,min_version=min_version,get_version=get_version): error('%s has been executed and %s has been found, but version does not match requirements of min_version=%s' % (pkg_path, key , min_version)) # add the key to the caller uninstallkeylist if key and isinstance(uninstallkeylist, list) and not key in uninstallkeylist: uninstallkeylist.append(key) print('Package {0} has been installed.'.format(pkg_name))
[docs]def uninstall_pkg(pkg_name): """ Uninstalls a pkg by its name. DELETES EVERY FILE. Should not save the user's configuration. Returns: True if it succeeded, False otherwise. """ pkg_list = get_installed_pkgs() if pkg_name not in pkg_list: print('Couldn\'t uninstall the package {0} : package not installed.'.format(pkg_name)) return False print('Requiring root access to uninstall the package {0}:'.format(pkg_name)) run('sudo -v') pkg_plist_info = get_pkg_info(pkg_name) # TODO check them before deleting them : moving them to a tmp location? pkg_file_list = run('pkgutil --only-files --files {0}'.format(pkg_name)).rstrip().split('\n') for f in pkg_file_list: f = os.path.join('/', pkg_plist_info['install-location'], f) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) else: print('Couldn\'t remove file {0} from pkg {1} : file does not exist'.format(f, pkg_name)) run('sudo pkgutil --forget {0}'.format(pkg_name)) pkg_list = get_installed_pkgs() if pkg_name in pkg_list: error("Uninstallation doesn't seem to work") print('Package {0} has been successfully uninstalled.'.format(pkg_name)) return True
[docs]def install_app(app_dir,key="",min_version="",get_version=None,killbefore=None,force=False,uninstallkeylist=None): """ Installs an app given a path to it. Copies the app directory to /Applications. """ if key: if not need_install(key=key,min_version=min_version,get_version=get_version,force = force): print('The {0} is already installed on this machine.'.format(app_dir)) if key and isinstance(uninstallkeylist, list) and not key in uninstallkeylist: uninstallkeylist.append(key) return False app_name = os.path.basename(app_dir) applications_dir = '/Applications' print('Installing the contents of {0} in {1}...'.format(app_name, applications_dir)) folder_app_dir = app_dir.split('/')[-1] if killbefore: killalltasks(killbefore) if isdir( makepath(applications_dir,folder_app_dir)): remove_tree(makepath(applications_dir,folder_app_dir)) copytree2(app_dir,makepath(applications_dir,folder_app_dir)) if key: if need_install(key=key): error('%s has been installed but the %s can not be found' % (app_dir,key)) if need_install(key=key,min_version=min_version,get_version=get_version): error('%s has been executed and %s has been found, but version does not match requirements of min_version=%s' % (app_dir, key , min_version)) # add the key to the caller uninstallkeylist if key and isinstance(uninstallkeylist, list) and not key in uninstallkeylist: uninstallkeylist.append(key) print('{0} succesfully installed in {1}'.format(app_name, applications_dir))
[docs]def uninstall_app(app_name): """ Uninstalls an app given its name. DELETES EVERY FILE. Should not save the user's configuration. """ app_dir = '/Applications/' app_path = app_dir + app_name if app_path[-4:] != '.app': app_path += '.app' if not os.path.isdir(app_path): print("Application {0} not found in {1} : cannot uninstall".format(app_name, app_dir)) return False remove_tree(app_path) if os.path.isdir(app_path): error("uninstallation doesn't seem to work") print("Application \"{0}\" deleted.".format(app_name)) return True
[docs]def need_install(key="",min_version="",get_version=None,force=False,higher_version_warning=True): if force : return True if key : if uninstall_key_exists(key): if not min_version: return False if get_version: installed_version = get_version([p for p in installed_softwares() if p['key'] == key][0]) else: if key.startswith('pkgid:'): pkg = get_pkg_info(key[6:]) installed_version = pkg.get('pkg-version','') else: plist_obj = get_plist_obj(get_info_plist_path(key)) installed_version = plist_obj.get('CFBundleShortVersionString','') if plist_obj.get('CFBundleShortVersionString','') else plist_obj.get('CFBundleVersion','') if Version(installed_version) >= Version(min_version): if higher_version_warning: if Version(min_version) < Version(installed_version): print("WARNING the installed version (%s) is higher than the requested version (%s)" % (installed_version,min_version)) return False else: return True return True
