Source code for setuphelpers_macos

#!/usr/bin/env python3
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##    This file is part of WAPT Software Deployment
##    Copyright (C) 2012 - 2022  Tranquil IT
##    All Rights Reserved.
##    WAPT helps systems administrators to efficiently deploy
##    setup, update and configure applications.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import socket
import struct
import getpass
import platform
import configparser
import platform
import psutil
import netifaces
import json
import sys
import grp
import pwd
import subprocess
import logging
import glob
import plistlib
import datetime
import platform
import shutil
import re
import tempfile
import pathlib
from packaging import version

import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

from waptutils import isfile,isdir,copytree2,Version

from setuphelpers_unix import *

logger = logging.getLogger('waptcore')

def local_users():
    return [u for u in run('dscl . list /Users').split('\n') if not u.startswith('_')]

def mac_ver():
    """ platform.mac_ver() does not return the correct version of macOS, see
    mac_version = platform.mac_ver()[0]
    if Version(mac_version) >= Version('10.16'):
        mac_version = run('sw_vers -productVersion').strip()
    return mac_version

[docs]def get_os_version(): return mac_ver()
[docs]def get_release_name(): dict_version = {"13" :"ventura", "12" :"monterey", "11" :"big sur", "10.15":"catalina", "10.14":"mojave", "10.13":"high sierra", "10.12":"sierra", "10.11":"el capitan", "10.10":"yosemite", "10.9" :"mavericks", "10.8" :"mountain lion", "10.7" :"lion", "10.6" :"snow leopard", "10.5" :"leopard", "10.4" :"tiger", "10.3" :"panther", "10.2" :"jaguar", "10.1" :"pruma", "10.0" :"cheetah"} version_mac_number = mac_ver() for i in range(5,0,-1): if str(Version(version_mac_number,i)) in dict_version: return dict_version[str(Version(version_mac_number,i))] #guess name if not isfile('/System/Library/CoreServices/Setup'): return None with open('/System/Library/CoreServices/Setup','r') as f: data= if not "SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR macOS " in data: return None return data.split("SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR macOS ")[1].split('\\')[0].lower().strip()
[docs]def host_info(): """ Read main workstation informations, returned as a dict """ info = host_info_common_unix() try: dmi = dmi_info() info['system_manufacturer'] = dmi['Chassis_Information']['Manufacturer'] info['system_productname'] = dmi['System_Information']['Product_Name'] except Exception as e: print('Error while getting system_profiler_info: %s' % e) pass info['system_profiler'] = system_profiler_info() info['os_name'] = 'macOS %s ' % platform.mac_ver()[0] info['os_version'] = str(mac_ver()) info['os_release_name'] = get_release_name() info['platform'] = 'macOS' info['computer_name'] = get_hostname() info['computer_fqdn'] = get_hostname() info['dnsdomain'] = get_domain_from_socket() info['local_groups'] = {g: local_group_members(g) for g in run('dscl . list /groups').splitlines() if g and not g.startswith('_')} info['local_users'] = [u for u in run('dscl . list /Users').splitlines() if u and not u.startswith('_')] return info
[docs]def get_hostname(): try: return subprocess.check_output('/bin/hostname',shell=True).lower().strip().decode('utf8') except: return ""
def system_profiler_info(): """Returns data from the system_profiler command. Created because of an invalid UUID in dmidecode. """ sphdt_string = run('system_profiler SPHardwareDataType -xml') sphdt_data = plistlib.loads(sphdt_string.encode('utf-8')) # minimal keys #'UUID', 'IdentifyingNumber', 'Name', 'Vendor' system_data = sphdt_data[0]['_items'][0] return system_data
[docs]def dmi_info(): try: dmi = dmi_info_common_unix() except: dmi = {} spinfo = system_profiler_info() system_info = dict( UUID = spinfo['platform_UUID'], IdentifyingNumber = spinfo.get('serial_number',''), Product_Name = spinfo.get('machine_model',''), Vendor = spinfo.get('machine_name','') ) BIOS = dict( BIOS_Revision=spinfo.get('os_loader_version',''), Version=spinfo.get('boot_rom_version','') ) dmi['System_Information']=system_info dmi['BIOS']=BIOS return dmi
[docs]def get_info_plist_path(app_dir): """ Applications typically contain an Info.plist file that shows information about the app. It's typically located at {APPDIR}/Contents/Info.plist . """ return app_dir + '/Contents/Info.plist'
[docs]def get_plist_obj(plist_file): """ Returns a plist obj when given the path to a plist file. """ def get_file_type(file): file_output = run('file "%s"' % file) file_type = file_output.split(file)[1][2:-1] # Removing ": " and "\n" return file_type file_type = get_file_type(plist_file) if file_type == 'Apple binary property list': tmp_plist = tempfile.mkstemp('.plist')[1] subprocess.check_call('plutil -convert xml1 \'' + plist_file + '\' -o ' + tmp_plist, shell=True) return plistlib.readPlist(tmp_plist) else: # regular plist return plistlib.readPlist(plist_file)
