Source code for common

#!/usr/bin/env python3
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##    This file is part of WAPT Software Deployment
##    Copyright (C) 2012 - 2024  Tranquil IT
##    All Rights Reserved.
##    WAPT helps systems administrators to efficiently deploy
##    setup, update and configure applications.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Any, Union, Callable
from waptutils import import_setup, format_bytes, wget, wgets, merge_dict, remove_encoding_declaration
from waptutils import httpdatetime2isodate, datetime2isodate, CustomZipFile, FileChunks, jsondump, LogOutput, isodate2datetime
from waptpackage import REGEX_PACKAGE_CONDITION, WaptLocalRepo, WaptRemoteRepo, PackageEntry, PackageRequest, HostCapabilities, PackageKey, PackageVersion
from waptcrypto import SSLCABundle, SSLCertificate, SSLPrivateKey, SSLCRL, SSLVerifyException
from waptutils import BaseObjectClass, ensure_list, ensure_unicode, default_http_headers, get_time_delta
from waptpackage import EWaptException, EWaptNotAPackage, EWaptNotSigned, EWaptBadPackageAttribute,EWaptBadSetup
from waptcrypto import get_peer_cert_chain_from_server, get_cert_chain_as_pem
from waptpackage import EWaptNeedsNewerAgent, EWaptDiskSpace
from waptcrypto import EWaptMissingPrivateKey, EWaptMissingCertificate, get_cert_chain_from_pem
from waptutils import isrunning, killalltasks, killtree, run
from waptutils import get_requests_client_cert_session, get_main_ip, update_ini_from_json_config, get_files_timestamp_sha256, hexdigest_for_data, sha256_for_data
from waptpackage import EWaptDownloadError, EWaptMissingPackageHook
from waptpackage import EWaptUnavailablePackage, EWaptConflictingPackage
import setuphelpers
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
from waptpackage import make_valid_package_name
from waptutils import is_pem_key_encrypted
from waptutils import _disable_file_system_redirection
from waptutils import is_unsafe_filename
from waptutils import Timeit, config_overview
from waptutils import get_verify_cert
from waptutils import __version__
from waptutils import __file__ as waptutils__file__
import os
import re
import logging
import datetime
import time
import sys
import tempfile
import hashlib
import glob
import codecs
import base64
import zlib
import sqlite3
import json
import ujson
import io
import requests
import pickle

    # pylint: disable=no-member
    # no error
    import requests.packages.urllib3
    from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

import fnmatch
import ipaddress
import subprocess
import platform
import socket
import getpass
import psutil
import threading
import traceback
import uuid
import gc
import random
import string
from iniparse import RawConfigParser
from optparse import OptionParser

from operator import itemgetter
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import defaultdict

import shutil
import urllib.parse
import zipfile

import arpy
import rpmfile
import tarfile

import imp

logger = logging.getLogger('waptcore')
tasks_logger = logging.getLogger('wapttasks')

bad_uuid= ['90218F6F-8B87-8442-8AAD-4A676F39B1F3','FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF','00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000','Not Settable','03000200-0400-0500-0006-000700080009']

# conditionnal imports for windows or linux
if sys.platform == 'win32':
    import win32api
    import win32security
    import win32net
    import pywintypes
    import pythoncom
    from ntsecuritycon import DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_ADMINS
    import winreg
    from winreg import HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, EnumKey

old_argv = sys.argv
    import waptlicences
    logger.debug('waptlicences module location: %s' % waptlicences.__file__)
except Exception as e:
    logger.critical('Unable to load waptlicences module: %s' % e)
    waptlicences = None

    import pyldap
except Exception as e:
    logger.critical('Unable to load pyldap module: %s' % e)
    pyldap = None

assert sys.argv == old_argv

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    import pywaptwua

    import requests_kerberos
    has_kerberos = True
    has_kerberos = False

if not sys.platform == 'win32':
    import kerberos
    import winkerberos as kerberos

