Source code for waptpackage

#!/usr/bin/env python3
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##    This file is part of WAPT Software Deployment
##    Copyright (C) 2012 - 2024  Tranquil IT
##    All Rights Reserved.
##    WAPT helps systems administrators to efficiently deploy
##    setup, update and configure applications.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------

#from waptutils import __version__

__all__ = [

import os
import zipfile
import io
import hashlib
import logging
import glob
import codecs
import re
import time
import json
    import ujson
except ImportError:
    import json as ujson

import sys
import requests
import datetime
import tempfile
import shutil
import base64
import copy
import gc
import uuid

from iniparse import RawConfigParser
import traceback

from typing import Sequence,Union,List,Tuple,Callable

from waptutils import BaseObjectClass, Version, ensure_unicode, CustomZipFile
from waptutils import create_recursive_zip, ensure_list, all_files, all_empty_dirs, list_intersection
from waptutils import datetime2isodate, httpdatetime2isodate, httpdatetime2datetime, fileutcdate, fileisoutcdate, isodate2datetime
from waptutils import wget, get_language, import_setup, import_code
from waptutils import _disable_file_system_redirection
from waptutils import get_requests_client_cert_session
from waptutils import safe_cmp_tuples,safe_cmp
from waptutils import _hash_file, sanitize_filename,is_unsafe_filename

from waptcrypto import EWaptMissingCertificate, EWaptBadCertificate
from waptcrypto import SSLCABundle, SSLCertificate, SSLCRL, EWaptCryptoException
from waptcrypto import SSLVerifyException, serialize_content_for_signature
from waptutils import is_pem_key_encrypted, makepath, hexdigest_for_data
from waptutils import get_verify_cert, timeout_ms_or_default
from waptlicences import waptwget

logger = logging.getLogger('waptcore')

# From Semantic Versioning : by Tom Preston-Werner,
# valid : 0.0-0  0.0.0-0
REGEX_PACKAGE_VERSION = re.compile(r'^(?P<major>[0-9]+)'

# tis-exodus(>2.3.4-10)
# changed in
REGEX_PACKAGE_CONDITION = re.compile(r'(?P<package>[^()]+)\s*(\(\s*(?P<operator>[<=>]*)\s*(?P<version>\S+)\s*\))?')

REGEX_VERSION_CONDITION = re.compile(r'(?P<operator>[<=>]*)\s*(?P<version>\S+)')

DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_PATHS_FOR_BUILD = ['.svn', '.git', 'setup.pyc', 'update_package.pyc', '__pycache__/setup.cpython-39.pyc', '__pycache__/update_package.cpython-39.pyc']