[docs]def get_applications_info_files(): """ Returns a list of the Info.plist files in the /Applications folder. """ app_dirs = [file for file in glob.glob('/Applications/*.app')] plist_files = [get_info_plist_path(app_dir) for app_dir in app_dirs] return plist_files
[docs]def mount_dmg(dmg_path): """ Mounts a dmg file. Returns: The path to the mount point. """ try: return run('hdiutil attach -nobrowse "%s"' % dmg_path).split('\t')[-1].rstrip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise Exception('Error in mount_dmg : {0}'.format(e.output))
[docs]def unmount_dmg(dmg_mount_path): """ Unmounts a dmg file, given the path to the mount point. Returns the value of the 'hdiutil unmount' command ran. """ try: return run('hdiutil detach "%s"' % dmg_mount_path) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise Exception('Error in mount_dmg : {0}'.format(e.output))
[docs]def is_local_app_installed(appdir, check_version=True): """ Checks whether or not an application is already installed on the machine. Arguments: appdir The path to the .app directory check_version If true, also checks if the local package's version is equal or superior to its possibly already installed version. Returns: True if it's already installed, False if it isn't. If check_version is specified, will also return False if it is already installed AND its version is inferior to the local package's version. """ def get_installed_apps_info(): app_info_files = get_applications_info_files() for f in app_info_files: yield get_plist_obj(f) # TODO check version local_app_info = get_info_plist_path(appdir) local_app_info = get_plist_obj(local_app_info) for installed_info in get_installed_apps_info(): if installed_info['CFBundleName'] == local_app_info['CFBundleName']: if check_version == False: return True else: return str(local_app_info['CFBundleShortVersionString']) == str(installed_info['CFBundleShortVersionString']) return False
[docs]def get_installed_pkgs(): """ Returns the list of the IDs of the already installed packages. """ return run('pkgutil --pkgs').rstrip().split('\n')
[docs]def get_pkg_info(pkg_id): """ Gets an installed pkg's info, given its ID. Returns: a dict made from data in plist format """ pkginfo_str = run('pkgutil --pkg-info-plist {0}'.format(pkg_id)) pkginfo = plistlib.readPlistFromBytes(pkginfo_str.encode('utf-8')) return dict(pkginfo)
[docs]def uninstall_key_exists(uninstallkey): if uninstallkey.startswith('pkgid:'): if uninstallkey[6:] in get_installed_pkgs(): return True else: if isdir(uninstallkey): return True return False
[docs]def is_local_pkg_installed(pkg_path, check_version=False): """ Checks whether or not a package file is already installed on the machine. Arguments: pkg_path The path to the .pkg file check_version If true, also checks if the local package's version is equal or superior to its possibly already installed version. Returns: True if it's already installed, False if it isn't. If check_version is specified, will also return False if it is already installed AND its version is inferior to the local package's version. """ tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() run('xar -xf "{0}" -C "{1}"'.format(pkg_path, tmp_dir)) tree = etree.parse(tmp_dir + '/' + 'PackageInfo') root = tree.getroot() local_pkg_attrib = root.attrib remove_tree(tmp_dir) pkglist = get_installed_pkgs() if local_pkg_attrib['identifier'] in pkglist: if check_version == False: return True else: installed_pkg_info = get_pkg_info(local_pkg_attrib['identifier']) return str(installed_pkg_info['pkg-version']) == str(local_pkg_attrib['version']) return False
[docs]def is_dmg_installed(dmg_path, check_version=False): """ Checks whether or not a .dmg is already installed, given a path to it. Arguments: dmg_path The path to the .dmg file check_version If true, also checks if the local package's version is equal or superior to its possibly already installed version. Returns: True if it's already installed, False if it isn't. If check_version is specified, will also return False if it is already installed AND its version is inferior to the local package's version.""" result_map = [] dmg_mount_path = mount_dmg(dmg_path) try: dmg_file_assoc = {'.pkg': is_local_pkg_installed, '.app': is_local_app_installed} files = [dmg_mount_path + '/' + fname for fname in os.listdir(dmg_mount_path)] for file in files: fname, fextension = os.path.splitext(file) if fextension in dmg_file_assoc: result_map.append(dmg_file_assoc[fextension](file, check_version)) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Couldn\'t check contents of dmg file at {0}: {1}'.format(dmg_path, e)) unmount_dmg(dmg_mount_path) raise unmount_dmg(dmg_mount_path) return any(result_map)