[docs]class EWaptBadServerAuthentication(EWaptException): pass
[docs]def is_system_user(): return setuphelpers.get_current_user().lower() == 'system'
[docs]def tryurl(url, proxies=None, timeout=5.0, auth=None, verify_cert=False, cert=None): # try to get header for the supplied URL, returns None if no answer within the specified timeout # else return time to get he answer. with get_requests_client_cert_session(url=url, cert=cert, verify=verify_cert, proxies=proxies) as session: try: logger.debug(' trying %s' % url) starttime = time.time() headers = session.head(url=url, timeout=timeout, auth=auth, allow_redirects=True) if headers.ok: logger.debug(' OK') return time.time() - starttime else: headers.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: logger.debug(' Not available : %s' % e) return None
[docs]class EWaptCancelled(Exception): pass
[docs]class WaptBaseDB(BaseObjectClass): curr_db_version = None def __init__(self, dbpath): self._dbpath = '' self._db= None self.transaction_depth = 0 self.dbpath = dbpath self.threadid = None self.lock = threading.Lock() @property def dbpath(self): return self._dbpath @dbpath.setter def dbpath(self, value): if not self._dbpath or (self._dbpath and self._dbpath != value): self._dbpath = value self._db= None
[docs] def begin(self): # recreate a connection if not in same thread (reuse of object...) if self.transaction_depth == 0: logger.debug('DB Start transaction') self.execute('begin') self.transaction_depth += 1
[docs] def commit(self): if self.transaction_depth > 0: self.transaction_depth -= 1 else: msg = 'Unexpected commit of an already committed transaction...' logger.critical(msg) if logger.level == logging.DEBUG: raise Exception(msg) if self.transaction_depth == 0: logger.debug('DB commit') try: self.execute('commit') except: self.execute('rollback') raise
[docs] def rollback(self): if self.transaction_depth > 0: self.transaction_depth -= 1 if self.transaction_depth == 0: logger.debug('DB rollback') self.execute('rollback')
@property def db(self) -> sqlite3.Connection: if self._db is None: # or (self.threadid is not None and self.threadid != threading.get_ident()): with self.lock: """ if self.threadid is not None and self.threadid != threading.get_ident(): logger.warning('Reset wapt.db (was created in thread %s but called from thread %s)' % (self.threadid, threading.get_ident())) self._db = None self.threadid = None """ if not self.dbpath: raise EWaptException('dbpath not set. Unable to access core waptdb.sqlite database.') logger.debug('Thread %s is connecting to wapt db' % threading.get_ident()) self.threadid = threading.get_ident() if not self.dbpath == ':memory:' and not os.path.isfile(self.dbpath): dirname = os.path.dirname(self.dbpath) if os.path.isdir(dirname) == False: os.makedirs(dirname) os.path.dirname(self.dbpath) self._db = sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES, check_same_thread=False) self._db.isolation_level = None self.transaction_depth = 0 self.create_db_structure() self.init_db_data() elif self.dbpath == ':memory:': self._db = sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES, check_same_thread=False) self._db.isolation_level = None self.transaction_depth = 0 self.create_db_structure() self.init_db_data() else: self._db = sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES, check_same_thread=False) self._db.isolation_level = None self.transaction_depth = 0 if self.curr_db_version != self.db_version: self.upgradedb() self.init_db_data() return self._db def __enter__(self): self.start_timestamp = time.time() self.begin() #logger.debug(u'DB enter %i' % self.transaction_depth) return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): if time.time()-self.start_timestamp > 1.0: logger.debug('Transaction took too much time : %s' % (time.time()-self.start_timestamp,)) if not value: #logger.debug(u'DB exit %i' % self.transaction_depth) self.commit() else: self.rollback() logger.debug('Error at DB exit %s, rollbacking\n%s' % (value, ensure_unicode(traceback.format_tb(tb)))) @property def db_version(self): val = self.execute('select value from wapt_params where name="db_version"').fetchone() if val: return val[0] else: return '' @db_version.setter def db_version(self, value): with self: self.execute('insert or replace into wapt_params(name,value,create_date) values (?,?,?)', ('db_version', value, datetime2isodate())) @db_version.deleter def db_version(self): with self: self.execute("delete from wapt_params where name = 'db_version'")
[docs] def create_db_structure(self): return self.db_version
[docs] def set_param(self, name, value, ptype=None): """Store permanently a (name/value) pair in database, replace existing one""" with self: if not value is None: if ptype is None: if isinstance(value, str): ptype = 'str' if isinstance(value, bytes): ptype = 'bytes' # bool before int ! elif isinstance(value, bool): ptype = 'bool' elif isinstance(value, int): ptype = 'int' elif isinstance(value, float): ptype = 'float' elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): ptype = 'datetime' else: ptype = 'json' if ptype in ('int', 'float'): value = str(value) elif ptype in ('json', 'bool'): value = jsondump(value) elif ptype == 'datetime': value = datetime2isodate(value) elif ptype == 'bytes': value = sqlite3.Binary(value) self.execute('insert or replace into wapt_params(name,value,create_date,ptype) values (?,?,?,?)', (name, value, datetime2isodate(), ptype))
[docs] def has_param(self, name: str) -> bool: """Check if param exists""" q = self.execute('select id from wapt_params where name=? limit 1', (name,)).fetchone() if q: return True else: return False
[docs] def get_param(self, name, default=None, ptype=None): """Retrieve the value associated with name from database""" q = self.execute('select value,ptype from wapt_params where name=? order by create_date desc limit 1', (name,)).fetchone() if q: (value, sptype) = q if ptype is None: ptype = sptype if not value is None: if ptype == 'int': value = int(value) elif ptype == 'float': value = float(value) elif ptype in ('json', 'bool'): value = ujson.loads(value) elif ptype == 'datetime': value = isodate2datetime(value) return value else: return default
[docs] def delete_param(self, name): with self: row = self.execute('select value from wapt_params where name=? limit 1', (name,)).fetchone() if row: self.execute('delete from wapt_params where name=?', (name,))
[docs] def query(self, query, args=(), one=False, as_dict=True): """ execute la requete query sur la db et renvoie un tableau de dictionnaires """ cur = self.execute(query, args) try: if as_dict: rv = [dict((cur.description[idx][0], value) for idx, value in enumerate(row)) for row in cur.fetchall()] else: rv = cur.fetchall() finally: cur.close() del cur return (rv[0] if rv else None) if one else rv
[docs] def execute(self, query, args=()): """ Wrapper around sqlite.execute. """ nb_tries = 0 nb_max_tries = 3 seconds_before_retry = 2 while nb_tries < nb_max_tries: try: return self.db.execute(query, args) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: if 'database is locked' in repr(e): nb_tries += 1 if nb_tries >= nb_max_tries: raise Exception("The database is locked. There is probably another WAPT process currently running (WaptAgent, WaptSelfService, wapt-get, waptpython.exe). Please check running processes. Error: %s" % (repr(e),)) else: time.sleep(seconds_before_retry) else: raise
[docs] def init_db_data(self): pass
[docs] def upgradedb(self, force=False): """Update local database structure to current version if rules are described in db_upgrades Args: force (bool): force upgrade even if structure version is greater than requested. Returns: tuple: (old_structure_version,new_structure_version) """ with self: try: backupfn = '' # use cached value to avoid infinite loop old_structure_version = self.db_version if old_structure_version >= self.curr_db_version and not force: logger.warning('upgrade db aborted : current structure version %s is newer or equal to requested structure version %s' % (old_structure_version, self.curr_db_version)) return (old_structure_version, old_structure_version)'Upgrade database schema') if self.dbpath != ':memory:': # we will backup old data in a file so that we can rollback backupfn = tempfile.mktemp('.sqlite') logger.debug(' copy old data to %s' % backupfn) shutil.copy(self.dbpath, backupfn) else: backupfn = None # we will backup old data in dictionaries to convert them to new structure logger.debug(' backup data in memory') old_datas = {} tables = [c[0] for c in self.execute('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table" and name like "wapt_%"').fetchall()] for tablename in tables: old_datas[tablename] = self.query('select * from %s' % tablename) logger.debug(' %s table : %i records' % (tablename, len(old_datas[tablename]))) logger.debug(' drop tables') for tablename in tables: self.execute('drop table if exists %s' % tablename) # create new empty structure logger.debug(' recreates new tables ') new_structure_version = self.create_db_structure() del(self.db_version) # append old data in new tables logger.debug(' fill with old data') for tablename in tables: if old_datas[tablename]: logger.debug(' process table %s' % tablename) allnewcolumns = [c[0] for c in self.execute('select * from %s limit 0' % tablename).description] # take only old columns which match a new column in new structure oldcolumns = [k for k in old_datas[tablename][0] if k in allnewcolumns] insquery = "insert into %s (%s) values (%s)" % (tablename, ",".join(oldcolumns), ",".join("?" * len(oldcolumns))) for rec in old_datas[tablename]: logger.debug(' %s' % [rec[oldcolumns[i]] for i in range(0, len(oldcolumns))]) self.execute(insquery, [rec[oldcolumns[i]] for i in range(0, len(oldcolumns))]) # be sure to put back new version in table as db upgrade has put the old value in table self.db_version = new_structure_version return (old_structure_version, new_structure_version) except Exception as e: if backupfn: logger.critical("UpgradeDB ERROR : %s, copy back backup database %s" % (e, backupfn)) shutil.copy(backupfn, self.dbpath) raise
[docs]class WaptSessionDB(WaptBaseDB): curr_db_version = '20201217' def __init__(self, username=''): super(WaptSessionDB, self).__init__(None) if not username: username = setuphelpers.get_current_user() self.username = username self.dbpath = os.path.join(setuphelpers.application_data(), 'wapt', 'waptsession.sqlite')
[docs] def create_db_structure(self): """Initialize current sqlite db with empty table and return structure version""" assert(isinstance(self.db, sqlite3.Connection)) logger.debug('Initialize Wapt session database') self.execute(""" create table if not exists wapt_sessionsetup ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, username varchar, package_uuid varchar, package varchar, version varchar, architecture varchar, install_date varchar, install_status varchar, install_output TEXT, process_id integer )""" ) self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_sessionsetup_username on wapt_sessionsetup(username,package);""") self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_sessionsetup_package on wapt_sessionsetup(package);""") self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_sessionsetup_package_uuid on wapt_sessionsetup(package_uuid);""") self.execute(""" create table if not exists wapt_params ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name varchar, value text, ptype varchar, create_date varchar ) """) self.execute(""" create unique index if not exists idx_params_name on wapt_params(name); """) self.db_version = self.curr_db_version return self.curr_db_version
[docs] def add_start_install(self, package_entry): """Register the start of installation in local db Returns: int : rowid of the inserted record """ with self: cur = self.execute("""delete from wapt_sessionsetup where package=?""", (package_entry.package,)) cur = self.execute("""\ insert into wapt_sessionsetup ( username, package_uuid, package, version, architecture, install_date, install_status, install_output, process_id ) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) """, ( self.username, package_entry.package_uuid, package_entry.package, package_entry.version, package_entry.architecture, datetime2isodate(), 'INIT', '', os.getpid() )) return cur.lastrowid
[docs] def update_install_status(self, rowid, set_status=None, append_line=None): """Update status of package installation on localdb""" with self: if set_status in ('OK', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'): pid = None else: pid = os.getpid() cur = self.execute("""\ update wapt_sessionsetup set install_status=coalesce(?,install_status),install_output = coalesce(install_output,'') || ?,process_id=? where rowid = ? """, ( set_status, ensure_unicode(append_line)+'\n' if append_line is not None else '', pid, rowid, ) ) return cur.lastrowid
[docs] def update_install_status_pid(self, pid, set_status='ERROR'): """Update status of package installation on localdb""" with self: cur = self.execute("""\ update wapt_sessionsetup set install_status=coalesce(?,install_status) where process_id = ? """, ( set_status, pid, ) ) return cur.lastrowid
[docs] def remove_install_status(self, package): """Remove status of package installation from localdb >>> wapt = Wapt() >>> wapt.forget_packages('tis-7zip') ??? """ with self: cur = self.execute("""delete from wapt_sessionsetup where package=?""", (package,)) return cur.rowcount
[docs] def remove_obsolete_install_status(self, installed_packages) -> int: """Remove local user status of packages no more installed""" with self: cur = self.execute("""delete from wapt_sessionsetup where package not in (%s)""" % ','.join('?' for i in installed_packages), installed_packages) return cur.rowcount
[docs] def is_installed(self, package, version): p = self.query('select * from wapt_sessionsetup where package=? and version=? and install_status="OK"', (package, version)) if p: return p[0] else: return None
[docs]class WaptPublicDB(WaptBaseDB): curr_db_version = '20240930'
[docs] def create_db_structure(self) -> str: """Initialize current sqlite db with empty table and return structure version""" assert(isinstance(self.db, sqlite3.Connection)) logger.debug('Initialize Wapt Public database') self.execute(""" create table if not exists wapt_publicstatus ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, package_uuid varchar, package varchar, version varchar, architecture varchar, removal_date varchar, control TEXT, setuppy TEXT, install_date varchar, install_by varchar, uninstall_date varchar, uninstall_by varchar, created_on varchar default (strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%fZ', 'now')), updated_on varchar default (strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%fZ', 'now')) ) """) self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_publicstatus_package_uuid on wapt_publicstatus(package_uuid); """) self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_publicstatus_name on wapt_publicstatus(package,version); """) self.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS wapt_publicstatus_updated BEFORE UPDATE ON wapt_publicstatus BEGIN update wapt_publicstatus set updated_on=strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%fZ', 'now') where package_uuid=NEW.package_uuid; END """) self.execute(""" create table if not exists wapt_params ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name varchar, value text, ptype varchar, create_date varchar ) """) self.execute(""" create unique index if not exists idx_params_name on wapt_params(name); """) self.db_version = self.curr_db_version return self.curr_db_version
[docs]class WaptDB(WaptBaseDB): """Class to manage SQLite database with local installation status""" curr_db_version = '20240930' wapt_package_columns = OrderedDict({ 'id': 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', 'package_uuid': 'varchar', 'package': 'varchar', 'categories': 'varchar', 'version' : 'varchar', 'architecture': 'varchar', 'section': 'varchar', 'priority': 'varchar', 'maintainer': 'varchar', 'description': 'varchar', 'filename': 'varchar', 'size': 'integer', 'md5sum': 'varchar', 'depends': 'varchar', 'conflicts': 'varchar', 'sources': 'varchar', 'repo_url': 'varchar', 'repo': 'varchar', 'signer': 'varchar', 'signer_fingerprint': 'varchar', 'signature': 'varchar', 'signature_date': 'varchar', 'signed_attributes': 'varchar', 'min_wapt_version': 'varchar', 'maturity': 'varchar', 'locale': 'varchar', 'installed_size': 'integer', 'target_os': 'varchar', 'max_os_version': 'varchar', 'min_os_version': 'varchar', 'impacted_process': 'varchar', 'audit_schedule': 'varchar', 'name': 'varchar', 'editor': 'varchar', 'keywords': 'varchar', 'licence': 'varchar', 'homepage': 'varchar', 'changelog': 'varchar', 'valid_from': 'varchar', 'valid_until': 'varchar', 'forced_install_on': 'varchar', 'icon_sha256sum': 'varchar', })
[docs] def create_db_structure(self) -> str: """Initialize current sqlite db with empty table and return structure version""" assert(isinstance(self.db, sqlite3.Connection)) logger.debug('Initialize Wapt database') query_cols = [col_name + ' ' + col_type for col_name, col_type in self.wapt_package_columns.items()] query_cols = ','.join(query_cols) init_wapt_package_table_query = 'create table if not exists wapt_package ({})'.format(query_cols) self.execute(init_wapt_package_table_query) self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_package_name on wapt_package(package);""") self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_package_uuid on wapt_package(package_uuid);""") self.execute(""" create table if not exists wapt_localstatus ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, package_uuid varchar, package varchar, version varchar, version_pinning varchar, explicit_by varchar, architecture varchar, section varchar, priority varchar, maturity varchar, locale varchar, install_date varchar, install_status varchar, install_output TEXT, install_params VARCHAR, uninstall_key varchar, control TEXT, setuppy TEXT, process_id integer, depends varchar, conflicts varchar, last_audit_on varchar, last_audit_status varchar, last_audit_output TEXT, next_audit_on varchar, impacted_process varchar, audit_schedule varchar, status_revision integer ) """) # in a separate table : # upgrade_action -> 'INSTALL, UPGRADE, REMOVE' # related_package_uuid -> package which will replace # upgrade_planned_on # upgrade_deadline # upgrade_allowed_schedules # retry_count # max_retry_count self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_localstatus_name on wapt_localstatus(package); """) self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_localstatus_status on wapt_localstatus(install_status); """) self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_localstatus_next_audit_on on wapt_localstatus(next_audit_on); """) self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_localstatus_package_uuid on wapt_localstatus(package_uuid); """) self.execute(""" create table if not exists wapt_params ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name varchar, value text, ptype varchar, create_date varchar ) """) self.execute(""" create unique index if not exists idx_params_name on wapt_params(name); """) self.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS inc_rev_ins_status AFTER INSERT ON wapt_params WHEN not in ('status_revision','last_update_server_hashes') BEGIN update wapt_params set value=cast(value as integer)+1 where name='status_revision'; END """) self.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS inc_rev_upd_status AFTER UPDATE ON wapt_params WHEN <> 'status_revision' BEGIN update wapt_params set value=cast(value as integer)+1 where name='status_revision'; END """) self.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS inc_rev_del_status AFTER DELETE ON wapt_params WHEN <> 'status_revision' BEGIN update wapt_params set value=cast(value as integer)+1 where name='status_revision'; END """) self.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS wapt_localstatus_ai AFTER INSERT ON wapt_localstatus BEGIN update wapt_localstatus set status_revision=(select cast(value as integer) from wapt_params where name='status_revision') WHERE id =; END """) self.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS wapt_localstatus_au AFTER UPDATE ON wapt_localstatus BEGIN update wapt_localstatus set status_revision=(select cast(value as integer) from wapt_params where name='status_revision') WHERE id =; END """) self.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS wapt_localstatus_au AFTER DELETE ON wapt_localstatus BEGIN update wapt_localstatus set status_revision=(select cast(value as integer) from wapt_params where name='status_revision') WHERE id =; END """) # action : install, remove, check, session_setup, update, upgrade # state : draft, planned, postponed, running, done, error, canceled self.execute(""" CREATE TABLE if not exists wapt_task ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, action varchar, state varchar, current_step varchar, process_id integer, start_date varchar, finish_date varchar, package_name varchar, username varchar, package_version_min varchar, package_version_max varchar, rundate_min varchar, rundate_max varchar, rundate_nexttry varchar, runduration_max integer, created_date varchar, run_params VARCHAR, run_output TEXT ); """) self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_task_state on wapt_task(state); """) self.execute(""" create index if not exists idx_task_package_name on wapt_task(package_name); """) self.execute(""" create table if not exists wapt_sessionsetup ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, username varchar, package varchar, version varchar, architecture varchar, maturity varchar, locale varchar, install_date varchar, install_status varchar, install_output TEXT )""" ) self.execute(""" create index idx_sessionsetup_username on wapt_sessionsetup(username,package);""") # store metrics # they are uploaded to server self.execute(""" create table if not exists wapt_audit_data ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, value_date varchar, value_section varchar, value_key varchar, value_type varchar, value text, expiration_date varchar ) """) self.execute(""" create unique index idx_wapt_audit_data_key on wapt_audit_data(value_section,value_key,value_date); """) self.execute(""" create index idx_wapt_audit_data_date on wapt_audit_data(value_date); """) self.execute(""" create index idx_wapt_audit_data_exp on wapt_audit_data(expiration_date); """) self.db_version = self.curr_db_version return self.curr_db_version
[docs] def init_db_data(self): if self.get_param('status_revision') is None: self.set_param('status_revision',0)
def _get_insert_package_query(self): if not hasattr(self,'_insert_package_query'): pkg_col_names = [col_name for col_name in self.wapt_package_columns] pkg_col_names.remove('id') pkg_col_names_str = ','.join(pkg_col_names) self._insert_package_query = 'insert into wapt_package ({})'.format(pkg_col_names_str) fields_nbr = len(pkg_col_names) self._insert_package_query += ' values ({})'.format(','.join(['?'] * fields_nbr)) return self._insert_package_query
[docs] def add_package_entry(self, package_entry, locale_code=None) -> int: """Add a package into the database """ with self: # for backward compatibility with packages signed without package_uuid attribute if not package_entry.package_uuid: package_entry.package_uuid = package_entry.make_fallback_uuid() #cur = self.execute("""delete from wapt_package where package=? and version=? and target_os=? and architecture=? and maturity=? and locale=?""", # (package_entry.package, package_entry.version, package_entry.target_os,package_entry.architecture, package_entry.maturity, package_entry.locale)) cur = self.execute("""delete from wapt_package where package_uuid=?""",(package_entry.package_uuid, )) cur = self.execute(self._get_insert_package_query(), package_entry.get_values_for_db(locale_code)) return cur.lastrowid
[docs] def add_start_install(self, package_entry: PackageEntry, params_dict={}, explicit_by=None) -> int: """Register the start of installation in local db Args: package_entry (PackageEntry): package params_dict (dict) : dictionary of parameters provided on command line with --param or by the server explicit_by (str) : username of initiator of the install. if not None, install is not a dependencie but an explicit manual install setuppy (str) : python source code used for install, uninstall or session_setup code used for uninstall or session_setup must use only wapt self library as package content is no longer available at this step. Returns: int : rowid of the inserted install status row """ with self: if package_entry.package_uuid: # keep old entry for reference until install is completed. cur = self.execute("""update wapt_localstatus set install_status='UPGRADING' where package=? and package_uuid <> ?""", (package_entry.package, package_entry.package_uuid)) cur = self.execute("""delete from wapt_localstatus where package_uuid=?""", (package_entry.package_uuid,)) else: cur = self.execute("""delete from wapt_localstatus where package_uuid=?""", (package_entry.package,)) cur = self.execute("""\ insert into wapt_localstatus ( package_uuid, package, version, section, priority, architecture, install_date, install_status, install_output, install_params, explicit_by, process_id, maturity, locale, depends, conflicts, impacted_process, audit_schedule, control ) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) """, ( package_entry.package_uuid, package_entry.package, package_entry.version, package_entry.section, package_entry.priority, package_entry.architecture, datetime2isodate(), 'INIT', '', jsondump(params_dict), explicit_by, os.getpid(), package_entry.maturity, package_entry.locale, package_entry.depends, package_entry.conflicts, package_entry.impacted_process, package_entry.audit_schedule, package_entry._control_str()[0], )) return cur.lastrowid
[docs] def update_install_status(self, rowid, set_status=None, append_line=None, uninstall_key=None) -> int: """Update status of package installation on localdb""" with self: if set_status in ('OK', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'): pid = None else: pid = os.getpid() cur = self.execute("""\ update wapt_localstatus set install_status=coalesce(?,install_status), install_output = coalesce(install_output,'') || ?, uninstall_key=coalesce(?,uninstall_key), process_id=? where rowid = ? """, ( set_status, ensure_unicode(append_line)+'\n' if append_line is not None else '', uninstall_key, pid, rowid, ) ) # removed previously installed package entry install_rec = self.query('select package_uuid,package from wapt_localstatus where rowid = ?', (rowid,), one=True) if install_rec and set_status in ('OK', 'WARNING'): cur = self.execute("""delete from wapt_localstatus where package=? and rowid <> ?""", (install_rec['package'], rowid)) return cur.lastrowid
[docs] def update_audit_status(self, rowid, set_status=None, set_output=None, append_line=None, set_last_audit_on=None, set_next_audit_on=None) -> int: """Update status of package installation on localdb""" with self: if set_status in ('OK', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'): pid = None else: pid = os.getpid() # retrieve last status #cur = self.execute("""select last_audit_status,last_audit_on,next_audit_on from wapt_localstatus where rowid = ?""",(rowid,)) #(last_audit_status,last_audit_on,next_audit_on) = cur.fetchone() # if last_audit_on is None: # last_audit_on = datetime2isodate() # # if set_status is None: # set_status = last_audit_status # if set_status is None: # set_status = 'RUNNING' cur = self.execute("""\ update wapt_localstatus set last_audit_status=coalesce(?,last_audit_status,'RUNNING'), last_audit_on=coalesce(?,last_audit_on), last_audit_output = coalesce(?,last_audit_output,'') || ?, process_id=?,next_audit_on=coalesce(?,next_audit_on) where rowid = ? """, ( set_status, set_last_audit_on, set_output, append_line+'\n' if append_line is not None else '', pid, set_next_audit_on, rowid ) ) return cur.lastrowid
[docs] def update_install_status_pid(self, pid, set_status='ERROR') -> int: """Update status of package installation on localdb""" with self: cur = self.execute("""\ update wapt_localstatus set install_status=coalesce(?,install_status) where process_id = ? """, ( set_status, pid, ) ) return cur.lastrowid
[docs] def switch_to_explicit_mode(self, package, user_id) -> int: """Set package install mode to manual so that package is not removed when meta packages don't require it anymore """ with self: cur = self.execute("""\ update wapt_localstatus set explicit_by=? where package = ? """, ( user_id, package, ) ) return cur.lastrowid
[docs] def remove_install_status(self, package=None, package_uuid=None): """Remove status of package installation from localdb""" with self: if package_uuid is not None: cur = self.execute("""delete from wapt_localstatus where package_uuid=?""", (package_uuid,)) else: cur = self.execute("""delete from wapt_localstatus where package=?""", (package,)) return cur.rowcount
[docs] def known_packages(self): """Return a dict of all known packages PackageKey(s) indexed by package_uuid Returns: dict {'package_uuid':PackageKey(package)} """ q = self.execute("""\ select distinct wapt_package.package_uuid,wapt_package.package,wapt_package.version,architecture,locale,maturity from wapt_package """) return {e[0]: PackageKey(e[0], e[1], Version(e[2]), *e[3:]) for e in q.fetchall()}
[docs] def packages_matching(self, package_cond): """Return an ordered list of available packages entries which match the condition "packagename[([=<>]version)]?" version ascending Args: package_cond (PackageRequest or str): filter packages and determine the ordering Returns: list of PakcageEntry """ if isinstance(package_cond, str): package_cond = PackageRequest(request=package_cond) if package_cond.package_uuid is not None: q = self.query_package_entry("""\ select * from wapt_package where package_uuid = ? """, (package_cond.package_uuid,)) elif package_cond.package is not None: q = self.query_package_entry("""\ select * from wapt_package where package = ? """, (package_cond.package,)) else: q = self.query_package_entry("""\ select * from wapt_package """) result = [p for p in q if package_cond.is_matched_by(p)] result.sort(key=package_cond.get_package_compare_key) return result
[docs] def installed_status(self, include_errors=False, include_setup=False, include_control=False, include_log=False): """Return a list of installed packages on this host (status 'OK' or 'UNKNWON') Args: include_errors (bool) : if False, only packages with status 'OK' and 'UNKNOWN' are returned if True, all packages are installed. include_setup (bool) : if True, files content is in the result rows Returns: dict[package_uuid]: install and audit infos """ sql = ["""\ select l.package_uuid,l.package,l.version,l.install_date,l.install_status,l.install_params,l.explicit_by, l.last_audit_status,l.last_audit_on,%s%s%s l.next_audit_on from wapt_localstatus l """ % (('l.setuppy,' if include_setup else ''),('l.control,' if include_control else ''), ('l.install_output,L.last_audit_output,' if include_log else ''))] if not include_errors: sql.append('where l.install_status in ("OK","UNKNOWN")') q = self.query('\n'.join(sql)) return list(q)
[docs] def installed(self, include_errors=False, include_setup=True, include_control=False): """Return a list of installed packages on this host (status 'OK' or 'UNKNWON') Args: include_errors (bool) : if False, only packages with status 'OK' and 'UNKNOWN' are returned if True, all packages are installed. include_setup (bool) : if True, files content is in the result rows Returns: list: of installed PackageEntry """ sql = ["""\ select,l.package,l.version,l.architecture,r.description,,l.install_date,l.install_status,l.install_output,l.install_params,%s l.uninstall_key,l.explicit_by, coalesce(l.depends,r.depends) as depends,coalesce(l.conflicts,r.conflicts) as conflicts,coalesce(l.section,r.section) as section, coalesce(l.priority,r.priority) as priority, r.maintainer,,r.description,r.sources,r.filename,r.size, r.repo_url,r.md5sum,r.repo,r.signer,r.signature_date,r.signer_fingerprint, l.maturity,l.locale, l.last_audit_status,l.last_audit_on,l.last_audit_output,l.next_audit_on,%s l.package_uuid from wapt_localstatus l left join wapt_package r on r.package_uuid=l.package_uuid """ % (('l.setuppy,' if include_setup else ''),('l.control,' if include_control else ''))] if not include_errors: sql.append('where l.install_status in ("OK","UNKNOWN")') q = self.query_package_entry('\n'.join(sql)) result = [] for p in q: result.append(p) return result
[docs] def installed_packages_inventory(self,since_status_revision=None): """Return a list of installed packages status suitable for inventory List of list. First line is the header (fields names) Returns: list (of list): of installed packages """ query = """\ select,l.package,l.version,l.architecture,l.install_date,l.install_status,l.install_output,l.install_params, l.uninstall_key,l.explicit_by, coalesce(l.depends,r.depends) as depends, coalesce(l.conflicts,r.conflicts) as conflicts, coalesce(l.section,r.section) as section, coalesce(l.priority,r.priority) as priority, r.maintainer,,r.description,r.sources,r.filename,r.size, r.repo_url,r.md5sum,r.repo,r.signer,r.signature_date,r.signer_fingerprint, l.maturity,l.locale, l.package_uuid from wapt_localstatus l left join wapt_package r on r.package_uuid=l.package_uuid """ if since_status_revision is None: cur = self.execute(query) else: cur = self.execute(query+' where l.status_revision>?',[since_status_revision]) result = [] # first line is columns headers result.append([c[0] for c in cur.description]) for row in cur.fetchall(): result.append(row) return result
[docs] def installed_packages_ids(self): """Return list of id of package install status """ cur = self.execute('select id from wapt_localstatus') return [c[0] for c in cur.fetchall()]
[docs] def packages_audit_inventory(self,after_date=None): """Return a list of packages audit status suitable for inventory List of list. First line is the header (fields names) Returns: list (of list): of installed packages """ query = """\ select,l.package_uuid, l.last_audit_status,l.last_audit_on,l.last_audit_output,l.next_audit_on from wapt_localstatus l """ if after_date is None: cur = self.execute(query) else: cur = self.execute(query+' where l.last_audit_on > ?',(after_date,)) result = [] result.append([c[0] for c in cur.description]) for row in cur.fetchall(): result.append(list(row)) return result
[docs] def install_status(self, id): """Return the local install status for id Args: id: sql rowid Returns: dict : merge of package local install, audit and package attributes. """ sql = ["""\ select l.package,l.version,l.architecture,l.install_date,l.install_status,l.install_output,l.install_params,l.explicit_by, l.depends,l.conflicts,l.uninstall_key,l.setuppy,l.control, l.last_audit_status,l.last_audit_on,l.last_audit_output,l.next_audit_on,l.audit_schedule,l.package_uuid, r.section,r.priority,r.maintainer,r.description,r.sources,r.filename,r.size,r.signer,r.signature_date,r.signer_fingerprint, r.repo_url,r.md5sum,r.repo,l.maturity,l.locale from wapt_localstatus l left join wapt_package r on r.package_uuid=l.package_uuid where = ? """] q = self.query_package_entry('\n'.join(sql), args=[id]) if q: return q[0] else: return None
[docs] def installed_matching(self, package_cond:str, include_errors=False, include_setup=True, include_control=False) -> PackageEntry: """Return the properly installed (if include_errors=False) package match the package condition 'tis-package (>=version)' Args: package_cond (str): package requirement to lookup include_errors Returns: PackageEntry merge with localstatus attributes WITH setuppy """ if isinstance(package_cond, str): requ = package_cond package_cond = PackageRequest(request=requ) elif not isinstance(package_cond, PackageRequest): raise Exception('installed_matching: package_cond must be either str ot PackageRequest') if include_errors: status = '"OK","UNKNOWN","ERROR"' else: status = '"OK","UNKNOWN"' q = self.query_package_entry("""\ select l.rowid,l.package_uuid, l.package,l.version,l.architecture, coalesce(l.locale,r.locale) as locale, coalesce(l.maturity,r.maturity) as maturity, l.install_date,l.install_status,l.install_output,l.install_params,%s l.uninstall_key,l.explicit_by, l.last_audit_status,l.last_audit_on,l.last_audit_output,l.next_audit_on, coalesce(l.depends,r.depends) as depends, coalesce(l.conflicts,r.conflicts) as conflicts, coalesce(l.section,r.section) as section, coalesce(l.priority,r.priority) as priority,%s r.maintainer,r.description,r.sources,r.filename,r.size,r.signer,r.signature_date,r.signer_fingerprint, r.repo_url,r.md5sum,r.repo from wapt_localstatus l left join wapt_package r on r.package_uuid=l.package_uuid where (l.package=? or l.package_uuid=?) and l.install_status in (%s) order by l.install_date """ % (('l.setuppy,' if include_setup else ''), ('l.control,' if include_control else ''), status), (package_cond.package,package_cond.package_uuid)) return q[0] if q and package_cond.is_matched_by(q[0]) else None
[docs] def upgradeable(self, include_errors=True, check_version_only=True,include_setup=False, include_control=False): """Return a dictionary of upgradable Package entries Returns: dict 'package': [candidates] order by mot adequate to more generic and """ result = {} allinstalled = self.installed(include_errors=True,include_setup=include_setup,include_control=include_control) for p in allinstalled: available = self.query_package_entry("""select * from wapt_package where package=?""", (p.package,)) available.sort() available.reverse() if (available and ( ((check_version_only and PackageVersion(available[0]['version']) > PackageVersion(p['version'])) or (not check_version_only and available[0] > p)) or # check version only or full attributes (include_errors and p.install_status == 'ERROR')) ): # if current package is in error status, and we have a candidate, add it result[p.package] = available return result
[docs] def upgradeable_status(self): """Return a list of upgradable Package entries. (faster than upgradeable() ) Returns: list of (installed PackageEntry, candidate PackageEntry) """ result = [] allinstalled = self.query("""select install_status,package_uuid,package,version,section,priority,maturity,locale from wapt_localstatus""") for p in allinstalled: availables = self.query("""select package_uuid,package,version,section,priority,maturity,locale,target_os from wapt_package where (? in ('RETRY','ERROR') or package_uuid<>?) and package=?""", (p['install_status'],p['package_uuid'],p['package'],)) upgr = None for available in availables: if available and (p['install_status'] in ('ERROR','RETRY') or PackageVersion(available['version']) > PackageVersion(p['version'])): if upgr is None or PackageVersion(available['version']) > PackageVersion(upgr['version']): upgr = available if upgr: result.append((PackageEntry(**p),PackageEntry(**upgr))) return result
[docs] def audit_status(self): """Return WORST audit status among properly installed packages""" errors = self.query("""select count(*) from wapt_localstatus where install_status="OK" and last_audit_status="ERROR" """, one=True, as_dict=False)[0] if errors > 0: return 'ERROR' warnings = self.query("""select count(*) from wapt_localstatus where install_status="OK" and (last_audit_status is NULL or last_audit_status in ("WARNING","UNKNOWN")) """, one=True, as_dict=False)[0] if warnings and warnings > 0: return 'WARNING' return 'OK'
[docs] def build_depends(self, packages, packages_filter=None): """Given a list of packages conditions (packagename (optionalcondition)) return a list of dependencies (packages conditions) to install Args: packages (list of str): list of packages requirements ( package_name(=version) ) Returns: (list depends,list conflicts,list missing) : tuple of (all_depends,missing_depends) TODO : choose available dependencies in order to reduce the number of new packages to install >>> waptdb = WaptDB(':memory:') >>> office = PackageEntry('office','0') >>> firefox22 = PackageEntry('firefox','22') >>> firefox22.depends = 'mymissing,flash' >>> firefox24 = PackageEntry('firefox','24') >>> thunderbird = PackageEntry('thunderbird','23') >>> flash10 = PackageEntry('flash','10') >>> flash12 = PackageEntry('flash','12') >>> office.depends='firefox(<24),thunderbird,mymissing' >>> firefox22.depends='flash(>=10)' >>> firefox24.depends='flash(>=12)' >>> waptdb.add_package_entry(office) >>> waptdb.add_package_entry(firefox22) >>> waptdb.add_package_entry(firefox24) >>> waptdb.add_package_entry(flash10) >>> waptdb.add_package_entry(flash12) >>> waptdb.add_package_entry(thunderbird) >>> waptdb.build_depends('office') ([u'flash(>=10)', u'firefox(<24)', u'thunderbird'], [u'mymissing']) """ if not isinstance(packages, list) and not isinstance(packages, tuple): packages = [packages] MAXDEPTH = 30 # roots : list of initial packages to avoid infinite loops alldepends = [] allconflicts = [] missing = [] explored = [] def dodepends(packages, depth): if depth > MAXDEPTH: raise Exception('Max depth in build dependencies reached, aborting') package_request = PackageRequest(request=None, copy_from=packages_filter) # loop over all package names for package in packages: if not package in explored: if isinstance(package, str): package_request.request = package entries = self.packages_matching(package_request) else: entries = self.packages_matching(package) if not entries and package not in missing: missing.append(package) else: # get depends of the most recent matching entry # TODO : use another older if this can limit the number of packages to install ! depends = ensure_list(entries[-1].depends) available_depends = [] for d in depends: package_request.request = d if self.packages_matching(package_request): available_depends.append(d) elif d not in missing: missing.append(d) newdepends = dodepends(available_depends, depth+1) for d in newdepends: if not d in alldepends: alldepends.append(d) for d in available_depends: if not d in alldepends: alldepends.append(d) conflicts = ensure_list(entries[-1].conflicts) for d in conflicts: if not d in allconflicts: allconflicts.append(d) explored.append(package) return alldepends depth = 0 alldepends = dodepends(packages, depth) return (alldepends, allconflicts, missing)
[docs] def query_package_entry(self, query, args=(), one=False, package_request=None): """Execute the query on the db try to map result on PackageEntry attributes Fields which don't match attributes are added as attributes (and listed in _calc_attributes list) Args: query (str): sql query args (list): parameters of the sql query package_request (PackageRequest): keep only entries which match package_request one(bool): if True, return the highest available version (if package_request is not None, use it to compare packages) Result: PackageEntry or list of PackageEntry >>> waptdb = WaptDB(':memory:') >>> waptdb.add_package_entry(PackageEntry('toto','0',repo='main')) >>> waptdb.add_package_entry(PackageEntry('dummy','2',repo='main')) >>> waptdb.add_package_entry(PackageEntry('dummy','1',repo='main')) >>> waptdb.query_package_entry("select * from wapt_package where package=?",["dummy"]) [PackageEntry('dummy','2'), PackageEntry('dummy','1')] >>> waptdb.query_package_entry("select * from wapt_package where package=?",["dummy"],one=True) PackageEntry('dummy','2') """ result = [] cur = self.execute(query, args) for row in cur.fetchall(): pe = PackageEntry() rec_dict = dict((cur.description[idx][0], value) for idx, value in enumerate(row)) for k in rec_dict: setattr(pe, k, rec_dict[k]) # add joined field to calculated attributes list if not k in pe.all_attributes: pe._calculated_attributes.append(k) if package_request is None or package_request.is_matched_by(pe): result.append(pe) if one and result: if not package_request: result = sorted(result)[-1] else: result = sorted(result, key=package_request.get_package_compare_key)[-1] return result