[docs]def parse_major_minor_patch_build(version): """Parse version to major, minor, patch, pre-release, build parts. """ match = REGEX_PACKAGE_VERSION.match(version) if match is None: raise ValueError('%s is not valid SemVer string' % version) verinfo = match.groupdict() def int_or_none(name): if name in verinfo and verinfo[name] != None: return int(verinfo[name]) else: return None verinfo['major'] = int_or_none('major') verinfo['minor'] = int_or_none('minor') verinfo['patch'] = int_or_none('patch') verinfo['subpatch'] = int_or_none('subpatch') return verinfo
[docs]def make_version(major_minor_patch_build): p1 = '.'.join(["%s" % major_minor_patch_build[p] for p in ('major', 'minor', 'patch', 'subpatch') if major_minor_patch_build[p] != None]) if major_minor_patch_build['packaging'] != None: return '-'.join([p1, major_minor_patch_build['packaging']]) else: return p1
ArchitecturesList = ('all', 'x86', 'x64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'armhf')
[docs]class EWaptException(Exception): pass
[docs]class EWaptBadSignature(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptDownloadError(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptCorruptedFiles(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptNotSigned(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptBadControl(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptBadSetup(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptNeedsNewerAgent(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptDiskSpace(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptNotAPackage(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptBadPackageAttribute(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptNotSourcesDirPackage(EWaptException): pass
class EWaptMissingPackageHook(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptPackageSignError(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptInstallError(EWaptException): """Exception raised during installation of package msg is logged in local install database if retry_count is None, install will be retried indefinitely until success else install is retried at most retry_count times. """ def __init__(self, msg, install_status='ERROR', retry_count=None): Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.install_status = install_status self.retry_count = retry_count
[docs]class EWaptInstallPostponed(EWaptInstallError): def __init__(self, msg, install_status='POSTPONED', retry_count=5, grace_delay=3600): EWaptInstallError.__init__(self, msg, install_status, retry_count) self.grace_delay = grace_delay
[docs]class EWaptUnavailablePackage(EWaptInstallError): pass
[docs]class EWaptConflictingPackage(EWaptInstallError): pass
class EWaptRemoveError(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptConfigurationError(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class EWaptMissingLocalWaptFile(EWaptException): pass
[docs]class HostCapabilities(BaseObjectClass): __all_attributes = ['uuid', 'language', 'os', 'tags', 'os_version', 'kernel_version', 'architecture', 'dn', 'fqdn', 'site', 'wapt_version', 'wapt_edition', 'packages_trusted_ca_fingerprints', 'packages_blacklist', 'packages_whitelist', 'packages_locales', 'packages_maturities', 'use_hostpackages', 'host_packages_names', 'host_profiles', 'host_certificate_fingerprint', 'host_certificate_authority_key_identifier', 'on_date'] def __init__(self, from_dict=None, from_string_filter=None, **kwargs): self.uuid = None self.language = None self.os = None self.tags = [] self.os_version = None self.kernel_version = None self.architecture = None self.dn = None self.fqdn = None = None self.wapt_version = None self.wapt_edition = None self.packages_trusted_ca_fingerprints = None self.packages_blacklist = None self.packages_whitelist = None self.packages_locales = None self.packages_maturities = None self.use_hostpackages = None self.host_profiles = None self.host_packages_names = None self.host_certificate_fingerprint = None self.host_certificate_authority_key_identifier = None self.on_date = None # for fpc init if from_dict is not None: for (k, v) in from_dict.items(): if hasattr(self, k): setattr(self, k, v) else: #raise Exception('HostCapabilities has no attribute %s' % k) logger.critical('HostCapabilities has no attribute %s : ignored' % k) if from_string_filter is not None: # ex: :'windows~10.0.18363~x64~windows-19H2|windows-1909~fr|en~PREPROD|PROD' (self.os, self.os_version, self.architecture, tags, locales, maturities) = from_string_filter.split('~')[0:6] self.tags = tags.split('|') self.packages_locales = locales.split('|') self.packages_maturities = maturities.split('|') for (k, v) in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(self, k): setattr(self, k, v) else: #raise Exception('HostCapabilities has no attribute %s' % k) logger.critical('HostCapabilities has no attribute %s : ignored' % k) def __getitem__(self, name): if name is str: name = name.lower() if hasattr(self, name): return getattr(self, name) else: raise Exception('%s : No such attribute : %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) def __iter__(self): for key in self.__all_attributes: yield (key, getattr(self, key))
[docs] def as_dict(self): return dict(self)
[docs] def fingerprint(self): return hashlib.sha256(serialize_content_for_signature(self.as_dict())).hexdigest()
[docs] def get_package_request_filter(self): """Returns a filter for package search in repositories Returns: PackageRequest """ return PackageRequest( architectures=ensure_list(self.architecture), locales=ensure_list(self.packages_locales), maturities=self.packages_maturities, tags=self.tags[:] if self.tags else None, # be sure to not share list, get it by value min_os_version=self.os_version, max_os_version=self.os_version, )
[docs] def has_matching_target(self,package_entry): def evaluate_condition_target(acond, avalue): version_avalue=Version(avalue) version_acond=Version(acond[1]) def eq(): return version_avalue == version_acond def ne(): return version_avalue != version_acond def ge(): return version_avalue >= version_acond def gt(): return version_avalue > version_acond def le(): return version_avalue <= version_acond def lt(): return version_avalue < version_acond return { '==': eq, '<=': le, '>=': ge, '<>': ne, '!=': ne, '<': lt, '>': gt, '=': eq, }[acond[0]]() def target_is_matching(atarget): return atarget[0] in self.tags and (not atarget[1] or atarget[0] in ['all', 'unix'] or \ (atarget[0] in ['linux', 'darwin'] and all(evaluate_condition_target(acond, self.kernel_version) for acond in atarget[1])) or \ (atarget[0]==self.os and all(evaluate_condition_target(acond, self.os_version) for acond in atarget[1]))) return not self.tags or not package_entry.target_os or 'all' in package_entry.tags or any(target_is_matching(atarget) for atarget in package_entry.target_os_list)
[docs] def is_matching_package(self, package_entry, for_datetime=None, errors_list=None): """Check if package_entry is matching the current capabilities and restrictions """ def error(msg): if errors_list is not None: errors_list.append(msg) return False if for_datetime is not None: if package_entry.valid_from and package_entry.valid_from > for_datetime: return error("Attribute valid_from (%s) doesn't allow the current date (%s)" % (package_entry.valid_from, for_datetime)) if package_entry.valid_until and for_datetime >= package_entry.valid_until: return error("Attribute valid_until (%s) doesn't allow the current date (%s)" % (package_entry.valid_until, for_datetime)) if self.packages_blacklist is not None: for bl in self.packages_blacklist: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(package_entry.package, bl): return error("This package (%s) is blacklisted on this agent (blacklist entry: %s)" % (package_entry.package, bl)) if self.packages_whitelist is not None: allowed = False for wl in self.packages_whitelist: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(package_entry.package, wl): allowed = True break if not allowed: return error("This package (%s) is not in the agent whitelist (%s)" % (package_entry.package, ",".join(self.packages_whitelist))) if self.wapt_version is not None and package_entry.min_wapt_version and Version(package_entry.min_wapt_version) > Version(self.wapt_version): return error("This package needs a wapt version %s but the agent is on wapt %s" % (package_entry.min_wapt_version, self.wapt_version)) if not self.has_matching_target(package_entry): return error("Package target doesn't match this agent" ) package_request = self.get_package_request_filter() return package_request.is_matched_by(package_entry, errors_list=errors_list)
def __repr__(self): return repr(self.as_dict())
class PackageKey(object): def __init__(self, package_uuid=None, package=None, version=None, architecture=None, locale=None, maturity=None, **kwargs): self.package_uuid = package_uuid self.package = package self.version = version self.architecture = architecture self.locale = locale self.maturity = maturity for k, v in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(self, k): setattr(self, k, v) def __str__(self): def and_list(v): if isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, tuple): return ','.join(ensure_list(v)) else: return v attribs = [] attribs.extend(["%s" % (ensure_unicode(and_list(getattr(self, a)))) for a in ['architecture', 'locale', 'maturity'] if getattr(self, a) is not None and getattr(self, a) != '' and getattr(self, a) != 'all']) if attribs: attribs = ' [%s]' % '_'.join(attribs) else: attribs = '' return "%s (=%s)%s" % (self.package, self.version, attribs) def __iter__(self): return iter((self.package, self.version, self.architecture, self.locale, self.maturity)) def as_dict(self): return dict( package=self.package, version=self.version, architecture=self.architecture, locale=self.locale, maturity=self.maturity, ) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.as_dict()) def __cmp__(self, other): if self.package_uuid and other.package_uuid and self.package_uuid == other.package_uuid: return 0 return safe_cmp_tuples((self.package, self.version, self.architecture, self.locale, self.maturity), (other.package, other.version, other.architecture, other.locale, other.maturity)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) != 0 def __gt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) > 0 def __lt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 def __ge__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0 def __le__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0
[docs]def PackageVersion(package_or_versionstr) -> Tuple: """Splits a version string software version is clipped to 4 members if '-packaging' is not provided, the second member will be 0 for safe comparison Args: package_or_versionstr (str): package version string Returns: tuple: (Version,int) : soft version on 4 members / packaging as an int """ if isinstance(package_or_versionstr, PackageEntry): package_or_versionstr = package_or_versionstr.version if isinstance(package_or_versionstr, Version): return (Version(package_or_versionstr, 4), 0) version_build = package_or_versionstr.split('-', 1) if len(version_build) > 1: return (Version(version_build[0], 4), int(version_build[1])) else: return (Version(version_build[0], 4), 0)
[docs]def PackageVersionStr(package_or_versionstr) -> Tuple: """Splits a version string software version is clipped to 4 members if '-packaging' is not provided, the second member will be 0 for safe comparison Args: package_or_versionstr (str): package version string Returns: tuple: (Version,int) : soft version on 4 members / packaging as an int """ if isinstance(package_or_versionstr, PackageEntry): package_or_versionstr = package_or_versionstr.version if isinstance(package_or_versionstr, Version): return (Version(package_or_versionstr, 4), 0) version_build = package_or_versionstr.split('-', 1) if len(version_build) > 1: return Version(version_build[0], 4).sortable_str()+'-%08d'%int(version_build[1]) else: return Version(version_build[0], 4).sortable_str()+'-%08d' % 0
[docs]class PackageRequest(BaseObjectClass): """Package and version request / condition The request is the basic packagename(=version) request Additional filters can be specified as arguments The list filters are ordered from most preferred to least preferred options Args: request (str): packagename(<=>version) architectures (list) : list of x64, x86, arm, arm64, armhf locales (list) : list of 2 letters lki """ _attributes = ['package_uuid','package', 'version', 'architectures', 'locales', 'maturities', 'tags', 'min_os_version', 'max_os_version'] def __init__(self, request=None, copy_from=None, **kwargs): self.package_uuid = None self.package = None self.version = None self.architectures = None self.locales = None self.maturities = None self.tags = None self.min_os_version = None self.max_os_version = None self._request = None self._package = None self._version_operator = None self._version = None self._architectures = None self._locales = None self._maturities = None self._tags = None self._min_os_version = None self._max_os_version = None if copy_from is not None: for k in self._attributes: setattr(self, k, getattr(copy_from, k)) self.request = request for (k, v) in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(self, k): setattr(self, k, v) else: raise Exception('PackageRequest has no attribute %s' % k) @property def request(self): return self._request @request.setter def request(self, value): self._request = value if value: if value.startswith('{') and value.endswith('}'): self.package_uuid = value[1:-1] self._package = None self._version = None self._version_operator = None else: self.package_uuid = None package_version = REGEX_PACKAGE_CONDITION.match(value).groupdict() self._package = package_version['package'] if package_version['operator'] is not None: self._version_operator = package_version['operator'] else: self._version_operator = '=' if package_version['version'] is not None: self._version = PackageVersion(package_version['version']) else: self._version = None else: self._package = None self._version = None self._version_operator = None self.package_uuid = None @property def version(self): return self._version @version.setter def version(self, value): if value is None: self._version_operator = None self._version = None else: package_version = REGEX_VERSION_CONDITION.match(value).groupdict() if package_version['operator'] is not None: self._version_operator = package_version['operator'] else: self._version_operator = '=' if package_version['version'] is not None: self._version = PackageVersion(package_version['version']) else: self._version = None @property def min_os_version(self): return self._min_os_version @min_os_version.setter def min_os_version(self, value): if value is not None and value != '': if isinstance(value,Version): self._min_os_version = value else: self._min_os_version = Version(value) else: self._min_os_version = None @property def max_os_version(self): return self._max_os_version @max_os_version.setter def max_os_version(self, value): if value is not None and value != '': if isinstance(value,Version): self._max_os_version = value else: self._max_os_version = Version(value) else: self._max_os_version = None def _is_matched_version(self, version): """Return True if this request is verified by the provided version Args: version (str or Version): version to check against this request Returns: bool : True if version is verified by this request """ if self._version is None: return True else: possibilities_dict = { '>': (1,), '<': (-1,), '=': (0,), '==': (0,), '>=': (0, 1), '<=': (-1, 0) } possibilities = possibilities_dict[self._version_operator] if not isinstance(version, tuple): version = PackageVersion(version) if self._version[1] is None: # omit packaging in comparison cmp_res = safe_cmp(version[0], self._version[0]) else: cmp_res = safe_cmp(version, self._version) return cmp_res in possibilities @property def package(self): return self._package or None @package.setter def package(self, value): if value: self._package = value else: self._package = None @property def architectures(self): """List of accepted architecturs""" return self._architectures @architectures.setter def architectures(self, value): if value in ('all', '', None): self._architectures = None else: self._architectures = ensure_list(value) @property def maturities(self) -> List: """List of accepted maturities""" return self._maturities @maturities.setter def maturities(self, value: List): """List of accepted maturities""" if value in ('all', '', None): self._maturities = None else: self._maturities = ensure_list(value, allow_none=True) @property def tags(self) -> list: """List of accepted tags for OS""" return self._tags @tags.setter def tags(self, value: List): """List of accepted tags for OS""" if not value: self._tags = None else: self._tags = ensure_list(value, allow_none=True) if 'linux' in self._tags: self._tags += ['ubuntu', 'debian', 'linuxmint', 'raspbian', 'rhel', 'centos', 'fedora', 'debian_based', 'rhel_based'] elif 'unix' in self._tags: self._tags += ['ubuntu', 'debian', 'linuxmint', 'raspbian', 'rhel', 'centos', 'fedora', 'macos', 'darwin', 'linux'] @property def locales(self) -> List: return self._locales @locales.setter def locales(self, value: List): if value in ('all', '', None): self._locales = None else: self._locales = ensure_list(value)
[docs] def is_matched_by(self, package_entry: 'PackageEntry', errors_list=None): """Check if package_entry is matching this request""" def error(msg): errors_list.append(msg) return False if not (self.package_uuid is None or package_entry.package_uuid == self.package_uuid): if errors_list is None: return False return error("Package uuid (%s) doesn't match request uuid (%s)" % (package_entry.package_uuid, self.package_uuid)) if not (self.package is None or package_entry.package == self.package): if errors_list is None: return False return error("Package (%s) doesn't match request (%s)" % (package_entry.package, self.package)) if not (self.version is None or self._is_matched_version(package_entry.version)): if errors_list is None: return False return error("Package version (%s) doesn't match request version (%s)" % (package_entry.version, self.version)) if not (not self.tags or ('all' in self.tags) or not package_entry.target_os or bool(set([acapa[0] for acapa in package_entry.target_os_list]).intersection(set(self.tags+['all'])))): if errors_list is None: return False return error("Package target_os (%s) doesn't match request tags (%s)" % (package_entry.target_os, ','.join(self.tags))) if not (self.min_os_version is None or not package_entry.max_os_version or Version(package_entry.max_os_version) >= self.min_os_version): if errors_list is None: return False return error("Package max_os_version (%s) doesn't include request min_os_version (%s)" % (package_entry.max_os_version, self.min_os_version)) if not (self.max_os_version is None or not package_entry.min_os_version or Version(package_entry.min_os_version) <= self.max_os_version): if errors_list is None: return False return error("Package min_os_version (%s) doesn't include request max_os_version (%s)" % (package_entry.min_os_version, self.max_os_version)) if not (self.architectures is None or package_entry.architecture in ('', 'all') or len(list_intersection(ensure_list(package_entry.architecture), self.architectures)) > 0): if errors_list is None: return False return error("Package architecture (%s) doesn't match request architectures (%s)" % (package_entry.architecture, self.architectures)) if not (self.locales is None or package_entry.locale in ('', 'all') or len(list_intersection(ensure_list(package_entry.locale), self.locales)) > 0): if errors_list is None: return False return error("Package locale (%s) doesn't match request locales (%s)" % (package_entry.locale, self.locales)) if not (self.maturities is None or (package_entry.maturity == '' and (self.maturities is None or 'PROD' in self.maturities)) or package_entry.maturity in self.maturities): if errors_list is None: return False return error("Package maturity (%s) doesn't match request maturities (%s)" % (package_entry.maturity, self.maturities)) return True
def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = PackageRequest(request=other) if isinstance(other, PackageRequest): return safe_cmp_tuples((self.package, self.version, self.tags, self.architectures, self.locales, self.maturities), (other.package, other.version, other.tags, other.architectures, other.locales, other.maturities)) elif isinstance(other, PackageEntry): if self.is_matched_by(other): return 0 else: return safe_cmp_tuples((self.package, self.tags, self.version, self.architectures, self.locales, self.maturities), (other.package, other.version, other.tags, other.architecture, other.locale, other.maturity)) else: raise Exception('Unsupported comparison between PackageRequest and %s' % other) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) != 0 def __gt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) > 0 def __lt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 def __ge__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0 def __le__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0 def __repr__(self): def or_list(v): if isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, tuple): return '|'.join(ensure_list(v)) else: return v attribs = [] attribs.extend(["%s=%s" % (a, repr(getattr(self, a))) for a in self._attributes if getattr(self, a) is not None and getattr(self, a) != '' and getattr(self, a) != 'all']) attribs = ','.join(attribs) return "PackageRequest(%s)" % attribs def __str__(self): def or_list(v): if isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, tuple): return ','.join(ensure_list(v)) else: return v attribs = [] attribs.extend(["%s" % (ensure_unicode(or_list(getattr(self, a)))) for a in ['architectures', 'locales', 'maturities'] if getattr(self, a) is not None and getattr(self, a) != '' and getattr(self, a) != 'all']) if attribs: attribs = ' [%s]' % '_'.join(attribs) else: attribs = '' return "%s%s" % (self.request, attribs)