[docs]def install_pkg(pkg_path,key="",min_version="",get_version=None,killbefore=None,force=False,uninstallkeylist=None): """ Installs a pkg file, given its name or a path to it. """ if key: if not need_install(key=key,min_version=min_version,get_version=get_version,force = force): print('The dmg file {0} is already installed on this machine.'.format(pkg_path)) if key and isinstance(uninstallkeylist, list) and not key in uninstallkeylist: uninstallkeylist.append(key) return False pkg_name = os.path.basename(pkg_path) if killbefore: killalltasks(killbefore) run('sudo installer -package "{0}" -target /'.format(pkg_path)) if key: if need_install(key=key): error('%s has been installed but the %s can not be found' % (pkg_path,key)) if need_install(key=key,min_version=min_version,get_version=get_version): error('%s has been executed and %s has been found, but version does not match requirements of min_version=%s' % (pkg_path, key , min_version)) # add the key to the caller uninstallkeylist if key and isinstance(uninstallkeylist, list) and not key in uninstallkeylist: uninstallkeylist.append(key) print('Package {0} has been installed.'.format(pkg_name))
[docs]def uninstall_pkg(pkg_name): """ Uninstalls a pkg by its name. DELETES EVERY FILE. Should not save the user's configuration. Returns: True if it succeeded, False otherwise. """ pkg_list = get_installed_pkgs() if pkg_name not in pkg_list: print('Couldn\'t uninstall the package {0} : package not installed.'.format(pkg_name)) return False print('Requiring root access to uninstall the package {0}:'.format(pkg_name)) run('sudo -v') pkg_plist_info = get_pkg_info(pkg_name) # TODO check them before deleting them : moving them to a tmp location? pkg_file_list = run('pkgutil --only-files --files {0}'.format(pkg_name)).rstrip().split('\n') for f in pkg_file_list: f = os.path.join('/', pkg_plist_info['install-location'], f) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) else: print('Couldn\'t remove file {0} from pkg {1} : file does not exist'.format(f, pkg_name)) run('sudo pkgutil --forget {0}'.format(pkg_name)) pkg_list = get_installed_pkgs() if pkg_name in pkg_list: error("Uninstallation doesn't seem to work") print('Package {0} has been successfully uninstalled.'.format(pkg_name)) return True
[docs]def install_app(app_dir,key="",min_version="",get_version=None,killbefore=None,force=False,uninstallkeylist=None): """ Installs an app given a path to it. Copies the app directory to /Applications. """ if key: if not need_install(key=key,min_version=min_version,get_version=get_version,force = force): print('The {0} is already installed on this machine.'.format(app_dir)) if key and isinstance(uninstallkeylist, list) and not key in uninstallkeylist: uninstallkeylist.append(key) return False app_name = os.path.basename(app_dir) applications_dir = '/Applications' print('Installing the contents of {0} in {1}...'.format(app_name, applications_dir)) folder_app_dir = app_dir.split('/')[-1] if killbefore: killalltasks(killbefore) if isdir( makepath(applications_dir,folder_app_dir)): remove_tree(makepath(applications_dir,folder_app_dir)) copytree2(app_dir,makepath(applications_dir,folder_app_dir)) if key: if need_install(key=key): error('%s has been installed but the %s can not be found' % (app_dir,key)) if need_install(key=key,min_version=min_version,get_version=get_version): error('%s has been executed and %s has been found, but version does not match requirements of min_version=%s' % (app_dir, key , min_version)) # add the key to the caller uninstallkeylist if key and isinstance(uninstallkeylist, list) and not key in uninstallkeylist: uninstallkeylist.append(key) print('{0} succesfully installed in {1}'.format(app_name, applications_dir))
[docs]def uninstall_app(app_name): """ Uninstalls an app given its name. DELETES EVERY FILE. Should not save the user's configuration. """ app_dir = '/Applications/' app_path = app_dir + app_name if app_path[-4:] != '.app': app_path += '.app' if not os.path.isdir(app_path): print("Application {0} not found in {1} : cannot uninstall".format(app_name, app_dir)) return False remove_tree(app_path) if os.path.isdir(app_path): error("uninstallation doesn't seem to work") print("Application \"{0}\" deleted.".format(app_name)) return True
def need_install(key="",min_version="",get_version=None,force=False,higher_version_warning=True): if force : return True if key : if uninstall_key_exists(key): if not min_version: return False if get_version: installed_version = get_version([p for p in installed_softwares() if p['key'] == key][0]) else: if key.startswith('pkgid:'): pkg = get_pkg_info(key[6:]) installed_version = pkg.get('pkg-version','') else: plist_obj = get_plist_obj(get_info_plist_path(key)) installed_version = plist_obj.get('CFBundleShortVersionString','') if plist_obj.get('CFBundleShortVersionString','') else plist_obj.get('CFBundleVersion','') if Version(installed_version) >= Version(min_version): if higher_version_warning: if Version(min_version) < Version(installed_version): print("WARNING the installed version (%s) is higher than the requested version (%s)" % (installed_version,min_version)) return False else: return True return True