[docs] def purge_repo(self, repo_name): """remove references to repo repo_name >>> waptdb = WaptDB('c:/wapt/db/waptdb.sqlite') >>> waptdb.purge_repo('main') """ with self: self.execute('delete from wapt_package where repo=?', (repo_name,))
[docs] def params(self, packagename): """Return install parameters associated with a package""" with self: cur = self.execute("""select install_params from wapt_localstatus where package=?""", (packagename,)) rows = cur.fetchall() if rows: return ujson.loads(rows[0][0])
[docs] def get_packages_from_uuids(self,uuids): with self: cur = self.query_package_entry("""select * from wapt_packages where package_uuid in (%s)""" % ','.join('?'*len(uuids)), uuids) rows = cur.fetchall() return list(rows)
[docs] def get_not_installed_from_uuids(self,uuids): with self: cur = self.query_package_entry("""select p.* from wapt_packages p left join wapt_localstatus s on s.package_uuid=p.package_uuid where p.package_uuid in (%s) and is null""" % ','.join('?'*len(uuids)), uuids) rows = cur.fetchall() return list(rows)
[docs] def get_status_revision(self): q = self.execute("""select cast(value as integer) from wapt_params where name='status_revision' limit 1""").fetchone() if q: return q[0] else: return None
[docs]class WaptServer(BaseObjectClass): """Manage connection to waptserver""" def __init__(self, url=None, proxies={'http': None, 'https': None}, timeout=5.0, dnsdomain=None, name='waptserver'): if url and url[-1] == '/': url = url.rstrip('/') self._server_url = url = name self.proxies = proxies self.timeout = timeout self.use_kerberos = False self.verify_cert = True self.client_certificate = None self.client_private_key = None self.interactive_session = False self.ask_user_password_hook = None self.private_key_password_callback = None self.capture_external_ip_callback = None if dnsdomain: self.dnsdomain = dnsdomain else: self.dnsdomain = setuphelpers.get_domain() self.clear_session()
[docs] def auth(self, action=None, enable_password_callback=True): """Return an authenticator for the action. This is basically a tuple (user,password) or a more sophisticated AuthBase descendent. The motivation for action is to not request password from user if not needed. Or enable kerberos for specific endpoint. Args: action (str): for which an authenticator is requested Returns: tuple or requests.auth.AuthBase descendant instance """ if self._server_url: if action in ('add_host_kerberos', 'add_host'): if not (sys.platform == 'win32'): try: # TODO found other method for TGS setuphelpers.get_domain_info() except: pass scheme = urllib.parse.urlparse(self._server_url).scheme if scheme == 'https' and has_kerberos and self.use_kerberos: # TODO : simple auth if kerberos is not available... return requests_kerberos.HTTPKerberosAuth(mutual_authentication=requests_kerberos.DISABLED) if enable_password_callback: return self.ask_user_password(action) else: return None else: return None
[docs] def get_private_key_password(self, location, identity): if self.private_key_password_callback is not None: return self.private_key_password_callback(location, identity) else: return None
[docs] def clear_session(self): self._session = None self._session_url = None self._session_client_certificate = None self._session_use_ssl_auth = None
[docs] def get_requests_session(self, use_ssl_auth=True): # don't use cached session if parameters have changed if use_ssl_auth != self._session_use_ssl_auth or \ (self._session_use_ssl_auth and self._session_client_certificate != self.client_certificate): self.clear_session() if self._session is None: url = self.server_url if use_ssl_auth: if self.client_private_key and is_pem_key_encrypted(self.client_private_key): password = self.get_private_key_password(url, self.client_private_key) else: password = None cert = (self.client_certificate, self.client_private_key, password) else: cert = None self._session = get_requests_client_cert_session(url=url, cert=cert, verify=self.verify_cert, proxies=self.proxies) self._session_use_ssl_auth = use_ssl_auth self._session_url = url self._session_client_certificate = self.client_certificate self._session.headers = default_http_headers() return self._session
[docs] def save_server_certificate(self, server_ssl_dir=None, overwrite=False): """Retrieve certificate of https server for further checks Args: server_ssl_dir (str): Directory where to save x509 certificate file Returns: str : full path to x509 certificate file. """ certs = get_peer_cert_chain_from_server(self.server_url) if certs: new_cert = certs[0] url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.server_url) pem_fn = os.path.join(server_ssl_dir,'*','wildcard') +'.crt') if not fnmatch.fnmatch(url.hostname, : logger.warning('Warning, certificate CN %s sent by server does not match URL host %s' % (, url.hostname)) if not os.path.isdir(server_ssl_dir): os.makedirs(server_ssl_dir) if os.path.isfile(pem_fn): try: # compare current and new cert old_cert = SSLCertificate(pem_fn) if old_cert.modulus != new_cert.modulus: if not overwrite: raise Exception('Can not save server certificate, a file with same name but from diffrent key already exists in %s' % pem_fn) else:'Overwriting old server certificate %s with new one %s' % (old_cert.fingerprint, new_cert.fingerprint)) return pem_fn except Exception as e: logger.critical('save_server_certificate : %s' % repr(e)) raise # write full chain with open(pem_fn, 'w',encoding = 'utf8') as f: f.write(get_cert_chain_as_pem(certs))'New certificate %s with fingerprint %s saved to %s' % (new_cert, new_cert.fingerprint, pem_fn)) return pem_fn else: return None
[docs] def reset_network(self): """called by wapt when network configuration has changed""" self.clear_session()
@property def server_url(self): """Return fixed url if any >>> server = WaptServer(timeout=4) >>> print server.server_url """ return self._server_url @server_url.setter def server_url(self, value): """Wapt main repository URL The URL is explicitly set (stored in private _server_url) Returns: str : URL of wapt server root """ # remove / at the end if value: value = value.rstrip('/') if value != self._server_url: self.clear_session() self._server_url = value
[docs] def load_config(self, config, section='global'): """Load waptserver configuration from inifile """ if not section: section = 'global' if config.has_section(section): = section if config.has_option(section, 'wapt_server'): # if defined but empty, look in dns srv url = config.get(section, 'wapt_server') if url: self._server_url = url else: self._server_url = None else: # no server at all self._server_url = '' if config.has_option(section, 'use_kerberos'): self.use_kerberos = config.getboolean(section, 'use_kerberos') if config.has_option(section, 'use_http_proxy_for_server') and config.getboolean(section, 'use_http_proxy_for_server'): if config.has_option(section, 'http_proxy'): self.proxies = {'http': config.get(section, 'http_proxy'), 'https': config.get(section, 'http_proxy')} else: self.proxies = None else: self.proxies = {'http': None, 'https': None} if config.has_option(section, 'wapt_server_timeout'): self.timeout = config.getfloat(section, 'wapt_server_timeout') if config.has_option(section, 'dnsdomain'): self.dnsdomain = config.get(section, 'dnsdomain') if config.has_option(section, 'verify_cert'): self.verify_cert = get_verify_cert(config.get(section, 'verify_cert')) if config.has_option(section, 'client_certificate') and config.get(section, 'client_certificate'): self.client_certificate = config.get(section, 'client_certificate') if config.has_option(section, 'client_private_key') and config.get(section, 'client_private_key'): self.client_private_key = config.get(section, 'client_private_key') self.clear_session() return self
[docs] def load_config_from_file(self, config_filename, section='global'): """Load waptserver configuration from an inifile located at config_filename Args: config_filename (str) : path to wapt inifile section (str): ini section from which to get parameters. default to 'global' Returns: WaptServer: self """ ini = RawConfigParser() self.load_config(ini, section) return self
[docs] def get(self, action, auth=None, timeout=None, use_ssl_auth=True, enable_capture_external_ip = True, enable_password_callback=True, decode_json=True): """Make a get http request to the server, and return result decoded from json This assuems remo Args: action (str): doc part of the url auth (tuple): authentication passed to requests (user,password) enable_capture_external_ip (bool) : if true and callback is defined, try to get external IP from X-Remote-IP header and set it though self.capture_external_ip_callback enable_password_callback (bool) : if true, password callback will be called if needed. Returns: dict : response returned from server as json data. """ if self.server_url: with self.get_requests_session(use_ssl_auth=use_ssl_auth) as session: req = session.get("%s/%s" % (self.server_url, action), timeout=timeout or self.timeout, auth=auth, allow_redirects=True) if req.status_code == 401: req = session.get("%s/%s" % (self.server_url, action), timeout=timeout or self.timeout, auth=self.auth(action=action, enable_password_callback=enable_password_callback), allow_redirects=True) # if ssl auth has issue, retry without ssl_auth if req.status_code == 400 and use_ssl_auth: with self.get_requests_session(use_ssl_auth=False) as session2: req = session2.get("%s/%s" % (self.server_url, action), timeout=timeout or self.timeout, auth=auth, allow_redirects=True) if req.status_code == 401: req = session2.get("%s/%s" % (self.server_url, action), timeout=timeout or self.timeout, auth=self.auth(action=action, enable_password_callback=enable_password_callback), allow_redirects=True) req.raise_for_status() if enable_capture_external_ip and req.headers.get('X-Remote-IP') and self.capture_external_ip_callback: self.capture_external_ip_callback(req.headers['X-Remote-IP']) if decode_json: return ujson.loads(req.content) else: return req.content else: raise EWaptBadSetup('Wapt server url not defined')
[docs] def head(self, action, auth=None, timeout=None, use_ssl_auth=True, enable_capture_external_ip=True, enable_password_callback=True): """ """ if self.server_url: with self.get_requests_session(use_ssl_auth=use_ssl_auth) as session: req = session.head("%s/%s" % (self.server_url, action), timeout=timeout or self.timeout, auth=auth, allow_redirects=True) if req.status_code == 401: req = session.head("%s/%s" % (self.server_url, action), timeout=timeout or self.timeout, auth=self.auth(action=action, enable_password_callback=enable_password_callback), allow_redirects=True) req.raise_for_status() if enable_capture_external_ip and req.headers.get('X-Remote-IP') and self.capture_external_ip_callback: self.capture_external_ip_callback(req.headers['X-Remote-IP']) return req.headers else: raise EWaptBadSetup('Wapt server url not defined')
[docs] def post(self, action, data=None, files=None, auth=None, timeout=None, signature=None, signer=None, content_length=None, use_ssl_auth=True, enable_capture_external_ip=True, enable_password_callback=True,max_retry_count=3): """Post data to waptserver using http POST method Add a signature to the posted data using host certificate. Posted Body is gzipped Args: action (str): doc part of the url data (str) : posted data body files (list or dict) : list of filenames Returns: dict : response returned from server as json data. """ if self.server_url: with self.get_requests_session(use_ssl_auth=use_ssl_auth) as session: if data: if action == 'add_host_kerberos': try: __, krb_context = kerberos.authGSSClientInit("HTTP@%s" % str(self.server_url).split('//', 1)[1].split(':')[0]) kerberos.authGSSClientStep(krb_context, "") negotiate_details = kerberos.authGSSClientResponse(krb_context) session.headers.update({"Authorization": "Negotiate " + negotiate_details}) except: pass session.headers.update({ 'Content-type': 'binary/octet-stream', 'Content-transfer-encoding': 'binary', }) if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(data, bytes): session.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' data = zlib.compress(data) if signature: session.headers.update({ 'X-Signature': base64.b64encode(signature), }) if signer: session.headers.update({ 'X-Signer': signer, }) if content_length is not None: session.headers['Content-Length'] = "%s" % content_length if isinstance(files, list): files_dict = {} for fn in files: with open(fn, 'rb') as f: files_dict[os.path.basename(fn)] = elif isinstance(files, dict): files_dict = files else: files_dict = None # check if auth is required before sending data in chunk retry_count = 0 if files_dict: while True: req = session.head("%s/%s" % (self.server_url, action), timeout=timeout or self.timeout, auth=auth, allow_redirects=True) if req.status_code == 401: retry_count += 1 if retry_count >= 3: raise EWaptBadServerAuthentication('Authentication failed on server %s for action %s' % (self.server_url, action)) auth = self.auth(action=action, enable_password_callback=enable_password_callback) else: break if type(data) is FileChunks: filechunks = data data = filechunks.get() while True: req ="%s/%s" % (self.server_url, action), data=data, files=files_dict, timeout=timeout or self.timeout, auth=auth, allow_redirects=True) if (req.status_code == 401) and (retry_count < max_retry_count): retry_count += 1 if retry_count >= 3: raise EWaptBadServerAuthentication('Authentication failed on server %s for action %s' % (self.server_url, action)) if 'filechunks' in locals(): filechunks.reopen() data = filechunks.get() auth = self.auth(action=action, enable_password_callback=enable_password_callback) else: break req.raise_for_status() # requires that nginx reverse proxy set this 'X-Remote-IP' header. if enable_capture_external_ip and req.headers.get('X-Remote-IP') and self.capture_external_ip_callback: self.capture_external_ip_callback(req.headers['X-Remote-IP']) return ujson.loads(req.content) else: raise EWaptBadSetup('Wapt server url not defined')
[docs] def client_auth(self): """Return SSL pair (cert,key) filenames for client side SSL auth Returns: tuple: (cert path,key path,strkeypassword) """ if self.client_certificate and os.path.isfile(self.client_certificate): if self.client_private_key is None: cert = SSLCertificate(self.client_certificate) key = cert.matching_key_in_dirs(password_callback=self.get_private_key_password) self.client_private_key = key.private_key_filename return (self.client_certificate, self.client_private_key, self.get_private_key_password(self.server_url, self.client_certificate)) else: return None
[docs] def available(self): if self.server_url: with self.get_requests_session() as session: try: req = session.head("%s/ping" % (self.server_url), timeout=self.timeout, auth=None, allow_redirects=True) if req.status_code == 401: req = session.head("%s/ping" % (self.server_url), timeout=self.timeout, auth=self.auth(action='ping'), allow_redirects=True) # try without ssl_auth (self signed client cert) if req.status_code == 400: with self.get_requests_session(use_ssl_auth=False) as session2: req = session2.head("%s/ping" % (self.server_url), timeout=self.timeout, auth=None, allow_redirects=True) if req.status_code == 401: req = session2.head("%s/ping" % (self.server_url), timeout=self.timeout, auth=self.auth(action='ping'), allow_redirects=True) req.raise_for_status() return True except Exception as e: #logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logger.debug('Wapt server %s unavailable (%s)' % (self._server_url, e)) return False else: logger.debug('Wapt server is unavailable because no URL is defined') return False
[docs] def as_dict(self): result = {} attributes = ['server_url', 'proxies', 'dnsdomain'] for att in attributes: result[att] = getattr(self, att) return result
[docs] def ask_user_password(self, action=None): """Ask for basic auth if server requires it""" if self.ask_user_password_hook is not None: return self.ask_user_password_hook(action) # pylint: disable=not-callable elif self.interactive_session: user = input('Please provide username for action "%s" on server %s: ' % (action, self.server_url)) if user: password = getpass.getpass('Password: ') if user and password: return (ensure_unicode(user).encode('utf8'), ensure_unicode(password).encode('utf8')) else: return None else: return None
def __repr__(self): try: return '<WaptServer %s verify_cert=%s client_cert_path=%s>' % (self.server_url, self.verify_cert, self.client_certificate) except: return '<WaptServer %s>' % 'unknown'
[docs]class WaptRepo(WaptRemoteRepo): """Gives access to a remote http repository, with a zipped Packages packages index Find its repo_url based on * repo_url explicit setting in ini config section [<name>] * if there is some rules use rules >>> repo = WaptRepo(name='main',url='http://wapt/wapt',timeout=4) >>> packages = repo.packages() >>> len(packages) """ def __init__(self, url=None, name='wapt', verify_cert=None, http_proxy=None, timeout=None, cabundle: [SSLCABundle,Callable[[],SSLCABundle]]=None, config:RawConfigParser=None, section=None, WAPT:"Wapt"=None): """Initialize a repo at url "url". Args: name (str): internal local name of this repository url (str): http URL to the repository. If url is None, the url is requested at the server. http_proxy (str): URL to http proxy or None if no proxy. timeout (float): timeout in seconds for the connection to the rmeote repository wapt_server (str): WAPT Server URL to use for autodiscovery if url is not supplied. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 authorized_certs (list): list of trusted SSL certificates to filter out untrusted entries. if None, no check is performed. All antries are accepted. .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 cabundle (SSLCABundle or callable which returns a SSLCABundle like Wapt.get_cabundle): list of trusted SSL ca certificates to filter out untrusted entries. if None, no check is performed. All antries are accepted. """ self._WAPT = None self.WAPT = WAPT # create additional properties self._rules = None self._cached_wapt_repo_url = None self._repo_url_already_calculated = False self._cached_http_proxy = None WaptRemoteRepo.__init__(self, url=url, name=name, verify_cert=verify_cert, http_proxy=http_proxy, timeout=timeout, cabundle=cabundle, config=config, section=section)
[docs] def reset_network(self): """called by wapt when network configuration has changed""" self._rules = None self._cached_wapt_repo_url = None self._repo_url_already_calculated = False self._cached_http_proxy = None self._packages = None self._packages_date = None
@property def WAPT(self): return self._WAPT @WAPT.setter def WAPT(self, value): if value != self.WAPT: self._WAPT = value
[docs] def rulesdb(self): """ Get rules from DB """ if in ('wapt', 'wapt-host', 'waptwua'): if self.WAPT is not None: rules = self.WAPT.waptdb.get_param('repo_rules-wapt') return rules if isinstance(rules, list) else [] return []
@property def rules(self): if self._rules is None: all_rules = self.rulesdb() self._rules = [] for rule in all_rules: if in rule['repositories']: self._rules.append(rule) return self._rules @property def cached_wapt_repo_url(self): if self._repo_url_already_calculated: return self._cached_wapt_repo_url else: return self.find_wapt_repo_url() if self.WAPT is not None and self.WAPT.use_repo_rules and self.rules else None @cached_wapt_repo_url.setter def cached_wapt_repo_url(self, value): if value != self._cached_wapt_repo_url: if value: value = value.rstrip('/') self._cached_wapt_repo_url = value @property def repo_url(self): """Repository URL Fixed url if none is set in wapt-get.ini by querying the server. The URL is queried once and then cached into a local property. Returns: str: url to the repository >>> repo = WaptRepo(name='wapt',timeout=4) >>> print repo.wapt_server >>> repo = WaptRepo(name='wapt',timeout=4) >>> print repo.wapt_server >>> print repo.repo_url http://srvwapt.tranquilit.local/wapt """ calculated_repo = self.cached_wapt_repo_url return calculated_repo if calculated_repo else self._repo_url @repo_url.setter def repo_url(self, value): if value: value = value.rstrip('/') if value != self._repo_url: self.reset_network() self._repo_url = value @property def proxies(self): """dict for http proxies url suitable for requests based on the http_proxy repo attribute Returns: dict: {'http':'http://proxy:port','https':'http://proxy:port'} """ if self._cached_http_proxy: proxy = self._cached_http_proxy elif self.http_proxy: proxy = self.http_proxy else: proxy = None return {'http': proxy, 'https': proxy}
[docs] def find_wapt_repo_url(self): """Find a wapt_repo_url from rules Returns: str: URL to the repo. """ def rule_agent_ip(rule): try: ip_network = ipaddress.ip_network(rule['value']) except ValueError: return False for ip in get_main_ip(urllib.parse.urlparse(rule['repo_url']).netloc): if ipaddress.ip_address(ip) in ip_network: return True return False def rule_domain(rule): return setuphelpers.get_domain().lower() == rule['value'].lower() def rule_hostname(rule): return fnmatch.fnmatch(setuphelpers.get_hostname().lower(), rule['value'].lower()) def rule_public_ip(rule): ip = self.WAPT.waptdb.get_param('last_external_ip') return ip and (ipaddress.ip_address(ip) in ipaddress.ip_network(rule['value'])) def rule_site(rule): return self.WAPT.get_host_site().lower() == rule['value'].lower() def check_rule(rule_condition, rule): return { 'AGENT IP': rule_agent_ip, 'DOMAIN': rule_domain, 'HOSTNAME': rule_hostname, 'PUBLIC IP': rule_public_ip, 'SITE': rule_site }[rule_condition](rule) self._repo_url_already_calculated = True for rule in sorted(self.rules, key=itemgetter('sequence')): try: if (not(rule.get('negation', False)) == check_rule(rule['condition'], rule)) and \ (rule.get('no_fallback', False) or \ (( == 'waptwua' and ('' in rule['repo_url'])) or \ super(WaptRepo, self).is_available(url=rule['repo_url'], http_proxy=rule['http_proxy'] if rule.get('has_proxy', False) else None) is not None)): self.cached_wapt_repo_url = rule['repo_url'].rstrip('/')+'-host' if isinstance(self, WaptHostRepo) else rule['repo_url'] rule['active_rule'] = True self._cached_http_proxy = rule['http_proxy'] if rule.get('has_proxy', False) else None return self.cached_wapt_repo_url except Exception as e: logger.critical("The rule %s failed for repo %s with repo_url %s : %s" % (rule['name'],, rule['repo_url'], str(e))) rule['exception'] = str(e) self.cached_wapt_repo_url = None self._cached_http_proxy = None return None
[docs] def load_config(self, config, section=None): """Load waptrepo configuration from inifile section. Use name of repo as section name if section is not provided. Use 'global' if no section named section in ini file """ if not section: section = # creates a default parser with a default section if None provided to get defaults if config is None: config = RawConfigParser(self._default_config) config.add_section(section) if not config.has_section(section): section = 'global' if config.has_option(section, 'repo_url'): self._repo_url = config.get(section, 'repo_url') elif config.has_option('global', 'repo_url'): self._repo_url = config.get('global', 'repo_url') WaptRemoteRepo.load_config(self, config, section) return self
[docs] def as_dict(self): result = super(WaptRepo, self).as_dict() result.update( { 'repo_url': self.repo_url, 'rules': self._rules, }) return result
def __repr__(self): try: return '<WaptRepo %s verify_cert=%s client_cert_path=%s>' % (self.repo_url, self.verify_cert, self.client_certificate) except: return '<WaptRepo unknown>'
[docs]class WaptHostRepo(WaptRepo): """Dummy http repository for host packages >>> host_repo = WaptHostRepo(name='wapt-host',host_id=['0D2972AC-0993-0C61-9633-529FB1A177E3','4C4C4544-004E-3510-8051-C7C04F325131']) >>> host_repo.load_config_from_file(r'C:\\Users\htouvet\AppData\Local\waptconsole\waptconsole.ini') >>> host_repo.packages() [PackageEntry('0D2972AC-0993-0C61-9633-529FB1A177E3','10') , PackageEntry('4C4C4544-004E-3510-8051-C7C04F325131','30') ] """ def __init__(self, url=None, name='wapt-host', verify_cert=None, http_proxy=None, timeout=None, host_id=None, cabundle=None, config=None, section=None, host_key=None, WAPT=None): self._host_id = None self.host_key = None WaptRepo.__init__(self, url=url, name=name, verify_cert=verify_cert, http_proxy=http_proxy, timeout=timeout, cabundle=cabundle, config=config, section=section, WAPT=WAPT) self.host_id = host_id if host_key: self.host_key = host_key
[docs] def host_package_url(self, host_id=None): if host_id is None: if self.host_id and isinstance(self.host_id, list): host_id = self.host_id[0] else: host_id = self.host_id return "%s/%s.wapt" % (self.repo_url, host_id)
[docs] def is_available(self): logger.debug('Checking availability of %s' % ( try: host_package_url = self.host_package_url() with self.get_requests_session() as session: logger.debug('Trying to get host package for %s at %s' % (self.host_id, host_package_url)) req = session.head(host_package_url, timeout=self.timeout, allow_redirects=True) req.raise_for_status() packages_last_modified = req.headers.get('last-modified') return httpdatetime2isodate(packages_last_modified) except requests.HTTPError:'No host package available at this time for %s on %s' % (self.host_id, return None
[docs] def load_config(self, config, section=None): """Load waptrepo configuration from inifile section. Use name of repo as section name if section is not provided. Use 'global' if no section named section in ini file """ if not section: section = # creates a default parser with a default section if None provided to get defaults if config is None: config = RawConfigParser(self._default_config) config.add_section(section) if not config.has_section(section): if config.has_section('wapt-main'): section = 'wapt-main' else: section = 'global' WaptRepo.load_config(self, config, section) return self
@property def repo_url(self): # hack to get implicit repo_url from main repo_url repo_url = super(WaptHostRepo, self).repo_url if repo_url and self._section in ['wapt-main', 'global'] and not repo_url.endswith('-host'): return repo_url+'-host' else: return repo_url @repo_url.setter def repo_url(self, value): if value: value = value.rstrip('/') if value != self._repo_url: self.reset_network() self._repo_url = value @property def host_id(self): return self._host_id @host_id.setter def host_id(self, value): if value != self._host_id: self._packages = None self._packages_date = None self._index = {} self._index_by_uuid = {} self._host_id = value def _load_packages_index(self): self._packages = [] self._index = {} self._index_by_uuid = {} self.discarded = [] if not self.repo_url: raise EWaptException('URL for WaptHostRepo repository %s is empty. Either add a wapt-host section in ini, or add a correct wapt_server and rules' % ( if self.host_id and not isinstance(self.host_id, list): host_ids = [self.host_id] else: host_ids = self.host_id with self.get_requests_session() as session: for host_id in host_ids: host_package_url = self.host_package_url(host_id) logger.debug('Trying to get host package for %s at %s' % (host_id, host_package_url)) host_package = session.get(host_package_url, timeout=self.timeout, allow_redirects=True, ) # prepare a package entry for further check package = PackageEntry() package.package = host_id package.repo = package.repo_url = self.repo_url if host_package.status_code == 404: # host package not found'No host package found for %s' % host_id) package._packages_date = '1900-01-01T00:00:00' package._package_content = None self._packages_date = package._packages_date else: # for other than not found error, add to the discarded list. # this can be consulted for mass changes to not recreate host packages because of temporary failures try: host_package.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError as e:'Discarding package for %s: error %s' % (package.package, e)) self.discarded.append(package) continue content = host_package.content if not content.startswith(zipfile.stringFileHeader): # try to decrypt package data if self.host_key: _host_package_content = self.host_key.decrypt_fernet(content) else: raise EWaptNotAPackage('Package for %s does not look like a Zip file and no key is available to try to decrypt it' % host_id) else: _host_package_content = content # Packages file is a zipfile with one Packages file inside with CustomZipFile(io.BytesIO(_host_package_content)) as zip: control_data = codecs.decode('WAPT/control'), 'UTF-8') package._load_control(control_data) package.filename = package.make_package_filename() try: cert_data ='WAPT/certificate.crt') signers_bundle = SSLCABundle() signers_bundle.add_certificates_from_pem(cert_data) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Error reading host package certificate: %s' % repr(e)) signers_bundle = None if self.is_locally_allowed_package(package): try: if self.cabundle is not None: package.check_control_signature(self.cabundle, signers_bundle=signers_bundle) self._add_package(package) # keep content with index as it should be small package._package_content = _host_package_content package._packages_date = httpdatetime2isodate(host_package.headers.get('last-modified', None)) # TODO better self._packages_date = package._packages_date except (SSLVerifyException, EWaptNotSigned) as e: logger.critical("Control data of package %s on repository %s is either corrupted or doesn't match any of the expected certificates %s" % (package.asrequirement(),, self.cabundle)) logger.debug("%s: %s" % (package.asrequirement(),e)) self.discarded.append(package) else:'Discarding %s on repo "%s" because of local whitelist/blacklist rules' % (package.asrequirement(), self.discarded.append(package)
[docs] def download_packages(self, package_requests, target_dir=None, usecache=True, printhook=None): """Download a list of packages from repo Args: package_request (list,PackageEntry): a list of PackageEntry to download target_dir (str): where to store downloaded Wapt Package files usecache (bool): wether to try to use cached Wapt files if checksum is ok printhook (callable): to show progress of download Returns: dict: {"downloaded":[local filenames],"skipped":[filenames in cache],"errors":[],"packages":self.packages()} """ if not isinstance(package_requests, (list, tuple)): package_requests = [package_requests] if not target_dir: target_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() downloaded = [] errors = [] self._load_packages_index() # if multithread... we don't have host package in memory cache from last self._load_packages_index for pr in package_requests: for pe in self.packages(): if ((isinstance(pr, PackageEntry) and (pe == pr)) or (isinstance(pr, str) and pe.match(pr))): pfn = os.path.join(target_dir, pe.make_package_filename()) if not pfn.endswith('.wapt'): raise EWaptNotAPackage('The file %s does not have a .wapt extension' % pfn) if pe._package_content is not None: with open(pfn, 'wb') as package_zip: package_zip.write(pe._package_content) pe.localpath = pfn # for further reference if isinstance(pr, PackageEntry): pr.localpath = pfn downloaded.append(pfn) if not os.path.isfile(pfn): logger.warning('Unable to write host package %s into %s' % (pr.asrequirement(), pfn)) errors.append(pfn) else: logger.warning('No host package content for %s' % (pr.asrequirement(),)) break return {"downloaded": downloaded, "skipped": [], "errors": [], "packages": self.packages()}
def __repr__(self): return '<WaptHostRepo %s for host_id %s >' % (self.repo_url, self.host_id)
[docs]class WaptPackageInstallLogger(LogOutput): """Context handler to log all print messages to a wapt package install log Args: wapt_context (Wapt): Wapt instance package_name (str): name of running or installed package local status where to log status and output >>> """ def __init__(self, console, wapt_context=None, install_id=None, user=None, running_status='RUNNING', exit_status='OK', error_status='ERROR'): self.wapt_context = wapt_context self.install_id = install_id self.last_stdout_line = '' self.user = user if self.user is None: self.user = setuphelpers.get_current_user() def update_install_status(append_line=None, set_status=None, context=None): if self.wapt_context: self.wapt_context.update_package_install_status( rowid=context.install_id, set_status=set_status, append_line=append_line) self.wapt_context.runstatus = append_line or '' if append_line and hasattr(self.wapt_context, 'events') and'PRINT', ensure_unicode(append_line)) LogOutput.__init__(self, console=console, update_status_hook=update_install_status, context=self, running_status=running_status, exit_status=exit_status, error_status=error_status)
[docs]class WaptPackageSessionSetupLogger(LogOutput): """Context handler to log all print messages to a wapt package install log Args: wapt_context (Wapt): Wapt instance package_name (str): name of running or installed package local status where to log status and output >>> """ def __init__(self, console, waptsessiondb, install_id, running_status='RUNNING', exit_status=None, error_status='ERROR'): self.waptsessiondb = waptsessiondb self.install_id = install_id def update_install_status(append_line=None, set_status=None, context=None): self.waptsessiondb.update_install_status( rowid=context.install_id, set_status=set_status, append_line=append_line) LogOutput.__init__(self, console=console, update_status_hook=update_install_status, context=self, running_status=running_status, exit_status=exit_status, error_status=error_status)
[docs]class WaptPackageAuditLogger(LogOutput): """Context handler to log all print messages to a wapt package audit log Args: console (file) : sys.stderr wapt_context (Wapt): Wapt instance install_id (int): name of running or installed package local status where to log status and output >>> """ def __init__(self, console, wapt_context=None, install_id=None, user=None, running_status='RUNNING', exit_status=None, error_status='ERROR'): self.wapt_context = wapt_context self.install_id = install_id self.user = user if self.user is None: self.user = setuphelpers.get_current_user() def update_audit_status(append_line=None, set_status=None, context=None): self.wapt_context.waptdb.update_audit_status( rowid=context.install_id, set_status=set_status, append_line=append_line) LogOutput.__init__(self, console=console, update_status_hook=update_audit_status, context=self, running_status=running_status, exit_status=exit_status, error_status=error_status)
###################### wapt_count = [0,]
[docs]class Wapt(BaseObjectClass): """Global WAPT engine""" global_attributes = ['wapt_base_dir', 'waptserver', 'config_filename', 'proxies', 'repositories', 'personal_certificate_path', 'public_certs_dir', 'packages_cache_dir', 'dbpath', 'http_proxy','use_http_proxy_for_repo','use_http_proxy_for_server', 'limit_bandwidth', 'waptservice_admin_filter','waptservice_port','waptservice_poll_timeout', 'locales','custom_tags','packages_whitelist','packages_blacklist','maturities', 'host_uuid','use_fqdn_as_uuid','use_hostpackages','use_ad_groups','use_repo_rules', 'host_profiles','host_organizational_unit_dn','host_ad_site', 'allow_user_service_restart','allow_remote_shutdown','allow_remote_reboot', 'ldap_auth_server','ldap_auth_base_dn','ldap_auth_ssl_enabled','verify_cert_ldap', 'loglevel','loglevel_waptcore','loglevel_waptservice','loglevel_wapttasks','loglevel_waptws','loglevel_waptdb','loglevel_websocket','loglevel_waitress','log_to_windows_events', 'download_after_update_with_waptupdate_task_period', 'websockets_ping','websockets_retry_delay','websockets_check_config_interval','websockets_hurry_interval', 'notify_user', 'waptaudit_task_period', 'signature_clockskew', 'wol_relay', 'hiberboot_enabled','max_gpo_script_wait','pre_shutdown_timeout', 'minimum_battery_percent', 'uninstallkey_timeout', 'check_certificates_validity', 'token_lifetime', 'repositories', 'trust_all_certs_in_pems', 'wapt_temp_dir', 'peercache_enable', ] _default_config = { 'loglevel': 'warning', 'log_to_windows_events': '0', 'use_http_proxy_for_repo': '0', 'use_http_proxy_for_server': '0', 'tray_check_interval': 2, 'use_hostpackages': '1', 'use_ad_groups': '0', 'timeout': 10.0, 'wapt_server_timeout': 30.0, 'maturities': 'PROD', 'default_maturity': '', 'http_proxy': '', 'token_lifetime': 24*60*60, # 24 hours 'trust_all_certs_in_pems': '0', # optional... 'default_sources_root': 'c:\\waptdev' if ( == 'nt') else os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'waptdev'), 'default_package_prefix': 'tis', 'default_sources_suffix': 'wapt', 'default_sources_url': '', 'upload_cmd': '', 'upload_cmd_host': '', 'after_upload': '', 'personal_certificate_path': '', 'check_certificates_validity': '1', 'use_fqdn_as_uuid': '0', 'uninstallkey_timeout': 120, } public_params = ['server_uuid','uuid','hostname','hardware_uuid','host_organizational_unit_dn','licences','domain_info','last_domain_info_date','host_description','last_successful_register'] def __init__(self, config_filename=None, defaults=None, disable_update_server_status=True, wapt_base_dir=None, dbpath=None, publicdbpath=None, merge_config_packages=None): """Initialize engine. >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> updates = wapt.update() >>> 'count' in updates and 'added' in updates and 'upgrades' in updates and 'date' in updates and 'removed' in updates True """ # used to signal to cancel current operations ASAP global wapt_count wapt_count[0] += 1 #print(wapt_count[0]) self.task_is_cancelled = threading.Event() assert not config_filename or isinstance(config_filename, str) self._threadid = threading.get_ident() self.lock=threading.Lock() self._waptdb = None self._waptpublicdb = None self._waptsessiondb = None self._dbpath = dbpath self._publicdbpath = publicdbpath # cached runstatus to avoid setting in db if not changed. self._runstatus = None if wapt_base_dir: self.wapt_base_dir = wapt_base_dir else: self.wapt_base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(waptutils__file__)) self.config: RawConfigParser = None self.config_filename = config_filename if not self.config_filename: self.config_filename = self.default_config_filename() self.private_dir = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'private') self.public_dir = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'public') self.persistent_root_dir = os.path.join(self.private_dir, 'persistent') self.public_persistent_root_dir = os.path.join(self.public_dir,'persistent') self.token_lifetime = 24*60*60 self.disable_update_server_status = disable_update_server_status self.configs_dir = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'conf.d') self.load_config(config_filename=self.config_filename, merge_config_packages=merge_config_packages) self.options = OptionParser() self.options.force = False self._last_date_wmi_send = None self._last_date_dmi_send = None # list of process pids launched by run command self.pidlist = [] # events handler = None self.progress_hook = None if sys.platform == 'win32': pythoncom.CoInitialize()
[docs] def config_parser(self): logger.debug('New INI Parser') config = RawConfigParser(defaults=self._default_config) if os.path.isfile(self.config_filename): return config
[docs] def reset_settings(self): self.config=None self._host_uuid = None self._merge_config_packages = True self._public_certs_dir = None self.use_hostpackages = True self.use_ad_groups = False self.waptaudit_task_period = "2h" self.peercache_enable = False self._repositories = None self._wua_repository = None self.upload_cmd = None self.upload_cmd_host = self.upload_cmd self.after_upload = None self.proxies = None self.language = setuphelpers.get_language() self.locales = [setuphelpers.get_language()] self.maturities = ['PROD', ''] # default maturity when importing or creating new package self.default_maturity = '' self.filter_on_host_cap = True self.use_http_proxy_for_repo = False self.use_http_proxy_for_server = False self.forced_uuid = None self.use_fqdn_as_uuid = False # to redirect stdout self.redirect_stdout_to = None # where to pre-download the packages self.packages_cache_dir = None # where to unzip packages for installation self.wapt_temp_dir = None # to allow/restrict installation, supplied to packages self.user = setuphelpers.get_current_user() self.usergroups = None # host key cache self._host_key = None self._host_key_timestamp = None self._host_certificate = None self._host_certificate_timestamp = None # for private key password dialog tales (location,indentity) parameters self._private_key_password_callback = None # keep private key in cache self._private_key_cache = None self._cabundle = None self.check_certificates_validity = False self._waptserver = None self.packages_whitelist = None self.packages_blacklist = None self._host_profiles = None self.use_repo_rules = False # if True: trust all certificates in each PEM file of wapt/ssl # if False: trust only the first certificate of each file. self.trust_all_certs_in_pems = False
@property def public_certs_dir(self)->str: if self._public_certs_dir is None: self._public_certs_dir = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'ssl') return self._public_certs_dir @public_certs_dir.setter def public_certs_dir(self, value:str): self._public_certs_dir = value self._cabundle = None
[docs] def get_cabundle(self)->SSLCABundle: # lazy loading to handle config changes if self._cabundle is None: self._cabundle = SSLCABundle() self._cabundle.add_pems(self.public_certs_dir,trust_first=True,trust_all=self.trust_all_certs_in_pems,load_keys=False) return self._cabundle
@property def cabundle(self)->SSLCABundle: return self.get_cabundle() @property def merged_config_hash(self)->str: return self.read_param('merged_config_hash') @merged_config_hash.setter def merged_config_hash(self,value): if self.read_param('merged_config_hash') != value: return self.write_param('merged_config_hash',value)
[docs] def get_config_files_list(self): r = [d for d in (self.config_filename, self.configs_dir, self.public_certs_dir, self.get_host_certificate_filename()) if d and (os.path.isfile(d) or os.path.isdir(d))] r.extend([os.path.join(self.configs_dir,f) for f in os.listdir(self.configs_dir)]) return r
[docs] def get_config_hash(self): return get_files_timestamp_sha256(self.get_config_files_list())
[docs] def default_config_filename(self): return os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'wapt-get.ini')
@property def private_key_password_callback(self): return self._private_key_password_callback @private_key_password_callback.setter def private_key_password_callback(self, value): self._private_key_password_callback = value if self._waptserver: self._waptserver.private_key_password_callback = value if self._repositories: for repo in self._repositories: repo.private_key_password_callback = value def __enter__(self): #self.lock.acquire(timeout=30) return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): #self.lock.release() pass