[docs] def get_package_compare_key(self, pe1: 'PackageEntry') -> Tuple: """Compute a key for a package to compare it with other in the context of this request. This takes in account the preferences from filter like order of locale, architecture, or maturities which define preferences. Args: pe1 (PackageEntry) Returns: tuple """ def _safe_rev_index(alist, avalue): if avalue in ('', 'all'): return -1000 elif alist and avalue in alist: return -alist.index(avalue) elif alist is None: return -ord(avalue[0]) else: return -10000 def _safe_rev_index_list(l1, l2): if l2 is None: return -1000 if l1: for e1 in l1: if e1 in l2: return -l1.index(e1) return -10000 return -10000 return ( pe1.package, (self.version is None and '') or PackageVersion(pe1.version), _safe_rev_index_list(self.tags, pe1.tags), _safe_rev_index(self.architectures, pe1.architecture), _safe_rev_index(self.locales, pe1.locale), _safe_rev_index(self.maturities, pe1.maturity), )
def __iter__(self): for key in self._attributes: yield (key, getattr(self, key))
[docs] def as_dict(self): return dict(self)
[docs] def fingerprint(self): return hashlib.sha256(serialize_content_for_signature(self.as_dict())).hexdigest()
[docs]def control_to_dict(control, int_params=('size', 'installed_size'), out_excluded_control_keys=['filename', 'size', 'md5sum', 'repo_url', 'repo'], out_control_lines=None): """Convert a control file like object key1: value1 key2: value2 ... list of lines into a dict Multilines strings begins with a space Breaks when an empty line is reached (limit between 2 package in Packages indexes) Args: control (file,str or list): file like object to read control from (until an empty line is reached) int_params (list): attributes which must be converted to int out_control_lines (list): if not None, decoded raw control lines are appended to this list. Returns: dict """ result = {} (key, value) = ('', '') linenr = 0 if isinstance(control, str): control = control.splitlines() while 1: if isinstance(control, list): if linenr >= len(control): line = None else: line = control[linenr] if not line or not line.strip(): break else: line = control.readline() if not line or not line.strip(): break if line.startswith(' '): # additional lines begin with a space! value = result[key] value += '\n' value += line.strip() result[key] = value else: sc = line.find(':') if sc < 0: raise EWaptBadControl('Invalid line (no ":" found) : %s' % line) (key, value) = (line[:sc].strip(), line[sc+1:].strip()) key = key.lower() if key in int_params: try: value = int(value) except: pass result[key] = value linenr += 1 # output line in out_control_lines if its key is not excluded if out_control_lines is not None and (not key or (not key in out_excluded_control_keys)): out_control_lines.append(line) return result
def is_valid_package_for_filename(name): """Return True if the package name can be used as this for package filename If not, the name has to be hashed to build a filename Args: name (unicode): package name to test Returns: bool """ for c in name: if not c.isalnum() and not c in ['-', '_', '.']: return False return True def make_valid_package_name(name): """Return a valid package name from a proposed name. """ result = '' for c in name: if c.isalnum() or c in ['-', '_', '=', '~', '.']: result += c elif c == ',': result += '_' elif c == ' ': result += '~' return result
[docs]class PackageEntry(BaseObjectClass): """Manage package attributes coming from either control files in WAPT package, local DB, or developement dir. Methods to build, unzip, sign or check a package. Methods to sign the control attributes and check them. >>> pe = PackageEntry('testgroup','0') >>> pe.depends = 'tis-7zip' >>> pe.section = 'group' >>> pe.description = 'A test package' >>> print(pe.ascontrol()) package : testgroup version : 0 architecture : all section : group priority : optional maintainer : description : A test package depends : tis-7zip conflicts : maturity : locale : min_wapt_version : sources : installed_size : signer : signer_fingerprint: signature_date : signed_attributes : >>> """ # minim attributes for a valid control file required_attributes = ['package', 'version', 'architecture', 'section', 'priority'] optional_attributes = ['name', 'categories', 'maintainer', 'description', 'depends', 'conflicts', 'maturity', 'locale', 'target_os', 'min_wapt_version', 'sources', 'installed_size', 'impacted_process', 'description_fr', 'description_pl', 'description_de', 'description_es', 'description_pt', 'description_it', 'description_nl', 'description_ru', 'audit_schedule', 'editor', 'keywords', 'licence', 'homepage', 'package_uuid', 'valid_from', 'valid_until', 'forced_install_on', 'changelog', 'min_os_version', 'max_os_version', 'icon_sha256sum'] # attributes which are added by _sign_control signature_attributes = ['signer', 'signer_fingerprint', 'signature', 'signature_date', 'signed_attributes'] # these attrbutes are not written to Package control file, but only in Packages repository index repo_attributes = ['filename','size','md5sum'] # attribute valid only for local copy of packages local_attributes = ['sourcespath','repo','localpath','repo_url'] # these attributes are not kept when duplicating / editing a package not_duplicated_attributes = signature_attributes # there files are not included in manifest file manifest_filename_excludes = ['WAPT/signature', 'WAPT/signature.sha256', 'WAPT/manifest.sha256'] _calculated_attributes = [] @property def all_attributes(self): return self.required_attributes + self.optional_attributes + self.signature_attributes + self.repo_attributes + self.local_attributes + self._calculated_attributes
[docs] def get_default_signed_attributes(self): all = self.required_attributes+self.optional_attributes+self.signature_attributes all.remove('signature') return all
def __init__(self, package='', version='0', repo='', waptfile=None, section='base', **kwargs): """Initialize a Package entry with either attributes or an existing package file or directory. Args: waptfile (str): path to wapt zipped file or wapt development directory. package (str) : package name version (str) : package version section (str): Type of package base : any standard software install or configuration package with python code restricted : same as base but is hidden by default in self service group : group of packages, without Only WAPT/control file. host : host package without Only WAPT/control file. unit : AD Organizational unit package. Only WAPT/control file profile : AD Group package. Only WAPT/control file wsus : WAPT WUA Windows updates rules package with WAPT/control and WAPT/waptwua_rules.json file. any control attribute (str): initialize matching attribute Returns: None """ # temporary attributes added by join queries from local Wapt database self._calculated_attributes = [] self._package_content = None self._control_updated = None # init package attributes for key in self.required_attributes: setattr(self, key, '') for key in self.optional_attributes: setattr(self, key, '') self.package = package self.version = version self.architecture = 'all' self.section = section self.priority = 'optional' = '' self.categories = '' self.maintainer = '' self.description = '' self.depends = '' self.conflicts = '' self.sources = '' self.filename = '' self.size = None self.maturity = '' self.signer = None self.signer_fingerprint = None self.signature = None self.signature_date = None self.signed_attributes = None self.locale = '' self.target_os = '' self.min_os_version = '' self.max_os_version = '' self.min_wapt_version = '' self.installed_size = '' self.audit_schedule = '' self.impacted_process = '' self.keywords = '' self.editor = '' self.licence = '' self.valid_from = '' self.valid_until = '' self.forced_install_on = '' self.homepage = '' self.changelog = '' self.package_uuid = '' self.icon_sha256sum = '' # non control attributes self.md5sum = '' self.repo_url = '' self.repo = repo # directory if unzipped package files self.sourcespath = None # full filename of package if built self.localpath = None self._control_updated = False self._tags = None self._target_os_list = None self._control_lines = None if waptfile: if os.path.isfile(waptfile): self.load_control_from_wapt(waptfile) elif os.path.isdir(waptfile): self.load_control_from_wapt(waptfile) else: raise EWaptBadControl('Package filename or directory %s does not exist' % waptfile) if kwargs: for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in self.required_attributes + self.optional_attributes + self.repo_attributes + self.local_attributes: setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def as_key(self): return PackageKey( package=self.package, version=self.version, architecture=self.architecture if (self.architecture is not None and self.architecture != '' and self.architecture != 'all') else '', locale=self.locale if (self.locale is not None and self.locale != '' and self.locale != 'all') else '', maturity=self.maturity if (self.maturity is not None and self.maturity != '' and self.maturity != 'all') else '', )
[docs] def package_ident(self): """Version independent package key Returns: tuple """ return (self.package,self.target_os or 'all',self.architecture or 'all',self.locale or 'all',self.maturity or 'PROD')
[docs] def make_fallback_uuid(self): return 'fb-%s' % (hashlib.sha256(('-'.join([str(self.package or ''), str(self.version or ''), str(self.architecture or ''), str(self.locale or ''), str(self.maturity or '')])).encode('utf8')).hexdigest(),)
[docs] def make_uuid(self): self.package_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) return self.package_uuid
def _calc_md5sum(self): """Return md5sum of package file on disk if it exists""" if self.localpath and os.path.isfile(self.localpath): return _hash_file(self.localpath, hash_func=hashlib.md5) else: return '' def _md5sum_from_filename(self,filename): """Returns the md5sum from a filename. It is the last part of the basename, name parts are separated with '_' >>> pe = PackageEntry(waptfile='c:/tranquilit/tis-disable-telemetry_6.wapt') >>> pe.md5sum = pe._calc_md5sum() >>> pe.make_package_filename() u'tis-disable-telemetry_6_3519b9e9b1d116dccd9514c209bb84ab.wapt' >>> pe._md5sum_from_filename(pe.make_package_filename()) u'3519b9e9b1d116dccd9514c209bb84ab' """ if not isinstance(filename,str): return '' filename = os.path.basename(filename) if filename and filename.endswith('.wapt') and len(filename) > 37 and filename[-38] == '_': md5sum = filename[-37:-5] # remove ending .wapt return md5sum else: return ''
[docs] def as_package_request(self): return PackageRequest( package=self.package, version=self.version, architectures=[self.architecture] if self.architecture else None, locales=[self.locale] if self.locale else None, maturities=[self.maturity] if self.maturity else None, tags=self.tags[:] if self.tags else None, )
[docs] def parse_version(self): """Parse version to major, minor, patch, pre-release, build parts. """ return parse_major_minor_patch_build(self.version)
[docs] def check_package_attributes(self, remove_min_max_os=False): self.target_os=self.target_os.lower() if remove_min_max_os and (self.get('min_os_version') or self.get('max_os_version')): left_cond = '' right_cond = '' if self.get('min_os_version'): left_cond = '>=%s' % (self.min_os_version) self.min_os_version = None if self.get('max_os_version'): right_cond = '<=%s' % (self.max_os_version) self.max_os_version = None cond ='(%s)' % ' '.join([left_cond, right_cond]).strip() list_target_os = ensure_list(self.target_os) if list_target_os: if not 'windows' in list_target_os: if 'all' in list_target_os: list_target_os.remove('all') list_target_os.append('windows') self.target_os = ','.join([atarget if atarget!='windows' else 'windows%s' % (cond) for atarget in list_target_os]) else: self.target_os = 'windows%s' % (cond) if self.target_os: list_target_os = ensure_list(self.target_os) if len(list_target_os)>1 and any(t.startswith('all') for t in list_target_os): self.target_os = 'all' self.parse_capabilities_target_os(check=True) # be sure filename is ok if self.filename and self.filename != sanitize_filename(self.filename): raise EWaptBadControl('filename %s is invalid for a package' % self.filename)
[docs] def parse_capabilities_target_os(self, check=False): comparison_operators = ['==', '<=', '>=', '<>', '!=', '<', '>', '='] def match_regex_condition_capabilities(astr): return bool(re.match(r'^(%s)[a-zA-Z0-9.]+$' % '|'.join(comparison_operators), astr)) def match_regex_tags(astr): return bool(re.match(r'^[\w-]+$', astr)) def parse_comparison_operators(acond): for anope in comparison_operators: if acond.startswith(anope): operator = anope break return (operator, acond[acond.find(operator)+len(operator):]) def raise_or_log(target): if check: raise Exception('Malformed target OS for %s with target : %s' % (repr(self),target)) else: logger.debug('Exception for package %s, with target %s' % (repr(self), target)) capabilities = [] if not self.target_os: capabilities.append(('all', [])) else: for target in ensure_list(self.target_os): try: opening_parenthesis_pos = target.find('(') closing_parenthesis_pos = target.rfind(')') conds = [] if opening_parenthesis_pos!=-1 and closing_parenthesis_pos!=-1: os_versions = [t for t in target[opening_parenthesis_pos+1:closing_parenthesis_pos].split(' ')] extracted_tag = target[0:opening_parenthesis_pos].strip().lower() if all([match_regex_condition_capabilities(t) for t in os_versions]): conds = [parse_comparison_operators(acond) for acond in os_versions] else: raise_or_log(target) else: extracted_tag = target.strip().lower() if match_regex_tags(extracted_tag): capabilities.append((extracted_tag,conds)) else: raise_or_log(target) except: raise_or_log(target) return capabilities
@property def tags(self): if self._tags is None: self._tags = [atarget[0] for atarget in self.target_os_list] return self._tags @property def target_os_list(self): if self._target_os_list is None: self._target_os_list = self.parse_capabilities_target_os() return self._target_os_list
[docs] def set_icon_sha256sum(self): self.icon_sha256sum = '' if self.localpath: with CustomZipFile(self.localpath, 'r', allowZip64=True, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as waptzip: if 'WAPT/icon.png' in waptzip.namelist(): self.icon_sha256sum = _hash_file('WAPT/icon.png'), hash_func=hashlib.sha256) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT/icon.png')): self.icon_sha256sum = _hash_file(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT/icon.png'), hash_func=hashlib.sha256)
def __getitem__(self, name): if isinstance(name, str): name = name.lower() if hasattr(self, name): return getattr(self, name) else: raise Exception('No such attribute : %s' % name) def __iter__(self): for key in self.all_attributes: if not key.startswith('_') or key == '_localized_description': yield (key, getattr(self, key))
[docs] def as_dict(self): return dict(self)
[docs] def fingerprint(self): return hashlib.sha256(serialize_content_for_signature(self.as_dict())).hexdigest()
def __str__(self): return self.ascontrol(with_repo_attributes=True) def __repr__(self): return "PackageEntry(%s,%s %s)" % (repr(self.package), repr(self.version), ','.join(["%s=%s" % (key, repr(getattr(self, key))) for key in ('architecture', 'maturity', 'locale','target_os') if (getattr(self, key) is not None and getattr(self, key) != '' and getattr(self, key) != 'all')]))
[docs] def get(self, name, default=None): """Get PackageEntry property. Args: name (str): property to get. name is forced to lowercase. default (any) : value to return in case the property doesn't not exist. Returns: any : property value """ if isinstance(name, str): name = name.lower() return getattr(self, name, default)
[docs] def get_localized_description(self, locale_code=None): """locale_code is a 2 chars code like fr or en or de""" if locale_code is None: return self.description else: if hasattr(self, 'description_%s' % locale_code): desc = getattr(self, 'description_%s' % locale_code) if desc: return desc else: return self.description else: return self.description
def __setitem__(self, name, value): """attribute which are not member of all_attributes list are considered _calculated >>> p = PackageEntry('test') >>> print p._calculated_attributes [] >>> p.install_date = u'2017-06-09 12:00:00' >>> print(p._calculated_attributes) [] """ setattr(self, name, value) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if isinstance(name, str): name = name.lower() if name not in self.all_attributes: self._calculated_attributes.append(name) if name == 'target_os': self._tags = None self._target_os_list = None if name in self.required_attributes+self.optional_attributes and self._control_updated is not None and value != getattr(self, name): self._control_updated = True super().__setattr__(name, value) def __len__(self): return len(self.all_attributes) def __cmp__(self, entry_or_version): try: if isinstance(entry_or_version,PackageEntry): return safe_cmp_tuples(PackageVersion(self.version)+(self.maturity,self.signature_date) ,PackageVersion(entry_or_version.version)+(entry_or_version.maturity,entry_or_version.signature_date)) else: return safe_cmp_tuples(PackageVersion(self.version),PackageVersion(entry_or_version)) except ValueError as e: logger.warning("%s" % e) if isinstance(entry_or_version, PackageEntry): return safe_cmp_tuples((self.package, self.version), (entry_or_version.package, entry_or_version.version)) else: return safe_cmp(self.version, entry_or_version) def __eq__(self, entry_or_version): return self.__cmp__(entry_or_version) == 0 def __ne__(self, entry_or_version): return self.__cmp__(entry_or_version) != 0 def __gt__(self, entry_or_version): return self.__cmp__(entry_or_version) > 0 def __lt__(self, entry_or_version): return self.__cmp__(entry_or_version) < 0 def __ge__(self, entry_or_version): return self.__cmp__(entry_or_version) >= 0 def __le__(self, entry_or_version): return self.__cmp__(entry_or_version) <= 0
[docs] def match(self, match_expr): """Return True if package entry match a package string like 'tis-package (>=1.0.1-00) """ if isinstance(match_expr, PackageRequest): return match_expr.is_matched_by(self) elif isinstance(match_expr, str): pcv = REGEX_PACKAGE_CONDITION.match(match_expr).groupdict() if pcv['package'] != self.package: return False else: if 'operator' in pcv and pcv['operator']: return self.match_version(pcv['operator']+pcv['version']) else: return True else: raise Exception('Unsupported match operand %s' % match_expr)
[docs] def sortable_version(self): return PackageVersionStr(self)
[docs] def match_version(self, version_expr): """Return True if package entry match a version string condition like '>=1.0.1-00' """ prefix = version_expr[:2] if prefix in ('>=', '<=', '=='): match_version = version_expr[2:] elif prefix and prefix[0] in ('>', '<', '='): prefix = prefix[0] match_version = version_expr[1:] else: raise ValueError("version_expr parameter should be in format <op><ver>, " "where <op> is one of ['<', '>', '==', '<=', '>=']. " "You provided: %r" % version_expr) possibilities_dict = { '>': (1,), '<': (-1,), '=': (0,), '==': (0,), '>=': (0, 1), '<=': (-1, 0) } possibilities = possibilities_dict[prefix] cmp_res = self.__cmp__(match_version) return cmp_res in possibilities
[docs] def load_control_from_dict(self, adict): """Fill in members of entry with keys from supplied dict adict members which are not a registered control attribute are set too and attribute name is put in list of "calculated" attributes. Args: adict (dict): key,value to put in this entry Returns: PackageEntry: self """ for k in adict: setattr(self, k, adict[k]) return self
def _load_control(self, control_text, keep_control_lines=False): if not keep_control_lines: self._control_lines = None self.load_control_from_dict(control_to_dict(control_text)) else: self._control_lines = [] self.load_control_from_dict(control_to_dict(control_text,out_excluded_control_keys=self.repo_attributes+self.local_attributes,out_control_lines=self._control_lines)) self._control_updated = False def _control_str(self, fname=None) -> (str, str): if fname is None: if self.sourcespath and os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): fname = self.sourcespath elif self.localpath and os.path.isfile(self.localpath): fname = self.localpath if fname and os.path.isfile(fname): with CustomZipFile(fname, 'r', allowZip64=True) as waptzip: control ='WAPT/control').read().decode('utf8') elif fname and os.path.isdir(fname) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fname, 'WAPT', 'control')): with open(os.path.join(fname, 'WAPT', 'control'), 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: control = elif self._control_lines: return '\n'.join(self._control_lines) else: raise EWaptBadControl('Bad or no control found for %s' % (fname,)) return (control, fname)
