Source code for setuphelpers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##    This file is part of WAPT Software Deployment
##    Copyright (C) 2012 - 2022  Tranquil IT
##    All Rights Reserved.
##    WAPT helps systems administrators to efficiently deploy
##    setup, update and configure applications.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
import glob
import locale
import logging
import os
import platform
import shutil
import socket
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import psutil
import netifaces
import platform
import time
import getpass
from iniparse import RawConfigParser
from waptpackage import PackageEntry
from waptutils import (Version, __version__, all_files, dateof,
                       datetime2isodate, ensure_list, ensure_unicode,
                       fileisodate, find_all_files, get_disk_free_space,
                       hours_minutes, httpdatetime2isodate, isodate2datetime,
                       time2display, wget, wgets, makepath, killtree, isfile, isdir,
                       CalledProcessErrorOutput, remove_file, mkdirs, get_main_ip, get_local_IPs,
                       killalltasks, isrunning, get_sha256, CustomZipFile,
from urllib.request import getproxies
import requests
import uuid
import hashlib

__all__ = []


# Conditionnal imports for setuphelpers
if platform.system() == 'Windows':

    from setuphelpers_windows import *


    # UNIX functions

    if platform.system() == 'Darwin':

        from setuphelpers_macos import *


    elif platform.system() == 'Linux':

        from setuphelpers_linux import *


logger = logging.getLogger('waptcore')