[docs] def as_dict(self): result = {} for att in self.global_attributes: if hasattr(self, att): result[att] = getattr(self, att) return result
@property def dbpath(self): if self._waptdb: return self._waptdb.dbpath if not self._dbpath: if self.config.has_option('global', 'dbpath') and self.config.get('global', 'dbpath') != '': self._dbpath = self.config.get('global', 'dbpath') else: self._dbpath = os.path.join(self.private_dir, 'db', 'waptdb.sqlite') # fallback for old wapt if not os.path.isfile(self._dbpath) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'db', 'waptdb.sqlite')): self._dbpath = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'db', 'waptdb.sqlite') return self._dbpath @dbpath.setter def dbpath(self, value): # check if not changed if self._waptdb and self._waptdb.dbpath == value: return # updated : reset db self._waptdb = None self._dbpath = value @property def publicdbpath(self): if self._waptpublicdb: return self._waptpublicdb.dbpath if not self._publicdbpath: self._publicdbpath = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir,'db','waptpublicdb.sqlite') return self._publicdbpath @publicdbpath.setter def publicdbpath(self, value): # check if not changed if self._waptpublicdb and self._waptpublicdb.dbpath == value: return # updated : reset db self._waptpublicdb = None self._publicdbpath = value @property def host_profiles(self): result = [] if self._host_profiles is not None: result.extend(self._host_profiles) if self.use_ad_groups: result.extend(self.get_cache_domain_info()['groups']) return result
[docs] def set_client_cert_auth(self, connection, force=False): """Set client side ssl authentication for a waptserver or a waptrepo using host_certificate if client_certificate is not yet set in config and host certificate is able to do client_auth Args: connection: object with client_certificate, client_private_key and client_auth """ try: # use implicit host client certificate if not already set by config if force or connection.client_certificate is None: if os.path.isfile(self.get_host_certificate_filename()) and os.path.isfile(self.get_host_key_filename()): crt = self.get_host_certificate() if crt.is_client_auth: logger.debug('Using host certificate %s for repo %s auth' % (self.get_host_key_filename(), connection.client_certificate = self.get_host_certificate_filename() connection.client_private_key = self.get_host_key_filename() else: logger.warning('Host client certificate %s has not client_auth capability, not using it for auth on %s' % (self.get_host_certificate_filename(), else: logger.debug('Host certificate %s not found, not using it for auth on repo %s' % (self.get_host_certificate_filename(), connection.private_key_password_callback = self.private_key_password_callback except Exception as e: logger.debug('Unable to use client certificate auth: %s' % e)
[docs] def save_external_ip(self, ip): self.write_param('last_external_ip', ip)
[docs] def save_last_domain_info_date(self, lastdate): self.write_param('last_domain_info_date', lastdate, public=True)
[docs] def save_domain_info(self, info): self.write_param('domain_info', info, public=True)
[docs] def load_config(self, config_filename=None, merge_config_packages=None): """Load configuration parameters from supplied inifilename """ self.reset_settings() if merge_config_packages is None: merge_config_packages = self._merge_config_packages # default config file if not self.config: self.config = RawConfigParser(defaults=self._default_config) if config_filename: self.config_filename = config_filename if self.config_filename: relative_configs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.config_filename),'conf.d') if os.path.isdir(relative_configs_dir): self.configs_dir = relative_configs_dir if merge_config_packages and self.configs_dir: update_ini_from_json_config(self.config_filename,self.configs_dir) if os.path.isfile(self.config_filename): with open(self.config_filename,'r',encoding='utf8') as f: self.config.readfp(f) # lazzy loading self._repositories = None if self.config.has_option('global','wapt_base_dir') and self.config.get('global', 'wapt_base_dir') != '': self.wapt_base_dir = self.config.get('global','wapt_base_dir') if self.config.has_option('global', 'private_dir') and self.config.get('global', 'private_dir') != '': self.private_dir = self.config.get('global', 'private_dir') else: self.private_dir = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'private') if self.config.has_option('global', 'public_dir') and self.config.get('global', 'public_dir') != '': self.public_dir = self.config.get('global', 'public_dir') else: self.public_dir = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'public') if self.config.has_option('global', 'persistent_root_dir') and self.config.get('global', 'persistent_root_dir') != '': self.persistent_root_dir = self.config.get('global', 'persistent_root_dir') else: self.persistent_root_dir = os.path.join(self.private_dir, 'persistent') if self.config.has_option('global', 'public_persistent_root_dir') and self.config.get('global', 'public_persistent_root_dir') != '': self.public_persistent_root_dir = self.config.get('global', 'public_persistent_root_dir') else: self.public_persistent_root_dir = os.path.join(self.public_dir, 'persistent') if self.config.has_option('global', 'packages_cache_dir') and self.config.get('global', 'packages_cache_dir') != '': self.packages_cache_dir = self.config.get('global', 'packages_cache_dir') else: self.packages_cache_dir = os.path.join(self.private_dir, 'cache') if self.config.has_option('global', 'wapt_temp_dir'): self.wapt_temp_dir = self.config.get('global', 'wapt_temp_dir') if self.config.has_option('global', 'uuid'): self.forced_uuid = self.config.get('global', 'uuid') else: # force reset to None if config file is changed at runtime self.forced_uuid = None if self.config.has_option('global', 'use_fqdn_as_uuid'): self.use_fqdn_as_uuid = self.config.getboolean('global', 'use_fqdn_as_uuid') if self.config.has_option('global', 'uninstallkey_timeout'): self.uninstallkey_timeout = self.config.getint('global', 'uninstallkey_timeout') # must have a matching key either in same file or in same directory # see self.private_key() if self.config.has_option('global', 'personal_certificate_path'): self.personal_certificate_path = self.config.get('global', 'personal_certificate_path') # be smart with old config if not self.personal_certificate_path and self.config.has_option('global', 'private_key'): pk = self.config.get('global', 'private_key') if pk and os.path.isfile(pk): (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(pk) if os.path.isfile(root+'.crt'): self.personal_certificate_path = root+'.crt' if self.config.has_option('global', 'public_certs_dir') and self.config.get('global', 'public_certs_dir') != '': self.public_certs_dir = self.config.get('global','public_certs_dir') self._cabundle = None self.trust_all_certs_in_pems = False # set this to True for backward compatibility. # but it's more secure to only trust first. if self.config.has_option('global', 'trust_all_certs_in_pems'): self.trust_all_certs_in_pems = self.config.getboolean('global', 'trust_all_certs_in_pems') if self.config.has_option('global', 'check_certificates_validity'): self.check_certificates_validity = self.config.getboolean('global', 'check_certificates_validity') if self.config.has_option('global', 'upload_cmd'): self.upload_cmd = self.config.get('global', 'upload_cmd') if self.config.has_option('global', 'upload_cmd_host'): self.upload_cmd_host = self.config.get('global', 'upload_cmd_host') if self.config.has_option('global', 'after_upload'): self.after_upload = self.config.get('global', 'after_upload') self.use_http_proxy_for_repo = self.config.getboolean('global', 'use_http_proxy_for_repo') self.use_http_proxy_for_server = self.config.getboolean('global', 'use_http_proxy_for_server') if self.config.has_option('global', 'http_proxy'): self.proxies = {'http': self.config.get('global', 'http_proxy'), 'https': self.config.get('global', 'http_proxy')} else: self.proxies = None # force reset to None if config file is changed at runtime self._waptserver = None if self.config.has_option('global', 'language'): self.language = self.config.get('global', 'language') # for testing if self.config.has_option('global', 'fake_hostname'): self._set_fake_hostname(self.config.get('global', 'fake_hostname')) # allow to fake a host Organizational Unit when the computer is not part of an AD, but we want to put host in a OU. if self.config.has_option('global', 'host_organizational_unit_dn'): forced_host_organizational_unit_dn = self.config.get('global', 'host_organizational_unit_dn') if forced_host_organizational_unit_dn != self.host_organizational_unit_dn:'Forced forced_host_organizational_unit_dn DB %s' % forced_host_organizational_unit_dn) self.host_organizational_unit_dn = forced_host_organizational_unit_dn else: # force reset to None if config file is changed at runtime try: del(self.host_organizational_unit_dn) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Error removing host_organizational_unit_dn from db: %s" % e) # error writing to db because of write access ? logger.warning('forced OU DN in local wapt db is not matching wapt-get.ini value') if self.config.has_option('global', 'packages_whitelist'): self.packages_whitelist = ensure_list(self.config.get('global', 'packages_whitelist'), allow_none=True) if self.config.has_option('global', 'packages_blacklist'): self.packages_blacklist = ensure_list(self.config.get('global', 'packages_blacklist'), allow_none=True) if self.config.has_option('global', 'host_profiles'): self._host_profiles = ensure_list(self.config.get('global', 'host_profiles'), allow_none=True) if self.config.has_option('global', 'locales'): self.locales = ensure_list(self.config.get('global', 'locales'), allow_none=True) if self.config.has_option('global', 'maturities'): self.maturities = ensure_list(self.config.get('global', 'maturities'), allow_none=True) if not self.maturities: self.maturities = ['PROD'] if self.config.has_option('global', 'default_maturity'): self.default_maturity = self.config.get('global', 'default_maturity') if self.config.has_option('global', 'token_lifetime'): self.token_lifetime = self.config.getint('global', 'token_lifetime') if self.config.has_option('global', 'use_hostpackages'): self.use_hostpackages = self.config.getboolean('global', 'use_hostpackages') if self.config.has_option('global', 'use_ad_groups'): self.use_ad_groups = self.config.getboolean('global', 'use_ad_groups') if self.config.has_option('global', 'peercache_enable'): self.peercache_enable = self.config.getboolean('global', 'peercache_enable') if self.config.has_option('global', 'waptaudit_task_period'): self.waptaudit_task_period = self.config.get('global', 'waptaudit_task_period') self.waptwua_enabled = None if self.config.has_section('waptwua'): if self.config.has_option('waptwua', 'enabled'): self.waptwua_enabled = self.config.getboolean('waptwua', 'enabled') self.use_repo_rules = False if self.config.has_option('global', 'use_repo_rules'): self.use_repo_rules = self.config.getboolean('global', 'use_repo_rules') self.host_ad_site = None if self.config.has_option('global', 'host_ad_site'): self.host_ad_site = self.config.get('global', 'host_ad_site') self.editor_for_packages = None if self.config.has_option('global', 'editor_for_packages'): self.editor_for_packages = self.config.get('global', 'editor_for_packages') self.limit_bandwidth = None if self.config.has_option('global', 'limit_bandwidth'): self.limit_bandwidth = self.config.getfloat('global', 'limit_bandwidth') if self.config.has_option('global', 'redirect_stdout_to'): self.redirect_stdout_to = self.config.get('global', 'redirect_stdout_to') if self.config.has_option('global', 'custom_tags'): self.custom_tags = ensure_list(self.config.get('global', 'custom_tags'), allow_none=True) else: self.custom_tags = [] # clear host key cache self._host_key = None # clear host filter for packages self._packages_filter_for_host = None # keep the timestamp of last read config files to reload it if it is changed self.loaded_config_hash = self.get_config_hash() # backup in DB the merged hash if merge_config_packages and self.configs_dir and self.merged_config_hash != self.loaded_config_hash: self.merged_config_hash = self.loaded_config_hash return self
[docs] def server_uuid(self): res = self.read_param('server_uuid', public=True) if not res and self.waptserver: res = self.waptserver.get('ping')['result']['uuid'] if res: self.write_param('server_uuid', res, public=True) return res
[docs] def is_enterprise(self): try: # get from database licences = self.read_param('licences', public=True) if licences is None: licences = self.update_licences() if licences: if not waptlicences: return False waptlicences.check_valid_licences_count(jsondump(licences),self.server_uuid(),36000) return waptlicences.is_enterprise() else: return False except Exception as e: logger.warning('Unable to get licence status: %s' % e) return False
@property def waptserver(self): if self._waptserver is None and self.config.has_option('global', 'wapt_server'): self._waptserver = WaptServer().load_config(self.config) self._waptserver.capture_external_ip_callback = self.save_external_ip self.set_client_cert_auth(self._waptserver) return self._waptserver @property def repositories(self)->List[WaptRemoteRepo]: if self._repositories is None: # Get the configuration of all repositories (url, ...) # TODO : make this lazzy... self._repositories = [] # secondary if self.config.has_section('global') and self.config.has_option('global', 'repositories'): repository_names = ensure_list(self.config.get('global', 'repositories'))'Other repositories : %s' % (repository_names,)) for name in repository_names: if name: w = WaptRepo(name=name, WAPT=self, config=self.config, section=name, cabundle = self.get_cabundle) # we put a callable for cabundle self.set_client_cert_auth(w) self._repositories.append(w)' %s:%s' % (, w._repo_url)) else: repository_names = [] # last is main repository so it overrides the secondary repositories if self.config.has_option('global', 'repo_url') and not 'wapt' in repository_names: w = WaptRepo(name='wapt', WAPT=self, config=self.config, cabundle = self.get_cabundle) # we put a callable for cabundle self._repositories.append(w) self.set_client_cert_auth(w)'Main repository: %s' % (w.repo_url,)) if self.use_hostpackages: self.add_hosts_repo() return self._repositories
[docs] def waptwua(self, as_context_manager: bool = False): def update_server_status(force: bool) -> None: self.update_server_status(force=force) class WuaContextManager: def __init__(self, module): self.module = module def __enter__(self): self.module.enter_wuaserv_ctx() return self.module def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.module.leave_wuaserv_ctx() self.module.free_instance() wua = pywaptwua wua.set_update_server_status_callback(update_server_status) wua.update_from_wapt(self) wua.set_certificates_path(self.get_host_certificate_filename(), self.get_host_key_filename()) if as_context_manager: return WuaContextManager(wua) else: return wua
@property def wua_repository(self): if self._wua_repository is None: for r in self.repositories: if == 'waptwua': self._wua_repository = r break if self._wua_repository is None: self._wua_repository = WaptRepo(name='waptwua', WAPT=self, config=self.config) # Fix tls client auth self.set_client_cert_auth(self._wua_repository) # Fix verify_cert if self._wua_repository.verify_cert in [None,1,'1',True] and self.config.has_option('global','verify_cert'): self._wua_repository.verify_cert = get_verify_cert(self.config.get('global','verify_cert')) # Fix proxies if not self._wua_repository.http_proxy and self.config.get('global','use_http_proxy_for_repo') and self.config.get('global','http_proxy') != '': self._wua_repository.http_proxy = self.config.get('global','http_proxy')'WAPTWUA repository: %s' % (self._wua_repository.repo_url,)) return self._wua_repository
[docs] def write_config(self, config_filename=None): """Update configuration parameters to supplied inifilename """ def _encode_ini_value(value, key=None): if isinstance(value, list): return ','.join(value) elif value is None: return '' elif isinstance(value,bool): if value: return '1' else: return '0' else: return str(value) for key in self.config.defaults(): if hasattr(self, key) and _encode_ini_value(getattr(self, key)) != _encode_ini_value(self.config.defaults()[key]): logger.debug('update config global.%s : %s' % (key, getattr(self, key))) self.config.set('global', key, _encode_ini_value(getattr(self, key), key)) repositories_names = ','.join([ for r in self.repositories if not in ('global', 'wapt-host')]) if self.config.has_option('global', 'repositories') and repositories_names != '': self.config.set('global', 'repositories', _encode_ini_value(repositories_names)) if config_filename is None: config_filename = self.config_filename if config_filename is not None: with open(config_filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: self.config.write(f) self.loaded_config_hash = self.get_config_hash()
def _set_fake_hostname(self, fqdn): if sys.platform == 'win32': import setuphelpers_windows setuphelpers_windows._fake_hostname = fqdn else: setuphelpers._fake_hostname = fqdn logger.warning('Using test fake hostname and uuid: %s' % fqdn) self.use_fqdn_as_uuid = True logger.debug('Host uuid is now: %s' % self.host_uuid) logger.debug('Host computer_name is now: %s' % setuphelpers.get_computername())
[docs] def get_token_secret_key(self) -> str: kfn = os.path.join(self.private_dir, 'token_secret_key') if not os.path.isfile(kfn): if not os.path.isdir(self.private_dir): os.makedirs(self.private_dir) result = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(64)) with open(kfn, 'w') as f: f.write(result) return result else: with open(kfn, 'r') as f: return
[docs] def add_hosts_repo(self) -> WaptHostRepo: """Add an automatic host repository, remove existing WaptHostRepo last one before""" # avoid calling getter as the getter is calling this method. while self._repositories and isinstance(self._repositories[-1], WaptHostRepo): del self._repositories[-1] if self.config.has_section('wapt-host'): section = 'wapt-host' else: section = None if (self.waptserver and self.waptserver.server_url) or section: try: # don't create key if not exist at this step host_key = self.get_host_key(False) except Exception as e: logger.debug('Unable to get or create host key: %s' % e) # unable to access or create host key host_key = None host_repo = WaptHostRepo(name='wapt-host', config=self.config, host_id=self.host_packagename(), host_key=host_key, WAPT=self, cabundle = self.get_cabundle) # we put a callable for cabundle self._repositories.append(host_repo) # in case host repo is calculated from server url (no specific section) and main repor_url is set if section is None and self.waptserver and self.waptserver.server_url: host_repo.repo_url = self.waptserver.server_url+'/wapt-host' self.set_client_cert_auth(host_repo) else: host_repo = None return host_repo
[docs] def reload_config_if_updated(self): """Check if config file has been updated, Return None if config has not changed or date of new config file if reloaded >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> wapt.reload_config_if_updated() """ new_config_hash = self.get_config_hash() if new_config_hash != self.loaded_config_hash:'Reloading waptcore configuration for Wapt instance thread %s' % threading.get_ident()) self.load_config(merge_config_packages = new_config_hash != self.merged_config_hash) return True else: return False
@property def waptdb(self) -> WaptDB: """Wapt database""" if not self._waptdb: self._waptdb = WaptDB(dbpath=self.dbpath) if not self._waptdb.db_version or self._waptdb.db_version < self._waptdb.curr_db_version:'Upgrading db structure from %s to %s' % (self._waptdb.db_version, self._waptdb.curr_db_version)) self._waptdb.upgradedb() # for backward compat self._waptdb.execute("""update wapt_localstatus set status_revision=(select cast(value as integer) from wapt_params where name='status_revision') where status_revision is null""") return self._waptdb def _migrate_publicdb_data(self): with self._waptpublicdb: # duplicate some params from private db to public db for name in self.public_params: self._waptpublicdb.set_param(name, self.waptdb.get_param(name)) # migrate install_status known = ','.join(["'%s'" % p['package_uuid'] for p in self.waptpublicdb.query('select distinct package_uuid from wapt_publicstatus')]) for p in self.waptdb.query("select package_uuid, package, version, architecture, setuppy, install_date from wapt_localstatus where not package_uuid in (%s) and install_status='OK'" % known): try: self.waptpublicdb.execute("""\ insert into wapt_publicstatus(package_uuid,package,version,architecture,removal_date,control,setuppy,install_date,uninstall_date) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) """, ( p['package_uuid'], p['package'], p['version'], p['architecture'], None, #removal_date, PackageEntry().load_control_from_dict(p).ascontrol(), p['setuppy'], p['install_date'], #install_date, None, #uninstall_date ) ) except Exception as e: logger.critical('error migrating installed package %s: %s' % (p['package'],e)) @property def waptpublicdb(self) -> WaptPublicDB: """Wapt database""" if not self._waptpublicdb: must_migrate_data = not os.path.exists(self.publicdbpath) self._waptpublicdb = WaptPublicDB(dbpath=self.publicdbpath) if self._waptpublicdb.db_version < self._waptpublicdb.curr_db_version: with self._waptpublicdb:'Upgrading public db structure from %s to %s' % (self._waptpublicdb.db_version, self._waptpublicdb.curr_db_version)) self._waptpublicdb.upgradedb() if must_migrate_data: self._migrate_publicdb_data() return self._waptpublicdb @property def waptsessiondb(self) -> WaptSessionDB: """Wapt user session database""" if not self._waptsessiondb: self._waptsessiondb = WaptSessionDB(username=setuphelpers.get_current_user()) if self._waptsessiondb.db_version < self._waptsessiondb.curr_db_version:'Upgrading db structure from %s to %s' % (self._waptsessiondb.db_version, self._waptsessiondb.curr_db_version)) self._waptsessiondb.upgradedb() return self._waptsessiondb @property def runstatus(self) -> str: """returns the current run status for tray display""" return self.read_param('runstatus', '') @runstatus.setter def runstatus(self, waptstatus): """Stores in local db the current run status for tray display""" if self.runstatus != waptstatus:'Status : %s' % ensure_unicode(waptstatus)) self.write_param('runstatus', waptstatus)
[docs] def get_hardware_uuid(self): """Return '' if no hardware uuid can be found""" new_hardware_uuid = '' try: if waptlicences: new_hardware_uuid = waptlicences.get_bios_infos()['uuid'] new_hardware_uuid = new_hardware_uuid.lower() except: pass if not new_hardware_uuid: try: if == 'nt': inv = setuphelpers.wmi_info_basic() new_hardware_uuid = inv.get('System_Information',[{}])[0].get('UUID','').lower() if not new_hardware_uuid: inv = setuphelpers.dmi_info() new_hardware_uuid = inv.get('System_Information',{}).get('UUID','').lower() else: inv = setuphelpers.dmi_info() new_hardware_uuid = inv.get('System_Information',{}).get('UUID','').lower() if not new_hardware_uuid or new_hardware_uuid in [u.lower() for u in bad_uuid] or (new_hardware_uuid and ' ' in new_hardware_uuid):'UUID is a bad uuid' % new_hardware_uuid) new_hardware_uuid = '' except: new_hardware_uuid = '' return new_hardware_uuid
@property def host_uuid(self) -> str: previous_uuid = self.read_param('uuid', public=True) or None # we ignore changes of char case if self._host_uuid is None or previous_uuid is None or self._host_uuid.lower() != previous_uuid.lower(): # hostname and hardware uuid last time uuid was set registered_hostname = self.read_param('hostname', public=True) registered_hardware_uuid = self.read_param('hardware_uuid',None, public=True) current_hostname = setuphelpers.get_hostname() new_hardware_uuid = self.get_hardware_uuid() if not new_hardware_uuid is None and registered_hardware_uuid is not None: new_hardware_uuid = registered_hardware_uuid # track changes case insensitive to handle old data if ( registered_hostname is None or registered_hostname.lower() != current_hostname.lower() or registered_hardware_uuid is None or registered_hardware_uuid.lower() != new_hardware_uuid.lower() or (self.forced_uuid is not None and self.forced_uuid != previous_uuid) or (self.use_fqdn_as_uuid and previous_uuid.lower() != current_hostname.lower()) or previous_uuid is None ): try: new_uuid = None # calc the new uuid # we take in account forced uuid # forced uuid is for testing. if self.forced_uuid: new_uuid = self.forced_uuid.lower() elif self.use_fqdn_as_uuid: new_uuid = current_hostname.lower() # we detect current host changes in case wapt has been cloned on another hardware. if not new_uuid: new_uuid = new_hardware_uuid # preserve initial case to preserve backward compatibility if previous_uuid and new_uuid and previous_uuid.lower() == new_uuid.lower(): new_uuid = previous_uuid if not new_uuid: new_uuid = self.generate_host_uuid() with self.waptdb, self.waptpublicdb: # for backward compatibility self.write_param('uuid', new_uuid, public=True) self.write_param('hostname', current_hostname, public=True) self.write_param('hardware_uuid', new_hardware_uuid, public=True) except: # no write access pass self._host_uuid = new_uuid else: self._host_uuid = previous_uuid return self._host_uuid @host_uuid.setter def host_uuid(self, value): self._host_uuid= None with self.waptdb, self.waptpublicdb: self.write_param('uuid', value, public=True) self.write_param('hostname', setuphelpers.get_hostname(), public=True) self.write_param('hardware_uuid', self.get_hardware_uuid(), public=True) @host_uuid.deleter def host_uuid(self): self._host_uuid= None self.forced_uuid = None self.delete_param('uuid')
[docs] def generate_host_uuid(self): """Regenerate a random UUID for this host or force with supplied one. Normally, the UUID is taken from BIOS through wmi. In case bios returns some duplicates or garbage, it can be useful to force a random uuid. This is stored as uuid key in wapt-get.ini. In case we want to link th host with a an existing record on server, we can force a old UUID. """ auuid = ('rnd-%s' % str(uuid.uuid4())).lower() self.host_uuid = auuid return auuid
[docs] def reset_host_uuid(self,new_uuid=None): """Reset host uuid to bios provided UUID. If it was forced in ini file, remove setting from ini file. """ with self.waptdb,self.waptpublicdb: self.delete_param('uuid') self.delete_param('hardware_uuid') self.delete_param('hostname') self._host_uuid = None self.forced_uuid = None try: ini = RawConfigParser() if ini.has_option('global', 'uuid') or ini.has_option('default_global', 'uuid'): if ini.has_option('global', 'uuid'): ini.remove_option('global', 'uuid') if ini.has_option('default_global', 'uuid'): ini.remove_option('default_global', 'uuid') with open(self.config_filename, 'w') as f: ini.write(f) except: pass if not new_uuid is None: self.host_uuid = new_uuid return self.host_uuid
@property def host_organizational_unit_dn(self): """Get host org unit DN from wapt-get.ini [global] host_organizational_unit_dn if defined or from registry as supplied by AD / GPO process """ host_organizational_unit_dn = self.read_param('host_organizational_unit_dn', None, public=True) if host_organizational_unit_dn: return host_organizational_unit_dn if sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): gpo_host_dn = self.get_cache_domain_info()['ou'] else: gpo_host_dn = setuphelpers.registry_get(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\State\Machine', 'Distinguished-Name') if gpo_host_dn: try: default_organizational_unit_dn = ','.join(gpo_host_dn.split(',')[1:]) except: default_organizational_unit_dn = None else: default_organizational_unit_dn = None return default_organizational_unit_dn @host_organizational_unit_dn.setter def host_organizational_unit_dn(self, value): self.write_param('host_organizational_unit_dn', value, public=True) @host_organizational_unit_dn.deleter def host_organizational_unit_dn(self): self.delete_param('host_organizational_unit_dn', public=True)
[docs] def reset_host_organizational_unit_dn(self): """Reset forced host_organizational_unit_dn to AD / GPO registry defaults. If it was forced in ini file, remove setting from ini file. """ del(self.host_organizational_unit_dn) ini = RawConfigParser() if ini.has_option('global', 'host_organizational_unit_dn'): ini.remove_option('global', 'host_organizational_unit_dn') with open(self.config_filename, 'w') as f: ini.write(f) return self.host_dn
@property def host_dn(self): result = 'CN=%s' % setuphelpers.get_computername().upper() org_unit = self.host_organizational_unit_dn if org_unit: result = result + ',' + org_unit return result @property def host_site(self): return self.get_host_site()
[docs] def check_install_running(self, max_ttl=60): """ Check if an install is in progress, return list of pids of install in progress Kill old stucked wapt-get processes/children and update db status max_ttl is maximum age of wapt-get in minutes """ logger.debug('Checking if old install in progress') # kill old wapt-get mindate = time.time() - max_ttl*60 killed = [] for p in psutil.process_iter(): try: if != os.getpid() and (p.create_time() < mindate) and in ('wapt-get', 'wapt-get.exe'): logger.debug('Killing process tree of pid %i' % killtree( logger.debug('Killing pid %i' % killed.append( except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): pass # reset install_status logger.debug('reset stalled install_status in database') init_run_pids = self.waptdb.query("""\ select process_id from wapt_localstatus where install_status in ('INIT','RUNNING') """) all_pids = psutil.pids() reset_error = [] result = [] for rec in init_run_pids: # check if process is no more running if not rec['process_id'] in all_pids or rec['process_id'] in killed: reset_error.append(rec['process_id']) else: # install in progress result.append(rec['process_id']) if reset_error: with self.waptdb: self.waptdb.execute("""\ update wapt_localstatus set install_status=coalesce('ERROR',install_status) where process_id in (?) """, (','.join([str(p) for p in reset_error]),)) self.runstatus = '' # return pids of install in progress return result
@property def pre_shutdown_timeout(self): """get / set the pre shutdown timeout shutdown tasks. """ if setuphelpers.reg_key_exists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\gpsvc'): with setuphelpers.reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\gpsvc') as key: ms = int(setuphelpers.reg_getvalue(key, 'PreshutdownTimeout', 0)) if ms: return ms / (60*1000) else: return None else: return None @pre_shutdown_timeout.setter def pre_shutdown_timeout(self, minutes): """Set PreshutdownTimeout""" if setuphelpers.reg_key_exists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\gpsvc'): key = setuphelpers.reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\gpsvc', sam=setuphelpers.KEY_WRITE) if not key: raise Exception('The PreshutdownTimeout can only be changed with System Account rights') setuphelpers.reg_setvalue(key, 'PreshutdownTimeout', minutes*60*1000, setuphelpers.REG_DWORD) @property def max_gpo_script_wait(self): """get / set the MaxGPOScriptWait. """ with setuphelpers.reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System') as key: ms = int(setuphelpers.reg_getvalue(key, 'MaxGPOScriptWait', 0)) if ms: return ms / (60*1000) else: return None @max_gpo_script_wait.setter def max_gpo_script_wait(self, minutes): """Set MaxGPOScriptWait""" key = setuphelpers.reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System', sam=setuphelpers.KEY_WRITE) if not key: raise Exception('The MaxGPOScriptWait can only be changed with System Account rights') setuphelpers.reg_setvalue(key, 'MaxGPOScriptWait', minutes*60*1000, setuphelpers.REG_DWORD) @property def hiberboot_enabled(self): """get HiberbootEnabled. """ key = setuphelpers.reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power') if not key: return None try: return winreg.QueryValueEx(key, 'HiberbootEnabled')[0] except: return None @hiberboot_enabled.setter def hiberboot_enabled(self, enabled): """Set HiberbootEnabled (0/1)""" key = setuphelpers.reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power', sam=setuphelpers.KEY_WRITE) if key: setuphelpers.reg_setvalue(key, 'HiberbootEnabled', 1 if enabled else 0, setuphelpers.REG_DWORD)
[docs] def registry_uninstall_snapshot(self): """Return list of uninstall ID from registry launched before and after an installation to capture uninstallkey """ result = [] with setuphelpers.reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall") as key: try: i = 0 while True: subkey = EnumKey(key, i) result.append(subkey) i += 1 except WindowsError as e: # WindowsError: [Errno 259] No more data is available if e.winerror == 259: pass else: raise if platform.machine() == 'AMD64': with setuphelpers.reg_openkey_noredir(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall") as key: try: i = 0 while True: subkey = EnumKey(key, i) result.append(subkey) i += 1 except WindowsError as e: # WindowsError: [Errno 259] No more data is available if e.winerror == 259: pass else: raise return result
[docs] def uninstall_cmd(self, guid): """return the (quiet) command stored in registry to uninstall a software given its registry key""" return setuphelpers.uninstall_cmd(guid)
[docs] def check_cancelled(self, msg='Task cancelled'): if self.task_is_cancelled.is_set(): raise EWaptCancelled(msg)
[docs] def run(self, *arg, **args): if platform.system() == 'Windows': return ensure_unicode(run(*arg, pidlist=self.pidlist,**args)) return ensure_unicode(run(*arg, **args))
[docs] def run_notfatal(self, *cmd, **args): """Runs the command and wait for it termination returns output, don't raise exception if exitcode is not null but return '' """ try: return*cmd, accept_returncodes=None, **args) except Exception as e: return ensure_unicode(e)
[docs] def update_public_packages_availability(self): """Update package removal_date on publicdb""" now = datetime2isodate() with self.waptpublicdb: """package_uuid,package,version,architecture,removal_date,control,setuppy,install_date,uninstall_date""" try: self.waptpublicdb.db.execute('create temp table temp_package_uuids (package_uuid varchar)') self.waptpublicdb.db.executemany("""insert into temp_package_uuids(package_uuid) values (?)""", self.waptdb.query('select package_uuid from wapt_package', as_dict=False)) self.waptpublicdb.db.execute("""update wapt_publicstatus set removal_date=? where package_uuid not in (select package_uuid from temp_package_uuids) and removal_date is null""", [now]) finally: self.waptpublicdb.db.execute('drop table temp_package_uuids')
[docs] def store_public_setuppy_control(self, package_entry:PackageEntry, install_date:str=None): """Update status of package installation on publicdb""" setupfn = os.path.join(package_entry.sourcespath,'') if os.path.isfile(setupfn): setuppy = remove_encoding_declaration(, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) else: setuppy = '' (control, fname) = package_entry._control_str() now = datetime2isodate() with self.waptpublicdb: """package_uuid,package,version,architecture,removal_date,control,setuppy,install_date,uninstall_date""" cur = self.waptpublicdb.execute("""delete from wapt_publicstatus where package_uuid=?""",(package_entry.package_uuid,)) self.waptpublicdb.execute("""\ insert into wapt_publicstatus(package_uuid,package,version,architecture,removal_date,control,setuppy,install_date,uninstall_date) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) """, ( package_entry.package_uuid, package_entry.package, package_entry.version, package_entry.architecture, None, #removal_date, control, setuppy, install_date or now, #install_date, None, #uninstall_date ) ) try: self.waptpublicdb.db.execute('create temp table temp_package_uuids (package_uuid varchar primary key)') self.waptpublicdb.db.executemany("""insert into temp_package_uuids(package_uuid) values (?)""", self.waptdb.query("""select distinct package_uuid from wapt_localstatus where install_status='OK'""", as_dict=False)) self.waptpublicdb.db.execute("""update wapt_publicstatus set uninstall_date=? where package_uuid <> ? and uninstall_date is NULL and package_uuid not in (select package_uuid from temp_package_uuids)""", [now,package_entry.package_uuid]) finally: self.waptpublicdb.db.execute('drop table temp_package_uuids') # invalidate all other installations of this package self.waptpublicdb.execute("""update wapt_publicstatus set uninstall_date=? where uninstall_date is NULL and package=? and package_uuid <> ?""",[now, package_entry.package, package_entry.package_uuid])
[docs] def remove_package_persistent_dirs(self, package_uuid): if package_uuid and not is_unsafe_filename(package_uuid): old_persistent_dir = os.path.join(self.persistent_root_dir, package_uuid) if os.path.isdir(old_persistent_dir):'Cleanup of previous versions of {%s} persistent dir: %s' % (package_uuid, old_persistent_dir)) shutil.rmtree(old_persistent_dir) old_public_persistent_dir = os.path.join(self.public_persistent_root_dir, package_uuid) if os.path.isdir(old_public_persistent_dir):'Cleanup of previous versions of {%s} public persistent dir: %s' % (package_uuid, old_public_persistent_dir)) shutil.rmtree(old_public_persistent_dir)