[docs] def load_control_from_wapt(self, fname=None, calc_md5=False, keep_control_lines=False): """Load package attributes from the control file (utf8 encoded) included in WAPT zipfile fname Args: fname (str or unicode): Package file/directory path If None, try to load entry attributes from self.sourcespath or self.localpath If fname is a file path, it must be Wapt zipped file, and try to load control data from it If fname is a directory path, it must be root dir of unzipped package file and load control from <fname>/WAPT/control calc_md5 (boolean): if True and fname is a zipped file, initialize md5sum attribute with md5 part of filename or calc from Zipped file Returns: PackageEntry: self """ (control_data, fname) = self._control_str(fname) self._load_control(control_data, keep_control_lines=keep_control_lines) if os.path.isfile(fname): self.size = os.path.getsize(fname) self.filename = os.path.basename(fname) self.localpath = os.path.abspath(fname) if calc_md5: self.md5sum = self._calc_md5sum() else: # Can only be directory otherwise a EWaptBadControl would have been raised before self.filename = None self.localpath = None self.size = None self.sourcespath = os.path.abspath(fname) return self
[docs] def save_control_to_wapt(self, fname=None, force=True): """Save package attributes to the control file (utf8 encoded) Update self.locapath or self.sourcespath if not already set. Args: fname (str) : base directoy of waptpackage or filepath of Zipped Packges. If None, use self.sourcespath if exists, or self.localpath if exists force (bool) : write control in wapt zip file even if it already exist Returns: PackageEntry : None if nothing written, or previous PackageEntry if new data written Raises: Exception: if fname is None and no sourcespath and no localpath Exception: if control exists and force is False """ if fname is None: if self.sourcespath and os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): fname = self.sourcespath elif self.localpath and os.path.isfile(self.localpath): fname = self.localpath if fname is None: raise Exception('Needs a wapt package directory root or WaptPackage filename to save control to') fname = os.path.abspath(fname) try: old_control = PackageEntry(waptfile=fname) except EWaptBadControl: old_control = None # wether data is different write_needed = not old_control or (old_control.ascontrol() != self.ascontrol()) if not force and old_control and write_needed: raise Exception('control file already exist in WAPT file %s' % fname) if write_needed: self._control_updated = False if os.path.isdir(fname): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fname, 'WAPT')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(fname, 'WAPT')) with, 'WAPT', 'control'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as control_file: control_file.write(self.ascontrol()) if not self.sourcespath: self.sourcespath = fname return old_control else: waptzip = CustomZipFile(fname, 'a', allowZip64=True, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) try: try: waptzip.remove('WAPT/control') except Exception as e: logger.debug("OK %s" % repr(e)) waptzip.writestr('WAPT/control', self.as_control_bytes()) if not self.localpath: self.localpath = fname return old_control finally: waptzip.close() else: self._control_updated = False return None
[docs] def ascontrol(self,with_repo_attributes = False,with_empty_attributes=False): """Return control attributes and values as stored in control packages file Each attribute on a line with key : value If value is multiline, new line begin with a space. Args: with_repo_attributes (bool) : if True, include md5sum and filename (for Packages index only) with_empty_attributes (bool) : weither to include attribute with empty value too or only non empty and/or signed attributes Returns: str: lines of attr: value """ val = [] def escape_cr(s): # format multi-lines description with a space at each line start # format list as csv if s and (isinstance(s, str) or isinstance(s, str)): return re.sub(r'$(\n)(?=^\S)', r'\n ', s, flags=re.MULTILINE) elif isinstance(s, list): return ','.join([ensure_unicode(item) for item in s]) else: if s is None: return '' else: return s for att in self.required_attributes+self.optional_attributes+self.signature_attributes: # we add to the control file all signed attributes, the non empty ones, and all the other if required if att in self.get_default_signed_attributes() or with_empty_attributes or getattr(self, att): val.append("%-18s: %s" % (att, escape_cr(getattr(self, att)))) if with_repo_attributes: for att in self.repo_attributes : if getattr(self,att): val.append("%-18s: %s" % (att, escape_cr(getattr(self, att)))) return '\n'.join(val)
[docs] def make_package_filename(self,with_md5sum = False): """Return the standard package filename based on current attributes parts of control which are either 'all' or empty are not included in filename Returns: str: standard package filename - packagename.wapt for host - packagename_arch_maturity_locale.wapt for group - packagename_version_arch_maturity_locale.wapt for others """ if self.section not in ['host', 'group', 'unit'] and not (self.package and self.version and self.architecture): raise Exception('Not enough information to build the package filename for %s (%s)' % (self.package, self.version)) if not is_valid_package_for_filename(self.package): package_name = hashlib.md5(self.package.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() else: package_name = self.package if with_md5sum: _md5sum = self.md5sum else: _md5sum = None if self.section == 'host': att = [package_name] else: att = [package_name,self.version] if package_name.lower().endswith('-waptupgrade') and self.target_os == 'windows': att.extend([f for f in (self.target_os, self.maturity, '-'.join(ensure_list(self.locale)), _md5sum) if f]) else: if not self.target_os or self.target_os in self.tags: target_os = None elif self.target_os.isalnum(): target_os = self.target_os else: target_os = hashlib.md5(self.target_os.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() # includes only non empty fields att.extend([f for f in ( '-'.join(ensure_list(self.architecture)), '-'.join(self.tags), target_os, self.min_os_version, self.max_os_version, self.maturity, '-'.join(ensure_list(self.locale)), _md5sum) if (f and f != 'all')]) result = '_'.join(att)+'.wapt' return sanitize_filename(result)
[docs] def make_package_edit_directory(self): """Return the standard package directory to edit the package based on current attributes Returns: str: standard package filename - {package}_{version}_{architecture}_{OS}_{Min-OS-Version}_{Max-OS-Version}_{maturity}_{locale}-wapt """ if not (self.package): raise Exception('Not enough information to build the package directory for %s' % (self.package)) # includes only non empty fields return '_'.join([f for f in ( self.package, self.version, (self.architecture or '').replace(',', '-'), self.target_os, self.min_os_version, self.max_os_version, (self.maturity or 'PROD').replace(',', '-'), (self.locale or '').replace(',', '-')) if (f and f != 'all')]) + '-wapt'
[docs] def asrequirement(self): """Return package and version for designing this package in depends or install actions Returns: str: "packagename (=version)" """ return "%s(=%s)" % (self.package, self.version)
[docs] def get_software_version(self): """Return the software version only (without the build number of the package) Returns: str: "software_version" """ version_parsed = self.parse_version() return '.'.join([str(version_parsed[elem]) for elem in version_parsed.keys() if elem != 'packaging' and version_parsed[elem] is not None])
[docs] def set_software_version(self, version, inc_build=False): """Set the software version only inc_build will increment the buildnumber """ version = parse_major_minor_patch_build(version) version['packaging'] = self.parse_version()['packaging'] self.version = make_version(version) if inc_build: self.inc_build()
[docs] def get_impacted_process_list(self): """Return a list containing the impacted process Returns: List[str] impacted process list """ return [p for p in self.impacted_process.split(',') if p]
[docs] def inc_build(self): """Increment last number part of version in memory""" # Raise value error if version is invalid version_parts = self.parse_version() for part in ('packaging', 'subpatch', 'patch', 'minor', 'major'): if part in version_parts and version_parts[part] != None and\ (isinstance(version_parts[part], int) or version_parts[part].isdigit()): version_parts[part] = "%i" % (int(version_parts[part])+1,) self.version = make_version(version_parts) return
[docs] def build_management_package(self, target_directory=None): """Build the WAPT package from attributes only, without stores the result in target_directory. self.sourcespath must be None. Package will contain only a control file. Args: target_directory (str): where to create Zip wapt file. if None, temp dir will be used. Returns: str: path to zipped Wapt file. It is unsigned. >>> pe = PackageEntry('testgroup','0',description='Test package',maintainer='Hubert',sources='https://dev/svn/testgroup',architecture='x86') >>> waptfn = pe.build_management_package() >>> key = SSLPrivateKey('c:/private/htouvet.pem',password='monmotdepasse') >>> crt = SSLCertificate('c:/private/htouvet.crt') >>> pe.sign_package(crt,key) >>> pe.unzip_package() 'c:\\users\\htouvet\\appdata\\local\\temp\\waptob4gcd' >>> ca = SSLCABundle('c:/wapt/ssl') >>> pe.check_control_signature(ca) <SSLCertificate cn=u'htouvet' issuer=u'tranquilit-ca-test' validity=2017-06-28 - 2027-06-26 Code-Signing=True CA=True> """ result_filename = '' # some checks if self.sourcespath: raise Exception('Package must not have local sources') # check version syntax parse_major_minor_patch_build(self.version) # check architecture for arch in ensure_list(self.architecture): if not arch in ArchitecturesList: raise EWaptBadControl('Bad architecture %s, should one of %s' % (arch, ArchitecturesList,)) self.filename = self.make_package_filename() control_data = self.ascontrol() if target_directory is None: target_directory = tempfile.gettempdir() if not os.path.isdir(target_directory): raise Exception('Bad target directory %s for package build' % target_directory) result_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_directory, self.filename)) if os.path.isfile(result_filename): logger.warning('Target package already exists, removing %s' % result_filename) os.unlink(result_filename) self.localpath = result_filename with CustomZipFile(result_filename, 'w', allowZip64=True, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as wapt_zip: wapt_zip.writestr('WAPT/control', control_data.encode('utf8')) return result_filename
[docs] def build_package(self, excludes=[], target_directory=None, excludes_full=DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_PATHS_FOR_BUILD): """Build the WAPT package, stores the result in target_directory Zip the content of self.sourcespath directory into a zipfile named with default package filename based on control attributes. Update filename attribute. Update localpath attribute with result filepath. Args: excludes (list) : list of patterns for source files to exclude from built package. target_directory (str): target directory where to store built package. If None, use parent directory of package sources dircetory. excludes_full (list) : list of exact (relative to package root) filepathes to exclude from Zip. Returns: str: full filepath to built wapt package """ self.localpath = '' # some checks if not self.sourcespath: raise EWaptNotSourcesDirPackage('Error building package : There is no sourcespath %s' % self) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT')): raise EWaptNotSourcesDirPackage('Error building package : There is no WAPT directory in %s' % self.sourcespath) control_filename = os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT', 'control') if not os.path.isfile(control_filename): raise EWaptNotSourcesDirPackage('Error building package : There is no control file in WAPT directory') # check version syntax parse_major_minor_patch_build(self.version) # check architecture for arch in ensure_list(self.architecture): if not arch in ArchitecturesList: raise EWaptBadControl('Bad architecture %s, should one of %s' % (arch, ArchitecturesList,)) self.filename = self.make_package_filename() logger.debug('Control data : \n%s' % self.ascontrol()) if target_directory is None: target_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, '..')) if not os.path.isdir(target_directory): raise Exception('Bad target directory %s for package build' % target_directory) self.localpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_directory, self.filename)) if os.path.isfile(self.localpath): logger.warning('Target package already exists, removing %s' % self.localpath) os.unlink(self.localpath) create_recursive_zip( zipfn=self.localpath, source_root=ensure_unicode(self.sourcespath), target_root='', excludes=excludes, excludes_full=excludes_full) self._invalidate_package_content() self.md5sum = self._calc_md5sum() self.size = os.path.getsize(self.localpath) return self.localpath
def _invalidate_package_content(self): """Remove the _package_content for host packages """ if hasattr(self, '_package_content'): self._package_content = None if hasattr(self, '_control_lines'): self._control_lines = None def _signed_content(self): """Return the signed control informations Returns: dict of att:values of control data which must be signed """ # workaround for migration if not self.signed_attributes and self.signature_date and self.signature_date < '20170609': logger.warning('Package %s has old control signature style, some attributes are not checked. Please re-sign package' % (self.localpath or self.sourcespath or self.asrequirement())) effective_signed_attributes = ['package', 'version', 'architecture', 'section', 'priority', 'depends', 'conflicts', 'maturity'] else: effective_signed_attributes = self.signed_attributes return {att: getattr(self, att, None) for att in ensure_list(effective_signed_attributes)} def _sign_control(self, private_key, certificate, keep_signature_date=False): """Sign the contractual attributes of the control file using the provided key, add certificate Fingerprint and CN too Args: private_key (SSLPrivateKey) certificate (SSLCertificate) Returns: str: signature """ self.make_uuid() self.signed_attributes = ','.join(self.get_default_signed_attributes()) if not keep_signature_date or not self.signature_date: self.signature_date = datetime2isodate(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) self.signer = self.signer_fingerprint = certificate.fingerprint self.signature = base64.b64encode(private_key.sign_content(self._signed_content(), md='sha256')).decode('utf8') return self.signature
[docs] def check_control_signature(self, trusted_bundle, signers_bundle=None): """Check in memory control signature against a list of public certificates Args: trusted_bundle (SSLCABundle): Trusted certificates. : packages certificates must be signed by one of this bundle. signers_bundle : Optional. List of potential packages signers certificates chains. When checking Packages index, actual packages are not available, only certificates embedded in Packages index. Package signature are checked against these certificates looking here for potential intermediate CA too. and matching certificate is checked against trusted_bundle. Returns: SSLCertificate : matching trusted package's signers SSLCertificate >>> from waptpackage import * >>> from common import SSLPrivateKey,SSLCertificate >>> k = SSLPrivateKey('c:/private/test.pem') >>> c = SSLCertificate('c:/private/test.crt') >>> p = PackageEntry('test',version='1.0-0') >>> p.depends = 'test' >>> p._sign_control(k,c) >>> p.check_control_signature(c) >>> p.check_control_signature(SSLCABundle('c:/wapt/ssl')) """ if not self.signature: raise EWaptNotSigned('Package control %s on repo %s is not signed' % (self.asrequirement(), self.repo)) if not isinstance(trusted_bundle, SSLCABundle): raise EWaptMissingCertificate('Trusted bundle must be a SSLCABundle and cannot be None') certs = self.package_certificates() if certs is None and signers_bundle is not None: certs = signers_bundle.certificate_chain(fingerprint=self.signer_fingerprint) if not certs: # raise EWaptCryptoException instead of returning None because we use a fingerprint try: certs = trusted_bundle.certificate_chain(fingerprint=self.signer_fingerprint) except EWaptCryptoException: raise EWaptMissingCertificate('Control %s data has no matching certificate in Packages index or Package, please rescan your Packages index.' % self.asrequirement()) # append trusted to ca #issued_by = \ trusted_bundle.check_certificates_chain(certs)[-1] #logger.debug('Certificate %s is trusted by root CA %s' % (cert.subject,issued_by.subject)) signed_content = self._signed_content() signature_raw = base64.b64decode(self.signature) try: certs[0].verify_content(signed_content, signature_raw, md='sha256') return certs[0] except Exception as e: raise SSLVerifyException('SSL signature verification failed for control %s against embedded certificate %s (%s)' % (self.asrequirement(), certs[0].cn, e))
[docs] def has_file(self, fname): """Return None if fname is not in package, else return file datetime Args: fname (unicode): file path like WAPT/signature Returns: datetime : last modification datetime of file in Wapt archive if zipped or local sources if unzipped """ if self.localpath or self._package_content is not None: try: with self.as_zipfile() as waptzip: return datetime.datetime(*waptzip.getinfo(fname).date_time) except KeyError: return None elif self.sourcespath and os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, fname)): # unzipped sources fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, fname)) return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(fpath).st_mtime) else: # package is not yet built/signed. return None
[docs] def package_certificates(self): """Return certificates from package. If package is built, take it from Zip else take the certificates from unzipped directory Returns: list: list of embedded certificates when package was signed or None if not provided or signed. First one of the list is the signer, the others are optional intermediate CA """ if self.localpath and os.path.isfile(self.localpath): try: with CustomZipFile(self.localpath, allowZip64=True) as zip: cert_pem ='WAPT/certificate.crt') certs = SSLCABundle() certs.add_certificates_from_pem(cert_pem) return certs.certificates() except Exception as e: logger.warning('No certificate found in %s : %s' % (self.localpath, repr(e))) return None elif self.sourcespath and os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT', 'certificate.crt')): # unzipped sources certs = SSLCABundle(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT', 'certificate.crt')) return certs.certificates() else: # package is not yet built/signed. return None
[docs] def build_manifest(self, exclude_filenames=None, block_size=2**20, forbidden_files=[], waptzip=None, excludes=[]): """Calc the manifest of a wapt package Args: forbidden_files (list): list of relative files which must not be present for the manifest to be built (if one is found, build fails) exclude_filenames (list) : list of exact (relative to package root with forward slashes) filepathes to exclude from manifest. excludes (list) : list of file / dir patterns to exclude, whatever level they are in the file hierarchy Returns: dict: {filepath:shasum,} """ if not self.localpath and not self.sourcespath: raise EWaptMissingLocalWaptFile('%s has no localpath or sourcespath' % self.asrequirement()) if self.localpath and not os.path.isfile(self.localpath): raise EWaptMissingLocalWaptFile('%s is not a Wapt package' % self.localpath) if self.sourcespath and not os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): raise EWaptMissingLocalWaptFile('%s is not a Wapt package source directory' % self.sourcespath) if exclude_filenames is None: exclude_filenames = self.manifest_filename_excludes if waptzip is None and self.localpath: waptzip = CustomZipFile(self.localpath, 'r', allowZip64=True) _close_zip = True else: _close_zip = False try: manifest = {} if waptzip: for fn in waptzip.filelist: if not fn.filename in exclude_filenames: if fn.filename in forbidden_files: raise EWaptPackageSignError('File %s is not allowed.' % fn.filename) excluded = False for exclude_glob in excludes: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(fn.filename, exclude_glob): excluded = True break if excluded: continue # not hash for directories if not fn.filename.endswith('/'): shasum ='sha256') file_data = while True: data = if not data: break shasum.update(data) shasum.update(data) manifest[fn.filename] = shasum.hexdigest() # remove hash for empty dir adir = os.path.dirname(fn.filename)+'/' if adir in manifest: del manifest[adir] else: manifest[fn.filename] = '' else: def _process(rootdir): is_empty = True for fn in os.listdir(rootdir): absolute_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(rootdir, fn)) relative_filename = os.path.relpath(absolute_filename, self.sourcespath).replace('\\', '/') if not relative_filename in exclude_filenames: if fn in forbidden_files: raise EWaptPackageSignError('File %s is not allowed.' % fn) excluded = False for exclude_glob in excludes: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, exclude_glob): excluded = True break if excluded: continue if os.path.isdir(absolute_filename): if not _process(absolute_filename): manifest[relative_filename] = '' else: is_empty = False shasum ='sha256') with open(absolute_filename, 'rb') as file_data: while True: data = if not data: break shasum.update(data) shasum.update(data) manifest[relative_filename] = shasum.hexdigest() return not is_empty _process(self.sourcespath) return manifest finally: if _close_zip: waptzip.close()