[docs]def install_dmg(dmg_path,key="",min_version="",get_version=None,force=False,killbefore=None,uninstallkeylist=None,accept_dmg_licence=False,bypass_dmg_licence=False,app_to_install_list=None,use_app_to_install_only=False): """ Installs a .dmg if it isn't already installed on the system. Arguments: dmg_path : the path to the dmg file Returns: True if it succeeded, False otherwise """ dmg_mount_path = mount_dmg(dmg_path, accept_licence=accept_dmg_licence, bypass_licence=bypass_dmg_licence) try: dmg_file_assoc = {'.pkg': install_pkg, '.mpkg': install_pkg ,'.app': install_app} nb_files_handled = 0 files = [] if not use_app_to_install_only: files.extend([dmg_mount_path + '/' + fname for fname in os.listdir(dmg_mount_path)]) if app_to_install_list: for file in app_to_install_list: if isfile(dmg_mount_path + '/' + file): files.append(dmg_mount_path + '/' + file) else: error('Error : file "{file}" not found.') for file in files: fname, fextension = os.path.splitext(file) if fextension in dmg_file_assoc: if not os.path.islink(file): dmg_file_assoc[fextension](file,key=key,min_version=min_version,get_version=get_version,force=force,uninstallkeylist=uninstallkeylist,killbefore=killbefore) nb_files_handled += 1 if nb_files_handled == 0: error('Error : the dmg file provided did not contain a package or an application, or none could be found.') unmount_dmg(dmg_mount_path) except Exception: unmount_dmg(dmg_mount_path) raise
[docs]def installed_softwares(keywords=None, name=None, ignore_empty_names=True): """ Return list of every application in the /Applications folder. Args: keywords (str or list): string to lookup in key, display_name or publisher fields Returns: list of dicts: [{'key', 'name', 'version', 'install_date', 'install_location' 'uninstall_string', 'publisher','system_component'}] """ name_re = re.compile(name) if name is not None else None list_installed_softwares = [] if isinstance(keywords, str): keywords = keywords.lower().split() elif isinstance(keywords, bytes): keywords = str(keywords).lower().split() elif keywords is not None: keywords = [ensure_unicode(k).lower() for k in keywords] else: keywords = None def check_words(target, words): mywords = target.lower() result = not words or mywords for w in words: result = result and w in mywords return result app_dirs = [str(f.resolve()) for f in pathlib.Path('/Applications').rglob('*.app')] app_dirs2 = [str(f.resolve()) for f in pathlib.Path('/System/Applications').rglob('*.app')] app_dirs.extend(app_dirs2) already_ok = {} plist_files = sorted([get_info_plist_path(app_dir) for app_dir in app_dirs], key=len) list_pkg = get_installed_pkgs() for pkgentry in list_pkg: pkg = get_pkg_info(pkgentry) pkgentrytmp = {'key':'pkgid:%s' % pkg['pkgid'], "name":pkg['pkgid'], "install_location":pkg.get('volume',''), "install_date":str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(pkg.get('install-time','')))).replace('T',' '), "version":pkg.get('pkg-version','')} if (not ignore_empty_names or pkgentrytmp['name'] != '') and ( (name_re is None or name_re.match(pkgentrytmp['name'])) and (keywords is None or check_words(pkgentrytmp['name'], keywords))): list_installed_softwares.append(pkgentrytmp) for plist_file in plist_files: try: namerep = plist_file.split("/Applications/")[1].split('.app')[0] plist_obj = get_plist_obj(plist_file) if plist_file[:plist_file.index('.app') + 4] in already_ok: continue already_ok[plist_file[:plist_file.index('.app') + 4]]=None publisher = plist_obj.get('CFBundleIdentifier','').split('.')[1] if ('.' in plist_obj.get('CFBundleIdentifier','')) else plist_obj.get('CFBundleIdentifier','') version = plist_obj.get('CFBundleShortVersionString','') if plist_obj.get('CFBundleShortVersionString','') else plist_obj.get('CFBundleVersion','') if (not ignore_empty_names or plist_obj.get('CFBundleName',namerep) != '') and ( (name_re is None or name_re.match(plist_obj.get('CFBundleName',''))) and (keywords is None or check_words(' '.join([plist_obj.get('CFBundleName',""), publisher ]), keywords))): list_installed_softwares.append({'key': plist_file[:plist_file.index('.app') + 4], 'name': plist_obj.get('CFBundleName',namerep), 'version': version, 'install_date': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(plist_file)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'install_location': plist_file[:plist_file.index('.app') + 4], 'uninstall_string': '', 'publisher': publisher, # "" => "publisher" 'system_component': ''}) except: pass #logger.warning("Application data acquisition failed for {} :".format(plist_file)) return list_installed_softwares
[docs]def brew_install(pkg_name): """ Installs a brew package, given its name. """ return'brew install ' + pkg_name, shell=True)
[docs]def brew_uninstall(pkg_name): """ Uninstalls a brew package, given its name. """ return'brew uninstall ' + pkg_name, shell=True)
[docs]def running_on_ac(): try: power_bat = run('pmset -g batt') return 'AC Power' in power_bat except: return None