[docs] def install_wapt(self, fname, params_dict={}, explicit_by=None, force=None): """Install a single wapt package given its WAPT filename. return install status Args: fname (str): Path to wapt Zip file or unzipped development directory params (dict): custom parameters for the install function explicit_by (str): identify who has initiated the install Returns: str: 'OK','ERROR' Raises: EWaptMissingCertificate EWaptNeedsNewerAgent EWaptUnavailablePackage EWaptConflictingPackage EWaptBadPackageAttribute EWaptException various Exception depending on setup script """ install_id = None # we record old sys.path as we will include current oldpath = sys.path self.check_cancelled('Install of %s cancelled before starting up' % ensure_unicode(fname))"Register start of install %s as user %s to local DB with params %s" % (ensure_unicode(fname), setuphelpers.get_current_user(), params_dict))"Interactive user:%s, usergroups %s" % (self.user, self.usergroups)) #if sys.platform == 'win32': # previous_uninstall = self.registry_uninstall_snapshot() try: if not self.cabundle: raise EWaptMissingCertificate('install_wapt %s: No public Key provided for package signature checking.' % (fname,)) entry = PackageEntry(waptfile=fname) if not entry.package_uuid: entry.make_uuid()'No uuid, generating package uuid on the fly: %s' % entry.package_uuid) self.runstatus = "Installing package %s version %s ..." % (entry.package, entry.version) params = self.get_previous_package_params(entry) params.update(params_dict) install_id = self.waptdb.add_start_install( entry, params_dict=params, explicit_by=explicit_by, ) # we setup a redirection of stdout to catch print output from install scripts with WaptPackageInstallLogger(sys.stderr, wapt_context=self, install_id=install_id, user=self.user, exit_status=None) as dblogger: if entry.min_wapt_version and Version(entry.min_wapt_version) > Version(__version__): raise EWaptNeedsNewerAgent('This package requires a newer Wapt agent. Minimum version: %s' % entry.min_wapt_version) depends = ensure_list(entry.depends) conflicts = ensure_list(entry.conflicts) missing_depends = [p for p in depends if not self.is_installed(p)] installed_conflicts = [p for p in conflicts if self.is_installed(p)] if missing_depends: raise EWaptUnavailablePackage('Missing dependencies: %s' % (','.join(missing_depends,))) if installed_conflicts: raise EWaptConflictingPackage('Conflicting packages installed: %s' % (','.join(installed_conflicts,))) free_disk_space = setuphelpers.get_disk_free_space(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config_filename, os.pardir))) if entry.installed_size and free_disk_space < entry.installed_size : raise EWaptDiskSpace('This package requires at least %s free space. Your drive where WAPT is installed has only %s free space' % (format_bytes(entry.installed_size), format_bytes(free_disk_space))) entry.check_package_attributes() errors = [] if not self.host_capabilities().is_matching_package(entry, errors_list=errors): raise EWaptBadPackageAttribute('This package have an attribute in the control file incompatible with your host capabilities: \n%s' % ",".join(errors)) # don't check in developper mode if os.path.isfile(fname): cert = entry.check_control_signature(self.cabundle)'Control data for package %s verified by certificate %s' % (setuphelpers.ensure_unicode(fname), cert)) else:'Developper mode, don''t check control signature for %s' % setuphelpers.ensure_unicode(fname)) self.check_cancelled()"Installing package %s" % (ensure_unicode(fname),)) # case where fname is a wapt zipped file, else directory (during developement) istemporary = False if os.path.isfile(fname): # check signature and files when unzipping packagetempdir = entry.unzip_package(cabundle=self.cabundle, target_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='wapt',dir=self.wapt_temp_dir)) istemporary = True elif os.path.isdir(fname): packagetempdir = fname else: raise EWaptNotAPackage('%s is not a file nor a directory, aborting.' % ensure_unicode(fname)) try: previous_cwd = os.getcwd() self.check_cancelled() exitstatus = None new_uninstall_key = None uninstallstring = None persistent_source_dir = os.path.join(packagetempdir, 'WAPT', 'persistent') public_persistent_source_dir = os.path.join(packagetempdir, 'WAPT', 'public_persistent') if entry.package_uuid and not is_unsafe_filename(entry.package_uuid): persistent_dir = os.path.join(self.persistent_root_dir, entry.package_uuid) if os.path.isdir(persistent_dir): logger.debug('Removing existing persistent dir %s' % persistent_dir) shutil.rmtree(persistent_dir, ignore_errors=False) # install persistent files if os.path.isdir(persistent_source_dir):'Copy persistent package data to %s' % persistent_dir) shutil.copytree(persistent_source_dir, persistent_dir) else: # create always os.makedirs(persistent_dir) ## public public_persistent_dir = os.path.join(self.public_persistent_root_dir, entry.package_uuid) if os.path.isdir(public_persistent_dir): logger.debug('Removing existing public persistent dir %s' % public_persistent_dir) shutil.rmtree(public_persistent_dir, ignore_errors=False) # install persistent files if os.path.isdir(public_persistent_source_dir):'Copy public persistent package data to %s' % public_persistent_dir) shutil.copytree(public_persistent_source_dir, public_persistent_dir) else: # create always os.makedirs(public_persistent_dir) else: persistent_dir = persistent_source_dir public_persistent_dir = public_persistent_source_dir setup_filename = os.path.join(packagetempdir, '') # take in account the case we have no if os.path.isfile(setup_filename): os.chdir(os.path.dirname(setup_filename)) if not os.getcwd() in sys.path: sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) # import the setup module from package file" sourcing install file %s " % ensure_unicode(setup_filename)) setup = import_setup(setup_filename) required_params = [] # be sure some minimal functions are available in setup module at install step setattr(setup, 'basedir', os.path.dirname(setup_filename)) # redefine run to add reference to wapt.pidlist setattr(setup, 'run', setattr(setup, 'run_notfatal', self.run_notfatal) if not hasattr(setup, 'uninstallkey'): setup.uninstallkey = [] # to set some contextual default arguments def with_install_context(func, impacted_process=None, uninstallkeylist=None, force=None, pidlist=None): def new_func(*args, **kwargs): if impacted_process and not 'killbefore' in kwargs: kwargs['killbefore'] = ensure_list(impacted_process) if uninstallkeylist is not None and not 'uninstallkeylist' in kwargs: kwargs['uninstallkeylist'] = uninstallkeylist if force is not None and not 'force' in kwargs: kwargs['force'] = force if pidlist is not None and not 'pidlist' in kwargs: kwargs['pidlist'] = pidlist return func(*args, **kwargs) return new_func if sys.platform == 'win32': setattr(setup, 'install_msi_if_needed', with_install_context( setuphelpers.install_msi_if_needed, impacted_process=ensure_list(entry.impacted_process), uninstallkeylist=setup.uninstallkey, force=force, pidlist=self.pidlist)) setattr(setup, 'install_exe_if_needed', with_install_context( setuphelpers.install_exe_if_needed, impacted_process=ensure_list(entry.impacted_process), uninstallkeylist=setup.uninstallkey, force=force, pidlist=self.pidlist)) if sys.platform == 'darwin': setattr(setup, 'install_dmg', with_install_context(setuphelpers.install_dmg, impacted_process=ensure_list(entry.impacted_process), uninstallkeylist=setup.uninstallkey, force=force)) setattr(setup, 'install_pkg', with_install_context(setuphelpers.install_pkg, impacted_process=ensure_list(entry.impacted_process), uninstallkeylist=setup.uninstallkey, force=force)) setattr(setup, 'install_app', with_install_context(setuphelpers.install_app, impacted_process=ensure_list(entry.impacted_process), uninstallkeylist=setup.uninstallkey, force=force)) setattr(setup, 'WAPT', self) setattr(setup, 'control', entry) setattr(setup, 'language', self.language) setattr(setup, 'force', force) setattr(setup, 'user', explicit_by or self.user) setattr(setup, 'usergroups', self.usergroups) setattr(setup, 'persistent_source_dir', persistent_source_dir) setattr(setup, 'persistent_dir', persistent_dir) setattr(setup, 'public_persistent_source_dir', public_persistent_source_dir) setattr(setup, 'public_persistent_dir', public_persistent_dir) # get definitions of required parameters from setup module if hasattr(setup, 'required_params'): required_params = setup.required_params # get value of required parameters if not already supplied for p in required_params: if not p in params: if not is_system_user(): params[p] = input("%s: " % p) else: raise EWaptException('Required parameters %s is not supplied' % p)'Install parameters : %s' % (params,)) # set params dictionary if not hasattr(setup, 'params'): # create a params variable for the setup module setattr(setup, 'params', params) else: # update the already created params with additional params from command line setup.params.update(params) # store source of install and params in DB for future use (upgrade, session_setup, uninstall) with self.waptdb: self.waptdb.execute("""\ update wapt_localstatus set setuppy=?,install_params=?,control=? where rowid = ? """, ( remove_encoding_declaration(, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()), jsondump(params), entry._control_str()[0], install_id, ) ) with _disable_file_system_redirection(): try:" executing install script") exitstatus = setup.install() except Exception as e: logger.critical('Fatal error in install script: %s:\n%s' % (ensure_unicode(e), ensure_unicode(traceback.format_exc()))) raise if exitstatus is None or exitstatus == 0: dblogger.exit_status = 'OK' else: dblogger.exit_status = exitstatus if sys.platform == 'win32': # get uninstallkey from setup module (string or array of strings) if hasattr(setup, 'uninstallkey'): new_uninstall_key = ensure_list(setup.uninstallkey)[:] # check that uninstallkey(s) are in registry key_errors = [] for key in new_uninstall_key: if not setuphelpers.uninstall_key_exists(uninstallkey=key): key_errors.append(key) if key_errors: if len(key_errors) > 1: raise EWaptException('The uninstall keys: \n%s\n have not been found in system registry after softwares installation.' % ('\n'.join(key_errors),)) else: raise EWaptException('The uninstall key: %s has not been found in system registry after software installation.' % (' '.join(key_errors),)) else: if sys.platform == 'darwin': if hasattr(setup, 'uninstallkey'): new_uninstall_key = ensure_list(setup.uninstallkey)[:] key_errors = [] for key in new_uninstall_key: if not setuphelpers.uninstall_key_exists(key): key_errors.append(key) if key_errors : if len(key_errors) > 1: raise EWaptException('The uninstall keys: \n%s\n have not been found in system after softwares installation.' % ('\n'.join(key_errors),)) else: raise EWaptException('The uninstall key: %s has not been found in system after software installation.' % (' '.join(key_errors),)) else: new_uninstall_key = [] # get uninstallstring from setup module (string or array of strings) if hasattr(setup, 'uninstallstring'): uninstallstring = setup.uninstallstring[:] else: uninstallstring = None' uninstall keys : %s' % (new_uninstall_key,))' uninstall strings : %s' % (uninstallstring,))"Install script finished with status %s" % dblogger.exit_status) else:'No') dblogger.exit_status = 'OK' if entry.package_uuid: for row in self.waptdb.query('select package_uuid from wapt_localstatus l where l.package=? and l.package_uuid<>?', (entry.package, entry.package_uuid)): self.remove_package_persistent_dirs(row.get('package_uuid')) self.waptdb.update_install_status(install_id, uninstall_key=jsondump(new_uninstall_key)) # provide control and setuppy publicly for session_setup if dblogger.exit_status == 'OK': self.store_public_setuppy_control(entry) finally: if istemporary: os.chdir(previous_cwd) logger.debug("Cleaning package tmp dir") # trying 3 times to remove cnt = 3 while cnt > 0: try: shutil.rmtree(packagetempdir) break except Exception as e: cnt -= 1 time.sleep(2) logger.warning(e) else: logger.error("Unable to clean tmp dir") # end return self.waptdb.install_status(install_id) except Exception as e: if install_id: try: self.waptdb.update_install_status(install_id, set_status='ERROR', append_line=ensure_unicode(e)) except Exception as e2: logger.critical(ensure_unicode(e2)) else: logger.critical(ensure_unicode(e)) raise e finally: gc.collect() if 'setup' in dir() and setup is not None: setup_name = setup.__name__[:] logger.debug('Removing module: %s, refcnt: %s' % (setup_name, sys.getrefcount(setup))) del setup if setup_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[setup_name] sys.path = oldpath self.store_upgrade_status() self.runstatus = ''
[docs] def running_tasks(self): """return current install tasks""" running = self.waptdb.query_package_entry("""\ select * from wapt_localstatus where install_status in ('INIT','DOWNLOAD','RUNNING') """) return running
[docs] def error_packages(self): """return install tasks with error status""" q = self.waptdb.query_package_entry("""\ select * from wapt_localstatus where install_status in ('ERROR') """) return q
[docs] def store_upgrade_status(self, upgrades=None): """Stores in DB the current pending upgrades and running installs for query by waptservice""" try: status = { "running_tasks": ["%s : %s" % (p.asrequirement(), p.install_status) for p in self.running_tasks()], "errors": ["%s" % p.asrequirement() for p in self.error_packages()], "date": datetime2isodate(), } if upgrades is None: upgrades = self.list_upgrade() status["upgrades"] = upgrades['upgrade']+upgrades['install']+upgrades['additional'] status["pending"] = upgrades logger.debug("store status in DB") self.write_param('last_update_status', status) return status except Exception as e: logger.critical('Unable to store status of update in DB : %s' % ensure_unicode(e)) if logger.level == logging.DEBUG: raise
[docs] def read_upgrade_status(self): """Return last stored pending updates status Returns: dict: {running_tasks errors pending (dict) upgrades (list)} """ return self.read_param('last_update_status', ptype='json')
[docs] def get_sources(self, package): """Download sources of package (if referenced in package as a https svn) in the current directory Args: package (str or PackageRequest): package to get sources for Returns: str : checkout directory path """ sources_url = None entry = None entries = self.waptdb.packages_matching(package) if entries: entry = entries[-1] if entry.sources: sources_url = entry.sources if not sources_url: if self.config.has_option('global', 'default_sources_url'): sources_url = self.config.get('global', 'default_sources_url') % {'packagename': package} if not sources_url: raise Exception('No sources defined in package control file and no default_sources_url in config file') if "PROGRAMW6432" in os.environ: svncmd = os.path.join(os.environ['PROGRAMW6432'], 'TortoiseSVN', 'bin', 'svn.exe') else: svncmd = os.path.join(os.environ['PROGRAMFILES'], 'TortoiseSVN', 'bin', 'svn.exe') logger.debug('svn command : %s' % svncmd) if not os.path.isfile(svncmd): raise Exception('svn.exe command not available, please install TortoiseSVN with commandline tools') # checkout directory if entry: co_dir = self.get_default_development_dir(entry.package, section=entry.section) else: co_dir = self.get_default_development_dir(package)'sources : %s' % sources_url)'checkout dir : %s' % co_dir) # if already checked out... if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(co_dir, '.svn')): print(('"%s" up "%s"' % (svncmd, co_dir)))) else: print(('"%s" co "%s" "%s"' % (svncmd, sources_url, co_dir)))) return co_dir
[docs] def last_install_log(self, packagename): r"""Get the printed output of the last install of package named packagename Args: packagename (str): name of package to query Returns: dict: {status,log} of the last install of a package >>> w = Wapt() >>> w.last_install_log('tis-7zip') ??? {'install_status': u'OK', 'install_output': u'Installing 7-Zip 9.38.0-1\n7-Zip already installed, skipping msi install\n',install_params: ''} """ q = self.waptdb.query("""\ select rowid,package,version,architecture,maturity,locale,install_status, install_output,install_params,explicit_by,uninstall_key,install_date, last_audit_status,last_audit_on,last_audit_output,next_audit_on,package_uuid from wapt_localstatus where package=? order by install_date desc limit 1 """, (packagename,)) if not q: raise Exception("Package %s not found in local DB status" % packagename) return q[0]
[docs] def cleanup(self, obsolete_only=False): """Remove cached WAPT files from local disk Args: obsolete_only (boolean): If True, remove packages which are either no more available, or installed at a equal or newer version Returns: list: list of filenames of removed packages >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> l = wapt.download_packages(wapt.check_downloads()) >>> res = wapt.cleanup(True) """ result = []'Cleaning up WAPT cache directory') cachepath = self.packages_cache_dir upgrade_actions = self.list_upgrade() futures = upgrade_actions['install'] +\ upgrade_actions['upgrade'] +\ upgrade_actions['additional'] def in_futures(pe): for p in futures: if pe.match(p): return True return False for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(cachepath, '*.wapt')): if os.path.isfile(f): can_remove = True if obsolete_only: try: # check if cached package could be installed at next ugrade pe = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(f) pe_installed = self.is_installed(pe.package) can_remove = not in_futures(pe) and ((pe_installed and pe <= pe_installed) or not self.is_available(pe.asrequirement())) except: # if error... control file in wapt file is corrupted. continue if can_remove: logger.debug('Removing %s' % f) try: os.remove(f) result.append(f) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Unable to remove %s : %s' % (f, ensure_unicode(e))) return result
def _update_db(self, repo, force=False, current_datetime=None): """Get Packages from http repo and update local package database return last-update header The local status DB is updated. Date of index is stored in params table for further checks. Args: force (bool): get index from remote repo even if creation date is not newer than the datetime stored in local status database waptdb (WaptDB): instance of Wapt status database. current_datetime (str): iso current datetime for package date filters (valid_from, valid_until) Returns: isodatetime: date of Packages index >>> import common >>> repo = common.WaptRepo('wapt','http://wapt/wapt') >>> localdb = common.WaptDB('c:/wapt/db/waptdb.sqlite') >>> last_update = repo.is_available() >>> repo.update_db(waptdb=localdb) == last_update True """ last_modified = self.waptdb.get_param('last-packages_date-%s' % ( # Check if updated # next_update_is_forced by previous update if there was some valid_from, valid_until, force_install in future if force or self.waptdb.get_param('next_update_is_forced-%s' % or repo.need_update(last_modified): old_status = repo.invalidate_packages_cache() discarded = [] self._packages_filter_for_host = None if self.filter_on_host_cap: host_capabilities = self.host_capabilities() else: host_capabilities = None with self.waptdb: try:'Read Packages index file for repo %s' % last_modified = repo.packages_date() if not current_datetime: current_datetime = datetime2isodate() self.waptdb.purge_repo( repo_packages = repo.packages() discarded.extend(repo.discarded) next_update_on = '9999-12-31' next_update_is_forced = False for package in repo_packages: # if there are time related restriction, we should check again at that time in the future. if package.valid_from and package.valid_from > current_datetime: next_update_on = min(next_update_on, package.valid_from) next_update_is_forced = True if package.valid_until and package.valid_until > current_datetime: next_update_on = min(next_update_on, package.valid_until) next_update_is_forced = True if package.forced_install_on and package.forced_install_on > current_datetime: next_update_on = min(next_update_on, package.forced_install_on) next_update_is_forced = True if self.filter_on_host_cap: if not host_capabilities.is_matching_package(package, current_datetime): discarded.append(package) continue try: self.waptdb.add_package_entry(package, self.language) except Exception as e: logger.critical('Error adding entry %s to local DB for repo %s : discarding : %s' % (package.asrequirement(),, e)) discarded.append(package) self.waptdb.set_param('last-packages_date-%s' %, repo.packages_date()) self.waptdb.set_param('next-update-%s' %, next_update_on) self.waptdb.set_param('next_update_is_forced-%s' %, next_update_is_forced) self.waptdb.set_param('last-discarded-count-%s' %, len(discarded)) return (last_modified, next_update_on,len(discarded)) except Exception as e:'Unable to update repository status of %s, error %s' % (repo._repo_url, e)) # put back cached status data for (k, v) in old_status.items(): setattr(repo, k, v) raise else: return (self.waptdb.get_param('last-packages_date-%s' %, self.waptdb.get_param('next-update-%s' %, '9999-12-31'), self.waptdb.get_param('last-discarded-count-%s' %,0) )
[docs] def get_host_locales(self): return ensure_list(self.locales)
[docs] def get_host_site(self): if self.host_ad_site: return self.host_ad_site if sys.platform == 'win32': return setuphelpers.registry_get(setuphelpers.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\State\Machine', 'Site-Name') else: return self.get_cache_domain_info()['site'] return None
[docs] def get_host_certificate_fingerprint(self): result = self.read_param('host_certificate_fingerprint') if result is None: result = self.get_host_certificate().fingerprint self.write_param('host_certificate_fingerprint', result) return result
[docs] def get_host_certificate_authority_key_identifier(self): result = self.read_param('host_certificate_authority_key_identifier') if result is None: result = codecs.encode(self.get_host_certificate().authority_key_identifier or b'', 'hex').decode('ascii') self.write_param('host_certificate_authority_key_identifier', result) return result
[docs] def host_capabilities(self): """Return the current capabilities of host taken in account to determine packages list and whether update should be forced (when filter criteria are updated) This includes host certificate,architecture,locale,authorized certificates Returns: dict """ # be sure to copy and not only reference... tags = self.custom_tags[:] if platform.system() == 'Linux': tags += [(setuphelpers.get_distrib_linux()+'-'+setuphelpers.get_code_name_version()).lower(), setuphelpers.get_distrib_linux().lower(), setuphelpers.get_distrib_linux().lower()+setuphelpers.get_distrib_version().split('.')[0], setuphelpers.get_distrib_linux().lower()+'-'+setuphelpers.get_distrib_version().split('.')[0]] if setuphelpers.is_debian_based(): tags += ['debian_based'] elif setuphelpers.is_rhel_based(): tags += ['rhel_based', 'redhat_based'] tags += ['linux', 'unix'] os_name = setuphelpers.get_distrib_linux() elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': tags += ['macos', 'mac', 'darwin', 'unix'] release_name = setuphelpers.get_release_name() if release_name: tags += [release_name] os_name = "macos" elif platform.system() == 'Windows': tags += [('windows' + '-' + platform.release()).lower(), ('win' + '-' + platform.release()).lower(), ('w' + '-' + platform.release()).lower(), ('windows' + platform.release()).lower(), ('win' + platform.release()).lower(), ('w' + platform.release()).lower(), 'windows', 'win', 'w'] os_name = "windows" return HostCapabilities( uuid=self.host_uuid, language=self.language, os=os_name, tags=tags, os_version=setuphelpers.get_os_version(), kernel_version=setuphelpers.get_kernel_version() if != 'nt' else None, architecture=setuphelpers.get_host_architecture(), dn=self.host_dn, fqdn=setuphelpers.get_hostname(), site=self.get_host_site(), wapt_version=Version(__version__, 3), wapt_edition=self.get_wapt_edition(), packages_trusted_ca_fingerprints=[c.fingerprint for c in self.authorized_certificates()], packages_blacklist=self.packages_blacklist, packages_whitelist=self.packages_whitelist, packages_locales=self.locales, packages_maturities=self.maturities, use_hostpackages=self.use_hostpackages, host_profiles=self.host_profiles, host_certificate_fingerprint=self.get_host_certificate_fingerprint(), host_certificate_authority_key_identifier=self.get_host_certificate_authority_key_identifier(), host_packages_names=self.get_host_packages_names(), )
[docs] def packages_filter_for_host(self): """Returns a PackageRequest object based on host capabilities to filter applicable packages from a repo Returns: PackageRequest """ if self._packages_filter_for_host is None: self._packages_filter_for_host = self.host_capabilities().get_package_request_filter() return self._packages_filter_for_host
[docs] def get_wapt_edition(self): return 'enterprise' if self.is_enterprise() else 'discovery'
[docs] def host_capabilities_fingerprint(self): """Return a fingerprint representing the current capabilities of host This includes host certificate,architecture,locale,authorized certificates Returns: str """ return self.host_capabilities().fingerprint()
[docs] def is_locally_allowed_package(self, package): """Return True if package is not in blacklist and is in whitelist if whitelist is not None packages_whitelist and packages_blacklist are list of package name wildcards (file style wildcards) blacklist is taken in account first if defined. whitelist is taken in acoount if not None, else all not blacklisted package names are allowed. """ if self.packages_blacklist is not None: for bl in self.packages_blacklist: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(package.package, bl): return False if self.packages_whitelist is None: return True else: for wl in self.packages_whitelist: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(package.package, wl): return True return False
def _update_repos_list(self, errors, force=False, current_datetime=None): """update the packages database with Packages files from the Wapt repos list removes obsolete records for repositories which are no more referenced Args: force : update repository even if date of packages index is same as last retrieved date Returns: dict: update_db results for each repository name which has been accessed. >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename = 'c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/wapt-get.ini' ) >>> res = wapt._update_repos_list() {'wapt': '2018-02-13T11:22:00', 'wapt-host': u'2018-02-09T10:55:04'} """ if self.filter_on_host_cap: # force update if host capabilities have changed and requires a new filering of packages new_capa = self.host_capabilities_fingerprint() old_capa = self.read_param('host_capabilities_fingerprint') if not force and old_capa != new_capa:'Host capabilities have changed since last update, forcing update') force = True with self.waptdb: result = {} logger.debug('Remove unknown repositories from packages table and params (%s)' % (','.join('"%s"' % for r in self.repositories),)) obsolete = self.waptdb.query('select count(*) as cnt from wapt_package where repo not in (%s) or repo is null' % (','.join('"%s"' % for r in self.repositories))) if obsolete and obsolete[0]['cnt']: self.waptdb.execute('delete from wapt_package where repo not in (%s) or repo is null' % (','.join('"%s"' % for r in self.repositories))) obsolete = self.waptdb.query('select count(*) as cnt from wapt_params where name like "last-url-%%" and name not in (%s)' % (','.join('"last-url-%s"' % for r in self.repositories))) if obsolete and obsolete[0]['cnt']: self.waptdb.execute('delete from wapt_params where name like "last-url-%%" and name not in (%s)' % (','.join('"last-url-%s"' % for r in self.repositories))) # to check the next time we should update the local repositories next_update_on = '9999-12-31' if not current_datetime: current_datetime = datetime2isodate() total_discarded = 0 for repo in self.repositories: try: (result[], repo_next_update_on, discarded) = self._update_db(repo, force=force, current_datetime=current_datetime) total_discarded += discarded next_update_on = min(next_update_on, repo_next_update_on) except Exception as e: errors.append('Error merging Packages from %s into db: %s' % (, e)) logger.critical('Error merging Packages from %s into db: %s' % (, e)) if self.filter_on_host_cap: self.write_param('host_capabilities_fingerprint', new_capa) self.write_param('last_update_config_fingerprint', self.merged_config_hash ) self.write_param('next_update_on', next_update_on) self.waptdb.set_param('last-discarded-count', total_discarded) return result
[docs] def update_repo_rules(self, force=False): if self.waptserver: try: rules = self.waptserver.get('rules.json', enable_password_callback=False) new_rules_hash = sha256_for_data(json.dumps(rules, sort_keys=True)) old_rules_hash = self.read_param('repo_rules_sha256-wapt') if force or (new_rules_hash != old_rules_hash): rules_verified = [] for rule in rules: try: signer_cert_chain = get_cert_chain_from_pem(rule['signer_certificate']) chain = self.cabundle.check_certificates_chain(signer_cert_chain) rule['verified_by'] = chain[0].verify_claim(rule, required_attributes=rule['signed_attributes']) rules_verified.append(rule) rule['active_rule'] = False except: logger.debug('Cert is not trusted or bad signature for : \n%s' % (rule)) self.write_param('repo_rules-wapt', rules_verified) self.write_param('repo_rules_sha256-wapt', new_rules_hash) for repo in self._repositories: repo.reset_network() self.wua_repository.reset_network() return True else: return False except: return False
[docs] def update_licences(self,force=False): try: if self.waptserver: licences = self.waptserver.get('licences.json', enable_password_callback=False) self.write_param('licences', licences, public=True) return licences else: return None except: return None
[docs] def update(self, force=False, register=True): """Update local database with packages definition from repositories Args: force (boolean): update even if Packages index on repository has not been updated since last update (based on http headers) register (boolean): Send informations about status of local packages to waptserver .. versionadded 1.3.10:: filter_on_host_cap (boolean) : restrict list of retrieved packages to those matching current os / architecture Returns; list of (host package entry,entry date on server) Returns: dict: {"added","removed","count","repos","upgrades","date"} >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> updates = wapt.update() >>> 'count' in updates and 'added' in updates and 'upgrades' in updates and 'date' in updates and 'removed' in updates True """ if self.use_repo_rules and self.waptserver: self.update_repo_rules(force=force) self.update_licences(force=force) # check date of wsus if sys.platform == 'win32' and self.waptwua_enabled: if self.is_enterprise(): try: # Set waptwua.status to NEED-SCAN if the server date changed self.waptwua().check_rescan_needed() except Exception as e: logger.debug('Unable to get date from server: %s' % e) previous = self.waptdb.known_packages() # (main repo is at the end so that it will used in priority) errors = [] next_update_on = self._update_repos_list(force=force, errors=errors) current = self.waptdb.known_packages() result = { "added": [current[package_uuid] for package_uuid in current if not package_uuid in previous], "removed": [previous[package_uuid] for package_uuid in previous if not package_uuid in current], "discarded_count": self.read_param('last-discarded-count'), "count": len(current), "repos": [ for r in self.repositories], "upgrades": self.list_upgrade(), "date": datetime2isodate(), "next_update_on": next_update_on, "errors": errors } self.update_public_packages_availability() self.store_upgrade_status(result['upgrades']) if self.waptserver and not self.disable_update_server_status and register: try: self.update_server_status() except Exception as e:'Unable to contact server to register current packages status') logger.debug('Unable to update server with current status : %s' % e) if logger.level == logging.DEBUG: raise return result
[docs] def update_crls(self, force=False): # retrieve CRL # TODO : to be moved to an abstracted wapt https client crl_dir = setuphelpers.makepath(self.wapt_base_dir, 'ssl', 'crl') result = [] for cert in self.cabundle.certificates(): crl_urls = cert.crl_urls() for url in crl_urls: crl_filename = setuphelpers.makepath(crl_dir, sha256_for_data(str(url))+'.crl') if os.path.isfile(crl_filename): ssl_crl = SSLCRL(crl_filename) else: ssl_crl = None if force or not ssl_crl or ssl_crl.next_update > datetime.datetime.utcnow(): try: # need update if not os.path.isdir(crl_dir): os.makedirs(crl_dir) logger.debug('Download CRL %s' % (url,)) wget(url, target=crl_filename, limit_bandwidth=self.limit_bandwidth) ssl_crl = SSLCRL(crl_filename) result.append(ssl_crl) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Unable to download CRL from %s: %s' % (url, repr(e))) if ssl_crl: result.append(ssl_crl) pass elif ssl_crl: # not changed result.append(ssl_crl) return result
[docs] def check_all_depends_conflicts(self): """Check the whole dependencies/conflicts tree for installed packages """ installed_packages = self.installed(True) all_depends = defaultdict(list) all_conflicts = defaultdict(list) all_missing = defaultdict(list) if self.use_hostpackages: for p in self.get_host_packages(): all_depends[p.asrequirement()].append(None) (depends, conflicts, missing) = self.waptdb.build_depends(p.asrequirement()) for d in depends: if not p in all_depends[d]: all_depends[d].append(p.asrequirement()) for c in conflicts: if not p in all_conflicts[c]: all_conflicts[c].append(p.asrequirement()) for m in missing: if not m in all_missing: all_missing[m].append(p.asrequirement()) for p in installed_packages: if self.is_locally_allowed_package(p): if not p.asrequirement() in all_depends: all_depends[p.asrequirement()] = [] else: if not p.asrequirement() in all_conflicts: all_conflicts[p.asrequirement()] = [] (depends, conflicts, missing) = self.waptdb.build_depends(p.asrequirement()) for d in depends: if not p in all_depends[d]: all_depends[d].append(p.asrequirement()) for c in conflicts: if not p in all_conflicts[c]: all_conflicts[c].append(p.asrequirement()) for m in missing: if not m in all_missing: all_missing[m].append(p.asrequirement()) return (all_depends, all_conflicts, all_missing)
[docs] def check_depends(self, apackages, forceupgrade=False, force=False, assume_removed=[], package_request_filter=None): """Given a list of packagename or requirement "name (=version)", return a dictionnary of {'additional' 'upgrade' 'install' 'skipped' 'unavailable','remove'} of [packagerequest,matching PackageEntry] Args: apackages (str or list): list of packages for which to check missing dependencies. forceupgrade (boolean): if True, check if the current installed packages is the latest available force (boolean): if True, install the latest version even if the package is already there and match the requirement assume_removed (list): list of packagename which are assumed to be absent even if they are actually installed to check the consequences of removal of packages, implies force=True package_request_filter (PackageRequest): additional filter to apply to packages to sort by locales/arch/mat preferences if None, get active host filter Returns: dict : {'additional' 'upgrade' 'install' 'skipped' 'unavailable', 'remove'} with list of [packagerequest,matching PackageEntry] """ if apackages is None: apackages = [] # additional global scoping if package_request_filter is None: package_request_filter = self.packages_filter_for_host() package_requests = self._ensure_package_requests_list(apackages, package_request_filter=package_request_filter) if not isinstance(assume_removed, list): assume_removed = [assume_removed] if assume_removed: force = True # packages to install after skipping already installed ones skipped = [] unavailable = [] additional_install = [] to_upgrade = [] to_remove = [] packages = [] # search for most recent matching package to install for package_request in package_requests: # get the current installed package matching the request old_matches = self.waptdb.installed_matching(package_request,include_setup=False,include_control=False) # removes "assumed removed" packages if old_matches: for packagename in assume_removed: if old_matches.match(packagename): old_matches = None break # current installed matches if not force and old_matches and not forceupgrade: skipped.append((package_request, old_matches)) else: new_availables = self.waptdb.packages_matching(package_request) if new_availables: if force or not old_matches or (forceupgrade and old_matches < new_availables[-1]): if not (package_request, new_availables[-1]) in packages: packages.append((package_request, new_availables[-1])) else: skipped.append((package_request, old_matches)) else: if (package_request, None) not in unavailable: unavailable.append((package_request, None)) # get dependencies of not installed top packages if forceupgrade: (depends, conflicts, missing) = self.waptdb.build_depends(package_requests) else: (depends, conflicts, missing) = self.waptdb.build_depends([p[0] for p in packages]) for p in missing: if (p, None) not in unavailable: unavailable.append((p, None)) # search for most recent matching package to install for request in depends: package_request = PackageRequest(request=request, copy_from=package_request_filter) # get the current installed package matching the request old_matches = self.waptdb.installed_matching(package_request,include_setup=False,include_control=False) # removes "assumed removed" packages if old_matches: for packagename in assume_removed: if old_matches.match(packagename): old_matches = None break # current installed matches if not force and old_matches: skipped.append((package_request, old_matches)) else: # check if installable or upgradable ? new_availables = self.waptdb.packages_matching(package_request) if new_availables: if not old_matches or (forceupgrade and old_matches < new_availables[-1]): additional_install.append((package_request, new_availables[-1])) else: skipped.append((package_request, old_matches)) else: unavailable.append((package_request, None)) # check new conflicts which should force removal all_new = additional_install+to_upgrade+packages def remove_matching(package, req_pe_list): todel = [] for req, pe in req_pe_list: if pe.match(package): todel.append((req, pe)) for e in todel: req_pe_list.remove(e) for (request, pe) in all_new: conflicts = ensure_list(pe.conflicts) for conflict in conflicts: installed_conflict = self.waptdb.installed_matching(conflict,include_errors=True, include_setup=False, include_control=False) if installed_conflict and not ((conflict, installed_conflict)) in to_remove: to_remove.append((conflict, installed_conflict)) remove_matching(conflict, to_upgrade) remove_matching(conflict, additional_install) remove_matching(conflict, skipped) result = {'additional': additional_install, 'upgrade': to_upgrade, 'install': packages, 'skipped': skipped, 'unavailable': unavailable, 'remove': to_remove} return result
[docs] def check_remove(self, apackages): """Return a list of additional package to remove if apackages are removed Args: apackages (str or list of req or PackageRequest): list of packages for which parent dependencies will be checked. Returns: list: list of PackageRequest with broken dependencies """ if not isinstance(apackages, list): apackages = [apackages] result = [] package_requests = self._ensure_package_requests_list(apackages, PackageRequest()) removed_names = [] for r in package_requests: if not r.package: packages = self.packages_matching(r) removed_names.extend([p.package for p in packages]) else: removed_names.append(r.package) installed_without_removals = [] for p in self.installed(): match_removals = False for package_name in removed_names: if p.package == package_name: match_removals = True break if not match_removals: installed_without_removals.append(p) for pe in installed_without_removals: # test for each installed package if the removal would imply a reinstall test = self.check_depends(pe, assume_removed=removed_names, package_request_filter=PackageRequest()) # get package names only reinstall = [p[0] for p in (test['upgrade'] + test['additional'])] for pr in reinstall: if pr.package in removed_names and not pe in result: result.append(pe) return result
[docs] def remove_is_allowed(self, package: str, usergroups: List[str] )->bool: # on enterprise, rules are needed to know if packages removal is allowed rules = None if self.is_enterprise(): rules = self_service_rules(self) # check rules for self service if not self.is_authorized_package_action('remove', package, usergroups, rules):'Uninstall of %s not allowed because of selfservice rules.' % (package, )) return False additional_removes = self.check_remove(package) for parent_removed in additional_removes: if not self.remove_is_allowed(parent_removed.package, usergroups=usergroups):'Uninstall of %s not allowed because it is a dependency of a package whose removal is not allowed.' % (package, )) return False return True
[docs] def check_install(self, apackages=None, force=True, forceupgrade=True)->Dict[str,List[Tuple]]: """Return a list of actions required for install of apackages list of packages if apackages is None, check for all pending updates. Args: apackages (str or list): list of packages or None to check pending install/upgrades force (boolean): if True, already installed package listed in apackages will be considered to be reinstalled forceupgrade: if True, all dependencies are upgraded to latest version, even if current version comply with depends requirements Returns: dict: with keys ['skipped', 'additional', 'remove', 'upgrade', 'install', 'unavailable'] and list of (package requirements, PackageEntry) """ if apackages is None: actions = self.list_upgrade() apackages = actions['install']+actions['additional']+actions['upgrade'] actions = self.check_depends(apackages, force=force, forceupgrade=forceupgrade) return actions
[docs] def packages_matching(self, package_request=None, query=None, args=())->List[PackageEntry]: """Returns the list of known packages Entries matching a PackageRequest Args: package_request (PackageRequest): request Returns: list (of PackageEntry) """ if isinstance(package_request, str): package_request = PackageRequest(request=package_request) if query is None: if package_request is not None and package_request.package: query = 'select * from wapt_package where package=?' args = (package_request.package,) else: query = 'select * from wapt_package' args = () return self.waptdb.query_package_entry(query=query, args=args, package_request=package_request)
def _ensure_package_requests_list(self, package_requests_or_str, package_request_filter=None, keep_package_entries=False)->List[PackageRequest]: """Takes a list of packages request as string, or PackageRequest or PackageEntry and return a list of PackageRequest Args: package_requests ( (list of) str,PackageEntry,PackageRequest) package_request_filter ( PackageRequest) : additional filter. If None, takes the host filter. Returns: list of PackageRequest """ if package_request_filter is None and self.filter_on_host_cap: package_request_filter = self.packages_filter_for_host() package_requests = [] if not isinstance(package_requests_or_str, list): package_requests_or_str = [package_requests_or_str] for req in package_requests_or_str: if isinstance(req, PackageEntry): if keep_package_entries: package_requests.append(req) else: package_requests.append(PackageRequest(request=req.asrequirement(), copy_from=package_request_filter)) elif isinstance(req, str): package_requests.append(PackageRequest(request=req, copy_from=package_request_filter)) elif isinstance(req, PackageRequest): package_requests.append(req) else: raise Exception('Unsupported request %s for check_depends' % req) return package_requests
[docs] def install(self, apackages=List[str], force=False, params_dict={}, download_only=False, usecache=True, printhook=None, installed_by=None, only_priorities=None, only_if_not_process_running=False, process_dependencies=True): """Install a list of packages and its dependencies removes first packages which are in conflicts package attribute Returns a dictionary of (package requirement,package) with 'install','skipped','additional' Args: apackages (list or str): list of packages requirements "packagename(=version)" or list of PackageEntry. force (bool) : reinstalls the packages even if it is already installed params_dict (dict) : parameters passed to the install() procedure in the packages of all packages as params variables and as "setup module" attributes download_only (bool) : don't install package, but only download them usecache (bool) : use the already downloaded packages if available in cache directory printhook (func) : hook for progress print Returns: dict: with keys ['skipped', 'additional', 'remove', 'upgrade', 'install', 'unavailable'] and list of (package requirements, PackageEntry) >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/wapt-get.ini') >>> def nullhook(*args): ... pass >>> res = wapt.install(['tis-wapttest'],usecache=False,printhook=nullhook,params_dict=dict(company='toto')) >>> isinstance(res['upgrade'],list) and isinstance(res['errors'],list) and isinstance(res['additional'],list) and isinstance(res['install'],list) and isinstance(res['unavailable'],list) True >>> res = wapt.remove('tis-wapttest') >>> res == {'removed': ['tis-wapttest'], 'errors': []} True """ apackages = self._ensure_package_requests_list(apackages, keep_package_entries=True) # ensure that apackages is a list of package requirements (strings)'Trying to install %s with force=%s, only_priorities=%s, only_if_not_process_running=%s' % (repr(apackages), force, only_priorities, only_if_not_process_running)) actions = self.check_depends(apackages = apackages, force=force or download_only, forceupgrade=True) actions['errors'] = [] packages = actions['install'] skipped = actions['skipped'] not_allowed = [] actions['not_allowed'] = not_allowed if process_dependencies: to_upgrade = actions['upgrade'] additional_install = actions['additional'] else: to_upgrade = [] additional_install = [] # removal from conflicts to_remove = actions['remove'] for (request, pe) in to_remove:'Removing conflicting package %s' % request) try: res = self.remove(request, force=True, only_priorities=only_priorities, only_if_not_process_running=only_if_not_process_running) actions['errors'].extend(res['errors']) actions['not_allowed'].extend(res.get('not_allowed', [])) if res['errors']: print('Error removing %s:%s' % (request, ensure_unicode(res['errors']))) if res['not_allowed']: raise Exception('Removal of %s is not allowed' % repr(res['not_allowed'])) except Exception as e: print('Error removing %s:%s' % (request, ensure_unicode(e))) if not force: raise to_install = [] def is_process_running(processes): processes = ensure_list(processes) for p in processes: if isrunning(p): return p return None def is_allowed(package): prio_allowed = only_priorities is None or package.priority in only_priorities if not prio_allowed: print('ERROR: Install of %s is not allowed at this stage because priority %s is not selected.' % (package.package, package.priority)) return False install_process_blocked_by = only_if_not_process_running and package.impacted_process and is_process_running(package.impacted_process) if install_process_blocked_by: print('ERROR: Install of %s is not allowed at this stage because %s is running.' % (package.package, install_process_blocked_by)) return False return True for p in additional_install: if is_allowed(p[1]): to_install.append(p) else: not_allowed.append(p) for p in to_upgrade: if is_allowed(p[1]): to_install.append(p) else: not_allowed.append(p) for p in packages: if is_allowed(p[1]): to_install.append(p) else: not_allowed.append(p) # get package entries to install to_install is a list of (request,package) packages = [p[1] for p in to_install] downloaded = self.download_packages(packages, usecache=usecache, printhook=printhook) if downloaded.get('errors', []): logger.critical('Error downloading some files : %s' % (downloaded['errors'],)) for request in downloaded.get('errors', []): actions['errors'].append([request, None]) # check downloaded packages signatures and merge control data in local database for fname in downloaded['downloaded'] + downloaded['skipped']: pe = PackageEntry(waptfile=fname) pe.check_control_signature(self.cabundle) actions['downloads'] = downloaded logger.debug('Downloaded : %s' % (downloaded,)) if not download_only: # switch to manual mode for (request, p) in skipped: if request in apackages and not p.explicit_by:'switch to manual mode for %s' % (request,)) self.waptdb.switch_to_explicit_mode(p.package, installed_by or self.user) for (request, p) in to_install: try: if not p.localpath or not os.path.isfile(p.localpath): raise EWaptDownloadError('Package file %s not downloaded properly.' % p.filename) result = self.install_wapt(p.localpath, params_dict=params_dict, explicit_by=installed_by or self.user, force=force ) if result['install_status'] == 'OK': if p.localpath.startswith(self.packages_cache_dir):'Delete %s' % p.localpath) os.remove(p.localpath) if result: for k in result.as_dict(): p[k] = result[k] if not result or result['install_status'] != 'OK': actions['errors'].append([request, p]) logger.critical('Package %s not installed due to errors' % (request,)) except Exception as e: actions['errors'].append([request, p, ensure_unicode(traceback.format_exc())]) logger.critical('Package %s not installed due to errors : %s' % (request, ensure_unicode(e))) if logger.level == logging.DEBUG: raise return actions else:'Download only, no install performed') return actions