[docs] def sign_package(self, certificate, private_key, keep_signature_date=False, excludes_full=DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_PATHS_FOR_BUILD, excludes=[]): """Sign a package source directory or an already built (zipped) package. Should follow immediately the build_package step. Append signed control, manifest.sha256 and signature to zip wapt package If these files are already in the package, they are first removed. Use the self.localpath attribute to get location of waptfile build file. Args: certificate (SSLCertificate or list): signer certificate chain private_key (SSLPrivateKey): signer private key keep_signature_date (bool): If true, previous date fo signature is kept (useful when resigning is needed, but no meaningful change has been done) excludes_full (list) : list of exact (relative to package root) filepathes to exclude from manifest. excludes (list) : list of file / dir patterns to exclude, whatever level they are in the file hierarchy Returns: str: signature """ self.check_package_attributes() self.set_icon_sha256sum() if not ( (self.localpath and os.path.isfile(self.localpath)) or (self.sourcespath and os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath)) ): raise Exception("Path %s is not a Wapt package or Wapt source dir" % (self.localpath or self.sourcespath)) if isinstance(certificate, list): signer_cert = certificate[0] certificate_chain = certificate else: signer_cert = certificate certificate_chain = [certificate] cert_chain_str = None if private_key is None: raise EWaptPackageSignError('No matching private key found for signing using certificate %s' % signer_cert) package_fn = self.localpath or self.sourcespath logger.debug('Signing %s with key %s, and certificate CN "%s"' % (package_fn, private_key, self._sign_control(certificate=signer_cert, private_key=private_key, keep_signature_date=keep_signature_date) # control file is appended to manifest file separately. control = self.as_control_bytes() exclude_filenames = self.manifest_filename_excludes exclude_filenames.append('WAPT/control') # files to ignore as they will not be zipped into final package exclude_filenames.extend(excludes_full) forbidden_files = [] # removes # if file is in forbidden_files, raise an exception. if not signer_cert.is_code_signing: forbidden_files.append('') self._invalidate_package_content() # clear existing signatures # case for already build packages. We sign inline the content of zip package # does not always works well for big packages (not fixed yet...) if self.localpath: with CustomZipFile(self.localpath, 'a', allowZip64=True, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as waptzip: filenames = waptzip.namelist() if self.get_signature_filename() in filenames: waptzip.remove(self.get_signature_filename()) if self.get_manifest_filename() in filenames: waptzip.remove(self.get_manifest_filename()) if 'WAPT/control' in filenames: waptzip.remove('WAPT/control') waptzip.writestr('WAPT/control', control) # replace or append signer certificate if 'WAPT/certificate.crt' in filenames: waptzip.remove('WAPT/certificate.crt') cert_chain_str = b'\n'.join([cert.as_pem() for cert in certificate_chain]) waptzip.writestr('WAPT/certificate.crt', cert_chain_str) try: # need read access to ZIP file. manifest_data = self.build_manifest(exclude_filenames=exclude_filenames, forbidden_files=forbidden_files, waptzip=waptzip, excludes=excludes) except EWaptPackageSignError: raise EWaptBadCertificate('Certificate %s doesn''t allow to sign packages with file.' % manifest_data['WAPT/control'] = hexdigest_for_data(control, md='sha256') new_cert_hash = hexdigest_for_data(cert_chain_str, md='sha256') if manifest_data.get('WAPT/certificate.crt', None) != new_cert_hash: # need to replace certificate in Wapt package manifest_data['WAPT/certificate.crt'] = new_cert_hash else: new_cert_hash = None # convert to list of list... wapt_manifest = serialize_content_for_signature(list(manifest_data.items())) signature = private_key.sign_content(wapt_manifest, md='sha256') waptzip.writestr(self.get_manifest_filename(), wapt_manifest) waptzip.writestr(self.get_signature_filename(), base64.b64encode(signature)) mtime = time.mktime(isodate2datetime(self.signature_date).timetuple()) self.md5sum = self._calc_md5sum() self.size = os.path.getsize(self.localpath) # be sure that filename does not keep a bad checksum md5_from_fn = self._md5sum_from_filename(self.localpath) if md5_from_fn: new_fn = self.make_package_filename() # Always true because we don't set back the md5sum in the filename... if new_fn != self.filename: logger.warning("Renaming entry filename from %s to %s" % (self.filename,new_fn)) self.filename = new_fn new_localpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.localpath),self.filename) os.rename(self.localpath,new_localpath) self.localpath = new_localpath os.utime(self.localpath, (mtime, mtime)) else: # common case for base packages. We sign the content of unzipped package self.save_control_to_wapt(self.sourcespath) cert_chain_str = b'\n'.join([cert.as_pem() for cert in certificate_chain]) with open(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT', 'certificate.crt'), 'wb') as f: f.write(cert_chain_str) manifest_data = self.build_manifest(exclude_filenames=exclude_filenames, forbidden_files=forbidden_files, excludes=excludes) manifest_data['WAPT/control'] = hexdigest_for_data(control, md='sha256') manifest_data['WAPT/certificate.crt'] = hexdigest_for_data(cert_chain_str, md='sha256') # convert to list of list... wapt_manifest = serialize_content_for_signature(list(manifest_data.items())) signature = private_key.sign_content(wapt_manifest, md='sha256') with open(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, self.get_manifest_filename()), 'wb') as f: f.write(wapt_manifest) with open(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, self.get_signature_filename()), 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.b64encode(signature)) return base64.b64encode(signature)
[docs] def get_manifest_filename(self): return 'WAPT/manifest.sha256'
[docs] def get_signature_filename(self): return 'WAPT/signature.sha256'
def _get_package_zip_entry(self, filename): """Open wapt zipfile and return one package zipfile entry could fail if zip file is already opened elsewhere... Returns zip """ with CustomZipFile(self.localpath, 'r', allowZip64=True) as waptzip: try: return waptzip.getinfo(filename) except: return None
[docs] def change_prefix(self, new_prefix): """Change prefix of package name to new_prefix and return True if it was really changed. """ if '-' in self.package: (old_prefix, name) = self.package.split('-', 1) if old_prefix != new_prefix: self.package = '%s-%s' % (new_prefix, name) return True else: return False else: return False
[docs] def change_depends_conflicts_prefix(self, new_prefix): """Change prefix of package name to new_prefix in depends and conflicts csv lists and return True if it was really changed. Args: new_prefix (str): new prefix to put in package names Returns: bool """ result = False def rename_package(package, new_prefix): if '-' in package: (old_prefix, name) = package.split('-', 1) if old_prefix != new_prefix: package = '%s-%s' % (new_prefix, name) return package # renames dependencies if self.depends: newdepends = [] depends = ensure_list(self.depends) for dependname in depends: newname = rename_package(dependname, new_prefix) newdepends.append(newname) if self.depends != ','.join(newdepends): self.depends = ','.join(newdepends) result = True # renames conflicts if self.conflicts: newconflicts = [] conflicts = ensure_list(self.conflicts) for dependname in conflicts: newname = rename_package(dependname, new_prefix) newconflicts.append(newname) if self.conflicts != ','.join(newconflicts): self.conflicts = ','.join(newconflicts) result = True return result
[docs] def invalidate_signature(self): """Remove all signature informations from control and unzipped package directory Package must be in unzipped state. """ # remove control signature for att in self.signature_attributes: if hasattr(self, att): setattr(self, att, None) # remove package / files signature if sources entry. if self.sourcespath and os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): manifest_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, self.get_manifest_filename())) if os.path.isfile(manifest_filename): os.remove(manifest_filename) signature_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, self.get_signature_filename())) if os.path.isfile(signature_filename): os.remove(signature_filename) certificate_filename = os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT', 'certificate.crt') if os.path.isfile(certificate_filename): os.remove(certificate_filename) self._invalidate_package_content()
[docs] def list_corrupted_files(self,ignore_missing_files=False,remove_extra_files=False): """Check hexdigest sha for the files in manifest. Package must be already unzipped. Returns: list: non matching files (corrupted files) """ if not self.sourcespath: raise EWaptNotSourcesDirPackage('Package %s (path %s) is not unzipped, checking corrupted files is not supported.' % (self.asrequirement(), self.localpath)) if not os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): raise EWaptNotSourcesDirPackage('%s is not a valid package directory.' % self.sourcespath) manifest_filename = os.path.join(self.sourcespath, self.get_manifest_filename()) if not os.path.isfile(manifest_filename): raise EWaptBadSignature('no manifest file in %s directory.' % self.sourcespath) with open(manifest_filename, 'r') as manifest_file: manifest = ujson.loads( if not isinstance(manifest, list): raise EWaptBadSignature('manifest file in %s is invalid.' % self.sourcespath) errors = [] expected = [] expected_empty_dirs = [] for (filename, hexdigest) in manifest: fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, filename)) # an empty directory if hexdigest=='': if not ignore_missing_files and not os.path.isdir(fullpath): errors.append(filename) expected_empty_dirs.append(fullpath) else: expected.append(fullpath) # file was expected but has disapeared... if not os.path.isfile(fullpath): if not ignore_missing_files: errors.append(filename) elif hexdigest != _hash_file(fullpath, hash_func=hashlib.sha256): errors.append(filename) files = all_files(ensure_unicode(self.sourcespath)) # removes files which are not in manifest by design for fn in self.manifest_filename_excludes: full_fn = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, fn)) if full_fn in files: files.remove(full_fn) extra_files = [fn for fn in files if fn not in expected] if remove_extra_files: # remove not expected files... for fn in extra_files: # useless check ? if os.path.isfile(fn): os.unlink(fn) else: # add in errors list files found but not expected... errors.extend(extra_files) # add in errors list dirs found but not expected... extra_empty_dirs = [fn for fn in all_empty_dirs(ensure_unicode(self.sourcespath)) if fn not in expected_empty_dirs] if remove_extra_files: # remove not expected files... for fn in extra_empty_dirs: # useless check ? if os.path.isdir(fn): os.rmdir(fn) else: # add in errors list files found but not expected... errors.extend(extra_empty_dirs) return errors
[docs] def has_setup_py(self): if not self.sourcespath and not self.localpath and hasattr(self, 'setuppy'): return self.get('setuppy', None) is not None elif self.sourcespath or self.localpath: return self.has_file('') raise EWaptBadSetup('Unable to determine if this package has a file. No sources, no local package and no setuppy attribute')
[docs] def check_package_signature(self, trusted_bundle, ignore_missing_files=False): """Check - hash of files in unzipped package_dir with list in package's manifest file - try to decrypt manifest signature with package's certificate - check that the package certificate is issued by a know CA or the same as one the authorized certitificates. Args: trusted_bundle (SSLCABundle) : Local certificates store. Certificates in trusted_bundle.trusted_certificates are trusted. ignore_missing_files (bool): whether to raise exception for missing files. Useful to check stripped down packages when remote resigning Returns: SSLCertificate : matching certificate Raises: Exception if no certificate match is found. """ if not trusted_bundle: raise EWaptBadCertificate('No supplied trusted_bundle to check package signature') if isinstance(trusted_bundle, SSLCertificate): cert = trusted_bundle trusted_bundle = SSLCABundle() trusted_bundle.add_certificates_from_pem(cert.as_pem(), trusted=True) assert(isinstance(trusted_bundle, SSLCABundle)) if not self.sourcespath: raise EWaptNotSourcesDirPackage('Package entry is not an unzipped sources package directory.') if not os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): raise EWaptNotAPackage('%s is not a valid package directory.' % self.sourcespath) manifest_filename = os.path.join(self.sourcespath, self.get_manifest_filename()) if not os.path.isfile(manifest_filename): raise EWaptNotSigned('The package %s in %s does not contain the %s file with content fingerprints' % (self.asrequirement(), self.sourcespath, self.get_manifest_filename())) verified_by = None with open(manifest_filename, 'rb') as f: manifest_data = if self.has_setup_py():'Package has a, code signing certificate is required.') signature_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, self.get_signature_filename())) if not os.path.isfile(signature_filename): raise EWaptNotSigned('The package %s in %s does not contain a signature' % (self.asrequirement(), self.sourcespath)) # first check if signature can be decrypted by any of the public keys with open(signature_filename, 'rb') as signature_file: signature = base64.b64decode( try: certs = self.package_certificates() if not certs: # certificates is not embedded, use the fingerprint to get it from machine cert store # raise EWaptCryptoException instead of returning None because we use a fingerprint certs = trusted_bundle.certificate_chain(fingerprint=self.signer_fingerprint) issued_by = ', '.join('%s' % for ca in trusted_bundle.check_certificates_chain(certs)) logger.debug('Certificate %s is trusted by root CA %s' % (certs[0].subject, issued_by)) signer_cert = certs[0] logger.debug('Checking signature with %s' % signer_cert) signer_cert.verify_content(manifest_data, signature, md='sha256') if self.has_setup_py() and not signer_cert.is_code_signing: raise SSLVerifyException('Signature OK but not a code signing certificate: %s' % signer_cert) verified_by = signer_cert'Package issued by %s, trusted issuer %s' % (signer_cert.subject,verified_by.subject)) except Exception as e: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) raise EWaptBadSignature('Check_package_signature failed for %s. Signer:%s : %s' % ( self.asrequirement(),self.signer,e)) # now check the integrity of files errors = self.list_corrupted_files(ignore_missing_files=ignore_missing_files) if errors: raise EWaptCorruptedFiles('Error in package %s in %s, files corrupted, SHA not matching for %s' % (self.asrequirement(), self.sourcespath, errors,)) return verified_by
[docs] def unzip_package(self, target_dir=None, cabundle=None, ignore_missing_files=False): """Unzip package and optionnally check content Args: target_dir (str): where to unzip package content. If None, a temp dir is created cabundle (list) : list of Certificates to check content. If None, no check is done Returns: str : path to unzipped packages files Raises: EWaptNotAPackage, EWaptBadSignature,EWaptCorruptedFiles if check is not successful, unzipped files are deleted. """ if not self.localpath: raise EWaptNotAPackage('unzip_package : Package %s is not downloaded' % ensure_unicode(self)) if not os.path.isfile(self.localpath): raise EWaptNotAPackage('unzip_package : Package %s does not exists' % ensure_unicode(self.localpath)) if target_dir is not None and not isinstance(target_dir, str): raise Exception('Provide a valid directory name to unzip package to') if not target_dir: target_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="wapt") else: target_dir = os.path.abspath(target_dir) if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir)'Unzipping package %s to directory %s' % (self.localpath, ensure_unicode(target_dir))) with CustomZipFile(self.localpath, allowZip64=True) as zip: # check if there are unsafe filenames for fn in zip.namelist(): if is_unsafe_filename(fn): raise EWaptCorruptedFiles('Unzip: Unsafe filename %s in zip package file %s' % (fn,self.localpath)) # try: zip.extractall(path=target_dir) self.sourcespath = target_dir # remove legacy signature files for fn in (makepath(target_dir,'WAPT','signature'), makepath(target_dir,'WAPT','manifest.sha1')): if os.path.isfile(fn): os.remove(fn) if cabundle is not None: verified_by = self.check_package_signature(cabundle,ignore_missing_files=ignore_missing_files)'Unzipped files verified by certificate %s' % verified_by) except Exception as e: if os.path.isdir(target_dir): try: shutil.rmtree(target_dir) except Exception: logger.critical('Unable to remove temporary files %s' % repr(target_dir)) raise e return self.sourcespath
[docs] def get_stripped_package(self): """Build a package keeping only Wapt stuff... Keeps only WAPT directory and Returns: bytes: zipped data """ if not self.localpath: raise EWaptNotAPackage('get_stripped_package : Package %s is not downloaded' % ensure_unicode(self)) if not os.path.isfile(self.localpath): raise EWaptNotAPackage('get_stripped_package : Package %s does not exists' % ensure_unicode(self.localpath)) target_zipped_data = io.BytesIO() with CustomZipFile(target_zipped_data, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as target_zip: with CustomZipFile(self.localpath, allowZip64=True) as zip: for fn in ('','','WAPT/control',self.get_manifest_filename(),self.get_signature_filename(),'WAPT/certificate.crt', 'WAPT/icon.png'): if zip.NameToInfo.get(fn): target_zip.writestr(fn, return target_zipped_data.getvalue()
[docs] def merge_stripped_package(self,stripped_package_zip_data=None,stripped_package_filename=None): """Use the files from stripped_package_zip_data and include it in current unzipped package, remove files not in manifest, and recheck file hashes. """ # be sure package is in unzipped form if not self.sourcespath: raise EWaptNotSourcesDirPackage('Package entry is not an unzipped sources package directory.') if not os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): raise EWaptNotAPackage('%s is not a valid package directory.' % self.sourcespath) if stripped_package_zip_data is not None: stripped_package_file = io.BytesIO(stripped_package_zip_data) elif stripped_package_filename is not None: stripped_package_file = open(stripped_package_filename,'rb') else: raise Exception('No filename nor zip data to merge') try: with CustomZipFile(stripped_package_file, 'r') as stripped_package_zip: for fn in ('','','WAPT/control',self.get_manifest_filename(),self.get_signature_filename(),'WAPT/certificate.crt'): if stripped_package_zip.NameToInfo.get(fn): stripped_package_zip.extract(fn,self.sourcespath) finally: stripped_package_file.close() # remove all files not referenced in manifest errors = self.list_corrupted_files(ignore_missing_files=False, remove_extra_files=True) if errors: raise EWaptCorruptedFiles('Errors in files when merging back stripped package: %s',(errors,)) # reload replaced control data self.load_control_from_wapt(calc_md5=False) self.md5sum = None # invalidate local build self.localpath=None self._invalidate_package_content()
# after whe should... # self.check_package_signature(ca) # self.build_package()
[docs] def as_control_bytes(self): """Return this package entry metadata as bytes as saved in package control file Return: bytes: lines with key: value """ return self.ascontrol().encode('utf8')