[docs]def user_home_directory(): return os.path.expanduser("~")
[docs]def get_os_name(): r"""Get the name of the current running operating system Returns: str: Windows, Linux, Darwin >>> get_os_name() 'Windows' """ return platform.system()
[docs]def json_load_file(json_file, encoding="utf-8"): r"""Get content of a json file Args: path (str): path to the file Returns: dictionary (dict) """ with open(json_file, encoding=encoding) as read_file: return json.load(read_file)
[docs]def json_write_file(json_file, data, indent=4, sort_keys=False, encoding='utf-8'): r"""Write dictionary to a json file Args: json_file (str): path to json file data (dict): dictionary content indent (str or list of str): tabulation size ; default: 4 spaces sort_keys (bool): alphabetical order or not encoding (bool): file encoding """ with open(json_file, 'w', encoding=encoding) as write_file: json.dump(data, write_file, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=indent)
[docs]def get_proxies(): r"""Return system proxy with the urllib python library >>> get_proxies() {'http': '', 'https': ''} """ return getproxies()
[docs]def get_language(full_locale=False, separator='_'): """Get the os default locale (example: fr, en, pl, etc.) >>> get_language() 'fr' >>> get_language(full_locale=True) 'fr_FR' >>> get_language(full_locale=True, separator='-').lower() 'fr-fr' """ if sys.platform == 'win32': lang = locale.windows_locale[ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetUserDefaultUILanguage()] else: lang = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] if lang==None: lang='en_US' if full_locale: return lang.replace('_', separator) return lang.split('_')[0]
[docs]def filecopyto(filename, target): """Copy file from absolute or package temporary directory to target directory If file is dll or exe, logs the original and new version. Args: filename (str): absolute path to file to copy, or relative path to temporary package install content directory. target (str) : absolute path to target directory where to copy file. target is either a full filename or a directory name if filename is .exe or .dll, logger prints version numbers >>> if not os.path.isfile('c:/tmp/fc.test'): ... with open('c:/tmp/fc.test','wb') as f: ... f.write('test') >>> if not os.path.isdir('c:/tmp/target'): ... os.mkdir('c:/tmp/target') >>> if os.path.isfile('c:/tmp/target/fc.test'): ... os.unlink('c:/tmp/target/fc.test') >>> filecopyto('c:/tmp/fc.test','c:/tmp/target') >>> os.path.isfile('c:/tmp/target/fc.test') True """ (dir, fn) = os.path.split(filename) if not dir: dir = os.getcwd() if os.path.isdir(target): target = os.path.join(target, os.path.basename(filename)) if os.path.isfile(target): if os.path.splitext(target)[1] in ('.exe', '.dll'): try: ov = get_file_properties(target)['FileVersion'] nv = get_file_properties(filename)['FileVersion']'Replacing %s (%s) -> %s' % (ensure_unicode(target), ov, nv)) except:'Replacing %s' % target) else:'Replacing %s' % target) else: if os.path.splitext(target)[1] in ('.exe', '.dll'): try: nv = get_file_properties(filename)['FileVersion']'Copying %s (%s)' % (ensure_unicode(target), nv)) except:'Copying %s' % (ensure_unicode(target))) else:'Copying %s' % (ensure_unicode(target))) shutil.copy(filename, target)
# Copy of an entire tree from install temp directory to target
[docs]def dir_is_empty(path): """Check if a directory is empty""" return isdir(path) and len(os.listdir(path)) == 0
[docs]def file_is_locked(path, timeout=5): """Check if a file is locked. waits timout seconds for the release""" count = timeout while count > 0: try: f = open(path, 'ab') f.close() return False except IOError as e: if e.errno == 13: count -= 1 if count < 0: return True else: print('Waiting for %s to be released...' % path) time.sleep(1) else: raise return True
[docs]def shell_launch(cmd): """Launch a command (without arguments) but doesn't wait for its termination >>> open('c:/tmp/test.txt','w').write('Test line') >>> shell_launch('c:/tmp/test.txt') """ os.startfile(cmd)
[docs]def processes_for_file(filepath, open_files=True, dll=True): """Generator returning processes currently having a open file descriptor for filepath If not running as System account, can not access system processes. Args: filepath (str): file path or pattern (glob *) Returns: iterator psutil.Process """ for process in psutil.process_iter(): if dll: try: for dllproc in process.memory_maps(): if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(dllproc.path, filepath): yield process break except Exception as e: # often : psutil.AccessDenied pass if open_files: try: for open_file in process.open_files(): if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(open_file.path, filepath): yield process break except Exception as e: # often : psutil.AccessDenied pass
[docs]def find_processes(process_name): """Return list of Process names process_name Args: process_name (str): process name to lookup Returns: list: list of processes (Process) named process_name or process_name.exe >>> [ for p in find_processes('explorer')] [2756, 4024] """ process_name = process_name.lower() result = [] for p in psutil.process_iter(): try: if in [process_name, process_name+'.exe']: result.append(p) except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess): pass return result
def get_domain(): """Return main DNS domain of the computer Returns: str: domain name >>> get_domain_fromregistry() u'tranquilit.local' """ if sys.platform == 'win32': return get_domain_fromregistry() elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): return get_domain_from_socket()
[docs]def inifile_hasoption(inifilename, section, key): """Check if an option is present in section of the inifile Args: inifilename (str): Path to the ini file section (str): section key (str): value key to check Returns: boolean : True if the key exists >>> inifile_writestring('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','version','1.1.2') >>> print inifile_hasoption('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','version') True >>> print inifile_hasoption('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','dontexist') False """ inifile = RawConfigParser() return inifile.has_section(section) and inifile.has_option(section, key)
[docs]def inifile_hassection(inifilename, section): """Check if an option is present in section of the inifile Args: inifilename (str): Path to the ini file section (str): section Returns: boolean : True if the key exists >>> inifile_writestring('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','version','1.1.2') >>> print inifile_hassection('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global') True """ inifile = RawConfigParser() return inifile.has_section(section)