[docs] def download_packages(self, package_requests=List[str], usecache=True, printhook=None): r"""Download a list of packages (requests are of the form packagename(=version) ) If several packages are matching a request, the highest/latest only is kept. Args: package_requests (str or list): list of packages to prefetch usecache (boolean) : if True, don't download package if already in cache printhook (func) : callback with signature report(received,total,speed,url) to display progress Returns: dict: with keys {"downloaded,"skipped","errors","packages"} and list of PackageEntry. >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> def nullhook(*args): ... pass >>> wapt.download_packages(['tis-firefox','tis-waptdev'],usecache=False,printhook=nullhook) {'downloaded': [u'c:/wapt\\cache\\tis-firefox_37.0.2-9_all.wapt', u'c:/wapt\\cache\\tis-waptdev.wapt'], 'skipped': [], 'errors': []} """ package_requests = self._ensure_package_requests_list(package_requests, keep_package_entries=True) downloaded = [] skipped = [] errors = [] packages = [] for p in package_requests: if isinstance(p, PackageRequest): mp = self.waptdb.packages_matching(p) if mp: packages.append(mp[-1]) else: errors.append((p, 'Unavailable package %s' % (p,))) logger.critical('Unavailable package %s' % (p,)) elif isinstance(p, PackageEntry): packages.append(p) else: raise Exception('Invalid package request %s' % p) def report(received, total, speed, url): self.check_cancelled() try: if total > 1: stat = '%s : %i / %i (%.0f%%) (%s/s)\r' % (url, received, total, 100.0*received/total, format_bytes(speed)) print(stat) else: stat = '' self.runstatus = 'Downloading %s : %s' % (entry.package, stat) except: self.runstatus = 'Downloading %s' % (entry.package,) if not printhook: printhook = report for entry in packages: self.check_cancelled() if platform.system() == 'Windows': target_dir = self.packages_cache_dir else: if os.geteuid() == 0: target_dir = self.packages_cache_dir else: target_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "waptdev") if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): os.mkdir(target_dir) # use specific repository settings for download res = self.get_repo(entry.repo).download_packages(entry, target_dir=target_dir, usecache=usecache, printhook=printhook) downloaded.extend(res['downloaded']) skipped.extend(res['skipped']) errors.extend(res['errors']) return {"downloaded": downloaded, "skipped": skipped, "errors": errors, "packages": packages}
[docs] def download_icons(self, package_requests, usecache=True, printhook=None): r"""Download a list of package icons (requests are of the form packagename (>version) ) returns a dict of {"downloaded,"skipped","errors"} Args: package_requests (str or list): list of packages to prefetch usecache (boolean) : if True, don't download package if already in cache printhook (func) : callback with signature report(received,total,speed,url) to display progress Returns: dict: with keys {"downloaded,"skipped","errors","packages"} and list of PackageEntry. >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> def nullhook(*args): ... pass >>> wapt.download_packages(['tis-firefox','tis-waptdev'],usecache=False,printhook=nullhook) {'downloaded': [u'c:/wapt\\cache\\tis-firefox_37.0.2-9_all.wapt', u'c:/wapt\\cache\\tis-waptdev.wapt'], 'skipped': [], 'errors': []} """ package_requests = self._ensure_package_requests_list(package_requests, keep_package_entries=True) downloaded = [] skipped = [] errors = [] packages = [] for p in package_requests: if isinstance(p, PackageRequest): mp = self.waptdb.packages_matching(p) if mp: packages.append(mp[-1]) else: errors.append((p, 'Unavailable package %s' % (p,))) logger.critical('Unavailable package %s' % (p,)) elif isinstance(p, PackageEntry): packages.append(p) else: raise Exception('Invalid package request %s' % p) for entry in packages: self.check_cancelled() def report(received, total, speed, url): self.check_cancelled() try: if total > 1: stat = '%s : %i / %i (%.0f%%) (%s/s)\r' % (url, received, total, 100.0*received/total, format_bytes(speed)) print(stat) else: stat = '' self.runstatus = 'Downloading %s : %s' % (entry.package, stat) except: self.runstatus = 'Downloading %s' % (entry.package,) """ if not printhook: printhook = report """ target_dir = os.path.join(self.packages_cache_dir, 'icons') res = self.get_repo(entry.repo).download_icons(entry, target_dir=target_dir, usecache=usecache, printhook=printhook) downloaded.extend(res['downloaded']) skipped.extend(res['skipped']) errors.extend(res['errors']) return {"downloaded": downloaded, "skipped": skipped, "errors": errors, "packages": packages}
[docs] def get_repo(self, repo_name): for r in self.repositories: if == repo_name: return r return None
def _get_uninstallkeylist(self, uninstall_key_str): """Decode uninstallkey list from db field For historical reasons, this field is encoded as str(pythonlist) or sometimes simple repr of a str ..Changed uninstallkeylist is a json representation of list. Returns: list """ if uninstall_key_str: if uninstall_key_str.startswith("['") or uninstall_key_str.startswith("[u'"): # python encoded repr of a list try: # transform to a json like array. guids = json.loads(uninstall_key_str.replace("[u'", "['").replace(", u'", ',"').replace("'", '"')) except: guids = uninstall_key_str elif uninstall_key_str[0] in ["'", '"']: # simple python string, removes quotes guids = uninstall_key_str[1:-1] else: try: # normal json encoded list guids = ujson.loads(uninstall_key_str) except: guids = uninstall_key_str if isinstance(guids, str): guids = [guids] return guids else: return []
[docs] def remove(self, packages_list, force=False, only_priorities=None, only_if_not_process_running=False): """Removes a package giving its package name, unregister from local status DB Args: packages_list (str or list or path): packages to remove (package name, list of package requirement, package entry or development directory) force : if True, unregister package from local status database, even if uninstall has failed Returns: dict: {'errors': [], 'removed': [], 'not_allowed': []} """ result = {'removed': [], 'errors': [], 'not_allowed': []} if not isinstance(packages_list, list): packages_list = [packages_list]'Trying to remove %s with force=%s, only_priorities=%s, only_if_not_process_running=%s' % (repr(packages_list), force, only_priorities, only_if_not_process_running)) def is_process_running(processes): processes = ensure_list(processes) for p in processes: if isrunning(p): return p return None def is_allowed(dict_package): if only_priorities is not None and dict_package.get('priority') in only_priorities: print('Uninstall of %s not allowed because priority %s is not selected.' % (dict_package.get('package'), dict_package('priority'))) return False uninstall_process_blocked_by = only_if_not_process_running and dict_package.get('impacted_process') and is_process_running(dict_package.get('impacted_process')) if uninstall_process_blocked_by: print('ERROR: Uninstall of %s is not allowed at this stage because %s is running.' % (dict_package.get('package'), uninstall_process_blocked_by)) return False return True for package in packages_list: try: self.check_cancelled() # development mode, remove a package by its directory if isinstance(package, str) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(package, 'WAPT', 'control')): package = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(package).package elif isinstance(package, PackageEntry): package = package.package else: pe = self.is_installed(package) if pe: package = pe.package q = self.waptdb.query("""\ select * from wapt_localstatus where package=? """, (package,)) if not q: logger.debug("Package %s not installed, removal aborted" % package) return result # several versions installed of the same package... ? for mydict in q: # check that removal is allowed... if not is_allowed(mydict): result['not_allowed'].append(mydict['package']) continue self.runstatus = "Removing package %s version %s from computer..." % (mydict['package'], mydict['version']) # removes recursively meta packages which are not satisfied anymore additional_removes = self.check_remove(package) cant_remove = False for parent_package in additional_removes: if not is_allowed(parent_package): cant_remove = True result['not_allowed'].append(mydict['package']) break if cant_remove:'Removal of %s is not allowed at this stage because one parent package can not be removed' % mydict['package']) result['not_allowed'].append(mydict['package']) continue if mydict.get('impacted_process', None): killalltasks(ensure_list(mydict['impacted_process'])) if mydict['uninstall_key']: # cook the uninstall_key because could be either repr of python list or string # should be now json list in DB uninstall_keys = self._get_uninstallkeylist(mydict['uninstall_key']) if uninstall_keys: for uninstall_key in uninstall_keys: if setuphelpers.uninstall_key_exists(uninstall_key): if sys.platform == 'win32': try: uninstall_cmd = self.uninstall_cmd(uninstall_key) if uninstall_cmd:'Launch uninstall cmd %s' % (uninstall_cmd,)) # if running processes, kill them before launching uninstaller print( setuphelpers.wait_uninstallkey_absent(uninstall_key,max_loop=self.config.getint('global', 'uninstallkey_timeout')) if setuphelpers.uninstall_key_exists(uninstall_key): setuphelpers.error('Uninstallkey still present') except Exception as e: logger.critical("Critical error during uninstall: %s" % (ensure_unicode(e))) result['errors'].append((package,traceback.format_exc())) if not force: raise if sys.platform == 'darwin': try: if setuphelpers.uninstall_key_exists(uninstall_key): if uninstall_key.startswith('pkgid:'): setuphelpers.uninstall_pkg(uninstall_key[6:]) else: if uninstall_key.startswith('/Applications/'): setuphelpers.uninstall_app(uninstall_key[14:]) if setuphelpers.uninstall_key_exists(uninstall_key): setuphelpers.error('Uninstallkey still present') except Exception as e: logger.critical("Critical error during uninstall: %s" % (ensure_unicode(e))) result['errors'].append((package,traceback.format_exc())) if not force: raise else: logger.debug('uninstall key not registered in local DB status.') if mydict['install_status'] != 'ERROR': try: self.uninstall(package) except Exception as e: logger.critical('Error running uninstall script: %s' % e) result['errors'].append((package,traceback.format_exc())) if not force: raise self.remove_package_persistent_dirs(mydict.get('package_uuid'))'Remove status record from local DB for %s' % package) if mydict['package_uuid']: with self.waptdb, self.waptpublicdb: self.waptdb.remove_install_status(package_uuid=mydict['package_uuid']) self.waptpublicdb.execute('update wapt_publicstatus set uninstall_date=? where package_uuid=? and uninstall_date is NULL',[datetime2isodate(), mydict['package_uuid']]) else: # backard self.waptdb.remove_install_status(package=package) result['removed'].append(package) if reversed(additional_removes):'Additional packages to remove : %s' % additional_removes) for apackage in additional_removes: res = self.remove(apackage, force=True) result['removed'].extend(res['removed']) result['errors'].extend(res['errors']) return result finally: self.store_upgrade_status() self.runstatus = ''
[docs] def host_packagename(self): """Return package name for current computer""" # return "%s" % (setuphelpers.get_hostname().lower()) return "%s" % (self.host_uuid,)
[docs] def get_host_packages_names(self): """Return list of implicit host package names based on computer UUID and AD Org Units Returns: list: list of str package names. """ """Return list of implicit available host packages based on computer UUID and AD Org Units Returns: list: list of PackageEntry. """ result = [] host_package = self.host_packagename() result.append(host_package) # ini configured profiles if self.host_profiles: result.extend([make_valid_package_name(p) for p in self.host_profiles]) previous_dn_part_type = '' host_dn = self.host_dn if host_dn and pyldap: dn_parts = [elem[0]+'='+elem[1] for elem in pyldap.parse_dn(host_dn)] for i in range(1, len(dn_parts)): dn_part = dn_parts[i] dn_part_type, value = dn_part.split('=', 1) if dn_part_type.lower() == 'dc' and dn_part_type == previous_dn_part_type: break level_dn = ','.join(dn_parts[i:]) # spaces and result.append(make_valid_package_name(level_dn)) previous_dn_part_type = dn_part_type return result
[docs] def get_host_packages(self): """Return list of implicit available host packages based on computer UUID and AD Org Units Returns: list: list of PackageEntry. """ result = [] package_names = self.get_host_packages_names() for pn in package_names: packages = self.is_available(pn) if packages and packages[-1].section in ('host', 'unit', 'profile'): result.append(packages[-1]) return result
[docs] def get_outdated_host_packages(self): """Check and return the available host packages available and not installed""" result = [] host_packages = self.get_host_packages() logger.debug('Checking availability of host packages "%s"' % (host_packages, )) for package in host_packages: if self.is_locally_allowed_package(package): logger.debug('Checking if %s is installed/outdated' % package.asrequirement()) installed_package = self.is_installed(package.package) if not installed_package or installed_package < package: result.append(package) return result
[docs] def get_installed_host_packages(self): """Get the implicit package names (host and unit packages) which are installed but no longer relevant Returns: list: of installed package names """ return [p.package for p in self.installed(True) if p.section in ('host', 'unit', 'profile')]
[docs] def get_unrelevant_host_packages(self): """Get the implicit package names (host and unit packages) which are installed but no longer relevant Returns: list: of installed package names """ installed_host_packages = self.get_installed_host_packages() expected_host_packages = self.get_host_packages_names() return [pn for pn in installed_host_packages if pn not in expected_host_packages]
[docs] def upgrade(self, only_priorities=None, only_if_not_process_running=False): """Install "well known" host package from main repository if not already installed then query localstatus database for packages with a version older than repository and install all newest packages Args: priorities (list of str): If not None, upgrade only packages with these priorities. Returns: dict: {'upgrade': [], 'additional': [], 'downloads': {'downloaded': [], 'skipped': [], 'errors': []}, 'remove': [], 'skipped': [], 'install': [], 'errors': [], 'unavailable': []} """ try: self.runstatus = 'Upgrade system' upgrades = self.list_upgrade() logger.debug('upgrades : %s' % upgrades) result = dict( install=[], upgrade=[], additional=[], remove=[], errors=[]) if upgrades['remove']: self.runstatus = 'Removes outdated / conflicted packages' result = merge_dict(result, self.remove(upgrades['remove'], force=True)) for key in ['additional', 'upgrade', 'install']: self.runstatus = 'Install %s packages' % key if upgrades[key]: result = merge_dict(result, self.install(upgrades[key], process_dependencies=True)) result = merge_dict(result, self.install(list(upgrades.keys()), force=True, only_priorities=only_priorities, only_if_not_process_running=only_if_not_process_running)) self.store_upgrade_status() # merge results return result finally: self.runstatus = ''
[docs] def install_immediate(self, force=False,only_priorities=None, only_if_not_process_running=False): """Install pending packages which must be forcibly installed at a specific time. Args: only_if_not_process_running: install package only if impacted_process are not running Returns: dict: {'upgrade': [], 'additional': [], 'downloads': {'downloaded': [], 'skipped': [], 'errors': []}, 'remove': [], 'skipped': [], 'install': [], 'errors': [], 'unavailable': []} """ try: self.runstatus = 'Install immediate packages' upgrades = self.list_upgrade() package_uuids = upgrades.get('immediate_installs',[]) logger.debug('Packages : %s' % package_uuids) result = self.install(package_uuids, force=force, only_priorities=only_priorities, only_if_not_process_running=only_if_not_process_running) self.store_upgrade_status() # merge results return result finally: self.runstatus = ''
[docs] def list_upgrade(self,current_datetime = None): """Returns a list of package requirements for packages which should be installed / upgraded / removed Returns: dict: {'additional': [], 'install': [], 'remove': [], 'upgrade': []} """ result = dict( install=[], upgrade=[], additional=[], remove=[], immediate_installs=[]) # only most up to date (first one in list) # put 'host' package at the end. for current,next in self.waptdb.upgradeable_status(): if not current.section in ('host', 'unit', 'profile'): result['upgrade'].append(next.asrequirement()) #result['install'].append() to_remove = self.get_unrelevant_host_packages() result['remove'].extend(to_remove) if self.use_hostpackages: host_packages = self.get_outdated_host_packages() if host_packages: for p in host_packages: if self.is_locally_allowed_package(p): req = p.asrequirement() if not req in result['install']+result['upgrade']+result['additional']: result['install'].append(req) # get additional packages to install/upgrade based on new upgrades depends = self.check_depends(result['install']+result['upgrade']+result['additional']) if not current_datetime: current_datetime = datetime2isodate() # to not force install packages which can't be installed properly. install_errors_packages_uuid = [p['package_uuid'] for p in self.waptdb.query("select package_uuid from wapt_localstatus where install_status='ERROR'")] for l in ('upgrade', 'additional', 'install'): for (r, candidate) in depends[l]: req = candidate.asrequirement() if not req in result['install']+result['upgrade']+result['additional']: result[l].append(req) if candidate and candidate.forced_install_on and not candidate.package_uuid in install_errors_packages_uuid and candidate.forced_install_on <= current_datetime and not candidate.package_uuid in result['immediate_installs']: # explicit package_uuid request result['immediate_installs'].append('{%s}' % candidate.package_uuid) result['remove'].extend([p[1].asrequirement() for p in depends['remove'] if p[1].package not in result['remove']]) return result
[docs] def search(self, searchwords=[], exclude_host_repo=True, section_filter=None, newest_only=False, with_install_status=False): """Returns a list of packages which have the searchwords in their description Args: searchwords (str or list): words to search in packages name or description exclude_host_repo (boolean): if True, don't search in host repoisitories. section_filter (str or list): restrict search to the specified package sections/categories Returns: list: list of PackageEntry """ available = self.waptdb.packages_search(searchwords=searchwords, exclude_host_repo=exclude_host_repo, section_filter=section_filter) if with_install_status: installed = {p.package_uuid: p for p in self.waptdb.installed(include_errors=True, include_setup=False, include_control=False)} upgradable = self.waptdb.upgradeable() for p in available: if p.package_uuid in installed: current = installed[p.package_uuid] if p == current: p['installed'] = current if p.package in upgradable: p['status'] = 'U' else: p['status'] = 'I' else: p['installed'] = None p['status'] = '-' else: p['installed'] = None p['status'] = '-' if newest_only: filtered = [] last_package_ident = None for package in sorted(available, reverse=True, key=self.packages_filter_for_host().get_package_compare_key): if package.package_ident() != last_package_ident: filtered.append(package) last_package_ident = package.package_ident() return list(reversed(filtered)) else: return available
[docs] def list(self, searchwords=[]): """Returns a list of installed packages which have the searchwords in their description Args: searchwords (list): list of words to llokup in package name and description only entries which have words in the proper order are returned. Returns: list: list of PackageEntry matching the search words >>> w = Wapt() >>> w.list('zip') [PackageEntry('tis-7zip','16.4-8') ] """ return self.waptdb.installed_search(searchwords=searchwords,)
[docs] def check_downloads(self, apackages=None, usecache=True): """Return list of available package entries to match supplied packages requirements Args: apackages (list or str): list of packages usecache (bool) : returns only PackageEntry not yet in cache Returns: list: list of PackageEntry to download """ result = [] if apackages is None: actions = self.list_upgrade() apackages = actions['install']+actions['additional']+actions['upgrade'] elif isinstance(apackages, str): apackages = ensure_list(apackages) elif isinstance(apackages, list): # ensure that apackages is a list of package requirements (strings) new_apackages = [] for p in apackages: if isinstance(p, PackageEntry): new_apackages.append(p.asrequirement()) else: new_apackages.append(p) apackages = new_apackages for p in apackages: entries = self.is_available(p) if entries: # download most recent entry = entries[-1] fullpackagepath = os.path.join(self.packages_cache_dir, entry.make_package_filename()) if usecache and (os.path.isfile(fullpackagepath) and os.path.getsize(fullpackagepath) == entry.size): # check version try: cached = PackageEntry() cached.load_control_from_wapt(fullpackagepath, calc_md5=False) if entry != cached: result.append(entry) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Unable to get version of cached package %s: %s' % (fullpackagepath, ensure_unicode(e),)) result.append(entry) else: result.append(entry) else: logger.debug('check_downloads : Package %s is not available' % p) return result
[docs] def download_upgrades(self): """Download packages that can be upgraded""" self.runstatus = 'Download upgrades' try: to_download = self.check_downloads() return self.download_packages(to_download) finally: self.runstatus = ''
[docs] def authorized_certificates(self): """return a list of autorized package certificate issuers for this host check_certificates_validity enable date checking. """ return [c for c in self.cabundle.trusted_certificates() if not self.check_certificates_validity or c.is_valid()]
[docs] def trust_package_signer(self,cert): """Add a certificate to the list of trusted package signers certificates Stores the PEM encoded data in public_certs_dir directory. The certificate is added to this current Wapt.cabundle instance for immediate use (until config is reloaded) """ added = self.cabundle.add_certificates(cert,trusted=True) for signer_cert in added: if signer_cert.public_cert_filename and os.path.isfile(signer_cert.public_cert_filename): shutil.copyfile(signer_cert.public_cert_filename,os.path.join(self.public_certs_dir,os.path.basename(signer_cert.public_cert_filename))) else: signer_cert.save_as_pem(os.path.join(self.public_certs_dir,signer_cert.fingerprint))
[docs] def untrust_package_signer(self,cert): """Removes a certificate from the list of trusted package signers certificates based on the fingerprint of the certificate. Certs in ssl public_certs_dir with matching fingerprint are deleted. """ removed = self.cabundle.remove_certificates(cert) # removed all crt files in ssl which have the fingerprint of actually untrusted certs for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.public_certs_dir, '*.crt'))+glob.glob(os.path.join(self.public_certs_dir, '*.pem')): try: old_cert = SSLCertificate(crt_filename=fn) for crt in removed: if old_cert.fingerprint == crt.fingerprint: os.unlink(fn) break except ValueError: pass
[docs] def register_computer(self, description=None, retry_with_password=False): """Send computer informations to WAPT Server if description is provided, updates local registry with new description Returns: dict: response from server. >>> wapt = Wapt() >>> s = wapt.register_computer() >>> """ if not self.waptserver: raise EWaptException('Unable to register: waptserver not defined') if not self.waptserver.available(): raise EWaptException('Unable to register: waptserver %s not available' % self.waptserver.server_url) if description: self.write_param('host_description',description, public=True) try: setuphelpers.set_computer_description(description) except Exception as e:'Unable to change system computer description to %s: %s' % (description, e)) if self.waptserver and self.waptserver.available(): # force recalc uuid self._host_uuid = None # full inventory new_hashes = {} old_hashes = {} inv = self._get_host_status_data(old_hashes, new_hashes, force=True, included_keys=['wapt_status','host_capabilities']) inv['status_hashes'] = new_hashes inv['uuid'] = self.host_uuid inv['host_certificate'] = self.create_or_update_host_certificate() inv['host_certificate_signing_request'] = self.get_host_certificate_signing_request().as_pem() data = jsondump(inv).encode('utf8') if not self.waptserver.use_kerberos: urladdhost = 'add_host' else: urladdhost = 'add_host_kerberos' signature = self.sign_host_content(data) try: result =, data=data, signature=signature, signer=self.get_host_certificate().cn ) except requests.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code in (403, 404) and urladdhost == 'add_host_kerberos' and retry_with_password: # retry without kerberos # retry without kerberos auth result ='add_host', data=data, signature=signature, signer=self.get_host_certificate().cn ) elif e.response.status_code in (400, 401): # could be a bad certificate error, so retry without client side cert # retry without ssl client auth result =, data=data, signature=signature, signer=self.get_host_certificate().cn, use_ssl_auth=False ) else: result = dict( success=False, msg='Error sending registration data: status %s' % (e.response.status_code,) ) if result and result['success']: # if server has changed, reset cached inventory hash_status if result['result'].get('server_uuid') != self.read_param('server_uuid', public=True): self.delete_param('last_update_server_hashes') self.delete_param('last_audit_data_server_date') self.write_param('server_uuid', result['result'].get('server_uuid'), public=True) self.write_param('last_successful_register', datetime2isodate(), public=True) result_data = result.get('result', {}) if 'status_hashes' in result_data: # invalidate unmatching hashes for next round. self.write_param('last_update_server_hashes', result_data['status_hashes']) # stores last_audit_data_server_date to send only newer data on next update server status. self.write_param('last_audit_data_server_date',result_data.get('last_audit_data_server_date')) if 'host_certificate' in result_data: # server has signed the certificate, we replace our self signed one. new_host_cert = SSLCertificate(crt_string=result_data['host_certificate'].encode('utf8'))'Got signed certificate from server. Issuer: %s. CN: %s' % (new_host_cert.issuer_cn, host_key = self.get_host_key() if == self.host_uuid and new_host_cert.match_key(host_key): # be sure we have on disk the current host key.'Save host key to %s' % (self.get_host_key_filename(),)) host_key.save_as_pem(filename=self.get_host_key_filename())'Save host cert to %s' % (self.get_host_certificate_filename(),)) open(self.get_host_certificate_filename(),'w').write(result_data['host_certificate']) """ p12 = SSLPKCS12(filename = os.path.join(self.private_dir, self.host_uuid+'.p12')) p12.certificate = new_host_cert p12.private_key = host_key p12.save_as_p12(friendly_name=self.host_uuid) """ self._host_certificate = None self._host_certificate_timestamp = None self.delete_param('host_certificate_fingerprint') self.delete_param('host_certificate_authority_key_identifier') # use newly signed client side auth certificate self.set_client_cert_auth(self.waptserver,force=True) for repo in self.repositories: self.set_client_cert_auth(repo,force=True) else:'Signed certificate %s does not match host uuid %s or key.' % (,self.host_uuid)) else: # register is not successful self.delete_param('last_successful_register') return result else: if not self.waptserver: return dict( success=False, msg='Error sending registration: No WAPT server defined' ) else: return dict( success=False, msg='Error sending registration: WAPT server %s not available' % self.waptserver.server_url )
[docs] def unregister_computer(self): """Remove computer informations from WAPT Server Returns: dict: response from server. >>> wapt = Wapt() >>> s = wapt.unregister_computer() >>> """ if self.waptserver: data = jsondump({'uuids': [self.host_uuid], 'delete_packages': 1, 'delete_inventory': 1}).encode('utf8') result ='api/v3/hosts_delete', data=data, signature=self.sign_host_content(data), signer=self.get_host_certificate().cn ) if result and result['success']: self.delete_param('last_update_server_hashes') self.delete_param('last_audit_data_server_date') self.delete_param('server_uuid') if os.path.isfile(self.get_host_certificate_filename()): os.unlink(self.get_host_certificate_filename()) return result else: return dict( success=False, msg='No WAPT server defined', data={}, )
[docs] def get_host_key_filename(self): """Full filepath of the host own RSA private key Returns: str """ return os.path.join(self.private_dir, self.host_uuid+'.pem')
[docs] def get_host_certificate_filename(self): """Full filepath of the host own certificate and RSA public key Returns: str """ return os.path.join(self.private_dir, self.host_uuid+'.crt')
[docs] def get_host_certificate(self): """Return the current host certificate. If the certificate does not yet exist, it is created as a self signed certificate and stored in get_host_certificate_filename path Returns: SSLCertificate: host public certificate. """ cert_fn = self.get_host_certificate_filename() if not self._host_certificate or not os.path.isfile(cert_fn) or self._host_certificate_timestamp != os.stat(cert_fn).st_mtime: if not os.path.isfile(cert_fn): self.create_or_update_host_certificate() self._host_certificate = SSLCertificate(cert_fn) self._host_certificate_timestamp = os.stat(cert_fn).st_mtime return self._host_certificate
[docs] def get_host_certificate_signing_request(self): """Return a CSR with CN and AltSubjectNames pointing to this host uuid Returns: SSLCertificateSigningRequest: host public certificate sigbinbg request. """ host_key = self.get_host_key() csr = host_key.build_csr( cn=self.host_uuid, altnames=[setuphelpers.get_hostname()], is_ca=False, is_code_signing=False, is_client_auth=True, key_usages=['digital_signature', 'content_commitment', 'data_encipherment', 'key_encipherment']) return csr
[docs] def create_or_update_host_certificate(self, force_recreate=False): """Create a rsa key pair for the host and a x509 certiticate. Location of key is <wapt_root>\private Should be kept secret restricted access to system account and administrators only. Args: force_recreate (bool): recreate key pair even if already exists for this FQDN. Returns: str: x509 certificate of this host. """ crt_filename = self.get_host_certificate_filename() if force_recreate or not os.path.isfile(crt_filename):'Creates host keys pair and x509 certificate %s' % crt_filename) self._host_key = self.get_host_key() if not os.path.isdir(self.private_dir): os.makedirs(self.private_dir) crt = self._host_key.build_sign_certificate( ca_signing_key=None, ca_signing_cert=None, cn=self.host_uuid, altnames=[setuphelpers.get_hostname()], is_ca=True, is_code_signing=False, is_client_auth=True) crt.save_as_pem(crt_filename) self.delete_param('host_certificate_fingerprint') self.delete_param('host_certificate_authority_key_identifier') # check validity with open(crt_filename, 'rb') as f: return
[docs] def get_host_key(self, create=True): """Return private key used to sign uploaded data from host Create key if it does not exists yet. Returns: SSLPrivateKey: Private key used to sign data posted by host. """ key_filename = self.get_host_key_filename() if self._host_key is None or not os.path.isfile(key_filename) or self._host_key_timestamp != os.stat(key_filename).st_mtime: # create keys pair / certificate if not yet initialised if create and not os.path.isfile(key_filename): self._host_key = SSLPrivateKey(key_filename) self._host_key.create() if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(key_filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(key_filename)) self._host_key.save_as_pem() elif os.path.isfile(key_filename): self._host_key = SSLPrivateKey(key_filename) self._host_key_timestamp != os.stat(key_filename).st_mtime return self._host_key
[docs] def sign_host_content(self, data): """Sign data str with host private key with sha256 + RSA Args: data (bytes) : data to sign Returns bytes: signature of sha256 hash of data. """ key = self.get_host_key() return key.sign_content(hexdigest_for_data(data, md='sha256'))
[docs] def get_last_update_status(self): """Get update status of host as stored at the end of last operation. Returns: dict: 'date': timestamp of last operation 'runstatus': last printed message of wapt core 'running_tasks': list of tasks 'errors': list of packages not installed properly 'upgrades': list of packages which need to be upgraded """ status = self.read_param('last_update_status', {"date": "", "running_tasks": [], "errors": [], "upgrades": [],"immediate_installs": []}, ptype='json') status['runstatus'] = self.read_param('runstatus', '') status['audit_status'] = self.waptdb.audit_status() return status
def _get_package_status_rowid(self, package_entry=None, package_name=None): """Return ID of package_status record for package_name Args: package_entry (PackageEntry): package entry to lookup by package_uuid or name package_name (str): explicit package name # todo: should be a PackageRequest Returns: int: rowid in local wapt_localstatus table """ with self.waptdb as waptdb: if package_entry is not None and package_entry.package_uuid: cur = waptdb.execute("""select rowid from wapt_localstatus where package_uuid=?""", (package_entry.package_uuid,)) else: cur = waptdb.execute("""select rowid from wapt_localstatus where package=?""", (package_entry.package if package_entry is not None else package_name,)) pe = cur.fetchone() if not pe: return None else: return pe[0]
[docs] def update_package_install_status(self, **kwargs): """Update the install status """ return self.waptdb.update_install_status(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_cache_domain_info(self, force=False): last_result = self.read_param('domain_info') if not last_result: last_result = {'ou': '', 'site': '', 'groups': []} last_date = self.waptdb.get_param('last_domain_info_date', ptype='datetime') now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if last_date: delta = now - last_date else: force = True maxdelta = 60 * 60 * 2 if force or (delta.seconds > maxdelta): try: if sys.platform == 'win32': if self.use_ad_groups: last_result = {'groups': setuphelpers.get_computer_groups()} else: last_result = {'groups': []} else: last_result = setuphelpers.get_domain_info() except: last_result = last_result self.save_last_domain_info_date(now) self.save_domain_info(last_result) return last_result
def _get_new_audit_data(self,force=False): last_audit_data_server_date = self.read_param('last_audit_data_server_date') if force or not last_audit_data_server_date: last_audit_data_server_date = None if last_audit_data_server_date and last_audit_data_server_date > datetime2isodate(): last_audit_data_server_date = datetime2isodate() return self.read_audit_data_since(last_audit_data_server_date)
[docs] def get_cached_packages_uuids(self): r = WaptLocalRepo(self.packages_cache_dir) r.update_packages_index(include_certificates=False,include_crls=False,extract_icons=False) return [p.package_uuid for p in r.packages()]
def _get_host_status_data(self, old_hashes, new_hashes, force=False, included_keys=None, excluded_keys=[]): """Build the data to send to server where update_server_status required Returns: dict """ def _default_data_state(data): return hashlib.sha1(pickle.dumps(data)).hexdigest() def _add_data_if_updated(inv, key, data, old_hashes, new_hashes, force, data_state_func=_default_data_state): """Add the data to inv as key if modified since last update_server_status if data is None, nothing is added. if data_state_func is None, data is always added. """ if data is not None: if data_state_func is not None: newhash = data_state_func(data) oldhash = old_hashes.get(key, None) if force or oldhash != newhash: if isinstance(data,dict): data['updated_on'] = datetime2isodate() inv[key] = data new_hashes[key] = newhash else: inv[key] = data if isinstance(data,dict): data['updated_on'] = datetime2isodate() elif data_state_func is None: inv[key] = data if isinstance(data,dict): data['updated_on'] = datetime2isodate() def _get_host_info(): host_info = setuphelpers.host_info() # optionally forced dn host_info['computer_ad_dn'] = self.host_dn host_info['computer_ad_site'] = self.host_site if not host_info.get('description'): host_info['description'] = self.read_param('host_description', public=True) host_info['repositories'] = ";".join([r.as_dict()['repo_url'] for r in self.repositories if not(r.as_dict()['repo_url'].endswith('-host'))]) if self.use_ad_groups: host_info['computer_ad_groups'] = self.get_cache_domain_info()['groups'] return host_info def _get_authorized_certificates_pems(): return [c.as_pem() for c in self.authorized_certificates()] def _config_overview(): return config_overview(self.wapt_base_dir, self.config_filename) def _wmi_info(): return setuphelpers.wmi_info(exclude_subkeys=['OEMLogoBitmap','PrinterPaperNames','PaperSizesSupported']) def _packages_audit_status_delta(): if not force: last_packages_audit_status_server_date = self.read_param('last_packages_audit_status_server_date') else: last_packages_audit_status_server_date = None result = self.waptdb.packages_audit_inventory(after_date=last_packages_audit_status_server_date) if len(result)>1: return result else: return None def _packages_install_status_delta(): # for backward compat if force or not old_hashes.get('installed_packages_ids'): since_revision=None else: since_revision = old_hashes.get('installed_packages') if since_revision and not isinstance(since_revision,int): since_revision = None result = self.waptdb.installed_packages_inventory(since_status_revision=since_revision) if len(result)>1: return result else: return None def _audit_data(): result = list(self._get_new_audit_data(force=force)) if len(result) > 1: return result else: return None inv = { 'uuid': self.host_uuid, 'computer_fqdn': ensure_unicode(setuphelpers.get_hostname()) } status_revision = self.waptdb.get_status_revision() inv['status_revision'] = status_revision timing_store = {} data_defs = { 'host_info': _get_host_info, 'host_networking': setuphelpers.host_info_networking, 'host_capabilities': self.host_capabilities, 'host_metrics': setuphelpers.host_metrics, 'wapt_status': self.wapt_status, 'installed_softwares': self.merge_installed_softwares_and_wua_list, 'installed_packages_ids': self.waptdb.installed_packages_ids, 'installed_packages': (_packages_install_status_delta, lambda d: status_revision), 'packages_audit_status': _packages_audit_status_delta, 'last_update_status': self.get_last_update_status, 'authorized_certificates': _get_authorized_certificates_pems, 'configurations': _config_overview, 'audit_data': _audit_data, #'host_info.list_services': setuphelpers.service_list, #'host_info.listening_sockets': setuphelpers.listening_sockets, } if == 'nt': if self.is_enterprise(): try: wua_client = self.waptwua() data_defs['wuauserv_status'] = wua_client.get_wuauserv_status data_defs['waptwua_status'] = wua_client.stored_waptwua_status data_defs['waptwua_updates'] = wua_client.stored_updates data_defs['waptwua_updates_localstatus'] = wua_client.stored_updates_localstatus #data_defs['waptwua_rules_packages'] = wua_client.stored_waptwua_rules except Exception as e: logger.critical('Unable to get waptwua status: %s' % e) if included_keys is None: included_keys = [k for k in data_defs.keys() if not k in excluded_keys] # populate inventory for key in included_keys: if not key in excluded_keys: with Timeit(key,store=timing_store): try: if isinstance(data_defs[key],tuple): # specific function to check data version _add_data_if_updated(inv,key, data_defs[key][0](), old_hashes, new_hashes, force=force, data_state_func=data_defs[key][1]) else: _add_data_if_updated(inv,key, data_defs[key](), old_hashes, new_hashes, force=force) except Exception as e: logger.critical('Unable to build status data for key %s: %s' % (key,repr(e))) return inv
[docs] def build_update_status_data(self, force=False, excluded_keys = []): # avoid sending data to the server if it has not been updated. new_hashes = {} old_hashes = self.read_param('last_update_server_hashes', {}, ptype='json') inv = self._get_host_status_data(old_hashes, new_hashes, force=force, excluded_keys=excluded_keys) inv['status_hashes'] = new_hashes return inv
[docs] def update_server_status(self, force=False, excluded_keys=[], errors = None): """Send host_info, installed packages and installed softwares, and last update status informations to WAPT Server, but don't send register info like dmi or wmi. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.3 if last status has been properly sent to server and data has not changed, don't push data again to server. the hash is stored in memory, so is not pass across threads or processes. >>> wapt = Wapt() >>> s = wapt.update_server_status() >>> """ result = None sys.stdout.flush() try_register = False retry = True if not self.waptserver: return None if not self.waptserver_available():'WAPT Server is not available to store current host status') return None while retry: try: inv = self.build_update_status_data(force=force, excluded_keys=excluded_keys) new_hashes = inv['status_hashes']'Updated data keys : %s' % [k for k in new_hashes if k != new_hashes.get(k)])'Supplied data keys : %s' % list(inv.keys())) data = jsondump(inv).encode('utf8')'Sending %s bytes to server' % len(data)) signature = self.sign_host_content(data) try: result ='update_host', data=data, signature=signature, signer=self.get_host_certificate().cn ) if result and result['success']: retry = False # stores for next round. self.write_param('server_uuid', result['result'].get('server_uuid'), public=True) self.write_param('last_update_server_status_timestamp', datetime.datetime.utcnow()) # stores last_audit_data_server_date to send only newer data on next update server status. last_audit_data_server_date = result['result'].get('last_audit_data_server_date') if last_audit_data_server_date is not None: self.write_param('last_audit_data_server_date',last_audit_data_server_date) last_packages_audit_status_server_date = result['result'].get('last_packages_audit_status_server_date') if last_packages_audit_status_server_date is not None: self.write_param('last_packages_audit_status_server_date',last_packages_audit_status_server_date) if 'status_hashes' in result.get('result', {}): # known server hashes for next round. self.write_param('last_update_server_hashes', result['result']['status_hashes'])'Status on server %s updated properly' % self.waptserver.server_url) else:'Error updating Status on server %s: %s' % (self.waptserver.server_url, result and result['msg'] or 'No message')) if result.get('error_code') in ('ewaptmissingcertificate','ewaptbadserverauthentication'): try_register = True retry = True else: retry = False except requests.HTTPError as e: error = 'Unable to update server status : %s' % (e,) if errors: errors.append(error) logger.warning(error) if e.response.status_code in (400, 401, 403): last_successful_register = self.read_param('last_successful_register') if not last_successful_register or (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - isodate2datetime(last_successful_register) > datetime.timedelta(hours=2)): try_register = True else: retry=False else: retry = False except EWaptBadServerAuthentication as e: error = 'Unable to update server status : %s' % (e,) if errors: errors.append(error) logger.warning(error) try_register = True if result and result['success']: db_data = result.get('result')'update_server_status successful (data size:%s, keys:%s)' % (len(data),inv.keys())) else: db_data = None if try_register or (db_data and db_data.get('computer_fqdn', None).lower() != setuphelpers.get_hostname().lower()): try_register = False tasks_logger.warning('Host on the server is not known or not known under this FQDN name (known as %s). Trying to register the computer...' % (db_data and db_data.get('computer_fqdn', None) or None)) result = self.register_computer() if result and result['success']:'New registration successful. Retring sending host status.') self.reload_config_if_updated() retry = True else: logger.critical('Unable to register: %s' % result and result['msg']) retry = False except Exception as e: error = 'Unable to update server status : %s' % (e,) if errors: errors.append(error) tasks_logger.warning(error) logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) break return result