[docs] def sign_stripped_package(self,certificate, private_key, excludes_full=DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_PATHS_FOR_BUILD, excludes=[], sign_setuppy=False): """Sign an unzipped source package assuming digests in manifest file are OK except for control and certificate.crt * remove signature files -> WAPT/certificate.crt, WAPT/signature.sha256, * resign WAPT/control * update control hash in WAPT/manifest.sha256 * resign WAPT/manifest.sha256 and put in WAPT/signature.sha256 Args: certificate (list of SSLCertificate) : certificates chain of the signer. First certificate is the signer's one. other are intermediate CA private_key (SSLPrivateKey) : key to sign the control and manifest files. excludes_full excludes Returns: str: signature of manifest.sha256 """ if not self.sourcespath: raise EWaptNotSourcesDirPackage('Package entry is not an unzipped sources package directory.') if not os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): raise EWaptNotAPackage('%s is not a valid package directory.' % self.sourcespath) self.set_icon_sha256sum() if isinstance(certificate, list): signer_cert = certificate[0] certificate_chain = certificate else: signer_cert = certificate certificate_chain = [certificate] cert_chain_str = None if private_key is None: raise EWaptPackageSignError('No private key provided for signing for certificate %s' % signer_cert) if not private_key.match_cert(signer_cert) : raise EWaptPackageSignError('Private key does not match public key in certificate %s' % signer_cert) package_fn = self.localpath or self.sourcespath logger.debug('Signing stripped down package %s with key %s, and certificate CN "%s"' % (package_fn, private_key, self._sign_control(certificate=signer_cert, private_key=private_key) # control file is appended to manifest file separately. control_data = self.as_control_bytes() with open(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT', 'control'), 'wb') as f: f.write(control_data) # be sure not to keep in memory zipped content self._invalidate_package_content() # replace certificate.crt cert_chain_str = b'\n'.join([cert.as_pem() for cert in certificate_chain]) with open(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT', 'certificate.crt'), 'wb') as f: f.write(cert_chain_str) # update manifest.sha256 manifest_filename = os.path.join(self.sourcespath, self.get_manifest_filename()) if not os.path.isfile(manifest_filename): raise EWaptNotSigned('The package %s in %s does not contain the %s file with content fingerprints' % (self.asrequirement(), self.sourcespath, self.get_manifest_filename())) with open(manifest_filename, 'rb') as f: manifest_data = manifest_filelist = ujson.loads(manifest_data) new_manifest_filelist = [] for fn_digest in manifest_filelist: # replace digest for resigned files if fn_digest[0] == 'WAPT/control': fn_digest[1] = hexdigest_for_data(control_data) elif fn_digest[0] == 'WAPT/certificate.crt': fn_digest[1] = hexdigest_for_data(cert_chain_str) elif sign_setuppy and fn_digest[0] == '': with open(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, ''), 'rb') as f: new_setup_hash = hexdigest_for_data( if new_setup_hash != fn_digest[1]: if not signer_cert.is_code_signing: raise EWaptPackageSignError('Certificate is not a code signing. Updating is not allowed.') fn_digest[1] = new_setup_hash # excludes unwanted files from manifest if not fn_digest[0] in excludes_full: excluded = False for exclude_glob in excludes: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(fn_digest[0], exclude_glob): excluded = True break if not excluded: new_manifest_filelist.append(fn_digest) # convert to list of list... wapt_manifest = serialize_content_for_signature(new_manifest_filelist) # sign with default md signature = private_key.sign_content(wapt_manifest) with open(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, self.get_manifest_filename()), 'wb') as f: f.write(wapt_manifest) with open(os.path.join(self.sourcespath, self.get_signature_filename()), 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.b64encode(signature)) return base64.b64encode(signature)
[docs] def delete_localsources(self): """Remove the unzipped local directory """ if self.sourcespath and os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): try: shutil.rmtree(self.sourcespath) self.sourcespath = None except Exception: pass
[docs] def as_zipfile(self, mode='r'): """Return a CustomZipFile for this package for read only operations""" if self.localpath and os.path.isfile(self.localpath): return CustomZipFile(self.localpath, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True, mode=mode) elif self._package_content is not None: return CustomZipFile(io.BytesIO(self._package_content), mode=mode, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) else: raise EWaptMissingLocalWaptFile('This PackageEntry has no local content for zip operations %s' % self.asrequirement())
def _set_hook_module_environment(self,module, wapt_context=None, params=None, force=None, user=None): # get definitions of required parameters from setup module if hasattr(module, 'required_params'): required_params = module.required_params if not isinstance(required_params, dict): required_params = {k: None for k in required_params} else: required_params = copy.deepcopy(required_params) else: required_params = {} # be sure some minimal functions are available in module module at install step setattr(module, 'basedir', self.sourcespath) setattr(module, 'control', self) setattr(module, 'force', force) if not hasattr(module, 'uninstallkey'): module.uninstallkey = [] persistent_source_dir = None persistent_dir = None if self.sourcespath and os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): persistent_source_dir = os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT', 'persistent') setattr(module, 'persistent_source_dir', persistent_source_dir) public_persistent_source_dir = None public_persistent_dir = None if self.sourcespath and os.path.isdir(self.sourcespath): public_persistent_source_dir = os.path.join(self.sourcespath, 'WAPT', 'public_persistent') setattr(module, 'public_persistent_source_dir', public_persistent_source_dir) if wapt_context: # run and run_notfatal are replaced by pids aware versions setattr(module, 'run', setattr(module, 'run_notfatal', wapt_context.run_notfatal) setattr(module, 'WAPT', wapt_context) setattr(module, 'language', wapt_context.language) setattr(module, 'user', user or wapt_context.user) setattr(module, 'usergroups', wapt_context.usergroups) else: setattr(module, 'WAPT', None) setattr(module, 'language', get_language()) # todo setattr(module, 'user', None) setattr(module, 'usergroups', []) if self.package_uuid and not is_unsafe_filename(self.package_uuid) and wapt_context: persistent_dir = os.path.join(wapt_context.persistent_root_dir, self.package_uuid) public_persistent_dir = os.path.join(wapt_context.public_persistent_root_dir, self.package_uuid) else: # dev mode persistent_dir = persistent_source_dir public_persistent_dir = public_persistent_source_dir setattr(module, 'persistent_dir', persistent_dir) setattr(module, 'public_persistent_dir', public_persistent_dir) # set params dictionary if not hasattr(module, 'params'): # create a params variable for the module.install func call setattr(module, 'params', required_params) else: # update the already created params with additional params from command line module.params.update(required_params) # add specific hook call arguments if params is not None: module.params.update(params)
[docs] def call_setup_hook(self, hook_name='session_setup', wapt_context=None, params=None, force=None, user=None): """Calls a hook in setuppy given a wapt_context Set basedir, control, and run context within the function context. Args: hook_name (str): name of function to call in setuppy wapt_context (Wapt) : run context Returns: output of hook. Changes: the called hook is run with Disabled win6432 FileSystem redirection """ setuppy = None if self.sourcespath: setup_filename = os.path.join(self.sourcespath, '') # PackageEntry from developement or temporary directory with in a file if not os.path.isfile(setup_filename): raise EWaptNotAPackage('There is no file in %s, aborting.' % ensure_unicode(self.sourcespath)) else: setuppy =, 'r', encoding='utf8').read() else: # PackageEntry from database with stored as a field setuppy = getattr(self, 'setuppy', None) setup_filename = None if setuppy is None: if self.localpath: # we have a zipped package file, but it is not unzipped in a temporary directory raise EWaptBadSetup('Package %s has not been unzipped yet, unable to call %s' % (self.asrequirement(), hook_name)) else: # we have a PackageEntry without setuppy raise EWaptBadSetup('No source for package %s, unable to call %s' % (self.asrequirement(), hook_name)) # we record old sys.path as we will include current oldpath = sys.path try: previous_cwd = os.getcwd() if self.sourcespath: os.chdir(self.sourcespath) # import the setup module from package file" sourcing setuppy file %s " % ensure_unicode(setup_filename)) if setup_filename: # import code as file to allow debugging. setup = import_setup(setup_filename) else: setup = import_code(setuppy) hook_func = getattr(setup, hook_name, None) if hook_func is None: raise EWaptMissingPackageHook('No %s function found in setup module for %s' % (hook_name, setup_filename or self.asrequirement())) try: self._set_hook_module_environment(setup, wapt_context=wapt_context, params=params, force=force, user=user)" executing setup.%s(%s) " % (hook_name, repr(setup.params))) with _disable_file_system_redirection(): hookdata = hook_func() return hookdata except Exception as e: logger.critical('Fatal error in %s function: %s:\n%s' % (hook_name, ensure_unicode(e), ensure_unicode(traceback.format_exc()))) raise e finally: os.chdir(previous_cwd) gc.collect() if 'setup' in dir() and setup is not None: setup_name = setup.__name__[:] logger.debug('Removing module: %s, refcnt: %s' % (setup_name, sys.getrefcount(setup))) del setup if setup_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[setup_name] sys.path = oldpath
[docs] def get_values_for_db(self, locale_code): return (self.package_uuid, self.package, self.categories, self.version, self.architecture, self.section, self.priority, self.maintainer, self.get_localized_description(locale_code), self.filename, self.size, self.md5sum, self.depends, self.conflicts, self.sources, self.repo_url, self.repo, self.signer, self.signer_fingerprint, self.signature, self.signature_date, self.signed_attributes, self.min_wapt_version, self.maturity, self.locale, self.installed_size, self.target_os, self.max_os_version, self.min_os_version, self.impacted_process, self.audit_schedule,, self.editor, self.keywords, self.licence, self.homepage, self.changelog, self.valid_from, self.valid_until, self.forced_install_on, self.icon_sha256sum, )
[docs] def add_depends(self,to_add): to_add = ensure_list(to_add) if self.depends == '': new_depends = [] else: new_depends = self.depends.split(',') updated = False for depend in to_add: if not depend in new_depends: new_depends.append(depend) updated = True if updated: self.depends = ','.join(new_depends)
[docs] def remove_depends(self,to_remove): to_remove = ensure_list(to_remove) if self.depends == '': depends = [] else: depends = self.depends.split(',') new_depends = [] updated = False for depend in depends: if not depend in to_remove: new_depends.append(depend) updated = True if updated: self.depends = ','.join(new_depends)
[docs] def add_conflicts(self,to_add): to_add = ensure_list(to_add) if self.conflicts == '': new_conflicts = [] else: new_conflicts = self.conflicts.split(',') updated = False for conflict in to_add: if not conflict in new_conflicts: new_conflicts.append(conflict) updated = True if updated: self.conflicts = ','.join(new_conflicts)
[docs] def remove_conflicts(self,to_remove): to_remove = ensure_list(to_remove) if self.conflicts == '': conflicts = [] else: conflicts = self.conflicts.split(',') new_conflicts = [] updated = False for conflict in conflicts: if not conflict in to_remove: new_conflicts.append(conflict) updated = True if updated: self.conflicts = ','.join(new_conflicts)
[docs] def matches_host_capabilities_string(self,capabilities): """Return True if package is matching the host package raw capability string """ (os_name, os_version, architecture, locales, maturities) = capabilities.split(',')[0:5] locales = locales.split('|') maturities = maturities.split('|') capa = HostCapabilities(from_string_filter = capabilities) return capa.is_matching_package(self)
class WaptPackageDev(PackageEntry): """Source package directory""" def build_package(self, directoryname, inc_package_release=False, excludes=[], target_directory=None): raise NotImplementedError() class WaptPackage(PackageEntry): """Built Wapt package zip file""" def __init__(self, package_filename): PackageEntry.__init__(self) self.package_filename = package_filename def extract_iconpng_from_wapt(fname): """Return the content of WAPT/icon.png if it exists, a unknown.png file content if not """ iconpng = None if os.path.isfile(fname): with CustomZipFile(fname, 'r', allowZip64=True) as waptzip: try: iconpng ='WAPT/icon.png').read() except: pass elif os.path.isdir(fname): png_path = os.path.join(fname, 'WAPT', 'icon.png') if os.path.isfile(png_path): with open('WAPT/icon.png', 'rb') as f: iconpng = if not iconpng: raise Exception('no icon.png found in package name {}'.format(fname)) return iconpng
[docs]class WaptBaseRepo(BaseObjectClass): """Base abstract class for a Wapt Packages repository """ _default_config = { 'public_certs_dir': '', 'check_certificates_validity': '1', } def __init__(self, name='abstract', cabundle: [SSLCABundle,Callable[[],SSLCABundle]]=None, config=None, section=None): """Init properties, get default values from _default_config, and override them with constructor paramaters Args: name (str): internal name of the repository cabundle (CASSLBundle) : ca signature checking. Returns: self """ = name self._section = None self._packages = None self._index = {} self._index_by_uuid = {} self._packages_date = None self._cabundle = None self._public_certs_dir = '' self._index_config_fingerprint = None self.discarded = [] self.check_certificates_validity = None self.packages_whitelist = None self.packages_blacklist = None self.maturities = None self.load_config(config=config, section=section) # if not None, control's signature will be check against this certificates list if cabundle is not None: self._cabundle = cabundle @property def repo_url(self): return None @property def public_certs_dir(self)->str: return self._public_certs_dir @public_certs_dir.setter def public_certs_dir(self, value): if callable(self._cabundle): raise Exception('WaptBaseRepo public_serts_dir can not be set if cabundle is already set to a callable') if value != self._public_certs_dir: self._cabundle = None self._public_certs_dir = value @property def cabundle(self)->SSLCABundle: if self._cabundle is not None: # in case we have bound the main Wapt cabundle property if callable(self._cabundle): return self._cabundle() else: return self._cabundle elif self.public_certs_dir: if self._cabundle is None: self._cabundle = SSLCABundle() self._cabundle.add_pems(self.public_certs_dir, trust_first=True, load_keys=False) return self._cabundle else: return None @cabundle.setter def cabundle(self, value: [SSLCABundle, Callable[[],SSLCABundle]]): # direct setting if value != self._cabundle: self._cabundle = value self._public_certs_dir = None
[docs] def load_config(self, config=None, section=None): """Load configuration from inifile section. Use name of repo as section name if section is not provided. Use 'global' if no section named section in ini file Value not defined in ini file are taken from class _default_config dict load_config is called at __init__, eventually with config = None. In this case, all parameters are initialized from defaults Args: config (RawConfigParser): ini configuration section (str) : section where to loads parameters defaults to name of repository Returns: self: return itself to chain calls. """ if not section: section = # creates a default parser with a default section if None provided to get defaults if config is None: config = RawConfigParser(self._default_config) config.add_section(section) if not config.has_section(section): section = 'global' if config.has_option(section, 'public_certs_dir') and config.get(section, 'public_certs_dir') != '': self.public_certs_dir = config.get(section, 'public_certs_dir') if config.has_option(section, 'check_certificates_validity'): self.check_certificates_validity = config.getboolean(section, 'check_certificates_validity') if config.has_option(section, 'packages_whitelist'): self.packages_whitelist = ensure_list(config.get(section, 'packages_whitelist'), allow_none=True) if config.has_option(section, 'packages_blacklist'): self.packages_blacklist = ensure_list(config.get(section, 'packages_blacklist'), allow_none=True) if config.has_option(section, 'maturities'): self.maturities = ensure_list(config.get(section, 'maturities'), allow_none=True) if not self.maturities: self.maturities = None self._section = section return self
[docs] def config_fingerprint(self): config_attributes = ['_packages_date', 'public_certs_dir', 'check_certificates_validity', 'packages_whitelist', 'packages_blacklist', 'maturities', 'repo_url', 'localpath', 'proxies'] return hashlib.sha256((''.join(['%s' % getattr(self, a) for a in config_attributes if hasattr(self, a)])).encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
[docs] def load_config_from_file(self, config_filename, section=None): """Load repository configuration from an inifile located at config_filename Args: config_filename (str) : path to wapt inifile section (str): ini section from which to get parameters. default to repo name Returns: WaptBaseRepo: self """ if section is None: section = ini = RawConfigParser() self.load_config(ini, section) return self
def _add_package(self,entry: 'PackageEntry'): """Add a package to the in memory repository index """ if entry.package_uuid: package_uuid = entry.package_uuid else: package_uuid = entry.make_fallback_uuid() if not package_uuid in self._index_by_uuid: # index by uuid self._index_by_uuid[package_uuid] = entry self._packages.append(entry) # index last version if entry.package not in self._index or self._index[entry.package] < entry: self._index[entry.package] = entry entry.repo = entry.repo_url = self.repo_url def _load_packages_index(self): """Must be overriden to set _packages and _packages_date to something different than None """ self._packages = [] self._index = {} self._index_by_uuid = {} self._packages_date = datetime2isodate() self.discarded = [] def _get_packages_index_data(self): """Method to get packages index as bytes from repository and last update date of ths index Returns: tuple (bytes,datetime) : data and last update datetime UTC """ return (None, datetime.datetime.utcnow())
[docs] def get_certificates(self, packages_zipfile=None): """Download signers certificates and crl from Package index on remote repository. These certificates and CRL are appended to Packages index when scanning packages. Args: packages_zipfile (zipfile): if None, donwload it from repo Returns : SSLCABundle or None if Packages does not exists """ signer_certificates = SSLCABundle() if packages_zipfile is None: (packages_index_data, _dummy_date) = self._get_packages_index_data() if packages_index_data: packages_zipfile = CustomZipFile(io.BytesIO(packages_index_data)) if packages_zipfile: files = packages_zipfile.filelist for fn in files: if not fn.is_dir(): if fn.filename.startswith('ssl/'): cert = SSLCertificate( if not self.check_certificates_validity or cert.is_valid(): signer_certificates.add_certificates(cert) if fn.filename.startswith('crl/'): try: data = crl = SSLCRL(der_data=data) except: crl = SSLCRL(pem_data=data) signer_certificates.add_crl(crl) #logger.debug('Packages embedded certificates : %s' % signer_certificates.certificates()) return signer_certificates
[docs] def invalidate_packages_cache(self): """Reset in memory packages index Returns the old content of cached (packages, packages index date, discarded packages) Returns: dict : old cache status dict(_packages=self._packages,_packages_date=self._packages_date,discarded=self.discarded) """ old_status = dict(_packages=self._packages, _packages_date=self._packages_date, discarded=self.discarded) self._packages = None self._packages_date = None self._index = {} self._index_by_uuid = {} self.discarded = [] self._index_config_fingerprint = None return old_status
[docs] def update(self): """Update local index of packages from source index Returns: last packages update file date """ self._load_packages_index() self._index_config_fingerprint = self.config_fingerprint() return self._packages_date
[docs] def is_locally_allowed_package(self, package): """Return True if package is not in blacklist and is in whitelist if whitelist is not None packages_whitelist and packages_blacklist are list of package name wildcards (file style wildcards) blacklist is taken in account first if defined. whitelist is taken in acoount if not None, else all not blacklisted package names are allowed. """ if self.maturities is not None: # historical special case for PROD or empty maturity if package.maturity in ('', 'PROD'): if not ('PROD' in self.maturities or '' in self.maturities): return False elif not package.maturity in self.maturities: return False if self.packages_blacklist is not None: for bl in self.packages_blacklist: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(package.package, bl): return False if self.packages_whitelist is None: return True else: for wl in self.packages_whitelist: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(package.package, wl): return True return False
[docs] def packages(self): """Return list of packages, load it from repository if not yet available in memory To force the reload, call invalidate_index_cache() first or update() """ if self._index_config_fingerprint != self.config_fingerprint(): self.invalidate_packages_cache() if self._packages is None: self._load_packages_index() self._index_config_fingerprint = self.config_fingerprint() return self._packages