[docs]def install_dmg(dmg_path,key="",min_version="",get_version=None,force=False,killbefore=None,uninstallkeylist=None): """ Installs a .dmg if it isn't already installed on the system. Arguments: dmg_path : the path to the dmg file Returns: True if it succeeded, False otherwise """ dmg_mount_path = mount_dmg(dmg_path) try: dmg_file_assoc = {'.pkg': install_pkg, '.mpkg': install_pkg ,'.app': install_app} files = [dmg_mount_path + '/' + fname for fname in os.listdir(dmg_mount_path)] nb_files_handled = 0 for file in files: fname, fextension = os.path.splitext(file) if fextension in dmg_file_assoc: if not os.path.islink(file): dmg_file_assoc[fextension](file,key=key,min_version=min_version,get_version=get_version,force=force,uninstallkeylist=uninstallkeylist,killbefore=killbefore) nb_files_handled += 1 if nb_files_handled == 0: error('Error : the dmg provided did not contain a package or an application, or none could be found.') unmount_dmg(dmg_mount_path) except Exception: unmount_dmg(dmg_mount_path) raise
[docs]def installed_softwares(keywords=None, name=None, ignore_empty_names=True): """ Return list of every application in the /Applications folder. Args: keywords (str or list): string to lookup in key, display_name or publisher fields Returns: list of dicts: [{'key', 'name', 'version', 'install_date', 'install_location' 'uninstall_string', 'publisher','system_component'}] """ name_re = re.compile(name) if name is not None else None list_installed_softwares = [] if isinstance(keywords, str): keywords = keywords.lower().split() elif isinstance(keywords, bytes): keywords = str(keywords).lower().split() elif keywords is not None: keywords = [ensure_unicode(k).lower() for k in keywords] else: keywords = None def check_words(target, words): mywords = target.lower() result = not words or mywords for w in words: result = result and w in mywords return result app_dirs = [str(f.resolve()) for f in pathlib.Path('/Applications').rglob('*.app')] app_dirs2 = [str(f.resolve()) for f in pathlib.Path('/System/Applications').rglob('*.app')] app_dirs.extend(app_dirs2) already_ok = {} plist_files = sorted([get_info_plist_path(app_dir) for app_dir in app_dirs], key=len) list_pkg = get_installed_pkgs() for pkgentry in list_pkg: pkg = get_pkg_info(pkgentry) pkgentrytmp = {'key':'pkgid:%s' % pkg['pkgid'], "name":pkg['pkgid'], "install_location":pkg.get('volume',''), "install_date":str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(pkg.get('install-time','')))).replace('T',' '), "version":pkg.get('pkg-version','')} if (not ignore_empty_names or pkgentrytmp['name'] != '') and ( (name_re is None or name_re.match(pkgentrytmp['name'])) and (keywords is None or check_words(pkgentrytmp['name'], keywords))): list_installed_softwares.append(pkgentrytmp) for plist_file in plist_files: try: namerep = plist_file.split("/Applications/")[1].split('.app')[0] plist_obj = get_plist_obj(plist_file) if plist_file[:plist_file.index('.app') + 4] in already_ok: continue already_ok[plist_file[:plist_file.index('.app') + 4]]=None publisher = plist_obj.get('CFBundleIdentifier','').split('.')[1] if ('.' in plist_obj.get('CFBundleIdentifier','')) else plist_obj.get('CFBundleIdentifier','') version = plist_obj.get('CFBundleShortVersionString','') if plist_obj.get('CFBundleShortVersionString','') else plist_obj.get('CFBundleVersion','') if (not ignore_empty_names or plist_obj.get('CFBundleName',namerep) != '') and ( (name_re is None or name_re.match(plist_obj.get('CFBundleName',''))) and (keywords is None or check_words(' '.join([plist_obj.get('CFBundleName',""), publisher ]), keywords))): list_installed_softwares.append({'key': plist_file[:plist_file.index('.app') + 4], 'name': plist_obj.get('CFBundleName',namerep), 'version': version, 'install_date': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(plist_file)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'install_location': plist_file[:plist_file.index('.app') + 4], 'uninstall_string': '', 'publisher': publisher, # "" => "publisher" 'system_component': ''}) except: pass #logger.warning("Application data acquisition failed for {} :".format(plist_file)) return list_installed_softwares
[docs]def brew_install(pkg_name): """ Installs a brew package, given its name. """ return'brew install ' + pkg_name, shell=True)
[docs]def brew_uninstall(pkg_name): """ Uninstalls a brew package, given its name. """ return'brew uninstall ' + pkg_name, shell=True)
[docs]def running_on_ac(): try: power_bat = run('pmset -g batt') return 'AC Power' in power_bat except: return None