[docs] def waptserver_available(self): """Test reachability of waptserver. If waptserver is defined and available, return True, else False Returns: boolean: True if server is defined and actually reachable """ return self.waptserver and self.waptserver.available()
[docs] def inc_status_revision(self, inc=1): rev = self.read_param('status_revision', 0, ptype='int')+inc self.write_param('status_revision', rev) return rev
[docs] def merge_installed_softwares_and_wua_list(self): soft_inventory = setuphelpers.installed_softwares() for s in soft_inventory: # append win32 for uniqueness on windows s['software_id'] = s['key'] + {False:'##win32',True:'',None:''}.get(s.get('win64')) if self.waptwua_enabled and self.is_enterprise(): dict_kb_name = self.waptdb.get_param('waptwua.simple.list') if dict_kb_name: for u in dict_kb_name: soft_inventory.append({'software_id':u, 'key': u, 'name': '%s (%s)' % (u, dict_kb_name[u]), 'version': u.replace('KB', ''), 'install_date': '', 'install_location': '', 'uninstall_string': '', 'publisher': 'Microsoft', 'system_component': 1, 'win64': setuphelpers.iswin64() }) return soft_inventory
[docs] def wapt_status(self): """Wapt configuration and version informations Returns: dict: versions of main main files, waptservice config, repos and waptserver config >>> w = Wapt() >>> w.wapt_status() { 'setuphelpers-version': '1.1.1', 'waptserver': { 'wapt_server': u'tranquilit.local', 'proxies': { 'http': None, 'https': None }, 'server_url': 'https: //wapt.tranquilit.local' }, 'waptservice_protocol': 'http', 'repositories': [{ 'wapt_server': u'tranquilit.local', 'proxies': { 'http': None, 'https': None }, 'name': 'global', 'repo_url': 'http: //wapt.tranquilit.local/wapt' }, { 'wapt_server': u'tranquilit.local', 'proxies': { 'http': None, 'https': None }, 'name': 'wapt-host', 'repo_url': 'http: //srvwapt.tranquilit.local/wapt-host' }], 'common-version': '1.1.1', 'wapt-exe-version': u'', 'waptservice_port': 8088, 'wapt-py-version': '1.1.1' } """ result = {} if == 'nt': waptexe = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'wapt-get.exe') if os.path.isfile(waptexe): result['wapt-get-version'] = setuphelpers.get_file_properties(waptexe)['FileVersion'] with open(os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'version-full'), 'r') as wapt_version_full: result['wapt-version-full'] = wapt_version_full.readline().rstrip() result['waptutils-version'] = __version__ trusted_certs_sha256 = [] trusted_certs_cn = [] invalid_certs_sha256 = [] result['last_external_ip'] = self.waptdb.get_param('last_external_ip') for c in self.authorized_certificates(): try: for c2 in self.cabundle.check_certificates_chain(c): if not c2.fingerprint in trusted_certs_sha256: trusted_certs_sha256.append(c2.fingerprint) trusted_certs_cn.append( except Exception as e: logger.warning('Certificate %s invalid (fingerprint %s expiration %s): %s' % (, c.fingerprint, c.not_after, e)) invalid_certs_sha256.append(c.fingerprint) result['authorized_certificates_sha256'] = trusted_certs_sha256 result['invalid_certificates_sha256'] = invalid_certs_sha256 result['authorized_certificates_cn'] = trusted_certs_cn result['maturities'] = self.maturities result['locales'] = self.locales result['is_remote_repo'] = self.config.getboolean('repo-sync', 'enable_remote_repo') if (self.config.has_section('repo-sync') and self.config.has_option('repo-sync', 'enable_remote_repo')) else False result['remote_reboot_allowed'] = self.config.getboolean('global', 'allow_remote_reboot') if self.config.has_option('global', 'allow_remote_reboot') else False result['remote_shutdown_allowed'] = self.config.getboolean('global', 'allow_remote_shutdown') if self.config.has_option('global', 'allow_remote_shutdown') else False result['remote_repo_url'] = '' if not(result['is_remote_repo']) else self.config.get('repo-sync', 'remote_repo_url') if (self.config.has_section('repo-sync') and self.config.has_option('repo-sync', 'remote_repo_url')) else 'https://'+setuphelpers.get_fqdn()+'/wapt' result['wol_relay'] = self.config.getboolean('global', 'wol_relay') if self.config.has_option('global', 'wol_relay') else result['is_remote_repo'] result['use_repo_rules'] = self.use_repo_rules if sys.platform == 'win32': result['pending_reboot_reasons'] = setuphelpers.pending_reboot_reasons() # read from config if self.config.has_option('global', 'waptservice_sslport'): port = self.config.get('global', 'waptservice_sslport') if port: result['waptservice_protocol'] = 'https' result['waptservice_port'] = int(port) else: result['waptservice_protocol'] = None result['waptservice_port'] = None elif self.config.has_option('global', 'waptservice_port'): port = self.config.get('global', 'waptservice_port') if port: result['waptservice_protocol'] = 'http' result['waptservice_port'] = int(port) else: # could be better result['waptservice_protocol'] = None result['waptservice_port'] = None else: # could be better result['waptservice_protocol'] = 'http' result['waptservice_port'] = 8088 result['repositories'] = [r.as_dict() for r in self.repositories] if self.waptserver: result['waptserver'] = self.waptserver.as_dict() result['packages_whitelist'] = self.packages_whitelist result['packages_blacklist'] = self.packages_blacklist result['is_enterprise'] = self.is_enterprise() #if self.is_enterprise(): # result['self_service_rules'] = self_service_rules(self) return result
[docs] def reachable_ip(self): """Return the local IP which is most probably reachable by wapt server In case there are several network connections, returns the local IP which Windows choose for sending packets to WaptServer. This can be the most probable IP which would get packets from WaptServer. Returns: str: Local IP """ try: if self.waptserver and self.waptserver.server_url: host = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.waptserver.server_url).hostname s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.settimeout(1) s.connect((host, 0)) local_ip = s.getsockname()[0] s.close() return local_ip else: return None except: return None
[docs] def inventory(self): """Return full inventory of the computer as a dictionary. Returns: dict: {'host_info','wapt_status','installed_softwares','installed_packages'} ...changed: 1.4.1: renamed keys removed from packages inventory. """ inv = {} inv['host_info'] = setuphelpers.host_info() inv['host_info']['repositories'] = ";".join([r.as_dict()['repo_url'] for r in self.repositories if not(r.as_dict()['repo_url'].endswith('-host'))]) # optionally forced dn inv['computer_ad_dn'] = self.host_dn inv['wapt_status'] = self.wapt_status() inv['installed_softwares'] = self.merge_installed_softwares_and_wua_list() inv['installed_packages'] = [p.as_dict() for p in self.waptdb.installed(include_errors=True, include_setup=False)] inv['host_capabilities'] = self.host_capabilities() return inv
[docs] def registration_inventory(self): """Minimum inventory for initial registration """ inv = {} inv['computer_fqdn'] = ensure_unicode(setuphelpers.get_hostname()) inv['computer_ad_dn'] = self.host_dn inv['wapt_status'] = self.wapt_status() inv['host_capabilities'] = self.host_capabilities() return inv
[docs] def personal_certificate(self): """Returns the personal certificates chain Returns: list (of SSLCertificate). The first one is the personal certificate. The other are useful if intermediate CA are used. """ cert_chain = SSLCABundle() cert_chain.add_certificates_from_pem(pem_filename=self.personal_certificate_path) return cert_chain.certificates()
[docs] def private_key(self, private_key_password=None): """SSLPrivateKey matching the personal_certificate When key has been found, it is kept in memory for later use. Args: private_key_password : password to use to decrypt key. If None, passwd_callback is called. Returns: SSLPrivateKey Raises: EWaptMissingPrivateKey if ket can not be decrypted or found. """ if private_key_password is None: password_callback = self.private_key_password_callback else: password_callback = None certs = self.personal_certificate() try: cert = certs[0] except IndexError: raise EWaptMissingPrivateKey('No personal certificate could be found ; cannot look for any keys') if not self._private_key_cache or not cert.match_key(self._private_key_cache): self._private_key_cache = cert.matching_key_in_dirs(password_callback=password_callback, private_key_password=private_key_password) if self._private_key_cache is None: raise EWaptMissingPrivateKey('The key matching the certificate %s can not be found or decrypted' % (cert.public_cert_filename or cert.subject)) return self._private_key_cache
[docs] def cleanup_session_setup(self) -> int: """Remove all current user session_setup informations for removed packages """ # run session_cleanup for all uninstalled packages result = {'done':[],'errors':[]} session_setup_package_uuids = [ p[0] for p in self.waptsessiondb.query("select package_uuid from wapt_sessionsetup where install_status='OK' order by install_date", as_dict=False) ] for package_uuid in session_setup_package_uuids: # uninstalled package if no other package with same name is installed pe_dict = self.waptpublicdb.query("""select * from wapt_publicstatus s where s.install_date is not null and s.uninstall_date is not null and s.package_uuid=? and not exists (select i.package_uuid from wapt_publicstatus i where i.package=s.package and i.install_date is not null and i.uninstall_date is null) order by s.uninstall_date""",[package_uuid],one=True) if pe_dict: has_session_cleanup = 'def session_cleanup():' in pe_dict.get('setuppy','') if has_session_cleanup: pe = PackageEntry(**pe_dict) pe.setuppy = pe_dict.get('setuppy') pe._control_lines = pe_dict.get('control','').splitlines() try: print(pe.call_setup_hook('session_cleanup',wapt_context=self, user=self.user)) self.waptsessiondb.execute("""delete from wapt_sessionsetup where package_uuid=?""",[package_uuid]) result['done'].append(package_uuid) except Exception as e: logger.critical('Unable to run session_cleanup for package %s and user %s: %s' % (pe.package, self.user, e)) result['errors'].append(package_uuid) installed = [p['package'] for p in self.waptpublicdb.query("select distinct package from wapt_publicstatus where install_date is not null and uninstall_date is null")] return self.waptsessiondb.remove_obsolete_install_status(installed)
[docs] def session_setup(self, package, force=False, params=None): """Setup the user session for a specific system wide installed package" Source from database or filename """ install_id = None oldpath = sys.path try: is_dev_mode = False package_entry = None if isinstance(package, PackageEntry): package_entry = package elif os.path.isdir(package): package_entry = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(package) is_dev_mode = True else: public_status = self.waptpublicdb.query('select * from wapt_publicstatus where package=? and install_date is not null and uninstall_date is null order by install_date desc', [package],one=True) if public_status: package_entry = PackageEntry() package_entry._load_control(public_status['control']) package_entry['setuppy'] = public_status['setuppy'] if not package_entry: raise Exception('Package %s is not installed' % package) if package_entry.has_setup_py(): if (is_dev_mode or 'def session_setup():' in package_entry.setuppy): # initialize a session db for the user session_db = WaptSessionDB(self.user) # WaptSessionDB() with session_db: if force or is_dev_mode or not session_db.is_installed(package_entry.package, package_entry.version): print(("Running session_setup for package %s and user %s" % (package_entry.asrequirement(), self.user))) install_id = session_db.add_start_install(package_entry) with WaptPackageSessionSetupLogger(console=sys.stderr, waptsessiondb=session_db, install_id=install_id) as dblog: try: # get value of required parameters from system wide install try: result = package_entry.call_setup_hook('session_setup', self, force=force, params=params) except EWaptMissingPackageHook: result = None if result: dblog.exit_status = 'RETRY' session_db.update_install_status(install_id, append_line='session_setup() done\n') else: dblog.exit_status = 'OK' session_db.update_install_status(install_id, append_line='session_setup() done\n') return result except Exception: logger.critical("session_setup failed for package %s and user %s" % (package_entry.asrequirement(), self.user)) session_db.update_install_status(install_id, append_line=traceback.format_exc()) dblog.exit_status = 'ERROR' else:"session_setup for package %s and user %s already installed" % (package_entry.asrequirement(), self.user)) else: logger.debug('No session_setup for package %s' % package_entry['package']) else: logger.debug('No for %s, skipping session-setup' % package_entry['package']) finally: sys.path = oldpath
[docs] def audit(self, package, force=False, ignore_schedule=False, audited_by=None) -> str: """Run the audit hook for the installed package" Source from database, filename, or packageEntry Stores the result and log into "wapt_localstatus" table Args: package (PackageEntry or directory or package name or {package_uuid} ): package to audit Returns: str : iso datetime of this audit as stored in packages status table """ def worst(r1, r2): states = ['OK', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'UNKNOWN'] try: idxr1 = states.index(r1) except ValueError: idxr1 = states.index('UNKNOWN') try: idxr2 = states.index(r2) except ValueError: idxr2 = states.index('UNKNOWN') if idxr1 > idxr2: return states[idxr1] else: return states[idxr2] install_id = None now = datetime2isodate(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) oldpath = sys.path try: if isinstance(package, PackageEntry): package_entry = package elif os.path.isdir(package): package_entry = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(package) else: package_entry = self.is_installed(package) if not package_entry: raise Exception('Package %s is not installed' % package) if hasattr(package_entry, 'install_status') and hasattr(package_entry, 'rowid'): install_id = package_entry.rowid package_install = package_entry else: install_id = self._get_package_status_rowid(package_entry) if install_id is None: raise Exception('Package %s is not installed' % package) package_install = self.waptdb.install_status(install_id) if ignore_schedule or force or not package_install.next_audit_on or now >= package_install.next_audit_on: next_audit = None if package_install.audit_schedule: # audit_schedule can contains several items like 1d,on_connect audit_schedule = ensure_list(package_install.audit_schedule,allow_none=True) else: audit_schedule = ensure_list(self.waptaudit_task_period,allow_none=True) if audit_schedule is not None: for schedule in audit_schedule: timedelta = get_time_delta(schedule, 'm') if timedelta: # we use the earliest next audit if next_audit is None or datetime.datetime.utcnow() + timedelta < next_audit: next_audit = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + timedelta # skip audit entirely if no uninstall_key and no audit hook if not package_install['uninstall_key'] and (not package_entry.has_setup_py() or not 'def audit():' in package_entry.setuppy): self.waptdb.update_audit_status(install_id, set_status='OK', set_last_audit_on=datetime2isodate(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), set_next_audit_on=next_audit and datetime2isodate(next_audit) or None) return 'OK'"Audit run for package %s and user %s" % (package, audited_by or self.user)) self.waptdb.update_audit_status(install_id, set_status='RUNNING', set_output='', set_last_audit_on=datetime2isodate(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), set_next_audit_on=next_audit and datetime2isodate(next_audit) or None) with WaptPackageAuditLogger(console=sys.stderr, wapt_context=self, install_id=install_id, user=audited_by or self.user) as dblog: try: # check if registered uninstalley are still there uninstallkeys = self._get_uninstallkeylist(package_install['uninstall_key']) dblog.exit_status = 'OK' print('Auditing %s' % package_entry.package) if sys.platform == 'win32': if uninstallkeys is not None: for key in uninstallkeys: uninstallkey_exists = setuphelpers.installed_softwares(uninstallkey=key) if not uninstallkey_exists: print('ERROR: Uninstall Key %s is not in Windows Registry.' % key) dblog.exit_status = worst(dblog.exit_status, 'ERROR') else: print(' OK: Uninstall Key %s in Windows Registry.' % key) dblog.exit_status = worst(dblog.exit_status, 'OK') elif sys.platform == 'darwin': if uninstallkeys is not None: for key in uninstallkeys: if not setuphelpers.uninstall_key_exists(key): print('ERROR: Uninstall Key %s is not installed.' % key) dblog.exit_status = worst(dblog.exit_status, 'ERROR') else: print(' OK: Uninstall Key %s.' % key) dblog.exit_status = worst(dblog.exit_status, 'OK') if package_entry.has_setup_py(): # get value of required parameters from system wide install params = self.get_previous_package_params(package_entry) # this call return None if not audit hook or if hook has no return value. try: result = package_entry.call_setup_hook('audit', self, params,force=force, user=audited_by) except EWaptMissingPackageHook: result = 'OK' dblog.exit_status = worst(dblog.exit_status, result) else: logger.debug('No, skipping session-setup') print( 'OK: No') dblog.exit_status = worst(dblog.exit_status, 'OK') return dblog.exit_status except Exception as e: print('Audit aborted due to exception: %s' % e) dblog.exit_status = 'ERROR' return dblog.exit_status else: return package_install.last_audit_status finally: sys.path = oldpath
[docs] def get_previous_package_params(self, package_entry): """Return the params used when previous install of package_entry.package If no previous install, return {} The params are stored as json string in local package status table. Args: package_entry (PackageEntry): package request to lookup. Returns: dict """ # get old install params if the package has been already installed old_install = self.is_installed(package_entry.package) if old_install: return ujson.loads(old_install['install_params']) else: return {}
[docs] def uninstall(self, packagename, params_dict={},force=False): """Launch the uninstall script of an installed package" Source from database or filename """ try: previous_cwd = os.getcwd() if os.path.isdir(packagename): entry = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(packagename) else: logger.debug('Sourcing setup from DB') entry = self.is_installed(packagename) if not entry: raise Exception('no package %s installed on this host' % packagename) params = self.get_previous_package_params(entry) params.update(params_dict) if entry.has_setup_py(): try: entry.call_setup_hook('uninstall', self, params=params,force=force) except EWaptMissingPackageHook: pass else:'Uninstall: no source in database.') finally: logger.debug(' Change current directory to %s' % previous_cwd) os.chdir(previous_cwd)
def __get_installer_defaults_deb(self, result_format, installer_path): """See get_installer_defaults(). Specific to .deb archives""" result = result_format try: with arpy.Archive(installer_path) as ar_file: tarball ='control.tar.gz') tar_file = control_file = tar_file.extractfile('./control') control_lines = control_file.readlines() control_dict = {} for line in control_lines: line_split = line.decode('utf-8').split(': ') control_dict[line_split[0]] = line_split[1] result.update(dict(filename=control_dict['Package'], version=control_dict['Version'], description=control_dict['Description'], architecture=control_dict['Architecture'])) except Exception as e:'Couldn\'t extract metadata from deb archive {} : {}'.format(installer_path, e)) return result def __get_installer_defaults_rpm(self, result_format, installer_path): """See get_installer_defaults(). Specific to .deb archives""" result = result_format try: with as rpm: rpm_headers = rpm.headers result.update(dict(filename=rpm_headers['name'], version=rpm_headers['version'], description=rpm_headers['description'], architecture=rpm_headers['arch'])) except Exception as e:'Couldn\'t extract metadata from rpm archive {} : {}'.format(installer_path, e)) return result
[docs] def get_installer_defaults(self, installer_path)->Dict: """Returns guessed default values for package templates based on installer binary Args: installer_path (str): filepath to installer Returns: dict: >>> get_installer_defaults(r'c:\tranquilit\wapt\tests\SumatraPDF-3.1.1-install.exe') {'description': u'SumatraPDF Installer (Krzysztof Kowalczyk)', 'filename': 'SumatraPDF-3.1.1-install.exe', 'silentflags': '/VERYSILENT', 'simplename': u'sumatrapdf-installer', 'type': 'UnknownExeInstaller', 'version': u'3.1.1'} >>> get_installer_defaults(r'c:\tranquilit\wapt\tests\7z920.msi') {'description': u'7-Zip 9.20 (Igor Pavlov)', 'filename': '7z920.msi', 'silentflags': '/q /norestart', 'simplename': u'7-zip-9.20', 'type': 'MSI', 'version': u''} """ (product_name, ext) = os.path.splitext(installer_path) ext = ext.lower() props = setuphelpers.get_product_props(installer_path) simplename = re.sub(r'[\s\(\)]+', '-', props['product'].lower()) description = props['description'] publisher = props['publisher'] version = props['version'] or '0.0.0' result = dict(filename=os.path.basename(installer_path), simplename=simplename, version=version, description=description, silentflags='', type=None, uninstallkey=None, publisher=publisher, architecture='all') # the get_installer_defaults_win function is only in setuphelpers_windows if sys.platform == 'win32' and (ext in ['.exe', '.msi', '.msu']): return setuphelpers.get_installer_defaults_win(installer_path) if ext == '.deb': result = self.__get_installer_defaults_deb(result, installer_path) elif ext == '.rpm': result = self.__get_installer_defaults_rpm(result, installer_path) else: result.update(dict(type=setuphelpers.InstallerTypes.UnknownInstaller, silentflags='/VERYSILENT')) return result
[docs] def make_package_template(self, installer_path='', packagename='', directoryname='', section='base', description=None, depends='', version=None, silentflags=None, uninstallkey=None, maturity=None, architecture='all', target_os='all', product_name=None)->str: r"""Build a skeleton of WAPT package based on the properties of the supplied installer Return the path of the skeleton >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> wapt.dbpath = ':memory:' >>> files = 'c:/tmp/files' >>> if not os.path.isdir(files): ... os.makedirs(files) >>> tmpdir = 'c:/tmp/dummy' >>> devdir = wapt.make_package_template(files,packagename='mydummy',directoryname=tmpdir,depends='tis-firefox') >>> os.path.isfile(os.path.join(devdir,'WAPT','control')) True >>> p = wapt.build_package(devdir) >>> 'filename' in p and isinstance(p['files'],list) and isinstance(p['package'],PackageEntry) True >>> import shutil >>> shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) """ if installer_path: installer_path = os.path.abspath(installer_path) if directoryname: directoryname = os.path.abspath(directoryname) if not installer_path and not packagename: raise EWaptException('You must provide at least installer_path or packagename to be able to prepare a package template') if installer_path: installer = os.path.basename(installer_path) else: installer = '' uninstallkey = uninstallkey or '' product_name = product_name or '' if os.path.isfile(installer_path): # case of an installer props = setuphelpers.get_product_props(installer_path) silentflags = silentflags or setuphelpers.getsilentflags(installer_path) # for MSI, uninstallkey is in properties if not uninstallkey and 'ProductCode' in props: uninstallkey = '"%s"' % props['ProductCode'] elif os.path.isdir(installer_path): # case of a directory props = { 'product': installer, 'description': installer, 'version': '0', 'publisher': ensure_unicode(setuphelpers.get_current_user()), 'ProductName' : product_name } silentflags = silentflags or '' else: # case of a nothing props = { 'product': packagename, 'description': packagename, 'version': '0', 'publisher': ensure_unicode(setuphelpers.get_current_user()), 'ProductName' : product_name } silentflags = '' if not packagename: simplename = re.sub(r'[\s\(\)\|\,\.\%]+', '_', props['product'].lower()) packagename = '%s-%s' % (self.config.get('global', 'default_package_prefix'), simplename) description = description or 'Package for %s ' % props['description'] version = version or props['version'] product_name = product_name or props['ProductName'] if not directoryname: directoryname = self.get_default_development_dir(PackageEntry(package=packagename, version=version, section=section, maturity=maturity, target_os=target_os, architecture=architecture)) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directoryname, 'WAPT')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(directoryname, 'WAPT')) if installer_path: (installer_name, installer_ext) = os.path.splitext(installer) installer_ext = installer_ext.lower() if installer_ext in ['.msi', '.msix']: setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') elif installer_ext == '.msu': setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') elif installer_ext == '.exe': setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') elif installer_ext == '.deb': setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') elif installer_ext == '.pkg': setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') elif installer_ext == '.dmg': setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') elif installer_ext == '.rpm': setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') elif installer_ext == '.crt': setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') elif os.path.isdir(installer_path): setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') else: setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') else: setup_template = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '') template =, encoding='utf8').read() % dict( packagename=packagename, uninstallkey=uninstallkey, silentflags=silentflags, installer=installer, product=props['product'], description=description, version=version, ) setuppy_filename = os.path.join(directoryname, '') if not os.path.isfile(setuppy_filename):, 'w', encoding='utf8').write(template) else:' file already exists, skip create') logger.debug('Copy installer %s to target' % installer) if os.path.isfile(installer_path): shutil.copyfile(installer_path, os.path.join(directoryname, installer)) elif os.path.isdir(installer_path): setuphelpers.copytree2(installer_path, os.path.join(directoryname, installer)) control_filename = os.path.join(directoryname, 'WAPT', 'control') if not os.path.isfile(control_filename): entry = PackageEntry() entry.package = packagename = product_name entry.architecture = architecture entry.target_os = target_os if maturity is None: entry.maturity = self.default_maturity else: entry.maturity = maturity entry.description = description try: entry.maintainer = ensure_unicode(win32api.GetUserNameEx(3)) except: try: entry.maintainer = ensure_unicode(setuphelpers.get_current_user()) except: entry.maintainer = os.environ['USERNAME'] entry.priority = 'optional' entry.section = section or 'base' entry.version = version+'-0' entry.depends = depends if self.config.has_option('global', 'default_sources_url'): entry.sources = self.config.get('global', 'default_sources_url') % entry.as_dict(), 'w', encoding='utf8').write(entry.ascontrol()) else:'control file already exists, skip create') self.add_pyscripter_project(directoryname) self.add_vscode_project(directoryname) return directoryname
[docs] def make_host_template(self, packagename='', depends=None, conflicts=None, directoryname=None, description=None)->PackageEntry: if not packagename: packagename = self.host_packagename() return self.make_group_template(packagename=packagename, depends=depends, conflicts=conflicts, directoryname=directoryname, section='host', description=description)
[docs] def make_group_template(self, packagename='', maturity=None, depends=None, conflicts=None, directoryname=None, section='group', description=None)->PackageEntry: r"""Creates or updates on disk a skeleton of a WAPT group package. If the a package skeleton already exists in directoryname, it is updated. sourcespath attribute of returned PackageEntry is populated with the developement directory of group package. Args: packagename (str): group name depends : conflicts directoryname section description Returns: PackageEntry >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> tmpdir = 'c:/tmp/dummy' >>> if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): ... import shutil ... shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) >>> p = wapt.make_group_template(packagename='testgroupe',directoryname=tmpdir,depends='tis-firefox',description=u'Test de groupe') >>> print p >>> print p['package'].depends tis-firefox >>> import shutil >>> shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) """ if directoryname: directoryname = os.path.abspath(directoryname) if not packagename: packagename = self.host_packagename() if not directoryname: directoryname = self.get_default_development_dir(packagename, section=section) if not directoryname: directoryname = tempfile.mkdtemp('wapt') if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directoryname, 'WAPT')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(directoryname, 'WAPT')) template_fn = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, 'templates', '' % section) if os.path.isfile(template_fn): # replacing %(var)s by local values in template # so setup template must use other string formating system than % like '{}'.format() template =, encoding='utf8').read() % locals() setuppy_filename = os.path.join(directoryname, '') if not os.path.isfile(setuppy_filename):, 'w', encoding='utf8').write(template) else:' file already exists, skip create') else:'No %s template. Package wil lhave no' % template_fn) control_filename = os.path.join(directoryname, 'WAPT', 'control') entry = PackageEntry() if not os.path.isfile(control_filename): entry.priority = 'standard' entry.section = section entry.version = '0' entry.architecture = 'all' if maturity is None: entry.maturity = maturity else: entry.maturity = self.default_maturity entry.description = description or '%s package for %s ' % (section, packagename) try: entry.maintainer = ensure_unicode(win32api.GetUserNameEx(3)) except: try: entry.maintainer = ensure_unicode(setuphelpers.get_current_user()) except: entry.maintainer = os.environ['USERNAME'] else: entry.load_control_from_wapt(directoryname) entry.package = packagename # Check existing versions and increment it older_packages = self.is_available(entry.package) if older_packages and entry <= older_packages[-1]: entry.version = older_packages[-1].version entry.inc_build() entry.filename = entry.make_package_filename() if self.config.has_option('global', 'default_sources_url'): entry.sources = self.config.get('global', 'default_sources_url') % {'packagename': packagename} # check if depends should be appended to existing depends if (isinstance(depends, str) or isinstance(depends, str)) and depends.startswith('+'): append_depends = True depends = ensure_list(depends[1:]) current = ensure_list(entry.depends) for d in depends: if not d in current: current.append(d) depends = current else: append_depends = False depends = ensure_list(depends) if depends: # use supplied list of packages entry.depends = ','.join(['%s' % p for p in depends if p and p != packagename]) # check if conflicts should be appended to existing conflicts if (isinstance(conflicts, str) or isinstance(conflicts, str)) and conflicts.startswith('+'): append_conflicts = True conflicts = ensure_list(conflicts[1:]) current = ensure_list(entry.conflicts) for d in conflicts: if not d in current: current.append(d) conflicts = current else: append_conflicts = False conflicts = ensure_list(conflicts) if conflicts: # use supplied list of packages entry.conflicts = ','.join(['%s' % p for p in conflicts if p and p != packagename]) entry.save_control_to_wapt(directoryname) if entry.section != 'host': self.add_pyscripter_project(directoryname) self.add_vscode_project(directoryname) return entry
[docs] def is_installed(self, packagename: str, include_errors=False) -> PackageEntry: """Checks if a package is installed. Return package entry and additional local status or None Args: packagename (str): name / {package_uuid}/ package request to query Returns: PackageEntry: None or PackageEntry merged with local install_xxx fields * install_date * install_output * install_params * install_status """ if isinstance(packagename, PackageEntry): packagename = packagename.asrequirement() package_entry = self.waptdb.installed_matching(packagename, include_errors=include_errors, include_setup=True, include_control=True) return package_entry
[docs] def installed(self, include_errors=False)->List[PackageEntry]: """Returns all installed packages with their status Args: include_errors (boolean): include packages wnot installed successfully Returns: list: list of PackageEntry merged with local install status. """ return self.waptdb.installed(include_errors=include_errors)
[docs] def is_available(self, packagename)->List[PackageEntry]: r"""Check if a package (with optional version condition) is available in repositories. Args: packagename (str) : package name to lookup or package requirement ( packagename(=version) ) Returns: list : of PackageEntry sorted by package version ascending >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/wapt-get.ini') >>> l = wapt.is_available('tis-wapttest') >>> l and isinstance(l[0],PackageEntry) True """ return self.waptdb.packages_matching(packagename)
[docs] def get_default_development_dir(self, packagecond:str, section='base')->str: """Returns the default development directory for package named <packagecond> based on default_sources_root ini parameter if provided Args: packagecond (PackageEntry or str): either PackageEntry or a "name(=version)" string Returns: unicode: path to local proposed development directory """ if not isinstance(packagecond, PackageEntry): # assume something like "package(=version)" package_and_version = REGEX_PACKAGE_CONDITION.match(packagecond).groupdict() pe = PackageEntry(package_and_version['package'], package_and_version['version'] or '0') else: pe = packagecond root = ensure_unicode(self.config.get('global', 'default_sources_root')) if not root: root = ensure_unicode(tempfile.gettempdir()) return os.path.join(root, pe.make_package_edit_directory())
[docs] def add_pyscripter_project(self, target_directory): """Add a pyscripter project file to package development directory. Args: target_directory (str): path to location where to create the wapt.psproj file. Returns: None """ psproj_filename = os.path.join(target_directory, 'WAPT', 'wapt.psproj') # if not os.path.isfile(psproj_filename): # supply some variables to psproj template datas = self.as_dict() datas['target_directory'] = target_directory proj_template =, 'templates', 'wapt.psproj'), encoding='utf8').read() % datas, 'w', encoding='utf8').write(proj_template)
[docs] def add_vscode_project(self, target_directory): r"""Add .vscode folder with project files to the package development directory Args: target_directory (str): path to the package development directory. Returns: None """ vscode_dir = os.path.join(target_directory, ".vscode") if not (os.path.isdir(vscode_dir)): os.mkdir(vscode_dir) launch_json = os.path.join(vscode_dir, "launch.json") if os.path.isfile(launch_json): os.remove(launch_json) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, "templates", "vscode_launch.json"), launch_json) with open(os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, "templates", "vscode_settings.json"), "r") as settings_json_file: settings_json = json.load(settings_json_file) if not (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, "python.exe"))): settings_json["python.pythonPath"] = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, "bin", "python") settings_json["python.defaultInterpreterPath"] = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, "bin", "python") else: settings_json["python.pythonPath"] = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, "python.exe") settings_json["python.defaultInterpreterPath"] = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, "python.exe") settings_json["python.wapt-get"] = os.path.join(self.wapt_base_dir, "") with open(os.path.join(vscode_dir, "settings.json"), "w") as settings_json_outfile: json.dump(settings_json, settings_json_outfile, indent=4) with open(os.path.join(target_directory, ".env"), "w") as fenv: list_of_env = ["VIRTUAL_ENV=" + self.wapt_base_dir, "PYTHONPATH=" + self.wapt_base_dir] fenv.write("\n".join(list_of_env) + "\n")
[docs] def edit_package(self, packagerequest, target_directory='', use_local_sources=True, append_depends=None, remove_depends=None, append_conflicts=None, remove_conflicts=None, auto_inc_version=True, cabundle=None, ): r"""Download an existing package from repositories into target_directory for modification if use_local_sources is True and no newer package exists on repos, updates current local edited data else if target_directory exists and is not empty, raise an exception Args: packagerequest (str) : path to existing wapt file, or package request use_local_sources (boolean) : don't raise an exception if target exist and match package version append_depends (list of str) : package requirements to add to depends remove_depends (list or str) : package requirements to remove from depends auto_inc_version (bool) : cabundle (SSLCABundle) : list of authorized certificate filenames. If None, use default from current wapt. Returns: PackageEntry : edit local package with sourcespath attribute populated >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/wapt-get.ini') >>> wapt.dbpath = ':memory:' >>> r= wapt.update() >>> tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('wapt') >>> res = wapt.edit_package('tis-wapttest',target_directory=tmpdir,append_depends='tis-firefox',remove_depends='tis-7zip') >>> res['target'] == tmpdir and res['package'].package == 'tis-wapttest' and 'tis-firefox' in res['package'].depends True >>> import shutil >>> shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) """ if cabundle is None: cabundle = self.cabundle # check before if path exist if os.path.isdir(packagerequest): entry = PackageEntry(waptfile=packagerequest) entry.localpath=packagerequest target_directory=packagerequest elif os.path.isfile(packagerequest): entry = PackageEntry(waptfile=packagerequest) else: # check if available in repos entries = self.is_available(packagerequest) if entries: entry = entries[-1] self.download_packages(entry) else: raise EWaptException('Package %s does not exist. Either update local status or check filepath.' % (packagerequest)) packagerequest = entry.asrequirement() if target_directory is None: target_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="wapt") elif not target_directory: target_directory = self.get_default_development_dir(entry, section=entry.section) if entry.localpath: local_dev_entry = self.is_wapt_package_development_dir(target_directory) if local_dev_entry: if use_local_sources and not local_dev_entry.match(packagerequest): raise Exception('Target directory %s contains a different package version %s' % (target_directory, entry.asrequirement())) elif not use_local_sources: raise Exception('Target directory %s contains already a developement package %s' % (target_directory, entry.asrequirement())) else:'Using existing development sources %s' % target_directory) elif not local_dev_entry: entry.unzip_package(target_dir=target_directory, cabundle=cabundle) entry.invalidate_signature() local_dev_entry = entry append_depends = ensure_list(append_depends) remove_depends = ensure_list(remove_depends) append_conflicts = ensure_list(append_conflicts) remove_conflicts = ensure_list(remove_conflicts) if append_depends or remove_depends or append_conflicts or remove_conflicts: prev_depends = ensure_list(local_dev_entry.depends) for d in append_depends: if not d in prev_depends: prev_depends.append(d) for d in remove_depends: if d in prev_depends: prev_depends.remove(d) prev_conflicts = ensure_list(local_dev_entry.conflicts) for d in append_conflicts: if not d in prev_conflicts: prev_conflicts.append(d) if remove_conflicts: for d in remove_conflicts: if d in prev_conflicts: prev_conflicts.remove(d) local_dev_entry.depends = ','.join(prev_depends) local_dev_entry.conflicts = ','.join(prev_conflicts) local_dev_entry.save_control_to_wapt(target_directory) if entry.section != 'host': self.add_pyscripter_project(target_directory) self.add_vscode_project(target_directory) return local_dev_entry else: raise Exception('Unable to unzip package in %s' % target_directory)
[docs] def is_wapt_package_development_dir(self, directory): """Return PackageEntry if directory is a wapt developement directory (a WAPT/control file exists) or False""" return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, 'WAPT', 'control')) and PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(directory, calc_md5=False)
[docs] def is_wapt_package_file(self, filename): """Return PackageEntry if filename is a wapt package or False True if file ends with .wapt and control file can be loaded and decoded from zip file Args: filename (str): path to a file Returns: False or PackageEntry """ (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext != '.wapt' or not os.path.isfile(filename): return False try: entry = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(filename, calc_md5=False) return entry except: return False