[docs] def packages_date(self): """Date of last known packages index Returns: str: date/time of Packages index in iso format (string) """ if self._packages_date is None: self._load_packages_index() self._index_config_fingerprint = self.config_fingerprint() return self._packages_date
[docs] def is_available(self): """Return isodate of last updates of the repo is available else None """ return self.packages_date()
[docs] def need_update(self, last_modified=None): """Check if packages index has changed on repo and local index needs an update Compare date on local package index DB with the Packages file on remote repository with a HEAD http request. Args: last_modified (str): iso datetime of last known update of packages. Returns bool: True if either Packages was never read or remote date of Packages is more recent than the provided last_modifed date. >>> repo = WaptRemoteRepo(name='main',url='http://wapt/wapt',timeout=4) >>> waptdb = WaptDB('c:/wapt/db/waptdb.sqlite') >>> res = repo.need_update(waptdb.read_param('last-%s'% repo.url)) >>> isinstance(res,bool) True """ # config has changed if self._index_config_fingerprint is not None and self._index_config_fingerprint != self.config_fingerprint(): return True # package_date is unknown if not last_modified and not self._packages_date: logger.debug('need_update : no last_modified date provided, update is needed') return True if not last_modified: last_modified = self._packages_date # check if remote packages index date has been changed if last_modified: logger.debug('Check last-modified header for %s to avoid unecessary update' % (,)) current_update = self.is_available() if current_update == last_modified:'Index from %s has not been updated (last update %s), skipping update' % (self.repo_url, current_update)) return False else:'Index from %s has been updated (on %s)' % (self.repo_url, current_update)) return True else: return True
[docs] def search(self, searchwords=[], sections=[], newest_only=False, exclude_sections=[], description_locale=None, host_capabilities=None, package_request=None, dependencies_list=[]): """Return list of package entries with description or name matching all the searchwords and section in provided sections list Args: searchwords (list or csv) : list of word to lookup in description and package names sections (list or csv) : list of package sections to use when searching newest_only (bool) : returns only highest version of package exclude_sections (list or csv): list of package sections to exclude when searching description_locale (str): if not None, search in description using this locale host_capabilities (HostCapabilities or dict): restrict output to these capabilities (os version locales, arch etc..) package_request (PackageRequest or dict) : restrict output to these filters, and sort output based on them Returns: list of PackageEntry with additional _localized_description added if description_locale is provided >>> r = WaptRemoteRepo(name='test',url='') >>>'test') """ searchwords = ensure_list(searchwords) sections = ensure_list(sections) exclude_sections = ensure_list(exclude_sections) if host_capabilities is not None and not isinstance(host_capabilities, HostCapabilities): # if dict host_capabilities = HostCapabilities(**host_capabilities) if package_request is not None and not isinstance(package_request, PackageRequest): # if given as dict from lazarus package_request = PackageRequest(**package_request) words = [w.lower() for w in searchwords] result = [] if package_request is not None: packages = self.packages_matching(package_request) else: packages = self.packages() for package in packages: if host_capabilities is not None and not host_capabilities.is_matching_package(package): continue selected = True if description_locale is not None: _description = package.get_localized_description(description_locale) package._localized_description = _description else: _description = package.description for w in words: if w not in (_description+' '+package.package).lower(): selected = False break if not newest_only and len(dependencies_list) > 0: has_at_least_one_dependency = False depends_list = package.depends.split(',') for dependency in dependencies_list: if dependency in depends_list: has_at_least_one_dependency = True break selected = selected and has_at_least_one_dependency if sections: if package.section not in sections: selected = False if selected and package.section in exclude_sections: selected = False if selected: result.append(package) if host_capabilities: result = sorted(result,reverse=True, key=host_capabilities.get_package_request_filter().get_package_compare_key) elif package_request: result = sorted(result,reverse=True, key=package_request.get_package_compare_key) else: result = sorted(result,reverse=True, key=PackageEntry.package_ident) if newest_only: filtered = {} for p in result: if p.package in filtered and Version(p.version) < Version(filtered[p.package].version): continue valid = True if len(dependencies_list) > 0: depends_list = p.depends.split(',') valid = False for dependency in dependencies_list: if dependency in depends_list: valid = True break if p.package in filtered and not valid: del filtered[p.package] if valid: filtered[p.package] = p return list(filtered.values()) else: return sorted(result)
[docs] def get_package_entries(self, packages_names): r"""Return most up to date packages entries for packages_names packages_names is either a list or a string Returns: dict: a dictionnary with {'packages':[],'missing':[]} >>> r = WaptRemoteRepo() >>> r.load_config_from_file('c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> res = r.get_package_entries(['tis-firefox','tis-putty']) >>> isinstance(res['missing'],list) and isinstance(res['packages'][0],PackageEntry) True """ result = {'packages': [], 'missing': []} if isinstance(packages_names, str) or isinstance(packages_names, str): packages_names = [p.strip() for p in packages_names.split(",")] for package_name in packages_names: matches = self.packages_matching(package_name) if matches: result['packages'].append(matches[-1]) else: result['missing'].append(package_name) return result
[docs] def packages_matching(self, package_cond: Union[str,PackageRequest] = None, **kwargs) -> list: """Return an ordered list of available packages entries which match the condition "packagename[([=<>]version)]?" version ascending Args: package_cond (str or PackageRequest): package name with optional version specifier. Returns: list of PackageEntry >>> from waptpackage import * >>> r = WaptRemoteRepo('') >>> r.packages_matching('tis-firefox(>=20)') [PackageEntry('tis-firefox','20.0.1-02'), PackageEntry('tis-firefox','21.0.0-00'), ...] """ if package_cond is not None and not isinstance(package_cond, PackageRequest): package_cond = PackageRequest(request=package_cond, **kwargs) elif package_cond is None and kwargs is not None: package_cond = PackageRequest(**kwargs) if package_cond is None: return sorted(self.packages()) else: # sort using filter criteria preferences return sorted( [p for p in self.packages() if package_cond.is_matched_by(p)], key=package_cond.get_package_compare_key )
def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator for package names (higer version)""" # ensure packages is loaded if self._packages is None: self._load_packages_index() self._index_config_fingerprint = self.config_fingerprint() return self._index.__iter__() def __getitem__(self, packagename): """Return the highest version PackageEntry for supplied packagename """ # ensure packages is loaded if self._packages is None: self._load_packages_index() self._index_config_fingerprint = self.config_fingerprint() return self._index[packagename]
[docs] def get(self, packagename, default=None): # ensure packages is loaded if self._packages is None: self._load_packages_index() self._index_config_fingerprint = self.config_fingerprint() return self._index.get(packagename, default)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: result = { 'name':, 'packages_whitelist': self.packages_whitelist, 'packages_blacklist': self.packages_blacklist, 'check_certificates_validity': self.check_certificates_validity, 'authorized_certificates': self.authorized_certificates, 'maturities': self.maturities, } return result
@property def authorized_certificates(self) -> Sequence[dict]: """List of authorized signers certificates attributes Returns: list [dict] """ return [[dict(c) for c in self.cabundle.certificates()] if self.cabundle else None]
[docs] def get_package_by_uuid(self,package_uuid: str) -> PackageEntry: # ensure packages is loaded if self._packages is None: self._load_packages_index() self._index_config_fingerprint = self.config_fingerprint() return self._index_by_uuid.get(package_uuid,None)
[docs]class WaptLocalRepo(WaptBaseRepo): """Index of Wapt local repository. Index of packages is located in a Packages zip file, having one Packages file, containing the concatenated content of "control" files of the packages. A blank line means new package. >>> localrepo = WaptLocalRepo('c:/wapt/cache') >>> localrepo.update() """ def __init__(self, localpath=None, name='waptlocal', cabundle=None, config=None, section=None): # store defaults at startup self._default_config.update({ 'localpath': '', }) WaptBaseRepo.__init__(self, name=name, cabundle=cabundle, config=None, section=section) # override defaults and config with supplied parameters if localpath is not None: self.localpath = ensure_unicode(localpath.rstrip(os.path.sep)) @property def repo_url(self): return 'file:///%s' % self.localpath.replace('\\','/') @property def packages_path(self): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.localpath, 'Packages'))
[docs] def is_available(self, url=None): """Check if repo is reachable an return creation date of Packages. Returns: str: Iso creation date of remote Package file as returned in http headers """ if os.path.isfile(self.packages_path): return fileisoutcdate(self.packages_path) else: return None
def _get_packages_index_data(self): """Download or load local Packages index raw zipped data Returns: file: File like object for Packages Zipped data (local or remote) """ if os.path.isfile(self.packages_path): with open(self.packages_path, mode='rb') as f: return (, fileutcdate(self.packages_path)) else: return (None, None) def _load_packages_index(self): """Parse Packages index from local repo Packages file Packages file is zipped file with one file named Packages. This files is the concatenation of control files of each package in the repository Returns: None >>> repo = WaptLocalRepo(localpath='c:\\wapt\\cache') >>> repo._load_packages_index() >>> isinstance(repo.packages,list) True """ # Packages file is a zipfile with one Packages file inside if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self.packages_path)): raise EWaptException('Directory for wapt local repo %s does not exist' % self.packages_path) if os.path.isfile(self.packages_path): (packages_data_str, _packages_datetime) = self._get_packages_index_data() try: with CustomZipFile(io.BytesIO(packages_data_str)) as packages_file: packages_lines ='Packages').decode('utf8').splitlines() except Exception as e:'Index file %s is invalid: %s. Try to recreate index.' % (self.packages_path,e)) os.unlink(self.packages_path) self.update_packages_index() (packages_data_str, _packages_datetime) = self._get_packages_index_data() with CustomZipFile(io.BytesIO(packages_data_str)) as packages_file: packages_lines ='Packages').decode('utf8').splitlines() self._packages_date = datetime2isodate(_packages_datetime) if self._packages is not None: del(self._packages[:]) else: self._packages = [] self._index.clear() self._index_by_uuid.clear() self.discarded = [] startline = 0 endline = 0 def add(start, end): if start != end: package = PackageEntry() package._load_control('\n'.join(packages_lines[start:end])) logger.debug("%s (%s)" % (package.package, package.version)) package.repo_url = 'file:///%s' % (self.localpath.replace('\\', '/')) package.repo = package.localpath = os.path.join(self.localpath,sanitize_filename(package.filename)) if self.is_locally_allowed_package(package): try: if self.cabundle is not None: package.check_control_signature(self.cabundle) self._add_package(package) except Exception as e:'Package %s discarded because: %s' % (package.localpath, e)) self.discarded.append(package) else:'Discarding %s on repo "%s" because of local whitelist of blacklist rules' % (package.asrequirement(), self.discarded.append(package) for line in packages_lines: if line.strip() == '': add(startline, endline) endline += 1 startline = endline # add ettribute to current package else: endline += 1 # last one add(startline, endline) else: self.invalidate_packages_cache() self._packages = []'Index file %s does not yet exist' % self.packages_path) def _extract_icon(self, entry): # looks for an icon in wapt package icons_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.localpath, 'icons')) if not os.path.isdir(icons_path): os.makedirs(icons_path) icon_fn = os.path.join(icons_path, "%s.png" % entry.icon_sha256sum) if entry.icon_sha256sum and not os.path.isfile(icon_fn): try: icon = extract_iconpng_from_wapt(entry.localpath) with open(icon_fn, 'wb') as f: f.write(icon) except Exception as e: logger.debug(r"Unable to extract icon for %s:%s" % (entry.localpath, e)) def _append_package_to_index(self, entry: PackageEntry): """Append a single package to zipped index Packages without checking if it exists already Returns: str: local path """ packages_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.localpath, 'Packages')) self._packages = None if not entry.md5sum and entry.localpath and os.path.isfile(entry.localpath): logger.warning("Missing md5sum, calc it now.") entry.md5sum = entry._calc_md5sum() entry.size = os.path.getsize(entry.localpath) new_fn = entry.make_package_filename(with_md5sum = True) if new_fn != entry.filename: logger.warning("Renaming entry filename from %s to %s" % (entry.filename,new_fn)) entry.filename = new_fn entry.localpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(entry.localpath),entry.filename)"Building new %s" % packages_fname) tmp_packages_fname = packages_fname+'.%s' % datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") try: shutil.copy2(packages_fname, tmp_packages_fname) with CustomZipFile(tmp_packages_fname, "a", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as myzipfile: packages_lines ='Packages').decode('utf8').splitlines() if packages_lines and packages_lines[-1] != '': packages_lines.append('') packages_lines.append(entry.ascontrol(with_repo_attributes=True)) packages_lines.append('') myzipfile.remove("Packages") zi = zipfile.ZipInfo("Packages", date_time=time.localtime()) zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED myzipfile.writestr(zi, '\n'.join(packages_lines).encode('utf8')) # Add list of signers certificates certs = entry.package_certificates() if certs: for crt in certs: crt_filename = "ssl/%s.crt" % crt.fingerprint if not myzipfile.NameToInfo.get(crt_filename): zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(crt_filename, date_time=time.localtime()) zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED myzipfile.writestr(zi, crt.as_pem()) if os.path.isfile(packages_fname): with open(packages_fname,'rb') as old_packages, open(tmp_packages_fname,'rb') as new_packages: old_data = new_data = if old_data != new_data: # we discard old file and rename new one to Packages"Writing new %s" % packages_fname) os.unlink(packages_fname) shutil.move(tmp_packages_fname, packages_fname) else: # we discard new file as it is indentical to old one"Skipping new %s" % packages_fname) os.unlink(tmp_packages_fname) else:"Writing initial %s" % packages_fname) shutil.move(tmp_packages_fname, packages_fname)"Finished") return entry.localpath except Exception as e: if os.path.isfile(tmp_packages_fname): os.unlink(tmp_packages_fname) logger.critical('Unable to create new Packages file : %s' % e) raise e def _ensure_canonical_package_filename(self, entry, with_md5sum=False): """Rename the local wapt package so that it complies with canonical package naming rules """ theoritical_package_filename = entry.make_package_filename(with_md5sum = with_md5sum) package_filename = entry.filename if package_filename != theoritical_package_filename: logger.warning('Package filename %s should be %s to comply with control metadata. Renaming...' % (package_filename, theoritical_package_filename)) new_fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(entry.localpath), theoritical_package_filename) shutil.move(entry.localpath, new_fn) entry.filename = theoritical_package_filename return new_fn else: return None
[docs] def update_packages_index(self, force_all=False, proxies=None, canonical_filenames=False, include_host_packages=False, include_certificates=True, include_crls=True, extract_icons=True): """Scan self.localpath directory for WAPT packages and build a Packages (utf8) zip file with control data and MD5 hash Extract icons from packages (WAPT/icon.png) and stores them in <repo path>/icons/<package name>.png Extract certificate and add it to Packages zip file in ssl/<fingerprint.crt> Append CRL for certificates. Returns: dict : {'processed':processed,'kept':kept,'errors':errors,'packages_filename':packages_fname} """ if not os.path.isdir(self.localpath): os.makedirs(self.localpath) if include_crls: include_certificates = True packages_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.localpath, 'Packages')) if force_all: self._packages = [] if include_certificates: # A bundle for package signers certificates if force_all: signer_certificates = SSLCABundle() else: signer_certificates = self.get_certificates() old_entries = {} for package in self.packages(): # keep only entries which are older than index. Other should be recalculated. localwaptfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.localpath, os.path.basename(sanitize_filename(package.filename)))) if os.path.isfile(localwaptfile): if not self._packages_date: self._load_packages_index() if fileisoutcdate(localwaptfile) <= self._packages_date: old_entries[os.path.basename(package.filename)] = package else:"Don't keep old entry for %s, wapt package is newer than index..." % package.asrequirement()) else:'Stripping entry without matching file : %s' % localwaptfile) if not os.path.isdir(self.localpath): raise Exception('%s is not a directory' % (self.localpath)) waptlist = glob.glob(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.localpath, '*.wapt'))) packages_lines = [] kept = [] processed = [] errors = [] if self._packages is None: self._packages = [] else: del(self._packages[:]) self._index.clear() self._index_by_uuid.clear() # we will store the max date of signature of packages to put it on Packages index max_package_signature_date = None for fname in waptlist: try: package_filename = os.path.basename(fname) if force_all or not package_filename in old_entries or canonical_filenames:" Processing new %s" % fname) entry = PackageEntry() entry.load_control_from_wapt(fname, calc_md5=(force_all or canonical_filenames or (not package_filename in old_entries)), keep_control_lines = True) if self.cabundle is not None: try: entry.check_control_signature(self.cabundle) except (EWaptNotSigned, SSLVerifyException) as e:'Package %s discarded because: %s' % (package_filename, e)) continue if max_package_signature_date is None or entry.signature_date > max_package_signature_date: max_package_signature_date = entry.signature_date processed.append(fname) if canonical_filenames: self._ensure_canonical_package_filename(entry,True) if include_certificates: # looks for the signer certificate and add it to Packages if not already certs = entry.package_certificates() if certs: signer_certificates.add_certificates(certs) if extract_icons: self._extract_icon(entry) # delete icon if still has the old name (PKGNAME.png) icons_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.localpath, 'icons')) if os.path.isdir(icons_path): icon_fn = os.path.join(icons_path, "%s.png" % entry.package) if (os.path.exists(icon_fn)): os.remove(icon_fn)'Deleted icon %s' % (icon_fn)) else: logger.debug(" Keeping %s" % package_filename) kept.append(fname) entry = old_entries[package_filename] if not entry.md5sum: entry.md5sum = entry._calc_md5sum() if not entry.size: entry.size = os.path.getsize(entry.localpath) if include_host_packages or entry.section != 'host': # put control data exactly as in package if available if hasattr(entry,'_control_lines') and entry._control_lines is not None: # append non control packages_lines.extend(entry._control_lines) # perhaps we should calc always the filename, md5sum and size even if we already know them for att in entry.repo_attributes: if getattr(entry, att): packages_lines.append("%-18s: %s" % (att, getattr(entry, att))) else: packages_lines.append(entry.ascontrol(with_repo_attributes=True)) # add a blank line between each package control packages_lines.append('') self._add_package(entry) except Exception as e: logger.critical("package %s: %s" % (fname, ensure_unicode(e))) errors.append(fname) if include_crls: try:"Check / update CRL for embedded certificates") signer_certificates.update_crl(force=force_all, proxies=proxies) except Exception as e: logger.critical('Error when updating CRL for signers certificates : %s' % e)"Building new %s" % packages_fname) tmp_packages_fname = packages_fname+'.%s' % datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") try: with CustomZipFile(tmp_packages_fname, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as myzipfile: packages_date_utc = None # first use max signature date if we have already packages in index and we have scanned it. if max_package_signature_date: packages_date_utc = isodate2datetime(max_package_signature_date) if os.path.isfile(packages_fname): with CustomZipFile(packages_fname, "r", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as oldzipfile: current_packages_date_utc = datetime.datetime(* oldzipfile.getinfo('Packages').date_time) if packages_date_utc is None or current_packages_date_utc > packages_date_utc: packages_date_utc = current_packages_date_utc if packages_date_utc is None: # we use the current datetime packages_date_utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow() logger.debug('Packages UTC date: %s' % packages_date_utc) zi = zipfile.ZipInfo("Packages", date_time=packages_date_utc.timetuple()) zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED myzipfile.writestr(zi, '\n'.join(packages_lines).encode('utf8')) if include_certificates: # Add list of signers certificates for crt in signer_certificates.certificates(): zi = zipfile.ZipInfo("ssl/%s.crt" % crt.fingerprint, date_time=crt.not_before.timetuple()) zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED myzipfile.writestr(zi, crt.as_pem()) if include_crls: for crl in signer_certificates.crls: aki = crl.authority_key_identifier zi = zipfile.ZipInfo("crl/%s.crl" % codecs.encode(aki,'hex').decode('ascii'), date_time=crl.last_update.timetuple()) zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED myzipfile.writestr(zi, crl.as_der()) # rewrite Package zip file only if has actually changed. if os.path.isfile(packages_fname): with open(packages_fname,'rb') as old_packages, open(tmp_packages_fname,'rb') as new_packages: old_data = new_data = # compare actual content if old_data != new_data: # we discard old file and rename new one to Packages"Writing new %s" % packages_fname)"Writing new %s" % tmp_packages_fname) os.unlink(packages_fname) shutil.move(tmp_packages_fname, packages_fname) else: # we discard new file as it is indentical to old one"Skipping new %s" % packages_fname) os.unlink(tmp_packages_fname) else:"Writing initial %s" % packages_fname) shutil.move(tmp_packages_fname, packages_fname)"Finished") except Exception as e: if os.path.isfile(tmp_packages_fname): os.unlink(tmp_packages_fname) logger.critical('Unable to create new Packages file : %s' % e) raise e return {'processed': processed, 'kept': kept, 'errors': errors, 'packages_filename': packages_fname}