[docs]def inifile_deleteoption(inifilename, section, key): """Remove a key within the section of the inifile Args: inifilename (str): Path to the ini file section (str): section key (str): value key of option to remove Returns: boolean : True if the key/option has been removed >>> inifile_writestring('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','version','1.1.2') >>> print inifile_hasoption('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','version') True >>> print inifile_deleteoption('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','version') False """ inifile = RawConfigParser() inifile.remove_option(section, key) inifile.write(open(inifilename, 'w')) return inifile.has_section(section) and not inifile.has_option(section, key) if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): return get_distrib_version() if sys.platform == 'darwin': return platform.mac_ver()[0] return ('OS not supported')
[docs]def is64(): return platform.machine().endswith('64')
[docs]def is32(): return platform.machine().endswith('86')
[docs]def isARM(): return 'arm' in platform.machine().lower()
[docs]def isARM64(): return 'aarch64' in platform.machine().lower()
[docs]def inifile_deletesection(inifilename, section): """Remove a section within the inifile Args: inifilename (str): Path to the ini file section (str): section to remove Returns: boolean : True if the section has been removed """ inifile = RawConfigParser() inifile.remove_section(section) inifile.write(open(inifilename, 'w')) return not inifile.has_section(section)
[docs]def inifile_readstring(inifilename, section, key, default=None): """Read a string parameter from inifile >>> inifile_writestring('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','version','1.1.2') >>> print inifile_readstring('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','version') 1.1.2 >>> print inifile_readstring('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','undefaut','defvalue') defvalue """ inifile = RawConfigParser() if inifile.has_section(section) and inifile.has_option(section, key): return inifile.get(section, key) else: return default
[docs]def inifile_writestring(inifilename, section, key, value): r"""Write a string parameter to inifile >>> inifile_writestring('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','version','1.1.1') >>> print inifile_readstring('c:/tranquilit/wapt/tests/test.ini','global','version') 1.1.1 """ inifile = RawConfigParser() if not inifile.has_section(section): inifile.add_section(section) inifile.set(section, key, value) inifile.write(open(inifilename, 'w'))
[docs]def get_fqdn(): return ensure_unicode(get_hostname()) if == 'nt' else ensure_unicode(socket.getfqdn()).lower()
[docs]def unzip(zipfn, target=None, filenames=None, extract_with_full_paths=True): r"""Unzip the files from zipfile with patterns in filenames to target directory Args: zipfn (str) : path to zipfile. (can be relative to temporary unzip location of package) target (str) : target location. Defaults to dirname(zipfile) + basename(zipfile) filenames (str or list of str): list of filenames / glob patterns (path sep is normally a slash) extract_with_full_paths (bool): keeping or not the subfolders of the archive as is Returns: list : list of extracted files >>> unzip(r'C:\example\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all.wapt') ['C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\7z920-x64.msi', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\7z920.msi', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\WAPT/control', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\WAPT/wapt.psproj', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\WAPT/manifest.sha256', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\WAPT/signature'] >>> unzip(r'C:\example\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all.wapt', filenames=['*.msi','*.py']) ['C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\7z920-x64.msi', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\7z920.msi', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\'] >>> unzip(r'C:\example\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all.wapt', target='test', filenames=['*.msi','*.py']) ['C:\\example\\test\\7z920-x64.msi', 'C:\\example\\test\\7z920.msi', 'C:\\example\\test\\'] >>> unzip(r'C:\example\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all.wapt', filenames='WAPT/*') ['C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\WAPT/control', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\WAPT/wapt.psproj', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\WAPT/manifest.sha256', 'C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\WAPT/signature'] >>> unzip(r'C:\example\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all.wapt', filenames='WAPT/control') ['C:\\example\\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all\\WAPT\\control'] >>> unzip('tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all.wapt', target='.', filenames='WAPT/control') ['.\\WAPT\\control'] >>> unzip(r'C:\example\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all.wapt', target=r'C:\example\', filenames='WAPT/control') ['C:\\example\\WAPT\\control'] >>> unzip('tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all.wapt', target=basedir, filenames='WAPT/control') ['C:\\example\\WAPT\\control'] >>> unzip(r'C:\example\tis-7zip_9.2.0-15_all.wapt', filenames='WAPT/control', extract_with_full_paths=False) ['C:\\example\\control'] .. versionadded:: 1.3.11 .. versionchanged:: 2.2 added extract_with_full_paths parameter """ zipf = CustomZipFile(zipfn, allowZip64=True) if target is None: target = makepath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(zipfn)), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(zipfn))[0]) if filenames is not None: filenames = [pattern.replace('\\', '/') for pattern in ensure_list(filenames)] def match(fn, filenames): # return True if fn matches one of the pattern in filenames if filenames is None: return True else: for pattern in filenames: if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, pattern): return True return False if filenames is not None: files = [fn for fn in zipf.namelist() if match(fn, filenames)] members = files else: files = zipf.namelist() members = None if sys.platform != 'darwin' and extract_with_full_paths: zipf.extractall(target, members) elif not extract_with_full_paths: files_to_extract = files files = [] os.makedirs(target, exist_ok=True) for fn in files_to_extract: filename = os.path.basename(fn) # skip directories if not filename: continue # copy file (taken from zipfile's extract) source = files.append(os.path.join(filename)) dest = open(os.path.join(target, filename), "wb") with source, dest: shutil.copyfileobj(source, dest) else: # the zipfile module doesn't support symlinks, and it's used in macOS packages try: members_str = " ".join('"{0}"'.format(m) for m in members) if members else "" unzip_cmd = 'unzip -qq {zipfile} {members_str} -d {destination_dir}'.format( zipfile=zipfn, members_str=members_str, destination_dir=target) run(unzip_cmd) except: print('Error : couldn\'t unzip {}'.format(zipfn)) return [] return [makepath(target, fn.replace('/', os.sep)) for fn in files]
# Specific parameters for install scripts params = {} control = PackageEntry() if __name__ == '__main__': pass