[docs] def edit_host(self, hostname, target_directory=None, append_depends=None, remove_depends=None, append_conflicts=None, remove_conflicts=None, printhook=None, description=None, cabundle=None, ): """Download and extract a host package from host repositories into target_directory for modification Args: hostname (str) : fqdn of the host to edit target_directory (str) : where to place the developments files. if empty, use default one from wapt-get.ini configuration append_depends (str or list) : list or comma separated list of package requirements remove_depends (str or list) : list or comma separated list of package requirements to remove cabundle (SSLCA Bundle) : authorized ca certificates. If None, use default from current wapt. Returns: PackageEntry >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> tmpdir = 'c:/tmp/dummy' >>> wapt.edit_host('dummy.tranquilit.local',target_directory=tmpdir,append_depends='tis-firefox') >>> import shutil >>> shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) >>> host = wapt.edit_host('htlaptop.tranquilit.local',target_directory=tmpdir,append_depends='tis-firefox') >>> 'package' in host True >>> shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) """ if target_directory is None: target_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp('wapt') elif not target_directory: target_directory = self.get_default_development_dir(hostname, section='host') if os.path.isdir(target_directory) and os.listdir(target_directory): raise Exception('directory %s is not empty, aborting.' % target_directory) #self.use_hostpackages = True if cabundle is None: cabundle = self.cabundle append_depends = ensure_list(append_depends) remove_depends = ensure_list(remove_depends) append_conflicts = ensure_list(append_conflicts) remove_conflicts = ensure_list(remove_conflicts) for d in append_depends: if not d in remove_conflicts: remove_conflicts.append(d) for d in append_conflicts: if not d in remove_depends: remove_depends.append(d) # create a temporary repo for this host host_repo = WaptHostRepo(name='wapt-host', host_id=hostname, config=self.config, host_key=self._host_key, WAPT=self) entry = host_repo.get(hostname) if entry: host_repo.download_packages(entry) entry.unzip_package(target_dir=target_directory, cabundle=cabundle) entry.invalidate_signature() # update depends list prev_depends = ensure_list(entry.depends) for d in append_depends: if not d in prev_depends: prev_depends.append(d) for d in remove_depends: if d in prev_depends: prev_depends.remove(d) entry.depends = ','.join(prev_depends) # update conflicts list prev_conflicts = ensure_list(entry.conflicts) for d in append_conflicts: if not d in prev_conflicts: prev_conflicts.append(d) if remove_conflicts: for d in remove_conflicts: if d in prev_conflicts: prev_conflicts.remove(d) entry.conflicts = ','.join(prev_conflicts) if description is not None: entry.description = description entry.save_control_to_wapt(target_directory) return entry else: # create a new version of the existing package in repository return self.make_host_template(packagename=hostname, directoryname=target_directory, depends=append_depends, description=description)
[docs] def forget_packages(self, packages_list): """Remove install status for packages from local database without actually uninstalling the packages Args: packages_list (list): list of installed package names to forget Returns: list: list of package names actually forgotten >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> res = wapt.install('tis-test') ??? >>> res = wapt.is_installed('tis-test') >>> isinstance(res,PackageEntry) True >>> wapt.forget_packages('tis-test') ['tis-test'] >>> wapt.is_installed('tis-test') >>> print wapt.is_installed('tis-test') None """ result = [] packages_list = ensure_list(packages_list) for package in packages_list: q = self.waptdb.query("""\ select * from wapt_localstatus where package=? """, (package,)) for pe in q: self.remove_package_persistent_dirs(pe.get('package_uuid')) rowid = self.waptdb.remove_install_status(package) if rowid: result.append(package) self.store_upgrade_status() return result
[docs] def duplicate_package(self, packagename, newname=None, newversion=None, newmaturity=None, target_directory=None, append_depends=None, remove_depends=None, append_conflicts=None, remove_conflicts=None, auto_inc_version=True, usecache=True, printhook=None, cabundle=None, ): """Duplicate an existing package. Duplicate an existing package from declared repostory or file into targetdirectory with optional newname and version. Args: packagename (str) : packagename to duplicate, or filepath to a local package or package development directory. newname (str): name of target package newversion (str): version of target package. if None, use source package version target_directory (str): path where to put development files. If None, use temporary. If empty, use default development dir append_depends (list): comma str or list of depends to append. remove_depends (list): comma str or list of depends to remove. auto_inc_version (bool): if version is less than existing package in repo, set version to repo version+1 usecache (bool): If True, allow to use cached package in local repo instead of downloading it. printhook (func): hook for download progress cabundle (SSLCABundle): list of authorized ca certificate (SSLPublicCertificate) to check authenticity of source packages. If None, no check is performed. Returns: PackageEntry : new packageEntry with sourcespath = target_directory >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/wapt-get.ini') >>> wapt.dbpath = ':memory:' >>> r= wapt.update() >>> def nullhook(*args): ... pass >>> tmpdir = 'c:/tmp/testdup-wapt' >>> if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): ... import shutil ... shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) >>> p = wapt.duplicate_package('tis-wapttest', ... newname='testdup', ... newversion='20.0-0', ... target_directory=tmpdir, ... excludes=['.svn','.git','.gitignore','*.pyc','src'], ... append_depends=None, ... auto_inc_version=True, ... usecache=False, ... printhook=nullhook) >>> print repr(p['package']) PackageEntry('testdup','20.0-0') >>> if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): ... import shutil ... shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) >>> p = wapt.duplicate_package('tis-wapttest', ... target_directory=tempfile.mkdtemp('wapt'), ... auto_inc_version=True, ... append_depends=['tis-firefox','tis-irfanview'], ... remove_depends=['tis-wapttestsub'], ... ) >>> print repr(p['package']) PackageEntry('tis-wapttest','120') """ if target_directory: target_directory = os.path.abspath(target_directory) if newname: while newname.endswith('.wapt'): dot_wapt = newname.rfind('.wapt') newname = newname[0:dot_wapt] logger.warning("Target ends with '.wapt', stripping. New name: %s", newname) append_depends = ensure_list(append_depends) remove_depends = ensure_list(remove_depends) append_conflicts = ensure_list(append_conflicts) remove_conflicts = ensure_list(remove_conflicts) def check_target_directory(target_directory, source_control): if os.path.isdir(target_directory) and os.listdir(target_directory): pe = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(target_directory) if pe.package != source_control.package or pe > source_control: raise Exception('Target directory "%s" is not empty and contains either another package or a newer version, aborting.' % target_directory) # duplicate a development directory tree if os.path.isdir(packagename): source_control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(packagename) if not newname: newname = source_control.package if target_directory == '': target_directory = self.get_default_development_dir(newname, section=source_control.section) if target_directory is None: target_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp('wapt') # check if we will not overwrite newer package or different package check_target_directory(target_directory, source_control) if packagename != target_directory: shutil.copytree(packagename, target_directory) # duplicate a wapt file elif os.path.isfile(packagename): source_filename = packagename source_control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(source_filename) if not newname: newname = source_control.package if target_directory == '': target_directory = self.get_default_development_dir(newname, section=source_control.section) if target_directory is None: target_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp('wapt') # check if we will not overwrite newer package or different package check_target_directory(target_directory, source_control) source_control.unzip_package(target_dir=target_directory, cabundle=cabundle) else: source_package = self.is_available(packagename) if not source_package: raise Exception('Package %s is not available in current repositories.' % (packagename,)) # duplicate package from a repository filenames = self.download_packages([packagename], usecache=usecache, printhook=printhook) package_paths = filenames['downloaded'] or filenames['skipped'] if not package_paths: raise Exception('Unable to download package %s' % (packagename,)) source_filename = package_paths[0] source_control = PackageEntry().load_control_from_wapt(source_filename) if not newname: newname = source_control.package if target_directory == '': target_directory = self.get_default_development_dir(newname, section=source_control.section) if target_directory is None: target_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp('wapt') # check if we will not overwrite newer package or different package check_target_directory(target_directory, source_control) source_control.unzip_package(target_dir=target_directory, cabundle=cabundle) # duplicate package informations dest_control = PackageEntry() for a in source_control.required_attributes + source_control.optional_attributes: dest_control[a] = source_control[a] if newmaturity is not None: dest_control.maturity = newmaturity else: dest_control.maturity = self.default_maturity # add / remove dependencies from copy prev_depends = ensure_list(dest_control.depends) for d in append_depends: if not d in prev_depends: prev_depends.append(d) for d in remove_depends: if d in prev_depends: prev_depends.remove(d) dest_control.depends = ','.join(prev_depends) # add / remove conflicts from copy prev_conflicts = ensure_list(dest_control.conflicts) for d in append_conflicts: if not d in prev_conflicts: prev_conflicts.append(d) for d in remove_conflicts: if d in prev_conflicts: prev_conflicts.remove(d) dest_control.conflicts = ','.join(prev_conflicts) # change package name dest_control.package = newname if newversion: dest_control.version = newversion # Check existing versions of newname and increment it if auto_inc_version: older_packages = self.is_available(newname) if older_packages and dest_control <= older_packages[-1]: dest_control.version = older_packages[-1].version dest_control.inc_build() dest_control.filename = dest_control.make_package_filename() dest_control.save_control_to_wapt(target_directory) if dest_control.section != 'host': self.add_pyscripter_project(target_directory) self.add_vscode_project(target_directory) dest_control.invalidate_signature() return dest_control
[docs] def set_package_attribute(self, package, key, value, public=False): """Store in local db a key/value pair for later use""" self.write_param(package+'.'+key, value, public=public)
[docs] def get_package_attribute(self, package, key, default_value=None, public=False): """Store in local db a key/value pair for later use""" return self.read_param(package+'.'+key, default_value, public=public)
[docs] def read_param(self, name, default=None, ptype=None, public=None): """read a param value from local db if public==True, try first in public db then in private this handle the case where private db is not accessible by non admin users. >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> wapt.read_param('db_version') u'20140410' """ if public is None: public = name in self.public_params if public and self.waptpublicdb.has_param(name): return self.waptpublicdb.get_param(name, default, ptype) return self.waptdb.get_param(name, default, ptype)
[docs] def write_param(self, name, value, public=None): """Store in local db a key/value pair for later use""" if public is None: public = name in self.public_params if public: with self.waptdb, self.waptpublicdb: self.waptdb.set_param(name, value) self.waptpublicdb.set_param(name, value) else: with self.waptdb: self.waptdb.set_param(name, value)
[docs] def delete_param(self, name, public=True): """Remove a key from local db""" if public: with self.waptdb,self.waptpublicdb: self.waptdb.delete_param(name) self.waptpublicdb.delete_param(name) else: with self.waptdb,self.waptpublicdb: self.waptdb.delete_param(name)
[docs] def dependencies(self, packagename, expand=False): """Return all dependecies of a given package >>> w = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> dep = w.dependencies('tis-waptdev') >>> isinstance(dep,list) and isinstance(dep[0],PackageEntry) True """ packages = self.is_available(packagename) result = [] errors = [] if packages: depends = ensure_list(packages[-1].depends) for dep in depends: subpackages = self.is_available(dep) if subpackages: if expand: result.extend(self.dependencies(dep)) if not subpackages[-1] in result: result.append(subpackages[-1]) else: errors.append(dep) return result
[docs] def get_package_entries(self, packages_names): r"""Return most up to date packages entries for packages_names packages_names is either a list or a string. 'missing' key lists the package requirements which are not available in the package index. Args; packages_names (list or str): list of package requirements Returns: dict : {'packages':[PackageEntries,],'missing':[str,]} >>> wapt = Wapt(config_filename='c:/wapt/wapt-get.ini') >>> res = wapt.get_package_entries(['tis-firefox','tis-putty']) >>> isinstance(res['missing'],list) and isinstance(res['packages'][0],PackageEntry) True """ result = {'packages': [], 'missing': []} if isinstance(packages_names, str) or isinstance(packages_names, str): packages_names = [p.strip() for p in packages_names.split(",")] for package_name in packages_names: matches = self.waptdb.packages_matching(package_name) if matches: result['packages'].append(matches[-1]) else: result['missing'].append(package_name) return result
[docs] def network_reconfigure(self): """Called whenever the network configuration has changed """ try: self.check_peercache_status() if self._repositories: for repo in self._repositories: repo.reset_network() if not self.disable_update_server_status: self.update_server_status() except Exception as e: logger.warning('WAPT was unable to reconfigure properly after network changes : %s' % ensure_unicode(e))
[docs] def add_upgrade_shutdown_policy(self): """Add a local shitdown policy to upgrade system""" waptexit_path = setuphelpers.makepath(self.wapt_base_dir, 'waptexit.exe') if not os.path.isfile(waptexit_path): raise Exception('Can not find %s' % waptexit_path) setuphelpers.shutdown_scripts_ui_visible(state=True) return setuphelpers.add_shutdown_script(waptexit_path, '')
[docs] def remove_upgrade_shutdown_policy(self): """Add a local shitdown policy to upgrade system""" waptexit_path = setuphelpers.makepath(self.wapt_base_dir, 'waptexit.exe') if not os.path.isfile(waptexit_path): raise Exception('Can not find %s' % waptexit_path) return setuphelpers.remove_shutdown_script(waptexit_path, '')
[docs] def show_progress(self, show_box=False, msg='Loading...', progress=None, progress_max=None): """Global hook to report progress feedback to the user Args: show_box (bool): indicate to display or hide the notification msg (str): A status message to display. If None, nothing is changed. progress (float): Completion progress_max (float): Target of completion. """ if self.progress_hook: return self.progress_hook(show_box, msg, progress, progress_max) # pylint: disable=not-callable else: print(('%s : %s / %s' % (msg, progress, progress_max))) return False
[docs] def get_secured_token_generator(self,token_secret_key): return URLSafeTimedSerializer(token_secret_key)
[docs] def is_authorized_package_action(self, action, package_cond, user_groups=[], rules=None): package_request = PackageRequest(request=package_cond) if package_request.package_uuid: pe = self.waptdb.packages_matching(package_request) if pe: package = pe[0].package else: return False else: package = package_request.package if not package: return False if action in ('install', 'upgrade'): if package in self.installed_package_names(): return True upgrades_and_pending = [PackageRequest(pr).package for pr in self.get_last_update_status().get('upgrades', [])] if package in upgrades_and_pending : return True if not user_groups: return False if 'waptselfservice' in user_groups: return True if rules is None and self.is_enterprise(): rules = self_service_rules(self) for group in user_groups: if package in rules.get(group, []): return True return False
[docs] def available_categories(self): return list(set([k.get('keywords').capitalize().split(',')[0] for k in self.waptdb.query('select distinct keywords from wapt_package where keywords is not null')]))
[docs] def self_service_auth(self, login, password, host_uuid, groups): """ Sends login and password to server, who then checks if it's a valid user Returns: list: groups the user belongs to. """ result = None if not self.waptserver_available(): raise Exception("Waptserver is not available ; cannot send credentials to server") try: data = {"user": login, "password": password, "uuid": host_uuid, "groups": list(groups) } signature = self.sign_host_content(str.encode(jsondump(data))) result ='login_self_service', data=jsondump(data), signature=signature, signer=self.get_host_certificate().cn ) if result and result['success']:'User successfully authenticated %s updated properly' % self.waptserver.server_url) return result else: raise Exception('Error authenticating on server %s: %s' % (self.waptserver.server_url, result and result['msg'] or 'No message')) except requests.HTTPError as e: logger.debug('Unable to authenticate on server : %s' % traceback.format_exc()) logger.warning('Unable to authenticate on server : %s' % e) raise e
### audit / metrics related dara def _audit_data_to_db(self,value): if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = datetime2isodate(value) value = jsondump(value) return value def _audit_data_from_db(self, value, ptype=None): if value is None: return None else: # stored always in json format try: value = ujson.loads(value) except ValueError: # tolerant for old data pass # specific output conversion if ptype == 'datetime': return isodate2datetime(value) return value
[docs] def audit_data_expired(self, section, key, value): """Check if the latest value associated with section/key is expired Returns: bool: True is data exists and has expires or if data does not exists. """ q = self.waptdb.execute('select expiration_date from wapt_audit_data where value_section=? and value_key=? order by value_date desc limit 1', (section,key,)).fetchone() if q: (expiration_date, ) = q return not expiration_date or expiration_date < datetime2isodate(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) else: return True
[docs] def write_audit_data_if_changed(self, section, key, value, ptype=None, value_date=None, expiration_date=None, max_count=2, keep_days=None): """Write data only if different from last one Returns: previous value """ previous = self.read_audit_data(section, key, include_expired_data=False) if previous != value: self.write_audit_data(section=section, key=key, value=value, value_date=value_date, expiration_date=expiration_date, max_count=max_count, keep_days=keep_days) return previous
[docs] def write_audit_data(self, section, key, value, ptype=None, value_date=None, expiration_date=None, max_count=2, keep_days=None): """Stores in database a metrics, removes expired ones Args: section (str) key (str) value (any) value_date (str or datetime): value date (utc). By default datetime.datetime.utcnow() expiration_date (str) : expiration date of the new value max_count (int) : keep at most max_count value. remove oldest one. keep_days (int) : set the expiration date to now + keep_days days. override expiration_date arg if not None Returns: None """ with self.waptdb: value = self._audit_data_to_db(value) # if value_date is not provided, use current timestamp if value_date is None: value_date = datetime2isodate(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) if isinstance(value_date, datetime.datetime): value_date = datetime2isodate(value_date) if keep_days: expiration_date = datetime2isodate(datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=keep_days)) self.waptdb.execute('insert or replace into wapt_audit_data(value_date,value_section,value_key,value,expiration_date) values (?,?,?,?,?)', (value_date,section,key,value,expiration_date)) # removes expired values # current count of metric if max_count is not None: cur = self.waptdb.execute("""select min(value_date) from (select value_date from wapt_audit_data where value_section=? and value_key=? order by value_date desc limit ?)""",(section,key,max_count)) if cur: (min_value_date,) = cur.fetchone() # delete oldest in order to keep at least max_count self.waptdb.execute("""delete from wapt_audit_data where value_date<? and value_section=? and value_key=?""", (min_value_date,section,key)) self.waptdb.execute("""delete from wapt_audit_data where value_date<? and value_section=? and value_key=? and (expiration_date is null or expiration_date<?)""", (value_date,section,key,datetime2isodate(datetime.datetime.utcnow())))
[docs] def read_audit_data(self, section, key, default=None, ptype=None, include_expired_data=True): """Retrieve the latest value associated with section/key from database""" if include_expired_data: expiration_date = '0000-00-00' else: expiration_date = datetime2isodate(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) q = self.waptdb.execute('select value from wapt_audit_data where value_section=? and value_key=? and (expiration_date is null or expiration_date >= ?) order by value_date desc limit 1', (section,key,expiration_date)).fetchone() if q: (value, ) = q value = self._audit_data_from_db(value,ptype) if value is None: value = default return value else: return default
[docs] def read_audit_data_set(self, section, key, as_dict=False, raw_data=False, descending=True): """Retrieve all the values associated with section/key from database""" if descending: desc='desc' else: desc='' for (value, value_date, expiration_date) in self.waptdb.execute("""\ select value,value_date,expiration_date from wapt_audit_data where value_section=? and value_key=? order by value_date %s """ % desc, (section,key)).fetchall(): if raw_data: if as_dict: yield dict(value=value, value_date=value_date, expiration_date=expiration_date) else: yield (value, value_date, expiration_date) else: if as_dict: yield dict(value=self._audit_data_from_db(value), value_date=value_date, expiration_date=expiration_date) else: yield (self._audit_data_from_db(value), value_date, expiration_date)
[docs] def delete_audit_data(self, section, key): with self: row = self.waptdb.execute('select value from wapt_audit_data where value_section=? and value_key like ? limit 1', (section,key,)).fetchone() if row: self.waptdb.execute('delete from wapt_audit_data where value_section=? and value_key like ?', (section,key,))
[docs] def read_audit_data_since(self, last_query_date=None,raw_data=False): """Retrieve all the values associated with section/key from database""" if last_query_date is None: last_query_date='' yield ('id','value_section', 'value_key', 'value_date', 'value', 'expiration_date') for (id,value_section, value_key, value_date, value, expiration_date) in self.waptdb.execute("""\ select id,value_section, value_key, value_date, value, expiration_date from wapt_audit_data where value_date > ? order by value_date """, (last_query_date,)).fetchall(): if raw_data: yield ( id, value_section, value_key, value_date, value, expiration_date) else: yield ( id, value_section, value_key, value_date, self._audit_data_from_db(value), expiration_date)
[docs] def get_next_audit_datetime(self): """Return next datetime for next audit loop = minimum(next_audit_date) """ with self.waptdb: query = self.waptdb.query("select min(next_audit_on) as next_audit from wapt_localstatus l where l.install_status <> 'ERROR' and (next_audit_on is not null and next_audit_on<>'') and (next_audit_on > last_audit_on)") if query: isots = query[0]['next_audit'] if isots: d = isodate2datetime(isots) d_stripseconds = datetime.datetime(d.year,d.month,,d.hour,d.minute) # strip the seconds return d_stripseconds else: return None else: return None
[docs] def call_python_code(self, python_filename, func_name, package_entry=None, force = None, params=None, working_dir = None, import_modules = []): """Calls a function in python_filename. Set basedir, control, and run context within the function context. Args: python_filename : python filename mith module to load. func_name (str): name of function to call in setuppy package_entry (PackageEntry): if not None, use it to set environment Returns: output of hook. """ if not os.path.isfile(python_filename): raise Exception('Python file not found: %s, aborting.' % ensure_unicode(python_filename)) if working_dir is None: working_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(python_filename)) # we record old sys.path as we will include current oldpath = sys.path try: previous_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(working_dir) # import the setup module from package file" sourcing py file %s " % ensure_unicode(python_filename)) # import code as file to allow debugging. setup = import_setup(python_filename) hook_func = getattr(setup, func_name, None) if hook_func is None: raise EWaptMissingPackageHook('No %s function found in %s module' % (func_name, python_filename)) try: # import all names from modules. for module_name in import_modules: try: module_info = imp.find_module(module_name) code = module_info[0].read() exec(code, setup.__dict__) except ImportError as e: logger.critical('Unable to import implicit module %s : %s' % (module_name,e)) if package_entry: package_entry._set_hook_module_environment(setup, wapt_context=self, params=params, force=force, user=self.user)" executing %s" % (func_name, )) with _disable_file_system_redirection(): hookdata = hook_func() return hookdata except Exception as e: logger.critical('Fatal error in %s %s:\n%s' % (func_name, ensure_unicode(e), ensure_unicode(traceback.format_exc()))) raise e finally: os.chdir(previous_cwd) gc.collect() if 'setup' in dir() and setup is not None: setup_name = setup.__name__[:] logger.debug('Removing module: %s, refcnt: %s' % (setup_name, sys.getrefcount(setup))) del setup if setup_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[setup_name] sys.path = oldpath
[docs] def get_json_config_filename(self,config_name): """Returns the filename for a json config named <config_name> """ return setuphelpers.makepath(self.configs_dir, config_name + ".json")
[docs] def install_json_config(self, conf, config_name=None, priority=None): """Add a dynamic configuration from dict conf with name config_name and priority """ try: if not type(conf) == dict: raise EWaptException('JSON Config object must be a dict not a %s' % (type(conf))) if config_name is None: config_name = conf.get('name') if not config_name: raise EWaptException('Unable to install json config, no config_name') # awful hack, as repo-sync is not a valid identifier, we store 'reposync' key in json # but keep [repo-sync] section name in ini file for compat. if 'reposync' in conf: conf['repo-sync'] = conf['reposync'] del conf['reposync'] if not type(conf) is dict: raise Exception('Json configuration is not a dict') if priority: conf['priority'] = int(priority) # first remove previous files self.remove_json_config(config_name) # extract packages signer certificates crts = conf.get('certificates', {}) for key in crts: crt_dest = setuphelpers.makepath(self.public_certs_dir, "%s-%s.crt" % (config_name, key)) with open(crt_dest, "w") as f: f.write(crts[key]) for section in conf: # these are managed specifically if section in ('signature', 'filename', 'priority', 'name', 'certificates', 'server_certificates'): continue if not isinstance(conf[section],dict): continue # change verify_cert fileid into a filename if conf[section].get('verify_cert', None): if conf[section]['verify_cert'].lower().strip() in ['0','1','true','false']: conf[section]['verify_cert'] = conf[section]['verify_cert'] else: # extract TLS server certificates cert_server = setuphelpers.makepath(self.public_certs_dir,'server',config_name + '-' + conf[section]['verify_cert'] + '.crt') with open(cert_server, "w") as f: f.write(conf['server_certificates'][conf[section]['verify_cert']]) conf[section]['verify_cert'] = cert_server # Copy the json config as a josn file to <wapt>/conf.d config_filename = self.get_json_config_filename(config_name) with open(config_filename, "w") as config_file: config_file.write(json.dumps(conf)) return (os.path.isfile(config_filename), config_filename) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Invalid json configuration %s:\n%s" % (config_name, str(e)))
[docs] def install_json_configb64(self,json_config_b64, config_name=None, priority=None): """Install a json config encoded as a base64 string""" try: json_config = json.loads(base64.b64decode(json_config_b64.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')) return self.install_json_config(json_config, config_name, priority) except: raise Exception("Invalid base64 json configuration : \n%s" % json_config_b64)
[docs] def install_json_config_from_url(self,url=None, config_hash=None, config_name='default_config', priority=None): """Load a json config from the remote wapt server (default location is /var/www/wapt/conf.d/<config_name>-<config_hash>.json) given its name and hash. """ if url is None and self.waptserver: url = "wapt/conf.d/%s_%s.json" % (config_name, config_hash) json_config = self.waptserver.get(url,decode_json=False) elif url is None and self.repositories: url = "%s/conf.d/%s_%s.json" % (self.repositories[0].repo_url, config_name, config_hash) with self.repositories[0].get_requests_session as session: json_config = session.get(url).content return self.install_json_config(json_config, config_name, priority) else: json_config = wgets(url,verify_cert = not config_hash) if sha256_for_data(json_config) != config_hash: raise EWaptException('Bad sha256 checksum for config from url %s' % url) res = self.install_json_config(json.loads(json_config), config_name, priority=priority) return res
[docs] def install_json_config_file(self,json_config_file, config_name=None, priority=None): """Install a json config stored in a file""" if not os.path.isfile(json_config_file): raise Exception("%s configuration file not found" % json_config_file) with open(json_config_file, "r") as file: json_config = json.load(file) return self.install_json_config(json_config, config_name, priority)
[docs] def get_json_config_certificates_filenames(self,config_name): # get the list of filenames of signers certificates provided by this configuration config_filename = self.get_json_config_filename(config_name) result = [] if os.path.isfile(config_filename): with open(config_filename, "r") as config_file: json_config = json.load(config_file) crts = json_config.get('certificates', []) for key in crts: crt_filename = setuphelpers.makepath(self.public_certs_dir, "%s-%s.crt" % (config_name, key)) result.append(crt_filename) return result
[docs] def remove_json_config(self,config_name): """Remove a json config given its name""" previous_json = None filename = self.get_json_config_filename(config_name) if os.path.isfile(filename): # load the config as a dict from json file. with open(filename, "r") as file: json_config = json.load(file) previous_json = os.remove(filename) # remove the package signers certificates crts = json_config.get('certificates', []) for key in crts: crt_filename = setuphelpers.makepath(self.public_certs_dir, "%s-%s.crt" % (config_name, key)) if os.path.isfile(crt_filename): os.unlink(crt_filename) # loop over the sections to remove the TLS certificates for section in json_config: # these are managed specifically if section in ('signature', 'filename', 'priority', 'name', 'certificates', 'server_certificates'): continue if not isinstance(json_config[section],dict): continue if json_config[section].get('verify_cert'): verify_cert = json_config[section]['verify_cert'] if not verify_cert.lower().strip() in ['0','1','true','false']: verify_cert_filename = setuphelpers.makepath(self.public_certs_dir,'server','%s-%s.crt' % (config_name,verify_cert)) if os.path.isfile(verify_cert_filename): os.unlink(verify_cert_filename) return previous_json
[docs] def installed_package_names(self, include_errors=False): """Private list of installed packages """ sql = ["select l.package from wapt_localstatus l"] if not include_errors: sql.append('where l.install_status in ("OK","UNKNOWN")') return [p['package'] for p in self.waptdb.query('\n'.join(sql))]
[docs] def public_installed_package_names(self): """Public list of installed packages """ sql = "select distinct l.package from wapt_publicstatus l where install_date is not null and uninstall_date is null order by install_date desc" return [p['package'] for p in self.waptpublicdb.query(sql)]
[docs] def check_peercache_status(self): if not waptlicences: return try: started = False status = waptlicences.peercache_status() if status is None: if self.peercache_enable: started = waptlicences.peercache_init(self.host_uuid, self.config_filename) else: if status['running']: waptlicences.peercache_stop() if self.peercache_enable: started = waptlicences.peercache_start()'check_peercache_status: Peercache started ?: %s' % started) return started except Exception as e: logger.warning('Unable to update peercache state: %s' % e)
[docs]def wapt_sources_edit(wapt_sources_dir: str, editor_for_packages: str = None) -> str: r"""Utility to open PyScripter or the configured editor with package sources if it is installed else open the wapt package development directory in System Shell Explorer. Args wapt_sources_dir (str): directory path of the wapt package sources Returns: str: sources path """ wapt_sources_dir = ensure_unicode(wapt_sources_dir) if waptlicences: return waptlicences.edit_wapt_sources(wapt_sources_dir, editor_for_packages=editor_for_packages or '') params = { "wapt_base_dir": os.path.dirname(__file__), "wapt_sources_dir": wapt_sources_dir, "setup_filename": os.path.join(wapt_sources_dir, ""), "control_filename": os.path.join(wapt_sources_dir, "WAPT", "control"), "changelog_filename": os.path.join(wapt_sources_dir, "WAPT", "changelog.txt"), "update_package_filename": os.path.join(wapt_sources_dir, ""), } params_vscod_list = [params["wapt_sources_dir"], params["setup_filename"], params["control_filename"], params["update_package_filename"], params["changelog_filename"]] # in edit_for_packages you can specify {key_params} to replace for launch the editor env = os.environ env.update(dict(PYTHONPATH=params["wapt_base_dir"], VIRTUAL_ENV=params["wapt_base_dir"])) if == "nt": if not (editor_for_packages) or editor_for_packages == "pyscripter": pyscripter_filename = os.path.join(setuphelpers.programfiles32, "PyScripter", "PyScripter.exe") if sys.platform == "win32" and os.path.isfile(pyscripter_filename): params["psproj_filename"] = os.path.join(wapt_sources_dir, "WAPT", "wapt.psproj") setuphelpers.run_as_administrator( pyscripter_filename, '--PYTHONDLLPATH="{wapt_base_dir}" --python39 -N --project="{psproj_filename}" "{setup_filename}" "{control_filename}" "{update_package_filename}" "{changelog_filename}"'.format( **params ), ) elif shutil.which("code"): command = [shutil.which("code"), *params_vscod_list] run(command) elif shutil.which("codium"): command = [shutil.which("codium"), *params_vscod_list] run(command) else: os.startfile(params["wapt_sources_dir"]) else: try: exe_file = "" if editor_for_packages.strip("vs") in ["code", "codium", "vscode", "vscodium"] and os.path.isfile( shutil.which(editor_for_packages.strip("vs")) ): exe_file = shutil.which(editor_for_packages.strip("vs")) elif editor_for_packages.find(".exe") != -1 and os.path.isfile(editor_for_packages[: editor_for_packages.find(".exe") + 4]): exe_position = editor_for_packages.find(".exe") exe_file = editor_for_packages[: exe_position + 4] if exe_file: command = [exe_file, *params_vscod_list] run(command) else: os.startfile(params["wapt_sources_dir"]) except: os.startfile(params["wapt_sources_dir"]) else: command = [] list_supported_editor = ["codium", "vscodium", "vscode", "code", "nano", "vim", "vi"] if (editor_for_packages is not None) and (editor_for_packages not in list_supported_editor): space_sep = editor_for_packages.find(" ") params_string = editor_for_packages[space_sep + 1 :].format(**params) command = [editor_for_packages, params_string] elif shutil.which("codium") and ((editor_for_packages is None) or (editor_for_packages in ["codium", "vscodium"])): command = ["codium", *params_vscod_list] elif shutil.which("code") and ((editor_for_packages is None) or (editor_for_packages in ["code", "vscode"])): command = ["code", *params_vscod_list] elif shutil.which("nano") and ((editor_for_packages is None) or (editor_for_packages == "nano")): command = ["nano", params["setup_filename"]] elif shutil.which("vim") and ((editor_for_packages is None) or (editor_for_packages == "vim")): command = ["vim", params["setup_filename"]] elif shutil.which("vi") and ((editor_for_packages is None) or (editor_for_packages == "vi")): command = ["vi", params["setup_filename"]] if command: return wapt_sources_dir
[docs]def sid_from_rid(domain_controller, rid): """Return SID structure based on supplied domain controller's domain and supplied rid rid can be for example DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_ADMINS, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS """ umi2 = win32net.NetUserModalsGet(domain_controller, 2) domain_sid = umi2['domain_id'] sub_authority_count = domain_sid.GetSubAuthorityCount() # create and init new sid with acct domain Sid + acct rid sid = pywintypes.SID() sid.Initialize(domain_sid.GetSidIdentifierAuthority(), sub_authority_count+1) # copy existing subauthorities from account domain Sid into # new Sid for i in range(sub_authority_count): sid.SetSubAuthority(i, domain_sid.GetSubAuthority(i)) # append Rid to new Sid sid.SetSubAuthority(sub_authority_count, rid) return sid
[docs]def lookup_name_from_rid(domain_controller, rid): """ return username or group name from RID (with localization if applicable) from domain_controller : should be a DC rid : integer number (512 for domain admins, 513 for domain users, etc.) >>> lookup_name_from_rid('srvads', DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_ADMINS) u'Domain Admins' """ sid = sid_from_rid(domain_controller, rid) name, domain, typ = win32security.LookupAccountSid(domain_controller, sid) return name
[docs]def get_domain_admins_group_name(): r"""Return localized version of domain admin group (ie "domain admins" or "administrateurs du domaine" with RID -512) >>> get_domain_admins_group_name() u'Domain Admins' """ try: target_computer = win32net.NetGetAnyDCName() name = lookup_name_from_rid(target_computer, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_ADMINS) return name except Exception as e: logger.debug('Error getting Domain Admins group name : %s' % e) return 'Domain Admins'
[docs]def get_local_admins_group_name(): sid = win32security.GetBinarySid('S-1-5-32-544') name, domain, typ = win32security.LookupAccountSid(setuphelpers.wincomputername(), sid) return name
[docs]def check_is_member_of(huser, group_name): """Check if a user is a member of a group Args: huser (handle) : pywin32 group_name (str) : group >>> from win32security import LogonUser >>> hUser = win32security.LogonUser ('technique','tranquilit','xxxxxxx',win32security.LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK,win32security.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT) >>> check_is_member_of(hUser,'domain admins') False """ try: sid, system, type = win32security.LookupAccountName(None, group_name) except: logger.debug('"%s" is not a valid group name' % group_name) return False return win32security.CheckTokenMembership(huser, sid)
[docs]def check_user_membership(user_name, password, domain_name, group_name): """Check if a user is a member of a group Args: user_name (str): user password (str): domain_name (str) : If empty, check local then domain group_name (str): group >>> from win32security import LogonUser >>> hUser = win32security.LogonUser ('technique','tranquilit','xxxxxxx',win32security.LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK,win32security.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT) >>> check_is_member_of(hUser,'domain admins') False """ try: sid, system, type = win32security.LookupAccountName(None, group_name) except pywintypes.error as e: if e.args[0] == 1332: logger.warning('"%s" is not a valid group name' % group_name) return False else: raise huser = win32security.LogonUser(user_name, domain_name, password, win32security.LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK, win32security.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT) return win32security.CheckTokenMembership(huser, sid)
[docs]def self_service_rules(wapt: Wapt): """Returns dict of allowed packages for users and groups """ cur = wapt.waptdb.execute("""select package, package_uuid from wapt_localstatus s where s.section='selfservice' and s.package_uuid is not null""") result = {} for package, package_uuid in cur.fetchall(): if is_unsafe_filename(package_uuid): continue rules_fn = setuphelpers.makepath(wapt.persistent_root_dir, package_uuid, 'selfservice.json') if os.path.isfile(rules_fn): with open(rules_fn, 'r') as f: rules = json.load(f) for group, packages in rules.items(): if not group.lower() in result: result[group.lower()] = packages else: group_packages = result[group.lower()] for package in packages: if not package in group_packages: group_packages.append(package) return result
[docs]def authorized_packages_for_token(wapt, token, secret_key, package_requests=None): token_gen = wapt.get_secured_token_generator(secret_key) max_age = wapt.token_lifetime user_pac = token_gen.loads(token, max_age=max_age) user_groups = user_pac.get('groups', []) rules = self_service_rules(wapt) result = [] if package_requests is None: for group in user_groups: for package in rules.get(group, []): if not package in result: result.append(package) else: for package_request in package_requests: if isinstance(package_request, PackageRequest): pr = package_request elif isinstance(package_request, str): pr = PackageRequest(pr) elif isinstance(package_request, PackageEntry): pr = package_request.as_package_request() else: continue for group in user_groups: if pr.package in rules.get(group, []): result.append(pr) break return result
# for backward compatibility Version = setuphelpers.Version # obsolete if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(0)