[docs] def load_config(self, config=None, section=None): """Load waptrepo configuration from inifile section. Use name of repo as section name if section is not provided. Use 'global' if no section named section in ini file Args: config (RawConfigParser): ini configuration section (str) : section where to loads parameters defaults to name of repository Returns: WaptRemoteRepo: return itself to chain calls. """ if not section: section = # creates a default parser with a default section if None provided to get defaults if config is None: config = RawConfigParser(self._default_config) config.add_section(section) if not config.has_section(section): section = 'global' WaptBaseRepo.load_config(self, config, section) if config.has_option(section, 'localpath'): self.localpath = config.get(section, 'localpath') return self
[docs] def as_dict(self): result = super(WaptLocalRepo, self).as_dict() result.update( {'localpath': self.localpath, }) return result
[docs]class WaptRemoteRepo(WaptBaseRepo): """Gives access to a remote http repository, with a zipped Packages packages index >>> repo = WaptRemoteRepo(name='main',url='http://wapt/wapt',timeout=4) >>> last_modified = repo.is_available() >>> isinstance(last_modified,str) True """ def __init__(self, url=None, name='', verify_cert=None, http_proxy=None, timeout=None, cabundle=None, config=None, section=None): """Initialize a repo at url "url". Args: name (str): internal local name of this repository url (str): http URL to the repository. If url is None, the url is requested from DNS by a SRV query http_proxy (str): url of proxy like http://proxy:port timeout (float): timeout in seconds for the connection to the rmeote repository config (RawConfigParser) : loads conf from this Parser """ # additional properties self._default_config.update({ 'repo_url': '', 'timeout': 5.0, 'verify_cert': '1', # default is to check repo https certificates 'http_proxy': '', }) # create additional properties self._repo_url = None self.http_proxy = None # path to directory of PEM ca files or path to a PME bundle file # or True or False self.verify_cert = None # path to the client auth pem encoded X509 cert if needed self.client_certificate = None # path to the client auth pem encoded RSA private key if needed self.client_private_key = None # password callback to get private key password # this tales 2 str parameters to inform user or callback about target key and usage # location, identity self.private_key_password_callback = None self.timeout = None self.limit_bandwidth = None # this load and empty config WaptBaseRepo.__init__(self, name=name, cabundle=cabundle, config=config, section=section) # forced URL if url is not None: if url and url[-1] == '/': url = url.rstrip('/') self._repo_url = url if verify_cert is not None: self.verify_cert = get_verify_cert(verify_cert) elif self._section is not None and config and config.has_option(self._section, 'verify_cert'): self.verify_cert = get_verify_cert(config.get(self._section, 'verify_cert')) if timeout is not None: self.timeout = timeout if http_proxy is not None: self.http_proxy = http_proxy #elif config.has_option(section, 'http_proxy'): # self.http_proxy = http_proxy
[docs] def get_private_key_password(self, location, identity): if self.private_key_password_callback is not None: return self.private_key_password_callback(location, identity) else: return None
[docs] def get_requests_session(self, url=None, http_proxy=None): """Returns a requests session object with optional ssl client side auth and proxies Returns: requests.Session """ if self.client_private_key and is_pem_key_encrypted(self.client_private_key): password = self.get_private_key_password(location=self.repo_url if url is None else url, identity=self.client_private_key) else: password = None cert = (self.client_certificate, self.client_private_key, password) session = get_requests_client_cert_session(url=self.repo_url if url is None else url, cert=cert, verify=self.verify_cert, proxies={'http': http_proxy, 'https': http_proxy} if http_proxy else self.proxies) return session
@property def repo_url(self): return self._repo_url @property def proxies(self): """dict for http proxies url suitable for requests based on the http_proxy repo attribute Returns: dict: {'http':'http://proxy:port','https':'http://proxy:port'} """ if self.http_proxy: return {'http': self.http_proxy, 'https': self.http_proxy} else: return {'http': None, 'https': None} @repo_url.setter def repo_url(self, value): """Set the repo_url invalidate local packages list cache if it differs from previous one """ if value: value = value.rstrip('/') if value != self._repo_url: self._repo_url = value self.invalidate_packages_cache()
[docs] def load_config(self, config=None, section=None): """Load waptrepo configuration from inifile section. Use name of repo as section name if section is not provided. Use 'global' if no section named section in ini file Args: config (RawConfigParser): ini configuration section (str) : section where to loads parameters defaults to name of repository Returns: WaptRemoteRepo: return itself for chain calls. """ if not section: section = # creates a default parser with a default section if None provided to get defaults if config is None: config = RawConfigParser(self._default_config) config.add_section(section) if not config.has_section(section): section = 'global' WaptBaseRepo.load_config(self, config, section) if config.has_option(section, 'repo_url'): self.repo_url = config.get(section, 'repo_url') if config.has_option(section, 'verify_cert'): self.verify_cert = get_verify_cert(config.get(section, 'verify_cert')) if config.has_option(section, 'repo_url'): self.repo_url = config.get(section, 'repo_url') if config.has_option(section, 'http_proxy'): if not config.has_option(section, 'use_http_proxy_for_repo') or config.getboolean(section, 'use_http_proxy_for_repo'): self.http_proxy = config.get(section, 'http_proxy') if config.has_option(section, 'timeout'): self.timeout = config.getfloat(section, 'timeout') if config.has_option(section, 'client_certificate') and config.get(section, 'client_certificate'): self.client_certificate = config.get(section, 'client_certificate') if config.has_option(section, 'client_private_key') and config.get(section, 'client_private_key'): self.client_private_key = config.get(section, 'client_private_key') if config.has_option(section, 'limit_bandwidth'): self.limit_bandwidth = config.getfloat(section, 'limit_bandwidth') return self
[docs] def packages_url(self, url=None): """return url of Packages index file >>> repo = WaptRemoteRepo(name='main',url='http://wapt/wapt',timeout=4) >>> repo.packages_url 'http://wapt/wapt/Packages' hardcoded path to the Packages index. """ return (self.repo_url + '/Packages') if url is None else (url + '/Packages')
[docs] def client_auth(self): """Return SSL trio filenames for client side SSL auth Returns: tuple: (cert filename,key filename,key pwd) """ if self.client_certificate and os.path.isfile(self.client_certificate): if self.client_private_key is None: cert = SSLCertificate(self.client_certificate) key = cert.matching_key_in_dirs(password_callback=self.get_private_key_password) self.client_private_key = key.private_key_filename return (self.client_certificate, self.client_private_key, self.get_private_key_password(self.repo_url, self.client_certificate)) else: return None
[docs] def is_available(self, url=None, http_proxy=None): """Check if repo is reachable an return creation date of Packages. Try to access the repo and return last modified date of repo index or None if not accessible Returns: str: Iso creation date of remote Package file as returned in http headers >>> repo = WaptRemoteRepo(name='main',url='https://wapt/wapt',timeout=1) >>> repo.is_available() <= datetime2isodate() True >>> repo = WaptRemoteRepo(name='main',url='https://badwapt/wapt',timeout=1) >>> repo.is_available() is None True """ try: with self.get_requests_session(url, http_proxy) as session: logger.debug('Checking availability of %s' % (self.packages_url(url=url))) req = session.head( self.packages_url(url=url), timeout=self.timeout, allow_redirects=True, ) req.raise_for_status() packages_last_modified = req.headers.get('last-modified') return httpdatetime2isodate(packages_last_modified) except requests.exceptions.SSLError: logger.error('Certificate check failed for %s and verify_cert %s' % (self.packages_url(url=url), self.verify_cert)) raise except requests.RequestException as e:'Repo packages index %s is not available : %s' % (self.packages_url(url=url), e)) return None
def _load_packages_index(self): """Try to load index of packages as PackageEntry list from repository HTTP Get remote Packages zip file and parses the entries. The list of package entries is stored in the packages property. Returns dict: list of added or removed packages and create date {'added':list,'removed':list,'last-modified':isodatetime} """ if not self.repo_url: raise EWaptException('Repository URL for %s is empty. Add a %s section in ini' % (, if self._packages is None: self._packages = [] self._packages_date = None self._index.clear() self._index_by_uuid.clear() self.discarded = [] new_packages = [] logger.debug('Read remote Packages zip file %s' % self.packages_url()) (_packages_index_str, _packages_index_date) = self._get_packages_index_data() with CustomZipFile(io.BytesIO(_packages_index_str)) as waptzip: packages_lines = codecs.decode('Packages'), 'UTF-8').splitlines() if self.cabundle is not None: # load certificates and CRLs signer_certificates = self.get_certificates(packages_zipfile=waptzip) logger.debug('Packages index from repo %s has %s embedded certificates' % (, len(signer_certificates._certificates))) startline = 0 endline = 0 def add(start, end): if start != end: package = PackageEntry() package._load_control('\n'.join(packages_lines[start:end])) #logger.debug(u"%s (%s)" % (package.package,package.version)) package.repo_url = self.repo_url package.repo = if self.is_locally_allowed_package(package): try: if self.cabundle is not None: package.check_control_signature(trusted_bundle=self.cabundle, signers_bundle=signer_certificates) new_packages.append(package) if package.package_uuid: self._index_by_uuid[package.package_uuid] = package else: self._index_by_uuid[package.make_fallback_uuid()] = package if package.package not in self._index or self._index[package.package] < package: self._index[package.package] = package except Exception as e:'Discarding %s on repo "%s": %s' % (package.asrequirement(),, e)) #logger.debug('Certificate bundle : %s' % self.cabundle) self.discarded.append(package) else:'Discarding %s on repo "%s" because of local whitelist or blacklist rules' % (package.asrequirement(), self.discarded.append(package) for line in packages_lines: if line.strip() == '': add(startline, endline) endline += 1 startline = endline # add ettribute to current package else: endline += 1 # last one add(startline, endline) added = [p for p in new_packages if p not in self._packages] removed = [p for p in self._packages if p not in new_packages] self._packages = new_packages self._packages_date = datetime2isodate(_packages_index_date) return {'added': added, 'removed': removed, 'last-modified': self.packages_date(), 'discarded': self.discarded} def _get_packages_index_data(self): """Download or load local Packages index raw zipped data Returns: (str,datetime.datetime): Packages data (local or remote) and last update date """ with self.get_requests_session() as session: packages_answer = session.get( self.packages_url(), timeout=self.timeout, allow_redirects=True, ) packages_answer.raise_for_status() packages_last_modified = packages_answer.headers.get('last-modified') _packages_index_date = httpdatetime2datetime(packages_last_modified) return (packages_answer.content, _packages_index_date)
[docs] def as_dict(self): """returns a dict representation of the repository configuration and parameters""" result = super(WaptRemoteRepo, self).as_dict() result.update({ 'repo_url': self._repo_url, 'http_proxy': self.http_proxy, 'timeout': self.timeout, 'verify_cert': self.verify_cert, }) return result
[docs] def download_packages(self, package_requests, target_dir=None, usecache=True, printhook=None): r"""Download a list of packages (requests are of the form packagename (>version) ) returns a dict of {"downloaded,"skipped","errors"} If package_requests is a list of PackageEntry, update localpath of entry to match downloaded file. Args: package_requests (list) : list of PackageEntry to download or list of package with optional version Returns: dict: 'packages', 'downloaded', 'skipped', 'errors' >>> repo = WaptRemoteRepo(url='') >>> wapt.download_packages(['tis-firefox','tis-waptdev'],printhook=nullhook) {'downloaded': [u'c:/wapt\\cache\\tis-firefox_37.0.2-9_all.wapt', u'c:/wapt\\cache\\tis-waptdev.wapt'], 'skipped': [], 'errors': []} """ if not isinstance(package_requests, (list, tuple)): package_requests = [package_requests] if not target_dir: target_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() downloaded = [] skipped = [] errors = [] packages = [] for p in package_requests: if isinstance(p, str): mp = self.packages_matching(p) if mp: packages.append(mp[-1]) else: errors.append((p, 'Unavailable package %s' % (p.as_key(),))) logger.critical('Unavailable package %s' % (p.as_key(),)) elif isinstance(p, PackageEntry): packages.append(p) else: raise Exception('Invalid package request %s' % p) if self.client_private_key and is_pem_key_encrypted(self.client_private_key): password = self.get_private_key_password(location=self.repo_url, identity=self.client_private_key) else: password = None cert = (self.client_certificate, self.client_private_key, password) for entry in packages: if entry.filename: download_url = self.repo_url+'/'+entry.filename else: # fallback download_url = self.repo_url+'/'+entry.make_package_filename() fullpackagepath = os.path.join(target_dir, entry.make_package_filename()) if not fullpackagepath.endswith('.wapt'): raise EWaptNotAPackage('The file %s does not have a .wapt extension' % fullpackagepath) skip = False if usecache and os.path.isfile(fullpackagepath) and os.path.getsize(fullpackagepath) == entry.size: # check version try: cached = PackageEntry() cached.load_control_from_wapt(fullpackagepath) if entry == cached: cached.md5sum = cached._calc_md5sum() if entry.md5sum == cached.md5sum: entry.localpath = cached.localpath skipped.append(fullpackagepath)" Use cached package file from " + fullpackagepath) skip = True else: logger.critical("Cached file MD5 doesn't match MD5 found in packages index. Discarding cached file") os.remove(fullpackagepath) except Exception as e: # error : reload logger.debug('Cache file %s is corrupted, reloading it. Error : %s' % (fullpackagepath, e)) if not skip:" Downloading package from %s" % download_url) try: fullpackagepath = waptwget( url=download_url, target=fullpackagepath, http_proxy=self.http_proxy, verify_cert=self.verify_cert, cert=cert, resume=usecache, hashhexa=entry.md5sum, limit_bandwidth=int(self.limit_bandwidth or 0), cache_dir=target_dir, connect_timeout=timeout_ms_or_default(self.timeout), progress_callback=printhook ) entry.localpath = fullpackagepath downloaded.append(fullpackagepath) except Exception as e: if os.path.isfile(fullpackagepath): os.remove(fullpackagepath) logger.critical("Error downloading package from http repository, please update... error : %s" % e) errors.append((download_url, "%s" % e)) return {"downloaded": downloaded, "skipped": skipped, "errors": errors, "packages": packages}
[docs] def download_icons(self, packages_icon_sha256sum, target_dir=None): r"""Download a list of icons from packages (requests are of the form packagename (>version) ) returns a dict of {"downloaded,"skipped","errors"} Args: packages_icon_sha256sum (list) : list of dict {'package','icon_sha256sum'} Returns: dict: 'packages', 'downloaded', 'skipped', 'errors' """ if not isinstance(packages_icon_sha256sum,list): packages_icon_sha256sum = [packages_icon_sha256sum] if not target_dir: target_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): os.mkdir(target_dir) downloaded = [] skipped = [] errors = [] with self.get_requests_session() as session: for entry in packages_icon_sha256sum: if not entry.get('icon_sha256sum'): continue icon_file = entry['icon_sha256sum'] + '.png' target_fn = os.path.join(target_dir, icon_file) if os.path.isfile(target_fn): skipped.append(icon_file) else: download_url = self.repo_url + '/icons/' + icon_file try: wget(download_url, target_fn, connect_timeout=self.timeout, resume=False, sha256=entry['icon_sha256sum'], requests_session=session, limit_bandwidth=self.limit_bandwidth ) downloaded.append(icon_file) except Exception as e: if os.path.isfile(icon_file): os.remove(icon_file) errors.append((download_url,"%s" % e)) return {"downloaded": downloaded, "skipped": skipped, "errors": errors}
[docs]def update_packages(adir, force=False, proxies=None, canonical_filenames=False): """Helper function to update a local packages index This function is used on repositories to rescan all packages and update the Packages index. >>> if os.path.isdir('c:\\wapt\\cache'): ... repopath = 'c:\\wapt\\cache' ... else: ... repopath = '/var/www/wapt' >>> p = PackageEntry() >>> p.package = 'test' >>> p.version = '10' >>> new_package_fn = os.path.join(repopath,p.make_package_filename()) >>> if os.path.isfile(new_package_fn): ... os.unlink(new_package_fn) >>> res = update_packages(repopath) >>> os.path.isfile(res['packages_filename']) True >>> r = WaptLocalRepo(localpath=repopath) >>> l1 = r.packages() >>> res = r.update_packages_index() >>> l2 = r.packages() >>> [p for p in l2 if p not in l1] ["test (=10)"] """ repo = WaptLocalRepo(localpath=os.path.abspath(adir)) return repo.update_packages_index(force_all=force, proxies=proxies, canonical_filenames=canonical_filenames)
def make_packages_filter_string(host_capabilities: dict) -> dict: """Build a string to group hosts by unique package matches. Returns: str csv of os,os_version,architectures,tags,locales,maturities """ return "%s~%s~%s~%s~%s~%s" % ( host_capabilities.get('os'), host_capabilities.get('os_version'), host_capabilities.get('architecture'), '|'.join(host_capabilities.get('tags',[])), '|'.join(ensure_list(host_capabilities.get('packages_locales',[]))), '|'.join(ensure_list(host_capabilities.get('packages_maturities',[]))) ) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(0)